Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Secretly lurking in an open Discord with nothing to hide says more about Hecht than PoliEra. Tells anyone looking at this situation from the outside that Resetera moderation are immature, conniving, and paranoid. There is an obvious Us vs Them mentality in their staff circle and when it gets that far you need to sit down and think about your continued involvement as a person in power.

When you see your community as your enemy you need to step down.
Hecht constantly shows himself to be a drunk weirdo that thinks he is Batman. 

Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)
(03-14-2024, 02:44 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: There is an obvious Us vs Them mentality in their staff circle and when it gets that far you need to sit down and think about your continued involvement as a person in power.
In that stuff I quoted the other day from a month ago both Nepenthe and Hecht outright say this is the case and it's the fault of the non-staff for not believing whatever the staff say.
(03-14-2024, 02:41 AM)benji wrote:
(03-14-2024, 02:38 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Exclusive scoop, exclusive scoop: Hecht has revealed himself in the poli era discord

Quote:Because we didn't want to turn into a forum where people were just gawking and pointing fingers at others.  That's not content - it's reactionary anger.  Discords are the same way.  Y'all can vent. That's fine. We're not gonna be perfect. But basing an entire identity around it is....well it's not a recipe for a happy community, let me tell you.

That's... that's their entire forum.

“But I’m allowed to do it, you dirty CHUDS!.”
(03-14-2024, 02:46 AM)benji wrote:
(03-14-2024, 02:44 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: There is an obvious Us vs Them mentality in their staff circle and when it gets that far you need to sit down and think about your continued involvement as a person in power.
In that stuff I quoted the other day from a month ago both Nepenthe and Hecht outright say this is the case and it's the fault of the non-staff for not believing whatever the staff say.

I'm happy they aren't in any real position of power then. That level of vitriol isn't healthy for them and the community. The community is what the moderation fosters and if the moderation shows abusive tendencies then the community will act in the same way.
This is how wild they go with power as an unpaid (directly) moderator of a gaming site, imagine what they would do if elected as the city dog catcher… 

In constructive:

b-dubs wrote:
Quote:I am going to quote my prior post on this matter again. The framing that Brady tried to joke about calling the FBI on staff is wrong and I will happily and gladly post the screenshot of the actual comment if need be. It was made in reference to FBI potentially actioning THE COMPANY THAT OWNS THE SITE for anti semetic speech and or hate speech posted in the site. It was not a call to have the FBI be sent to any staff members house and that is abundantly clear from the text of the post made. To be clear this was following a story about a single thing happening to another company that hosted hate speech sites online not long beforehand it was a reference to a recent event.

How many times are we going to continue to mischaracterize the context of the events of the past week and lambast an entire community of people with outrageous accusations?

That is unacceptable behavior and anyone on this forum who talks about potentially putting someone else's real life at risk will receive the same treatment. We have zero tolerance for this, for obvious reason. It is not the first time we have had to ban someone for this reason and it will likely not be the last, though I hope it is.

What is he talking about, RE loves the idea of ruining someone's life. You do it over fucking twitter likes
Look, anyone sane would have long ago realized they're immature, conniving and paranoid just from reading the forum. It's pages upon pages of anger at unnamed enemies who are believed to be lurking everywhere especially within the community. All for unclear yet obviously evil reasons.
(03-14-2024, 02:56 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: In constructive:

b-dubs wrote:
Quote:I am going to quote my prior post on this matter again. The framing that Brady tried to joke about calling the FBI on staff is wrong and I will happily and gladly post the screenshot of the actual comment if need be. It was made in reference to FBI potentially actioning THE COMPANY THAT OWNS THE SITE for anti semetic speech and or hate speech posted in the site. It was not a call to have the FBI be sent to any staff members house and that is abundantly clear from the text of the post made. To be clear this was following a story about a single thing happening to another company that hosted hate speech sites online not long beforehand it was a reference to a recent event.

How many times are we going to continue to mischaracterize the context of the events of the past week and lambast an entire community of people with outrageous accusations?

That is unacceptable behavior and anyone on this forum who talks about potentially putting someone else's real life at risk will receive the same treatment. We have zero tolerance for this, for obvious reason. It is not the first time we have had to ban someone for this reason and it will likely not be the last, though I hope it is.

