Only Era staff is allowed to engage in doxxing. Antisemitism by staff MUST NOT be investigated.
Dekim wrote:From what I remember the reason some people were looking for that Twitter account were because of allegations of antisemitism. Ignatz Mouse wrote:Because that Twitter account made some fairly heinous statements at worst and extremely ignorant and best and they relate to moderation policies.
I'll say no more as I don't want to be banned but once that idea was planted (by some non discord person) it's not unreasonable to take a look out of curiosity and Google it. Not everything is to some nefarious end, and they were told to cut that out immediately after mentioning it in the discord for the reasons you state. RexNovis wrote:The contents of the posts from the account were extremely inflammatory and related to prior posts made directly in this forum. For that reason people wanted to know if it was the same person.
To be clear: I and many others immediately pushed back on searching for anything offsite but that is where the impetus for the search came from: confirmation of pre existing belief/posts expressed on this site.
My post was to make it absolutely clear there was no personal identifying information involved at any point in time. Ignatz Mouse wrote:As far as it appeared to me (reading the chat after the fact) it was just curiosity. No plan to do anything with the information.
There seems to be an assumption of active planning of activity on the discord which is, in my limited engagement, just venting. I haven't see evidence of planning anything unless discussing how to post on Era about very sensitive topics counts as nefarious.
EDIT: Given the tenor of the responses I won't reply more on this topic, as it's clearly loaded and my involvement is minimal. I'm a knee-jerk "well actually" person so when I see stuff misrepresented in makes me get wired, but I'll resist given the way this is all being misconstrued.
BabyDontHurtMe wrote:When the twitter account was shared here, it immediately kicked off a campaign to get the admin kicked out of this website. It completely derailed the PoliEra thread and I couldn't imagine the furor in the Discord server itself. Whether or not it was the user's intent to harm the admin by sharing those social media posts, it absolutely triggered that campaign in the first place. That is indisputable. Whether it came from the Discord or otherwise, it's clear that publicizing the Twitter account of the admin resulted in the harassment and doxxing.
Sawneeks inventing an inaccurate timeline to blame the doxxing on the twitter being posted, which I doubt anyone can counter without admitting going to banned sites:
Sawneeks, post: 120349629, member: 2394 wrote:Hm, I can't speak to the allegations as I haven't seen them but it is still a breach of personal privacy to use someone's unconnected twitter account as proof or not of bias. It may not have been out of pure malice intent to do so but it did still lead to real world consequences.
RexNovis wrote:My post was to make it absolutely clear there was no personal identifying information involved at any point in time.
Considering shortly after this personal twitter account was posted that a Mod was doxxed I find it hard to believe this is the case. But I also don't have any evidence to say one lead to the other, I'll give you that. It may not have been the intent to dox Nep but that may have been the end result. Sain wrote:It isn't intended to be minimizing, but I'm also not of the opinion that this person should be perma'd from the server or served up as some sort of sacrificial lamb to B-Dubs for doing something mildly dumb (incited by a 3rd party who no one knows during a period of heightened tensions over the Brady banning), stopping almost immediately, and showing genuine (IMO, of course) remorse. They've been warned and know the consequence of any further action of the sort in the future.
It is breaking my brain that Era _of all places_ is trying to pull the "no people should be free to be chuds in private and nobody should try to make a dossier" thing:
weemadarthur wrote:RexNovis wrote:For that reason people wanted to know if it was the same person. Irrelevant to the behavior of doxxing.
People in this very thread are admitting to joining into the search as soon as some internet random posited that a twitter account may or may not belong to an admin here. This is the definition of a witch hunt. Personally I doubt that most of the people are motivated by social justice, because that's not how humans work. They more likely have been waiting for any excuse to attack a disliked person.
The discord server admins so far seem to see no problem with this behavior, whether coordinated in their server or not. I do not approve of any doxxing behavior and it wouldn't fly in any discord server I mod, so fair warning to you writers. Internet Detective'ing is in the list of things forbidden on ResetEra, and people doing it in related discord servers does matter to the site's stability.
RexNovis wrote:This site is watched by countless awful communities online. It could be any number of different places that is responsible and it's inexcusable. But it was not the discord community that is currently being blamed. It didn't happen.
People fail to grasp that these websites that target this community they thrive on the chance to drive the community apart and creat discord and division. So they poke and they pride and they insinuate and they point blame at other members here because when the falllut inevitably happens and yet another group of people is driven away it's one group less involved here and one step closer to the site's irrelevancy and the destruction of a beneficial community
11 users liked this post: Brolha, LoverOfCycles, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, Tucker's Law, PogiJones, benji, TylenolJones, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
03-11-2024, 10:08 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 10:14 PM by Averon.)
