Conspiracy Theories
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(02-15-2024, 01:24 AM)Nintex wrote:

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does her mother still write top articles in the world promoting female genital mutilation?
thanks george you evil old bastard for preserving the greatest alex promo

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The crossover this community has been waiting for!!!

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[Image: GGt_HR4bIAIUYLM?format=jpg&name=small]

(02-20-2024, 12:45 AM)TylenolJones wrote: The crossover this community has been waiting for!!!


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Found this guy in the replies:

W. R. Shock, QBD wrote:Trump is a time traveler playing out a mind-boggling roller coaster of unimaginable genius to stop the nuclear war he claimed effectively destroyed the world in 2036.

JFK formed Q immediately following his assassination attempt in 1963 when Trump was a middle teen. He knew at that time using Project Looking Glass that Donald would become the 45th president. He would have had to have contacted him at that time to let him know so he could prepare for what would inevitably be a fist-to-cuffs war for many decades to pull that off. He would have to be as well trained for that as his father Gen Patton.

Understand that Trump was raised in military school from early on, so it could be that he and his surrogate parents were told much earlier than 1963. We don't know when JFK first learned about this, but we do know that Don and JFK are cousins, so it is likely. We also know that John Trump was Tesla's personal assistant and wound up with all his papers on time travel after his death.

Donald has spoken about his uncle and how much he used to love talking to him. John was in charge of a large (large) team of scientists with a deep budget for many years, and developed out time travel (according to everything we've seen now). He would have already known about Trump's destiny for many years during this time thanks to JFK's access to Looking Glass.

There has been decades of many researchers working on all of this, likely into the millions of manhours at this time. Speculation exists with evidence once Trump began time traveling in the year 2000, showing up under the alias of John Titor (this name will be a Gematria code), it is thought that he went back in time to save his great grandfather Abe Lincoln (who would have had to have had a body double like JFK had and then go underground afterward in order to live on), he may have been responsible for having saved JFK as well, since we know he raised his family on Skorpios Island with his good friend Ari Onassis who was posing as Jackie's husband.

We have compelling images of doppelgangers in modern times of Abe, Tesla, John and others, but this is as mentioned, speculation. Realize that when Trump time travels, he can slip in and out of time anywhere it appears, so he could still be running his companies while his companies, because he exists as a time traveler from the future, but his other self/selves also exist in all those time periods he visits. So he can continue traveling and change thousands and thousands of eventualities.

By now you are 100% aware of the Mandela Effect. You can thank Trump for some of these, if not all of them. 

With that all said, Trump has clearly been at this for a looooong time. Traveling back to certain dates and planting clues, changing and tweaking events for the desired outcome. I'll report more on that when I finish my series on John Titor Trump. When people find out how many thousands of clues he's actually left it is going to blow every mind in the world. We find them in almost every time travel movie ever made. And realize all he has to do is bring the playbook from 20236 back to 2010 or 1975 or anywhere and just go cash in for however much money he wants to get movies made, build companies, you name it. Just like Biff Tannen.

It is also quite apparent Trump has been in touch with other groups from beyond our dome and some who live here with us in seclusion, so he is no virgin when it comes to ETs. These groups have been around for millennia, sometimes for millions of years. And since they are not subject to mindwipe upon recycle, they have full access to the ancient history of humankind, and their other many many diverse fellow beings. That access outstrips the understanding of creation as held by mankind by a factor so large our minds are unable to comprehend. That goes for technology as well.

Whatever the human brain can imagine, other beings around us can do, and have been doing for longer than we could ever imagine. This is much longer than millions of years. I've heard the word trillions.

Does Trump have our best interests at heart? I think so. Seems like it. Did he have to bargain with certain breakaway groups to do some of their bidding in trade for being allowed access to time travel? Almost without a doubt. Which means we could see him successfully saving humans from the fate they were destined for in 2036, but only to become chattel for a different master after a short time. This is what I believe is going to take place.

Nonetheless, if we are allowed ANY time out from under the Leviathan Draconian reptilians (Vatican/Church/Throne) who are largely responsible for the extreme suffering mankind has had to endure for so many thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, it is a step in the right direction. But make no mistake, the reptilians are only part of the machine that keeps humans in lock down. There are others. Many dozens of different species that have powers and abilities that are every bit as crazy as anything you've ever seen in any Sci-Fi film and many others humans have just never dreamed up before.

There is no way to ever get away from beings who have 10,000x more intelligence than we have, or "stop completely" their urge to use us as free energy pods the way I see it. The best we can do is just enjoy the freedoms we are allowed and do the best in this life with what we're given. And if we're ever in a situation like Trump is now, where we possess the ability to change all life on the earth plane, it would be our duty to step up and take anything they throw at us to do what we can to change this dystopian prisoner reality.

We are eternal beings, so this is just one drama out of trillions we've already played out and trillions still left to go, so there is no reason to be anxious or fearful. Just enjoy whatever you can along the way and remember to always be your very best version of yourself. Because in the end of each cycle, that's all you take with you to the next rodeo. Who were you kind to, did people weep when you were gone. Being selfish or hurtful, for whatever petty reason, will always be your future regret.
W. R. Shock, QBD wrote:Very perceptive. You are much closer than 99% of readers.

The world around you is of your own design. True, you are inside of a shared reality with billions (less than 5b, not 8) of other fractals of Prime Creator, and what they do can effect you, but your entire world that you personally are in, is just your video screen as it were. Your projected reality.

This is difficult for the masses to comprehend, but it will become clear as soon as the transition takes place at any time now. Your 'world' is just what you can see at any given time. The rest is only there if you visit 'there' in person.

