Journal of Other Forum Analysis
B-Dubs is radicalizing poli-era. This is going to be awesome when they forgo any previous scruples and fuck that site into the dirt.

Visawife is banned again, cannot find any ban message on any posts he made in last 5-6 days., Which means like the some other times he was probably making tickets/reports that got him banned.

This stupid cunt gets banned like every other month for years, he must be the most banned person the forum yet not once a perm, because he's a protected user
I noticed that excelsiorlef rarely posts her stupid, out-of-context threads anymore. What was something she did weekly, she now do maybe once a month at most? Did B-Dumbs finally told her to knock it off or face a perma ban, or have thread making privileges revoked?
(03-12-2024, 03:09 PM)Averon wrote: I noticed that excelsiorlef rarely posts her stupid, out-of-context threads anymore. What was something she did weekly, she now do maybe once a month at most? Did B-Dumbs finally told her to knock it off or face a perma ban, or have thread making privileges revoked?

Last thread she made was in January. Either she got her thread making privileges revoked or she reconsidered her life choices
(03-12-2024, 03:09 PM)Averon wrote: I noticed that excelsiorlef rarely posts her stupid, out-of-context threads anymore. What was something she did weekly, she now do maybe once a month at most? Did B-Dumbs finally told her to knock it off or face a perma ban, or have thread making privileges revoked?

He ran out of addies and/or hormones. Times be tough
That Magneto thread lol
(03-12-2024, 01:59 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote: Visawife is banned again, cannot find any ban message on any posts he made in last 5-6 days., Which means like the some other times he was probably making tickets/reports that got him banned.

This stupid cunt gets banned like every other month for years, he must be the most banned person the forum yet not once a perm, because he's a protected user

entrementGPT also got got. I went through his last page of posts and couldn’t find a ban banner. I also lost the will to live in the process since that is one vapid cunt Jesus fucking Christ Yuck
Look who’s creeping into the Terf Bitch thread -

TwoHearts wrote:why are people so mean. While we didn't stay on them for personal reasons (we became conviced in high school that being trans was a fetish) , we were on puberty blockers as a kid and it made us feel a lot less scared about life. I know exactly what these kids are going to be going through and I feel so sorry for them, though with how the UK treats adult trans people, and how even private doctors are taking people off hormones (it's happened to my ex girlfriend who lives there), there's not even the relief of actually transitioning. Basically what I'm saying is that it's functionally impossible to actually transition in the UK and my hear goes out to all the trans people there and I hope things get better

It’ll be hilarious if they accept the troll into their community
Here's the actual story. Puberty blockers do not turn you into a woman, and preventing puberty causes all kinds of fucked up health problems. 'makes us feel left scared', testimony from someone who claims to have a little girl living in his head who can take over, is not a reason.

No one even bothering to engage the articles claims that research into puberty blockers is completely lacking
ClickyCal is literally Donny from the Big Lebowski Donnying their stupid ass from thread to thread acting all fucking Donny like. 

Shut the fuck up up Donny, you're out of your element!
(03-12-2024, 05:10 PM)BIONIC wrote:
(03-12-2024, 01:59 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote: Visawife is banned again, cannot find any ban message on any posts he made in last 5-6 days., Which means like the some other times he was probably making tickets/reports that got him banned.

This stupid cunt gets banned like every other month for years, he must be the most banned person the forum yet not once a perm, because he's a protected user

entrementGPT also got got. I went through his last page of posts and couldn’t find a ban banner. I also lost the will to live in the process since that is one vapid cunt Jesus fucking Christ Yuck

Afraid not. From the Hideo Kojima thread, mayor of a small village in Japan.

Quote: User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary Around Sexual Assault; history of Dismissive Commentary

OP got banned for making light of Sexual Assault. No word yet on how long Plagiarize’s ban will be for doing the same.
(03-12-2024, 06:12 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
(03-12-2024, 05:10 PM)BIONIC wrote:
(03-12-2024, 01:59 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote: Visawife is banned again, cannot find any ban message on any posts he made in last 5-6 days., Which means like the some other times he was probably making tickets/reports that got him banned.

This stupid cunt gets banned like every other month for years, he must be the most banned person the forum yet not once a perm, because he's a protected user

entrementGPT also got got. I went through his last page of posts and couldn’t find a ban banner. I also lost the will to live in the process since that is one vapid cunt Jesus fucking Christ Yuck

Afraid not. From the Hideo Kojima thread, mayor of a small village in Japan.

Quote: User Banned (2 Weeks): Dismissive Commentary Around Sexual Assault; history of Dismissive Commentary

OP got banned for making light of Sexual Assault. No word yet on how long Plagiarize’s ban will be for doing the same.

So he gets banned for this comment:

Quote:even with the bracket, clear troll post lol.

Does anyone care for a small town in Japan haha.

