Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

BTW, Raftina is totally a r/Sino user:

Check the links.
They wouldn't be stealing your car if they didn't desperately need it. Maybe think about how you're perpetuating colonialism, capitalism and white supremacy when you want to use institutions to use violence against people over mere things others need. (Things that are literally scorching the planet and should be banned, thieves stealing to destroy every car on the planet would be a huge positive for marginalized people btw.)
(03-15-2024, 03:21 AM)benji wrote: They wouldn't be stealing your car if they didn't desperately need it. Maybe think about how you're perpetuating colonialism, capitalism and white supremacy when you want to use institutions to use violence against people over mere things others need. (Things that are literally scorching the planet and should be banned btw.)

butalala wrote:Sell your car and ride the bus (or tram since it's Toronto). Can't steal a car you don't have.

Quote:They make money stealing cars and shipping it out, you don't think they'll just move into regular theft and robbery after?

butalala wrote: They story said all they want is the car

(03-15-2024, 02:39 AM)nachobro wrote: fact check: those superman movies were garbage
nachobro has been permanently banned because if he was serious about this for EVEN ONE SECOND staff lives could be put in danger. And if we believe there is even a one percent chance of that we have to take it as an absolute certainty... and we have to destroy him.
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, nachobro

ClickyCal' wrote:Biden himself announced it officially as a suicide :/ Unless major hard evidence comes out otherwise, this will be the ruling people are told of Nex. That they bullied kids, and then committed suicide.

This is just so hurtful :(
(03-15-2024, 03:25 AM)benji wrote:
(03-15-2024, 02:39 AM)nachobro wrote: fact check: those superman movies were garbage

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Man of Steel is better than Superman Returns, though. Willam 
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Android Sophia wrote:I don't believe this for a second. The cops were setting up such a story back at the end of February. This was reported on by Judd Legum and retweeted by Erin Reed back then.
Insane person points to two massive liars as proof of nonsense conspiracy theory.

Cops said a thing back before, and it was confirmed later. MORE PROOF THIS WAS A SETUP! KEEPING THEIR STORY STRAIGHT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY PLANNED TO DO!
(03-15-2024, 03:27 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ClickyCal' wrote:Biden himself announced it officially as a suicide :/ Unless major hard evidence comes out otherwise, this will be the ruling people are told of Nex. That they bullied kids, and then committed suicide.

This is just so hurtful :(

That Biden statement pretty much blames “the bullying against Nex” ( Rolleyes ) and paint a target to those girls and the school.
(03-15-2024, 03:15 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

BTW, Raftina is totally a r/Sino user:

Check the links.

Wait, why is a china subreddit even talking about this?
(03-15-2024, 03:27 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ClickyCal' wrote:Biden himself announced it officially as a suicide :/ Unless major hard evidence comes out otherwise, this will be the ruling people are told of Nex. That they bullied kids, and then committed suicide.

This is just so hurtful :(

They wanted the feds involved. Isn't Biden the absolute top end of the feds?
There was a time when everybody would dump on Reddit for playing armchair detective and accidentally doxing the wrong person and making the entire situation worse.

Turns out nobody learned from that. In fact, now they think they know better than the actual detectives, investigators, doctors, and US President. We did it resetera!
(03-15-2024, 02:52 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Someone should post this in the burka thread

(03-15-2024, 03:52 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-15-2024, 03:15 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

BTW, Raftina is totally a r/Sino user:

Check the links.

Wait, why is a china subreddit even talking about this?

Toronto demographics, I suppose. Yeshrug
Cenauru wrote:Yeah, it's unlikely people will check back for an updated ruling. Fuck the cops, they knew exactly what they were doing rushing this out.
ClickyCal wrote:This is their ultimate goal they want accomplished. Have trans people nationwide pseudo-criminalized. Any trans/queer person cam be targeted in any way, not being allowed to fight back at all.
Exactly what ((((they)))) want.

"Good work, local medical examiner in Oklahoma." - TERF BITCH
AndreasBRT wrote:Sunday [March 10]

Hello All \o i big fan to square enix
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Troll account
AndreasBRT wrote:Yesterday [March 14]

Cutural War.
Seems I've missed a lot. B-Dumbs final justification of perma banning TheBrady is, unsurprisingly, dumb as shit.

