Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Windrunner doubting Nepenthe's grasp of anti-colonialism:
Windrunner wrote:It can be difficult when you are at the centre of a controversy, I hope she has been able to talk to people who have her best interests in mind and that she can pull through this.

Unfortunately a lot of people on the left do not have a good understanding of anti-colonialism and decolonisation and think it just means "expel the coloniser". Otherwise well meaning people end up advocating for genocide with this shallow interpretation because that can only be achieved with mass expulsions and killings and are working in direct opposition to the interests of oppressed people as this ultimately plays into racist rhetoric that they are savages who desire this.
Anyone on PoliEra still posting on the forum have a fetish for punishment.  Tauntaun
4 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
I'm glad that now we're finally safe to advocate for ethnic cleansing on without having to call the police on our critics. 🙏
Nep is a savage who desires it.
Imagine being Neps dad and trying to understand what the fuck is wrong with your adult daughter as she tries to explain why benji has been posting pictures of your house on the internet again.
(03-12-2024, 12:48 AM)nobody of note wrote: Windrunner doubting Nepenthe's grasp of anti-colonialism:
Windrunner wrote:It can be difficult when you are at the centre of a controversy, I hope she has been able to talk to people who have her best interests in mind and that she can pull through this.

Unfortunately a lot of people on the left do not have a good understanding of anti-colonialism and decolonisation and think it just means "expel the coloniser". Otherwise well meaning people end up advocating for genocide with this shallow interpretation because that can only be achieved with mass expulsions and killings and are working in direct opposition to the interests of oppressed people as this ultimately plays into racist rhetoric that they are savages who desire this.
We shouldn't forget her ignorant and backwards view of races based on trying to force the entire world (violently apparently) into U.S. Census categories sealed off from any others.
Her dad won't care. The Nissan loan is proof enough.
The first thing we did was have seat warmers installed. You can't believe how cold it was
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Don't let em tell you this wasn't telegraphed over a month ago:
(01-31-2024, 08:43 PM)BIONIC wrote: Constructive dump:
Nepenthe, post: 118384473, member: 1995 wrote:We warn or ban the wrong person on the wrong day in the wrong topic using the same process we did for the thousands of reports we've done for the past several months where no one complained, and all of a sudden we're here in this situation, where Discord brigades are happening, forum brigades are happening, Twitter is blowing up, I and other staffers are getting Discord pings demanding explanations when we're off trying to live our lives, we're seeing reactionary conspiracy theories form in real time on the forum completely unchecked, members who see what's going on and try to push back get dogpiled, all of this is happening while we're being called out as not having "learned a lesson," when this isn't even the first time we've been here and subsequently not the first time we've actually moved in response to member demand.
I've been apologizing about accidentally setting people off since I was an Ace Moderator, sometimes over decisions I hadn't even been involved in. I've had hours long meetings with my team over the course of these years trying to find a way where we can just get to a fucking place, as adults, where something like this doesn't turn into an embarrassing online revolt against people who you can easily target versus the real folks out there actually doing damage in this godforsaken world. Like goddamn, you would've thought that we fired 1900 people.

I'm personally over it. The brigading, the Discord drama. I'm fucking done with it. Members here either want to act like adults, or they don't.
Nepenthe, post: 118399239, member: 1995 wrote:However, when that misalignment happens, and trust me this is going to happen in the future, I insist our jobs should not be made infinitely harder. We shouldn't have threads completely taken over and derailed. We shouldn't be shouted at on our personal Discords. We shouldn't have people trying to figure out who did it and making up the most ridiculous motives as for why. People hound us down, demanding an explanation that frankly they would literally never get on any other social media platform (act out like this on Twitter, or Facebook, or Reddit, or TikTok, or anywhere else, and see how far you get), like we actually are fucking beat cops killing folks in the street.

It's hurt and vulnerable people (along with a few people who are genuinely assholes and have no real stake in the drama) turning their frustrations on the next most convenient target- staff members on a damn forum because, hey, any hierarchy is as good as any to instigate revolt, I guess- for when something goes wrong, instead of remembering that we're also hurt and vulnerable people, and subsequently we are not out to get folks. Half the time shit is going on I'm away at my job. Like what the fuck am I supposed to do?

All I really ask for is some grace, for 25-30+ year old adults, to just act with a bit more maturity when they disagree with a ban. That's it. I'm not asking for blind agreement with our decisions, because we are long past the point where staff have understood- despite popular belief- that we are indeed fallible, and sometimes we fuck up, and when that happens we apologize (seriously, where the hell is this new rumor coming from that we don't ever apologize or reverse bans?!) I'm asking folks to just literally fucking stop.