What is he talking about, RE loves the idea of ruining someone's life. You do it over fucking twitter likes
1. The FBI will not action a company for non-crimes. Anti-semitic speech and "hate speech" is not illegal.
2. B-Dubs appears to believe this as well and that the FBI would ruin Nepenthe's life? Even though banning him could convince him to be "serious for even one second"?
On discord

Hecht wrote:ffs. well let me try to remember wtf I had ready to post before

I do remember that YES, I do have accounts on KF, TheBore, and other shit sites,  because I have a vested interest in keeping staff and users safe and aware of potential attention

(03-14-2024, 02:38 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Exclusive scoop, exclusive scoop: Hecht has revealed himself in the poli era discord

Quote:I only came in here a couple of days ago. Someone in your Discord alerted us to someone potentially viewing KiwiFarms. I take that shit many people, staff and users alike, have been doxxed by them and TheBore.  So yeah, I don't know if anyone here was *directly* responsible for the doxxing, but I do know that even talk about it attracts the worst people. And clearly you're fine with lurkers, as I've been here for a few days unmolested. 

I'll finish by saying that you know when the site started? I was there. One of the first rules we came up with is to STFU about NeoGAF. Because we didn't want to turn into a forum where people were just gawking and pointing fingers at others.  That's not content - it's reactionary anger.  Discords are the same way.  Y'all can vent. That's fine. We're not gonna be perfect. But basing an entire identity around it is....well it's not a recipe for a happy community, let me tell you.

Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)
STFU about NeoGAF?  Majority of the threads on Ree are pretty much copy&paste from GAF.  They even use the same memes from there too.
B-Dubs wakes up in a cold sweat at night with this link being the last sight in his dreams
(03-14-2024, 02:38 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Exclusive scoop, exclusive scoop: Hecht has revealed himself in the poli era discord

Quote:I only came in here a couple of days ago. Someone in your Discord alerted us to someone potentially viewing KiwiFarms. I take that shit many people, staff and users alike, have been doxxed by them and TheBore.  So yeah, I don't know if anyone here was *directly* responsible for the doxxing, but I do know that even talk about it attracts the worst people. And clearly you're fine with lurkers, as I've been here for a few days unmolested. 

I'll finish by saying that you know when the site started? I was there. One of the first rules we came up with is to STFU about NeoGAF. Because we didn't want to turn into a forum where people were just gawking and pointing fingers at others.  That's not content - it's reactionary anger.  Discords are the same way.  Y'all can vent. That's fine. We're not gonna be perfect. But basing an entire identity around it is....well it's not a recipe for a happy community, let me tell you.

simply remove the creeper mod from the discord
(03-14-2024, 03:02 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord

Hecht wrote:I do remember that YES, I do have accounts on KF, TheBore, and other shit sites,  because I have a vested interest in keeping staff and users safe and aware of potential attention
Uh, B-Chuds said there's no reason for anyone to ever go on those websites and admitting to it is permaban worthy. ufup
He does realize that “hate speech” and “antisemitism” aren’t things the FBI could take a site/company down for right? I know Hecht is a drunk which explains his retarded posts, and Slayven is a formerly homeless mental patient so that explains his retarded posts, but you were seemingly the normal one b dumbs. What happened lol

He seems to think the FBI operates like a TV show where something is reported and a crack team infiltrates to shoot first and ask questions later. Should have secret government agent Hecht inform him how bureaucracy actually works
(03-14-2024, 03:09 AM)benji wrote:
(03-14-2024, 03:02 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord

Hecht wrote:I do remember that YES, I do have accounts on KF, TheBore, and other shit sites,  because I have a vested interest in keeping staff and users safe and aware of potential attention
Uh, B-Chuds said there's no reason for anyone to ever go on those websites and admitting to it is permaban worthy. ufup
Yet another member of the PoliEra Discord who visits Kiwi Farms to look for members. Trumps
"I must have a head!" B-dub's scream echoed throughout the throne room. "Yes.. but.. sire.." said the sniveling SSF1991 with tears in his eyes.

B-dubs felt his rage begin to boil "But nothing! Did I not allow you back into the fold after your treachery?!"

"Brady..! BRADY!" SSF1991 wept but knew there to be no other choice. "Take Brady.." B-dubs anger simmered, replaced with hidden satisfaction. PoliEra's former renegade leader gave him what he wanted. A modern day John the Baptist. Brady's head would be his before the nightfall.
(03-14-2024, 03:02 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord

Hecht wrote:ffs. well let me try to remember wtf I had ready to post before

I do remember that YES, I do have accounts on KF, TheBore, and other shit sites,  because I have a vested interest in keeping staff and users safe and aware of potential attention