All of a sudden, using a person's public Twitter account to confirm a person's views is doxxing and beyond the pail:
Sawneeks wrote:Hm, I can't speak to the allegations as I haven't seen them but it is still a breach of personal privacy to use someone's unconnected twitter account as proof or not of bias. It may not have been out of pure malice intent to do so but it did still lead to real world consequences.
Considering shortly after this personal twitter account was posted that a Mod was doxxed I find it hard to believe this is the case. But I also don't have any evidence to say one lead to the other, I'll give you that. It may not have been the intent to dox Nep but that may have been the end result.
weemadarthur wrote:Irrelevant to the behavior of doxxing.
People in this very thread are admitting to joining into the search as soon as some internet random posited that a twitter account may or may not belong to an admin here. This is the definition of a witch hunt. Personally I doubt that most of the people are motivated by social justice, because that's not how humans work. They more likely have been waiting for any excuse to attack a disliked person.
The discord server admins so far seem to see no problem with this behavior, whether coordinated in their server or not. I do not approve of any doxxing behavior and it wouldn't fly in any discord server I mod, so fair warning to you writers. Internet Detective'ing is in the list of things forbidden on ResetEra, and people doing it in related discord servers does matter to the site's stability.
(03-11-2024, 10:05 PM)Cheststrongwell wrote: The stupid Kate picturegate thread (started yesterday) has five more pages of intense discussion than the Trans Genocide thread. That's gonna be a Yikes with a side of I'm So Tired from me.
There's only so many times users can post "Oh no that sucks, stay strong!" "I'm cis but I think this is wrong!" before it becomes tiresome. Picturegate? More than enough material to shit on the royals.
We're still waiting for more Nex Benedict information too so Transera is a little sleepy right now.
I'm sure Black Chamber would have loved this new insight on "doxxing" when they banned him because Kyuuji and company hunted down his Twitter and used a joke about Trump to smear him as an alt-right agitator that snuck into ResetERA to cause chaos.
13 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Daffy Duck, LoverOfCycles, NekoFever, MJBarret, JoeBoy101, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, Tucker's Law, HaughtyFrank, benji, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
We see you for what you are BabyDontHurtMe. No wonder PoliEra discord doesn't want you around.
For the Reseters reading this. Someone said this while talking about Abraham Lincoln. I'll even update the language to make it more inclusive. And I'm doing that not to mock you. I don't want to get tripped up on outdated language.
Quote:"Nearly all humans can stand adversity, but if you want to test a person's character, give them power."
And the fact that some mods are so hesitant to give up that power should give you pause. The forum exists for the members, not the mods.
13 users liked this post: Daffy Duck, LoverOfCycles, Genocide Joe, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, Potato, Tucker's Law, Lonewulfeus, Averon, benji, Propagandhim, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
RexNovis wrote:and one step closer to the site's irrelevancy and the destruction of a beneficial community
Why would we want something to happen to their community? It gives us many lulz everyday.
(03-11-2024, 08:28 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Quote:eah, there's too many people trying to excuse that activity, regardless of where it took place, by who, and what reason. It's been zero tolerance for any involvement given the history of targeting staff and wider membership both here and back on NeoGAF, on top of Gamergate and related activity.
I'd also say it's perfectly reasonable for staff here to not want to continue platforming that server or its members if that person continues to be a part of it. Someone who did know what Kiwifarms was by joking about "being put on a list" for going there, so there's no ignorance leash to slack.
How this shit have been working for you? The site is an worst state than NeoGaf twilight years and the CHUDs are still a threat ( )
It feel like it was an excuse to not take responsibility and let shit moderation run rampant. 
Why do they keep insisting that some mild "doxxing" is worse than raging anti-semitism?
(03-11-2024, 06:36 PM)TylenolJones wrote: It’s all benji’s fault tbh.
If you just had a Resetera account like everyone else bdumbs could ban you and move on with his life.
I am kinda surprised bdumbs hasn’t gone after Bork, Demi or Joe to try to stop benji. They wouldn’t be able to do anything, but it makes more sense to contact them instead of a random discord.
I'm not gonna check all pages since I'm still hitting the like button but bork was permbanned. I forgot why. demi is still around which I'm surprised. Now back to my job on the likes.