That's it. Just stop it. Enough.
Nepenthe, post: 118399848, member: 1995 wrote:But really, my bigger question is, if we're serious about trying to temper emotions, is really like...why do a lot of y'all just assume the absolute worst of us? Why do you need to fill in the gaps of knowledge with animosity in the first place?
Nepenthe, post: 118429956, member: 1995 wrote:Sure, I will admit that there's an "us vs. them" mentality when it comes to staff and users, but I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. I, personally, don't think the majority of users are really a problem. 99% of my time spent on this forum is neutral to pleasant. In general, I would wager that most active members right now don't even really know what's going on, and that this is all a niche problem on a niche space on the larger Internet as a whole. It takes half a step to get to a bubble where ResetEra doesn't even exist in that bubble's mindshare.

But I will also admit that after years of being deliberately taken in bad faith by both consistent sects of users, and understanding that a lot of animosity is fomented on Discords where I have no control before being brought here on the forum and resulting in brigades, that I am, as a person, under no obligation to constantly assume good faith on everyone. I have a right to be suspicious that any given member I'm talking to on matters of policy might be taking my posts off forum to shit on me and twist my words (hell, I know for a fact they're taking my normal participation posts off to places like KF and the Bore to shit on me lol). I have a right to be suspicious that any questions I'm being prodded with are being asked with an ulterior motive, and that they're trying to get answers out of me. I have a right to notice when certain folks who show up time and time again in drama spells suddenly come at me in a topic wherein I've literally never had any actual direct contact with them, but they seem to have a whole lot of deep-seated resentment for me.

Trust is broken. But that goes both ways. You can't have your staff constantly harassed, mocked, and attacked on and off the forums by large swathes of members for extended periods of time, and then go "Gee, I don't know why you think we're a potential outburst waiting to happen; we're not gonna bite." The harsh truth is that y'all are, because outbursts happen without any real foresight on our end, we get shit on as being entirely the problem, and nothing is learned. Respect is further eroded. So you, individually, might be fine, and again we've not had any beef with each other. But at the same time I don't know you as a person and we certainly don't interact enough to be what I would consider a true online friends. Why should I trust you, or any other specific member who I've not had extended offline interaction with, as if you are a close friend?

Once again, I will reiterate that moderation have taken steps across the years to implement feedback channels, moderation procedures, and technological updates to the forums to A.) try and provide clearer communication to members about bans, B.) be more lenient on people and provide ways of clemency, and C.) Try to prevent topics from spiralling into nonsense where fires have a greater potential to occur.

Acting like we've done nothing is part of the frustration I and other staffers have. Again, I've been in the trenches since like 2018 or so constantly apologizing to people, regardless of whether or not I was the one who pulled the trigger on a decision, constantly ensuring people that we aren't bigots, constantly having discussions and roundtables with people, and constantly working with staff in the wee hours of the morning or actually on the clock at my real job(s) to get these agenda items off the ground. Seems like no one cares when we're right here again because we banned a popular-enough member, because people seem to act as if we've done nothing and we've not "learned a lesson." Again, at this point, what lesson is there to learn except "don't ban the people I like?" Because that's not going to happen if the people you like break the rules.

I'm also weary of talking in generalities and platitudes. I'm a materialist; I like concrete ideas and suggestions based upon an observable consensus for any given issue. Saying "Mods need to apologize more" and "Mods need to explain more" doesn't wash with me, because we've done that already, and clearly the problem isn't fixed. So what do you think we specifically need to do to "break the cycle of distrust" that also simultaneously doesn't open the entire moderation backend to the public? Subsequently, what do you think members should do on their end to actually uphold their end of the bargain, if anything?

And replace us with who? Applications have stalled in part because a lot of people we do pick out and want to interview have told us there's absolutely no way they'd do this job because they've seen how the member base can act towards the staff.
(02-01-2024, 02:58 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Uh-oh. Now Hecht is throwing his hat in the ring:

Pointless Admin wrote:If people could fucking grow up and stop doing those two things, I guarantee this forum would be the most enjoyable place on the internet for discussing gaming. I sure as hell know that our jobs would be easier. I could actually stop stressing about upcoming announcements for once.