If he has an account here why did the entire mod team operate on the assumption that Nepenthe's house pic was related to the discord and the latest drama in any fashion? Also why does he need an account to read these places? If members need to be aware of these things for safety reasons, and Hecht can take months to notice these breaches, maybe everyone on Era should grab their own account for their own protections.
(03-14-2024, 03:09 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: He does realize that “hate speech” and “antisemitism” aren’t things the FBI could take a site/company down for right? I know Hecht is a drunk which explains his retarded posts, and Slayven is a formerly homeless mental patient so that explains his retarded posts, but you were seemingly the normal one b dumbs. What happened lol

He seems to think the FBI operates like a TV show where something is reported and a crack team infiltrates to shoot first and ask questions later. Should have secret government Hecht inform him how bureaucracy actually works

I think B-Dumbs is the only person who is paid by MOBA, and he has probably hit a midlife crisis where he's realized that his position as admin of these crazies is the most money he will ever see in his "career". So now he's virulently afraid of losing his source of income and lashes out at all perceived threats to his dino nugget fund.
(03-14-2024, 03:12 AM)nobody of note wrote:
(03-14-2024, 03:02 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord

Hecht wrote:ffs. well let me try to remember wtf I had ready to post before

I do remember that YES, I do have accounts on KF, TheBore, and other shit sites,  because I have a vested interest in keeping staff and users safe and aware of potential attention


If he has an account here why did the entire mod team operate on the assumption that Nepenthe's house pic was related to the discord and the latest drama in any fashion? Also why does he need an account to read these places? If members need to be aware of these things for safety reasons, and Hecht can take months to notice these breaches, maybe everyone on Era should grab their own account for their own protections.

He has an account here, but only reads the jelqing forum.

Inshallah he sees results soon.
(03-14-2024, 03:12 AM)nobody of note wrote:
(03-14-2024, 03:02 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord

Hecht wrote:ffs. well let me try to remember wtf I had ready to post before

I do remember that YES, I do have accounts on KF, TheBore, and other shit sites,  because I have a vested interest in keeping staff and users safe and aware of potential attention


If he has an account here why did the entire mod team operate on the assumption that Nepenthe's house pic was related to the discord and the latest drama in any fashion? Also why does he need an account to read these places? If members need to be aware of these things for safety reasons, and Hecht can take months to notice these breaches, maybe everyone on Era should grab their own account for their own protections.

To be fair he didn't really even need an account on here. The address and photo were posted publicly.  lol I'd like to think the majority of non staff on Era are at least smarter than Hecht.
I don't think Hecht has an account here, I think he means the OG. None of the users on here look like it'd be him, unless he hasn't logged in in the last two months as I only looked at the ones who did.
"I do it behind proxies and with fake e-mails." Smug

Yeah, okay, enjoy doing that to see all the public posts I guess. Really pulled one over on me.
(03-14-2024, 03:20 AM)benji wrote: I don't think Hecht has an account here, I think he means the OG. None of the users on here look like it'd be him, unless he hasn't logged in in the last two months as I only looked at the ones who did.

Benji it's okay to come clean if you're Hecht.  Thinking
Hecht probably should have mentioned he's been on doxed on Kiwi Farms. Wonder why he didn't.

edit: He did, scroll down. He really thinks highly of his linkedin photo I guess.
Mr. Worldwide
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-14-2024, 03:02 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: On discord

Hecht wrote:ffs. well let me try to remember wtf I had ready to post before

I do remember that YES, I do have accounts on KF, TheBore, and other shit sites,  because I have a vested interest in keeping staff and users safe and aware of potential attention


So we DO have inflators

(03-14-2024, 03:23 AM)benji wrote: Hecht probably should have mentioned he's been on doxed on Kiwi Farms. Wonder why he didn't.

omg I hope no one posts it..
(03-14-2024, 03:14 AM)Echelon wrote:
(03-14-2024, 03:09 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: He does realize that “hate speech” and “antisemitism” aren’t things the FBI could take a site/company down for right? I know Hecht is a drunk which explains his retarded posts, and Slayven is a formerly homeless mental patient so that explains his retarded posts, but you were seemingly the normal one b dumbs. What happened lol

He seems to think the FBI operates like a TV show where something is reported and a crack team infiltrates to shoot first and ask questions later. Should have secret government Hecht inform him how bureaucracy actually works

I think B-Dumbs is the only person who is paid by MOBA, and he has probably hit a midlife crisis where he's realized that his position as admin of these crazies is the most money he will ever see in his "career". So now he's virulently afraid of losing his source of income and lashes out at all perceived threats to his dino nugget fund.

MOBA is a publicly traded company, might be worth looking into at the next board member meeting 


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