It is what you see from your car, or from your trail you are walking. That is YOUR world. And what you allow to materialize in front of you is what you design. The things you see on video screens claiming to be "earth" and "your world" are different planes of reality that you are scrying into your perception. They are not actually happening unless you physically see them in person.

Mirrors, tv screens, monitors, cell phone images are all from other timelines, eras, parallel realities that you are 'peeking in on'. But unless there are '16 million illegal aliens" in your neighborhood that are raping and murdering their way from house to house or blowing up entire cities, those things are not what YOU PERSONALLY have allowed into your time sphere. Sure, those things can and do exist on other planes, but they are other fractals of Prime Creator's realities they have CHOSEN for themselves to partake of on a 'material' (holographic) level.

The human eye does not 'see' anything. The only thing you 'see' with is your pineal gland. That is actually one organ, your heart, that ends in the center of your brain that is the optical 'camera' that sees the spacetime fabric that is your shared reality with billions of others. It translates what you see into what you decide to see, into your own day to day experiences.

The pineal end of your heart then mixes both realities together and sends out a signal to the other end that is the sounding drum that tells all the world (the aether around you) what it is you want to see (your heartbeat). That signal then sends into your cells "I see this". Now the translation travels from the pineal gland tip, down your optic cord that is L shaped. When the visual images of what you're supposed to see strikes the 90 degree curve of the optic nerve, it now reflects/projects out through your pupil and through your eye, that gives 'distance' or 'depth' to your projection.

The human eye, when dissected, shows layers of optical lenses that when assembled together with convex and concave to each other, does not assemble a camera or microscope lens, but rather assembles into a projection lens exactly like a video projector. That lens cannot 'see' (bring in a picture of) a wide-angle view of your surroundings, but it can project OUTWARD an image that you now think you can see.

Understand this is 100% a holographic simulation you are inside of. There is no such thing as material matter, so the only way that 'matter' can appear before you, is if YOU project it.

This is quantum mechanics that states if a sentient being does not witness an act, that act never took place. So when a tree falls in the forest, if you or another fractal of Prime Creator are not looking at it, the tree factually does not fall, much less make a sound, because the tree is factually not there. It must be projected by someone in order to be visible.

This is backed up in many quantum science studies, such as the Dual Slit Experiment among others that shows this to be fact, proven tens of thousands, or even millions of times by now.

Of course I could share many hours of science that indicates this, but I also have inside knowledge from sources not from this planetarium that also state in unequivocally that is fact that has long since been laid to rest. No scientist in the history of this plane has ever been able to produce one spec of dust or sand or matter below the molecular level. It is 100% vibration, light and energy. That's it.

Good job I must say. You are privy to something less than 1% inside the simulation are actually aware of.
2 users liked this post: Nintex, TylenolJones
Quote:This is difficult for the masses to comprehend, but it will become clear as soon as the transition takes place at any time now. Your 'world' is just what you can see at any given time. The rest is only there if you visit 'there' in person.

And no matter what reality you find yourself in, there is always Asuka 

[Image: 4678f4a994a6b761992bc7ff45dd40829ad9b77f.gif]

The Trump Time Travel stuff is great though, especially because of the weird shit like that Baron Trump book in which the President described does sound a whole lot like Donald Trump.

Reply wrote:Former Boyzone band member Shane has accused Taylor Swift of embedding evil messages in her music and performing Satanic rituals during her concerts.

The born-again Christian singer made the claims in a new interview with Irish newspaper Sunday World.

“I think when you’re looking at a lot of the artists out there, a lot of their stage shows are Satanic rituals live in front of 20,000 people without them realising and recognising. You’ll see a lot of hoods up and masks on and fire ceremonies.”

Speaking specifically about Taylor, Shane noted that her performances include a number of rituals.

He said: “Even down to Taylor Swift – one of the biggest artists in the world – you watch one of her shows and she has two or three different demonic rituals to do with the pentagrams on the ground, to do with all sorts of stuff on her stage.

“But to a lot of people it’s just art and that’s how people are seeing it, unfortunately.”
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-02-2024, 09:37 AM)Nintex wrote:

skip to 28:27

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2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, TylenolJones
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While I do think the vaccine had more side effects than they told us (and knew about), I find it hard to believe that shit is still in our system.

Some people just never managed to escape the COVID mind prison
People have no clue how vaccines work but became experts overnight. This was on "both sides" like the people who described the vaccines as working like force fields:

Terrible thumbnail but this is just the actual clip from her show.
1 user liked this post: Nintex
France has their own Big Mike. 

2 users liked this post: benji, Nintex
Our government did a campaign for Gen Z called "Dancing with Johnson & Johnson" basically they were told to get their shot so they could go out clubbing afterwards.

This campaign caused a huge spike in infections which ultimately triggered a new lockdown I don't

Macron has been very pissed about those stories, rattling his saber against the Russians.
He's expected to make a speech tommorow.
[Image: GIjvrSZWAAAZMI8?format=jpg&name=small]
2 users liked this post: Nintex, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Can you believe it folks Joe is building a port in this little place called Gaza (waves hands) it's beautiful it has everything the most expensive you wouldn't believe. "Sir those are bad people sir" "I don't care just build the sucker" And at the same time our ports are falling apart, it's all flooded and wet (moves hands up and down) and then you have a loser like newsscum I call him newscum... it's called a supply train... chain nobody heard about this before and now it's everywhere and they're pouring in. We have to seal the border.

Wut Trumps close enough right
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
What ever happened to the truckers for trump?  ???
(03-14-2024, 08:28 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: What ever happened to the truckers for trump?  ???
NYC collapsed but the libs don't care.
4 users liked this post: BIONIC, TylenolJones, Gameboy Nostalgia, killamajig

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