This forum is definitely a product of the "lifeboats" from NeoGAF, where hundreds of users escaped to Discord and ultimately, ResetEra was born. In theory, there is nothing wrong with Discord. Hell, we use it for staff. But because of the nature of a lot of the Discord communities, they tend to become very insular - you aren't gonna find many Xbox fanboys in the Sony Discord, and vice-versa. They are communities focused on a specific topic/platform - and that's fine. The problem is that they become very, very protective of their own. A "prominent" member in those Discords could suddenly be banned on ResetEra, for a very legitimate reason, and then the rest of the Discord server becomes incensed because "hey, we love that guy, why did they get banned? I DEMAND ANSWERS AND RECOMPENSE!"

To put it bluntly, we do not give a shit, nor two shits, about who your favorite users are. If someone crosses a line, they will receive the same punishment as any other user. If you feel like your buddy is inching close to that line, it's on you to tell them "hey, dude, maybe tone it down a bit," if they aren't learning from their previous infractions on the site. We do not care if they are the person in your Discord that leaks the most information, provides the most insight, or helps the most people out - if they cannot control their behavior on ResetEra, then they will receive the same punishments as the users before them. If they cannot stop their disruptive behavior, then they won't be part of the site much longer. We. Do. Not. Care. Act like fucking adults.

We also are not oblivious to brigading. When a user from a Discord gets banned, we definitely see an influx of users that we know are a part of that Discord suddenly flood reports and tickets with appeals or not-subtle messages on what we can do with our mothers. For those of you submitting those, you certainly aren't helping your/their case. It just shows us that you're stuck in some sort of cult of personality and, let's be frank, we don't care about your cult.

3) Us acknowledging our mistakes


we've done this tons of times. If you haven't seen it, congrats - you aren't part of some weird-ass Discord constantly demanding our heads.
What I don't understand is this - I don't understand what has gotten into your heads that makes you think that we're out to get you. Users are what makes this site actually, you know, work. There is literally no incentive for us to make shit up. If we put a banner on someone's post where they are banned, stating "prior infractions for X," then that's because we are acknowledging a pattern. If you have to sit back and wonder whether we are making shit up or not, please ask yourself, "why am I doing this? And what has gone so wrong in my life where I'm worried about whether or not the people running a fucking video gaming forum are being truthful or not?" You don't need to know. 
Seriously. We have no reason to make up shit. Yes, there may be escalations of bans where you are not privy to the entire history, but I promise you we aren't just making shit up. We don't have the time, nor the mental wherewithal to fucking do that. It takes all of our energy to just respond to people questioning whether or not we made a decision because someone liked someone's Pinterest post in the past.

Lastly, again. We have no fucking reason to lie to you all. Sure, we're gonna make mistakes. And yeah, you're gonna have to make the enormous leap in trusting us when it comes to ban escalation (speaking of which, where's Twitter's ban history? Facebook's? etc.). We aren't "against you." Sure, there is a sense of "us v them" because we're management and we're the closest form of "authority" on this site.

It's fine. I get it. But we are not going to be able to solve your problems. And we certainly aren't going to be able to suddenly fix people's behavior. A user above (sorry, can't be arsed to scroll up) asked why we don't just perm everyone - it's because if it's something not completely horrible - e.g., hostility - maybe that person is just having a bad day and they just need a break. It is our honest hope that people learn from their mistakes. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. We all benefit when we can just have an actual conversation rather than shouting at each other into the void.
B-Dubs, post: 118430409, member: 143 wrote:I'm going to be real, you all also need to stop treating us like we're Congress or something. I don't have the nuclear codes. There is no army. We're not elected officials, this isn't government, it's an Internet forum and some of you need to start acting like you understand that because, for some reason, when people are mad at real stuff that anger gets taken out on us and that gets old really fast.
B-Dubs, post: 118431078, member: 143 wrote:You guys need to understand, there are people who's entire personality is literally hating on specific mods and finding any reason to shit on all of us collectively. Like, I already got a guy following me around and sniping whenever he gets a chance. Nep has a few of them and so do other mods. There's users who will sit in their discords and literally make crap up about us based on nothing but their own head cannon and random delusions until they spill over onto the main forum.