A wild Windrunner appears to bring the plagiarize bit back into focus:
Windrunner wrote:plagiarize wrote:We banned Brady for falsely claiming the UN had found Hamas were using hostages as sex slaves. People against the ban argued that because the UN had found that hostages had been victims of other similar crimes while in captivity that this claim shouldn't be actionable.
I'm genuinely exhausted from seeing this reduced to a matter of 'semantics' and put entirely on my shoulders.
Brady was responding to someone that had criticised actions of the IDF and his post contained a list of horrors that Hamas have committed. He didn't address anything in the post he was responding to. It didn't seem like a response in good faith and that it misattributed claims to the UN that we hadn't seen any news outlet report led to him getting a one month ban that was later reduced to a two week ban after more consideration.
Before the ban duration was reduced, people were confused why Brady was banned so after checking it was okay with the team for me to do so, I volunteered to try to explain our issues with the post in good faith. My efforts to explain this were met with accusations of downplaying sexual assault, accusations of supporting Hamas and demands I be demodded and permanently banned from the site. Much worse, an effort began demanding one of the staff explain comments from months ago which grew in volume and tactics to where we are.
As I expressed early in that thread, I work in a jail and see sexual assault and sexual slavery as distinct crimes for good reason. At no point did I claim one was more horrifying than the other. Some people were falsely claiming I said things that I didn't to help get more people on board with their anger. Wanting not to have people falsely accusing me of making statements I didn't make with words I didn't use is presumably all just semantics too though I suppose.
I was hoping at this point not to feel the need to keep defending myself against claims I know to be false but since I see people in this thread have been framing me in this same unkind light here, and seemingly successfully so, here you go.
I will be frank, if someone had posted what you are arguing while I was still a moderator I would have pushed for their permanent removal from the site. I can't stay quiet because this series of posts trying to justify yourself over the last couple of days has been simultaneously horrifying and triggering.
Israeli women hostages are being raped and trafficked and you are splitting hairs over the definition of what constitutes sex slavery. This is some of the weirdest misogyny I have come across in the history of the site and I sincerely hope that you look back on this episode and feel some measure of shame.
I implore you to ask a female friend who has nothing to do with this site and who you trust to give their honest view on this. Please get out of this internet debate lord mindset, it's completely inappropriate to be all "well actually..." regarding war crimes committed by Hamas that the UN has described as 'sexualised torture'. I genuinely do not want to pile on the misery just please for your own sake realise how insane all of this is and walk it back because you have got this badly wrong.
29 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, MoonlightJazz, Brolha, Daffy Duck, LoverOfCycles, Shecky Fragbaum, Greatness Gone, NekoFever, Genocide Joe, Bootsthecat, CommissionerLol, MJBarret, Straight Edge, JoeBoy101, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, Potato, Hap Shaughnessy, Gameboy Nostalgia, Tucker's Law, HaughtyFrank, Lonewulfeus, FEUER FREI., PogiJones, Tycoon Padre, TylenolJones, benji, Averon, kaleidoscopium
03-11-2024, 10:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 10:23 PM by kaleidoscopium.)
B dumbs refusing to acknowledge nepenthes posts on resetera and off resetera suggests that he in fact agrees with them. Not a good look b dumbs, a big yikes if I do say so myself.
windrunner wrote:I implore you to ask a female friend who has nothing to do with this site and who you trust to give their honest view on this. Please get out of this internet debate lord mindset, it's completely inappropriate to be all "well actually..." regarding war crimes committed by Hamas that the UN has described as 'sexualised torture'. I genuinely do not want to pile on the misery just please for your own sake realise how insane all of this is and walk it back because you have got this badly wrong.
Saying this to a newly minted trans mafia member is going to go over SO well
14 users liked this post: Brolha, Daffy Duck, LoverOfCycles, Greatness Gone, NekoFever, Genocide Joe, MJBarret, JoeBoy101, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank, Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia, TylenolJones, PogiJones
03-11-2024, 10:22 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 10:27 PM by benji.)
(03-11-2024, 10:07 PM)nobody of note wrote: BabyDontHurtMe wrote:When the twitter account was shared here, it immediately kicked off a campaign to get the admin kicked out of this website. It completely derailed the PoliEra thread and I couldn't imagine the furor in the Discord server itself. Whether or not it was the user's intent to harm the admin by sharing those social media posts, it absolutely triggered that campaign in the first place. That is indisputable. Whether it came from the Discord or otherwise, it's clear that publicizing the Twitter account of the admin resulted in the harassment and doxxing. We have no specific claims of any harassment. And Nepenthe was doxed years ago.