But these comments don't get bans

Quote:Saw the thread title and thought, "Huh. Not surprising tbh."


Quote:Haha at that title.

Why are the mods so bad at applying rules equally?
Last gasps of unrest in the Constructive thread. After the ban wave there's still a little pushback but a lot more think of the mods; apparently SFF1991 had left the discord to distance himself from the whole thing prior to being banned for being a leader of the discord.

TheRuralJuror wrote:Kind of feel bad for SFF1991. I'm not in that particular discord but he actually left that discord the night before as he didn't want to be mixed up in all this and got banned anyhow. I know tensions are high but maybe some time should be taken before doing anything too rash.

Regarding creeping, no problem with him previously but no matter what your issue with someone here, I think it's weird to go searching members up on Google whatever the purpose.
BaconHat wrote:This entire situation has been honestly depressing to read.
CapNBritain wrote:GAF, and then ERA, have been responsible for much of my personal growth over the past decade. I learned so much about US and global politics, which has led to me becoming more progressive. I learned so much about the struggles and joys of trans people. Trans rights are human rights and trans people deserve all the love in the world and it was this place that opened up that whole world to me. I don't post must because I don't think I have a lot to say but I soak it all in.

It's heartbreaking to see the moderation team let their arrogance and pride destroy this site. I am begging you all to change course and approach the situation with humility. You can still transform ERA into the inclusive and thriving forum that it was always meant to be.
BabyDontHurtMe wrote:I feel like there should be introspection from both the staff and the communities. On the community side, the witch hunt clearly didn't come out of thin air and the community should bear some responsibility in fostering an environment that doesn't promote antagonization and villainization. There was a clear consensus that the staff were being viewed as the enemy in the thread before it was locked. I was there and I regularly saw people claim staff were anti-Semites and demanded moderators and admin to resign. It was not a pleasant experience to say the least. Simultaneously, the staff should understand that the anger from the community is not always without reason. The relative inaction on anti-semitic rhetoric has been well-documented and has caused some discomfort within Jewish circles of this forum. It is your responsibility to ensure this forum is as inclusive as possible. From what some users have vocalized here, it is clear that that responsibility has not been satisfied and that needs to be addressed. Instead, we have seen this anger from the community reciprocated with bans and expressed anger from the staff. Needless to say, this is not progressing because nobody wants to listen to each other.

At the end of the day, there must be a respectful dialogue between the community and staff, but as of right now, I see sniping and snarky responses from both the staff and community members, so for the betterment of this forum, we should try to move past our emotions and address the issues and concerns that have been elicited over the past weekend like mature adults.
TheRuralJuror wrote:Very well said. Also, keep this shit on the forum. There's no need to start googling mods and trying to find anything personal out about them. It crosses a line, imo and now the focus has become this.
Pixieking wrote:Problem is, PoliEra has gone through massive amounts of shit over the years, and rarely were admin/mods unbiased. Brigading from SocialistEra, the Tara Reade "scandal", TheHunter being perma'd... Each and every time, the admin and mods looked the other way. Genocide Joe rhetoric shitposting and drive-bys have been going for months, and regulars had to put up with it. Hell, I'm reminded of the Hillary Hulu documentary thread where the only person actioned was myself for "backseat modding".

It's hard to stomach both-sides'ing this latest debacle knowing all else that's happened.
EntelechyFuff wrote:I think you're doing a phenomenal job of threading the needle here BabyDontHurtMe and kudos to you for even trying.

There's a dynamic here that isn't touched on in your post above, though, and that's that mods are sort of "more equal than others" by their very nature. It's not something you can remove from the dynamic (IMO) but is something that needs to be acknowledged in terms of why average users react so strongly to real or imagined misbehavior by mods: the mechanisms to handle bad actors and inappropriate commentary for users are clear and accessible, but the only mechanism to do this with regards to mod is make a giant fucking stink. Often that has the opposite of the hoped for effect, with defensiveness, doubling down, and circling wagons.

Not to pick on plagiarize here, but just reading over the series of events, that's certainly what happened in that case. It's not surprising that some users would start to see the mod team as explicitly antagonistic as they come around to the conclusion that their one avenue of complaint is well and truly closed off to them. It's not realistic to expect the community to "take the L" and just move on...whether or not that's healthiest for the community, it just isn't likely to occur, at least on a short-term time scale.
EDIT: and to complete my point, this dynamic doesn't apply to mods, because they are--literally, in a sense--the bigger person in these cases. If both the community and the mods are snarkin' and snipin', it is the mods that have the higher responsibility to lower the temperature IMO.
Quote:Very well said. Also, keep this shit on the forum. There's no need to start googling mods and trying to find anything personal out about them. It crosses a line, imo and now the focus has become this.

yeah we wouldn't want a repeat of that completely unjustified evilore situation would we  Wut
Sad that nobody want to make kamikaze threads where they post all the mod dirty laundry from the last week.
(03-12-2024, 07:06 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Sad that nobody want to make kamikaze threads where they post all the mod dirty laundry from the last week.