There's another issue, sometimes bans get undone because a private piece of information gets shared with us that totally changes how a post gets read. So we'll undo the ban but keep the secret because it's not ours to tell. As a result, us undoing a ban but keeping a public record of it could put not only us but the user in question in a bad situation.
B-Dubs, post: 118433937, member: 143 wrote:I should also note that there are situations where something really really bad is brought to our attention and we need to act on it in a specific way. In these situations we won't always be able to tell everyone what is really going down because doing so could potentially put someone who has done nothing wrong at risk. It isn't an overly common thing, but there are absolutely moments where we literally cannot tell you guys the truth about a ban or a choice that was made or whatever. This is generally the case when full disclosure would put someone who didn't actually do anything bad in the cross-hairs.

You guys gotta understand, sometimes when we're not saying anything we're just waiting for people to chill out so we actually get heard and there can be a constructive discussion. However, there are times when we're standing between an angry mob who wants a head, any head, on a pike and someone who didn't actually do anything wrong.
This is going too far. Benji. STOP.

Reposting their forum posts on a third party website is DOXXING.
(03-12-2024, 12:58 AM)railGUN wrote: Nep is a savage who desires it.

A savage like Godzilla. Not Kong.
(03-12-2024, 12:48 AM)nobody of note wrote: Windrunner doubting Nepenthe's grasp of anti-colonialism:
Windrunner wrote:It can be difficult when you are at the centre of a controversy, I hope she has been able to talk to people who have her best interests in mind and that she can pull through this.

Unfortunately a lot of people on the left do not have a good understanding of anti-colonialism and decolonisation and think it just means "expel the coloniser". Otherwise well meaning people end up advocating for genocide with this shallow interpretation because that can only be achieved with mass expulsions and killings and are working in direct opposition to the interests of oppressed people as this ultimately plays into racist rhetoric that they are savages who desire this.

He's wrong about thinking that these people have a wrong understanding of anti-colonialism.
Ethnic cleansing/genocide is exactly what they want because it counts as payback. Just have to look at people celebrating October 7th while everyone with a brain was shocked by the violence and knew that it would come back double on Gaza, but that didn't matter to them because finally "some colonisers got theirs"
(03-12-2024, 01:01 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Her dad won't care. The Nissan loan is proof enough.

nep nep wrote:began the back and forth with my stepdad's dealership

Dealerships continue being the scum of society.
blazinglazers wrote:As an ancient lurker since the Gaming Age days, I feel compelled to speak up as it seems an overarching narrative is being re-written in real-time. For the record:
The initial doxxing was posted on this site, done by a user on this site, and said user was promptly permabanned.
The initial doxxer was not a member of the discord in question.
Users on this site, and on said discord, and assuredly on other sites & discords, saw the doxxed material: a public social media profile.
A user on the discord who saw the doxxed material then googled it.
Said user discussed doing this in the discord, and was roundly criticized for their actions.
What's not complicated is that doxxing is horrendous, and the doxxed individual needs to be taken care of and protected. They are the victim in this scenario.

What is complicated is that this series of events occurred while issues of moderation here had, once again, reached an inflection point.
Those issues still need to be addressed.

I understand that emotions are high. I would not want to read a discord that included previously-banned users criticizing my decisions. I would respond aggressively if one of my staff was attacked.

However, the discord being discussed is not collectively to blame for the doxxing, and the inter-linked community here currently being punished & held hostage (?!) is also not collectively responsible for said discord or said doxxing.

Respectfully, I implore the administration to separate these unrelated events, and work towards a resolution with the remaining members here.

Allowing individual bad actors to capitalize on intra-community strife that turn us against ourselves sets a dangerous precedent. We are all human and fallible, but we can also recognize our mistakes and strive to do better.

This is the perfect opportunity for quality leadership to rise to the challenge and lead the way.
Sawneeks wrote:B Dubs I can see what you're going for here but misconstruing the facts of the matter in a heated post is not doing what you think it is. This a situation to deescalate and not spread half truths/outright incorrect statements.

Goat Mimicry wrote:What's funny is that you've reduced yourself to actively lying because you couldn't produce the evidence that the discord mods asked for.
B-Dubs wrote:And yet the people that did it are still not only there but running around this thread defending it. Funny that.
You're being vague and conspiratorial because you have no proof. You continuously say "people" and "members" were involved when you refer to the KF thing, as if there was some group effort by people in the server. That's not true and you know it, but your disinformation is apparently working well enough on some of those who just stepped into this.
Not even two were involved - even in the most disingenuous interpretation, it was just one single individual. Nobody there or in this thread is defending what that person did.

What they are attempting to do is push back against your lies, of which there are many. Here we go, in order:
B-Dubs wrote:You discord in the last few days has done the following:
Gone to kiwifarms to gather "dirt" to use on people and has justified it

Again, that was one person who backed out of the site once they knew what they were looking at, and members did not justify it.