(03-11-2024, 10:07 PM)nobody of note wrote: weemadarthur wrote:This is the definition of a witch hunt. Personally I doubt that most of the people are motivated by social justice, because that's not how humans work. They more likely have been waiting for any excuse to attack a disliked person. RexNovis wrote:People fail to grasp that these websites that target this community they thrive on the chance to drive the community apart and creat discord and division. So they poke and they pride and they insinuate and they point blame at other members here because when the falllut inevitably happens and yet another group of people is driven away it's one group less involved here and one step closer to the site's irrelevancy and the destruction of a beneficial community Not everybody thinks like you guys do.
Calls for the resignation of a corrupt and antisemitic member of the staff is not harassment. By that logic, B-Dubs is harassing members of the Discord community.
(03-11-2024, 10:20 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: (03-11-2024, 06:36 PM)TylenolJones wrote: It’s all benji’s fault tbh.
If you just had a Resetera account like everyone else bdumbs could ban you and move on with his life.
I am kinda surprised bdumbs hasn’t gone after Bork, Demi or Joe to try to stop benji. They wouldn’t be able to do anything, but it makes more sense to contact them instead of a random discord.
I'm not gonna check all pages since I'm still hitting the like button but bork was permbanned. I forgot why. demi is still around which I'm surprised. Now back to my job on the likes.
Keep it up champ
03-11-2024, 10:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 10:27 PM by Averon.)
They think finding the information of Nep's antisemitism is a worse offense than...Nep being a raging anti-Semite. Look, an Admin in your community is expressing antisemitic views on and off the site, and you all don't think that's a problem that needs to be addressed? You think Nep's views doesn't bleed into how she moderates the community?
They can't even come up with lies, have Nepenthe claim someone sent her a dead cat or something. They just yell HARASSMENT and you're supposed to immediately bend over and allow them to do some not-technically-sex-slavery.
(03-11-2024, 10:22 PM)benji wrote: (03-11-2024, 10:07 PM)nobody of note wrote: BabyDontHurtMe wrote:When the twitter account was shared here, it immediately kicked off a campaign to get the admin kicked out of this website. It completely derailed the PoliEra thread and I couldn't imagine the furor in the Discord server itself. Whether or not it was the user's intent to harm the admin by sharing those social media posts, it absolutely triggered that campaign in the first place. That is indisputable. Whether it came from the Discord or otherwise, it's clear that publicizing the Twitter account of the admin resulted in the harassment and doxxing. We have no specific claims of any harassment. And Nepenthe was doxed years ago.
(03-11-2024, 10:07 PM)nobody of note wrote: weemadarthur wrote:This is the definition of a witch hunt. Personally I doubt that most of the people are motivated by social justice, because that's not how humans work. They more likely have been waiting for any excuse to attack a disliked person. RexNovis wrote:People fail to grasp that these websites that target this community they thrive on the chance to drive the community apart and creat discord and division. So they poke and they pride and they insinuate and they point blame at other members here because when the falllut inevitably happens and yet another group of people is driven away it's one group less involved here and one step closer to the site's irrelevancy and the destruction of a beneficial community Not everybody thinks like you guys do. 
Benji is like a cat playing with a ball of string and running after a laser pointer, he takes his fursona very seriously.
Perhaps the ADL could decide whether posting Nepenthe's tweets from nazi site twitter is worse than her calling for the ethnic cleansing of jews?
I don't see any UN report supporting the claim that B-Dubs is holding a community hostage for off-site drama, it's just a random act of cross-platform grudge holding.
14 users liked this post: Brolha, LoverOfCycles, Genocide Joe, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, Potato, remy, Gameboy Nostalgia, kaleidoscopium, killamajig, Averon, PogiJones, TylenolJones, benji
(03-11-2024, 10:07 PM)nobody of note wrote: Ignatz Mouse wrote:Because that Twitter account made some fairly heinous statements at worst and extremely ignorant and best and they relate to moderation policies.
oh now there's a thought, just simply lie about what "the unknown user of that twitter account" said, forcing them to make the posts public to disprove the accusation
I heard there was even one message supporting dave chapelle
Like the lying and narcissism and double standards and dismissing concerns and incompetency and corruption isn't the insulting part, it's that they think everyone else must be even stupider than some of the dumbest people around.
(03-11-2024, 10:07 PM)nobody of note wrote: BabyDontHurtMe wrote:When the twitter account was shared here, it immediately kicked off a campaign to get the admin kicked out of this website.
wait is this about resetera or neogaf
was it ok back then?