I know right. All the truly insane martyrs are all banned into digital annihilation or they post here and just dgaf. SAD!
(03-12-2024, 01:45 AM)bork wrote: I can't believe I once had a glimmer of hope that ResetEra would be better than NeoGAF.  It ended up being far, far worse than NeoGAF ever was.  I barely ever check reeeee at this point, but every time I check this thread, I'm always floored by the sheer idiocy and toxicity that goes on there.  It's an embarrassment.
And to think that we almost suffered the same fate from the same cloth of bad hombres who wanted to:

1. Shut down this thread and indeed ban off-site drama
2. Purge Nintex, filler, James and all the other good people
3. Migrate everyone to their failing Discords

And then some reeing dog egged on by marxists actually tried doing all that as a 'test' (why is it always dog?)

But his coup failed and it all turned to shit because Nintex had prepared the best members to resist and fight against the woke menace invading our community and saved freedom of speech so that one day we could hold the pre-cum hoisting anti-semitic hamas loving furries to account.

You're welcome by the way.

(03-11-2024, 11:39 PM)nobody of note wrote:
Windrunner wrote:I share that concern but would encourage patience and wait for her to comment.

Unfortunately a lot of tankies showed their ass (yes I know, when are they not being awful) back in October and said a lot of dumb racist anti-semitic bullshit and advocacy for genocide dressed up in a childlike understanding of anti-colonial thought and some misguided people who spend too much time on the internet might have got swept up in that bile, thinking they were doing good advocacy for the Palestinian people. I want to believe that Nep showed poor judgement and is not that person in those tweets.

         politely saying that nepenthe is intellectually retarded?
is this?
much like the (formerly) radical dems Dobbs , the poliera posters are too complacent and desperate to keep their positions as forum posters to risk angering the mods. gone is the go getter spirit from before and it is replaced with a downtrodden, "give up" attitude.

i think its pretty sad. there's more ways than ever to keep chatting with the same people in various venues and splinter forums yet they are too fat and lazy to do another uprising of their own.
me personally? i just don't post places with antisemites and sexual assault forgivers on the staff and i sleep well at night. can poliera grovelers say the same?
The fucking absolute lack of awareness…holy fuck

Quote:Stop being so obsessed with children's genitals, social conservatives...
Asian Era showed folks how it’s done.
Quote:Things don't move this fast unless white men's money is involved or shit hits the fan
(03-12-2024, 07:40 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Asian Era showed folks how it’s done.

I think majority of those posters aren't Asian, I know Inugami for sure isn't.
Edited: Yep
Quote:I'm not here speak for the Asian community as I'm just a 30ish white male who is here to discuss games, follow anime threads, and stress over American news and politics.
Boy, sure is bad luck polipurplegaf got purged right before an election when so many useful idiots happy to protest vote trump right into the white house again

Putin Gopnik
[Image: simpsons-lenin.gif]

Ussrcry Ussrcry Ussrcry Ussrcry Ussrcry
Poisoning Your Heart - Nintex warrior of freedom 山に咲く花 Nintex warrior of light 暗闇を照らす太陽 - OUT NOW

Arigato Nintekksu uguu

[Image: animesher.com_sing-dance-miku-hatsune-1639548.gif]

Poisoning Your Heart - Nintex warrior of freedom 山に咲く花 Nintex warrior of light 暗闇を照らす太陽 - OUT NOW

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Evil lurks everywhere you look
In the darkest depths of the board
Pervasive trans-communism
poison your heart
kill my love
poisoning your heart
the end of your life and your love
There are no more likes left for you
killing my love

Nintex warrior of freedom
flowers blooming in the mountains
Nintex warrior of light
the sun shining in the darkness

Nintex will always stand and fight
battle of nintex
battle of nintex

Evil lurks everywhere you look
In the darkest depths of the board
Pervasive trans-communism
poison your heart
kill my love
poisoning your heart
the end of your life and your love
There are no more likes left for you
killing my love

Nintex warrior of freedom
flowers blooming in the mountains
Nintex warrior of light
the sun shining in the darkness

Thank you Nintex
to save the board
Thank you Nintex for saving our love
Nintex, thank you for healing our hearts
protect our future and our love wrote:It did but the impact of Rowling campaigning against trans people can't be understated.

Or over stated.
Or legitimately stated at all!
Because she is a writer with opinions on twitter, not an elected official, policy maker, judge, lobbyist, or civil servant and has demonstrably zero political power!
Obviously the ideologues who pushed an experimental treatment onto people too young to have informed consent and who were not aware of the long term side effects resulting in a court case where they won big damages that came out of public money had zero influence on this policy though.
The drama around PoliEra has been incredible to watch play out

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