Quote:Engaged in harassment of members and staff members

If it happened, it didn't happen on that server. Again, you claimed to have proof but refused to produce it, and you refused to work with the server admins on it. You did put the onus on them to prove the negative because you had no intention of having an honest discussion.

Quote:Has had members talk about plots to get others in trouble with the FBI

That was one person being pissy, no different from when you popped in and said you were going to burn the whole house down. There was no real plan or plot, and nobody even responded to it.
Quote:Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league

That was posted by Jewish members out of frustration with what an absolute bigoted shithole this place turned into under your watch.

It was a place where justifying the October 7th attacks went completely unpunished, where saying Israel should not exist gets a temporary threadban in a locked thread (only upped to a month ban after weeks of reports and complaints that multiple staff members pretended not to see), and where the site manager makes excuses for antisemitic rhetoric (a move that has aged worse than anyone probably imagined, given what you're doing now). And those are just three off that stuck in my head.

Almost any other forum admin would have laughed the threat of the ADL off. There's a good fucking reason you didn't.

Quote:Is trying to contact fucking MSNBC to get them to write a story

That was one person saying it and the rest saying nobody would care.

Quote:Is trying to brigade Moba's inbox with nonsense accusations

The "nonsense accusations" being antisemitism, and most posts in response to it said Moba doesn't care about that sort of thing.

Quote:At what point do you take responsibility for the kind of community you have fostered? Where is the moderation? Do you think you'd ever see any of this sort of shit on Era? Hell no.

They can unironically ask the same about Era and come out looking better. You had to exaggerate a bunch of individuals' incidents of venting and frustration that ultimately remained isolated to that server (feel free to prove otherwise), but your site's problems are deeper than that.

Goat not long for ERA, but not with out swinging:

Dubs wrote:And yet the people that did it are still not only there but running around this thread defending it. Funny that.
What's funny is that you've reduced yourself to actively lying because you couldn't produce the evidence that the discord mods asked for.

You're being vague and conspiratorial because you have no proof. You continuously say "people" and "members" were involved when you refer to the KF thing, as if there was some group effort by people in the server. That's not true and you know it, but your disinformation is apparently working well enough on some of those who just stepped into this.

Not even two were involved - even in the most disingenuous interpretation, it was just one single individual. Nobody there or in this thread is defending what that person did.

What they are attempting to do is push back against your lies, of which there are many. Here we go, in order:

Dubs wrote:You discord in the last few days has done the following:
    Gone to kiwifarms to gather "dirt" to use on people and has justified it

Again, that was one person who backed out of the site once they knew what they were looking at, and members did not justify it.

Dubs wrote:Engaged in harassment of members and staff members

If it happened, it didn't happen on that server. Again, you claimed to have proof but refused to produce it, and you refused to work with the server admins on it. You did put the onus on them to prove the negative because you had no intention of having an honest discussion.

Dubs wrote:Has had members talk about plots to get others in trouble with the FBI

That was one person being pissy, no different from when you popped in and said you were going to burn the whole house down. There was no real plan or plot, and nobody even responded to it.

Dubs wrote:Is trying to get us in trouble with the goddamn anti defamation league

That was posted by Jewish members out of frustration with what an absolute bigoted shithole this place turned into under your watch.

It was a place where justifying the October 7th attacks went completely unpunished, where saying Israel should not exist gets a temporary threadban in a locked thread (only upped to a month ban after weeks of reports and complaints that multiple staff members pretended not to see), and where the site manager makes excuses for antisemitic rhetoric (a move that has aged worse than anyone probably imagined, given what you're doing now). And those are just three off that stuck in my head.

Almost any other forum admin would have laughed the threat of the ADL off. There's a good fucking reason you didn't.

Dubs wrote:Is trying to contact fucking MSNBC to get them to write a story

That was one person saying it and the rest saying nobody would care.

Dubs wrote:Is trying to brigade Moba's inbox with nonsense accusations

The "nonsense accusations" being antisemitism, and most posts in response to it said Moba doesn't care about that sort of thing.

Dubs wrote:At what point do you take responsibility for the kind of community you have fostered? Where is the moderation? Do you think you'd ever see any of this sort of shit on Era? Hell no.

They can unironically ask the same about Era and come out looking better. You had to exaggerate a bunch of individuals' incidents of venting and frustration that ultimately remained isolated to that server (feel free to prove otherwise), but your site's problems are deeper than that.