03-11-2024, 10:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 10:35 PM by benji.)
If nobody knew whose Twitter account that was then why the did the staff immediately delete the post and permaban the person who posted it and then spend now multiple days trying to distract from what had been said by the account that matched up with what a staff member also posts all the time.
I've been saying it for years.
15 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Brolha, LoverOfCycles, NekoFever, Genocide Joe, saltygeneraltso, Switters, Potato, TylenolJones, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank, Gameboy Nostalgia, kaleidoscopium, Water Enjoyer, Tucker's Law
(03-11-2024, 09:41 PM)nobody of note wrote: Look, if Nepenthe didn't link her twitter profile in her Era account, you have no fucking business wondering if the antisemitism was coming from a mod or not:
weemadarthur wrote:What you are describing here is doxxing behavior.
ResetEra has a subsection of Profile data where users may input their own steam, microsoft, sony, nintendo, and twitter identities.
Anyone who has not entered that info does not want those identities associated with their ResetEra account.
Trying to connect other social media identities should NOT be done by third parties. The fact that you are downplaying the search at all by failing to understand the point that the Era user in question has a "private" social media in the sense that it's not connected here, by pointing out that it is not set to "private" on the twitter website, sounds disingenuous from the outside. Sawneeks wrote:This question can go to Rex too but I'm curious why there was even a desire/atmosphere to confirm this was a mod's twitter account that they aren't public with? What's the point of confirming whether or not it was a mod's personal account? What were they hoping to gain from it?
Maybe to check if the admin in question is, in fact, a raging fucking anti-semite you fucking retards!!!
How many drafts of her eventual essay do you think Nepenthe has gone through by this point?
03-11-2024, 10:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2024, 10:43 PM by FEUER FREI..)
to all the reseteran gentlesirs and gentleladies reading this thread/forum (nice user counts/registrations we getting last days)
b-dumbs has protected nepnep, the most toxic individual on that forum, for years. not just on this antisemitism but she regularly has broken many rules that other users permanently get whacked for. and she gets to troll threads
do you know why? because b-dumbs agrees with nepnep. it's that simple.
sooner you realise that b-dumbs has been gaslighting you all this time and trying to manipulate you, you can work harder to kick him, nepnep, and people like plagiarize off the site.
you think what plagiarize said was about downplaying sexual slavery/rape new? you think the defense of what hamas does is new? era had multiple users, and some mods that agreed, defending ISIS years back. they quietly scrubbed posts and users, because some of that shit at a point was even posted ISIS propaganda material, which is illegal and put the forum in a liable situation in many countries for hosting that content. They scrubbed it. One of the people that used to post it was also called RustyNails. That guy got perma-banned multiple times for his extreme islamist rhetoric and defense, but he had connections to other mods which would reverse the bans from other mods banning him. He eventually stayed perma when likely staff decided he is too much of a risk or when MOBA caught whiff of it
in fact. i don't think he is gone. he is on another account. he's one of the hamas defenders. era doesn't just have an antisemitism problem, it has an extremist islamist problem.
take control of your forum now. or you will just solidify b-dumbs and his lieutenant nepnep's power if they gain this victory. you have to keep the pressure up.
13 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Nintex, Genocide Joe, Alpacx, Potato, CommissionerLol, Tucker's Law, JoeBoy101, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, Gameboy Nostalgia, Besticus Maximus, kaleidoscopium
(03-11-2024, 09:51 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: 82 users active in the past 15 minutes (34 members, 6 of whom are invisible, and 47 guests).
PoliEra refugees looking in. Just fucking join already.
(03-11-2024, 10:35 PM)PogiJones wrote: I've been saying it for years.
![[Image: 8iRILCq.gif]](
this community is coming together with all these creative projects, songs, art, gifs
(03-11-2024, 10:26 PM)shogun314 wrote: Calls for the resignation of a corrupt and antisemitic member of the staff is not harassment. By that logic, B-Dubs is harassing members of the Discord community.
Hello good sir.  I see that your profile states the following: Total Likes Given: 0 (0 per day | 0 percent of total 204879)
I understand liking posts can be tedious at times but our economy runs on a take a like, leave a like model. Please support your local like system by liking others posts.
Thank you.
13 users liked this post: slippytoad, LoverOfCycles, Nintex, Red Cyclone, Greatness Gone, saltygeneraltso, Alpacx, Potato, JoeBoy101, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, Lonewulfeus, kaleidoscopium