Thank you for your service!

EDIT: Damn you Nobody!
(03-12-2024, 01:01 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Her dad won't care. The Nissan loan is proof enough.

Nepnep's stepdad after the deal
Success Mynicca
GOAT Mimicry  Thank you for your service! I see you queen
*B-dubs nodding strongly*

Philwho could have foreseen this happening after an umprompted purge
And Goat Mimicry is banned.

Oh there is a banner, for this:

Quote:Because contrary to what the staff keep insisting, they aren't actually good at owning up to and learning from their mistakes.

They never owned up to a mod colluding with SocialismEra to engage in brigading - they just demoted the mod, no acknowledgment whatsoever. They never walked back any of the more egregious Tara Reade bans. They still only ever consider looking at bans on appeal, because to do otherwise would allow them to proactively admit fault. The whole sex slavery debacle is just another one to throw onto the pile.

Quote: User banned (permanent): blatant lies and misinformation

If that's permbannable, I await Dubs stepping down.

Jawalrus Yup, that's Hitler
Hecht wrote:To put it bluntly, we do not give a shit, nor two shits, about who your favorite users are. If someone crosses a line, they will receive the same punishment as any other user.

Then why hasn't anything happened to Nepenthe?  Doge
It's hard to feel sorry for PoliEra clowns honestly.

They stood by and said nothing when multiple communities were targeted for extermination and purges happened in broad daylight.

They cheered when conservative voices were silenced, they barely raised an eyebrow when the Xbot and Nintendard communities were pruned, they didn't lift a finger in protest when the sales autists were exiled because they thought they were on the right side of a history of histories.

They thought they were immune, but SS-Obergruppenführer Nepenthe showed them that they weren't.

No one will ever know why they were marked for liquidation. Maybe they held Jewish sympathies, maybe Fuhrer BDumbs got wind of a plot to overthrow his leadership of the party, maybe it was all a big misunderstanding. Only one thing is for certain. Antisemitism is free to run through Resetera today and for the rest of its days. 

No longer will Nepenthe be held back by the protests of those who are not loyal to the trans Palestinian cause. When the transtifada begins, she will be on the front lines and the last pockets of PoliEra resistance will be swept aside from the river to the sea and there will finally be Lebensraum for the oppressed minorities of middle class suburbia to bring about the greatness of the carrot revolution.

Heil Nepenthe
Heil BDumbs
Heil the trans Reich and may it live for 1000 years!
(03-12-2024, 01:38 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote: And Goat Mimicry is banned. Of course, with no banner.
Got done for this one here: 

Goat Mimicry, post: 120339618, member: 2285 wrote:User banned (permanent): blatant lies and misinformation

Because contrary to what the staff keep insisting, they aren't actually good at owning up to and learning from their mistakes.

They never owned up to a mod colluding with SocialismEra to engage in brigading - they just demoted the mod, no acknowledgment whatsoever. They never walked back any of the more egregious Tara Reade bans. They still only ever consider looking at bans on appeal, because to do otherwise would allow them to proactively admit fault. The whole sex slavery debacle is just another one to throw onto the pile.

Just keep shooting Era mods! Those poli era meanies will stop eventually.
I can't believe I once had a glimmer of hope that ResetEra would be better than NeoGAF.  It ended up being far, far worse than NeoGAF ever was.  I barely ever check reeeee at this point, but every time I check this thread, I'm always floored by the sheer idiocy and toxicity that goes on there.  It's an embarrassment.
(03-12-2024, 01:33 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(03-12-2024, 01:01 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Her dad won't care. The Nissan loan is proof enough.

Nepnep's stepdad after the deal
Success Mynicca

Just a roundabout way of making the 35 year old moocher pay the rent
Just perma ban them on an earlier post so you don’t have to acknowledge the really damning post cause those are words of a perma banned poster. 

That’s fucking genius.
On a fucking Nissan Versa of all things lol
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(03-12-2024, 01:46 AM)TylenolJones wrote: Just perma ban them on an earlier post so you don’t have to acknowledge the really damning post cause those are words of a perma banned poster. 

That’s fucking genius.

Naw come on, the mods would never do anything that shady! This kinda stuff is why that ban bot was harassment! that last post is fair game, but this one from hours ago was totally crossing the line. Love how our mods keep us safe  Heartbeat
(03-12-2024, 01:47 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: On a fucking Nissan Versa of all things lol

[Image: 6vvbaTv.png]

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