B-Dumbs: "I had to ban TheBrady for that month old joke post. I had to protect my staff!! It would ruin lives"

Who honestly thinks TheBrady would serious contact the FBI or that the FBI wouldn't just tell him to piss off if he did? Also, it's strange how B-Dumbs really thinks any investigation of Nep would "ruin her life" as if he himself thinks Nep's guilty of yet discovered federal crimes.
Krazen wrote:SA's moves are largely the Prince a non fossil oil future which will eventually come even if it takes many lifetimes. Irony is that it seems the bulk is centered around Western pop entertainment and luxury, places that actually give a shit about basic human rights because no one wants to watch a movie/boot up a game with a logo that represents murdered queer people and chainsawed journalists…kills the suspension of belief /s.

You figure it would just be quiet investment money, but they also want to be the face of the brand while thumbing their nose at basic human rights. Western companies have no morals so no way to stop them there, so the fans not giving them an inch and pressure will be key.

What Woah Juche

What Eastern or non capitalist company with big morals is he talking about?
Cultural War.
(03-15-2024, 03:52 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-15-2024, 03:15 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

BTW, Raftina is totally a r/Sino user:

Check the links.

Wait, why is a china subreddit even talking about this?

r/sino is West = Bad, China = Good. Anything that makes the West look bad will usually be posted on r/sino so they can jerk off about it.
Hecht wrote:Y'all can have your Discords. If you want to chat about stuff in your communities off-site, feel free. Nothing stopping you. But just be aware the risk you take by essentially having channels dedicated to what amounts to pointing and laughing: you're just fostering an environment where groups become insular and seek validation from others - "I was wronged! Right, guys?" "Yeah, yeah! Fuck those guys! You did nothing wrong, they're the nazis!"  Feel free to vent about whatever - as I said, nothing stopping you. But it's your house. You want to shit in your house, you can expect that no one wants to be around people who smell like shit. 

So Hecht finally admits to the real reason why the staff have such a vendetta against the PoliERA Discord people...they were laughing at their terrible moderation. That's it. B-Dumbs and crew are so damn thin-skinned that they felt they needed to purge an entire community from ERA because that community laughs at them and mock their terrible, laughable moderation practices offsite.

Do B-Dumbs and crew really think they are not cops now? Cop
Conspiracy theorists radicalizing themselves:

Bonus banned user:

Spoiler: full (though possibly still ongoing) three hour unhinged thirty-ish tweet thread in text quote inside (click to show)
Quote:Corinne Green
1-10. palestinian genocide
11. being the most powerful man in the world with vast executive, administrative, and military authority and just, like, giving trans kids the public suicide hotline as your best offer

11a. is the public one even safe for trans kids? i honestly don't know! i only ever send people to TLL and Trevor. are the public ones mandated reporters? is their guidance for if you live in a forced outing state? what if your family DIYs? seriously - i have no clue.

12. telling me he has our back! dude! you got me fired! everything you do is bad! everything you don't do is also bad! you don't ever even say anything except literally that you have our back! what the fuck! i feel like i'm being gaslit! fuck!


(actually i'm crying about Nex again just give me a minute)

13. presumably having a phone call with Nex's parents as the person who at ANY POINT IN THE LAST 4 YEARS could have assigned a national guardsman to every trans kid in the country with orders to point a rifle at anyone who interferes with that child's  access to a full education.

13a. don't tell me he can't do that. he can do that. there would be a court fight about it. who cares. there's a court fight about everything and the courts are only getting worse with time along with everything else. they keep waiting for trans people...

13a. ... to get less controversial so powerful assholes get less flack about trans people. i don't care about powerful assholes! i care about trans people! i care about powerLESS assholes! besides! that's not how fascist dehumanization works! that's not how anything works! ...

13a. he waits, and we die, and things get worse, so he waits harder, and we die more, and things get worse again, so he waits again, and we die more again. this sucks! they made a videogame like this last year and it sucked too! deathloop sucked! fuck you!...

13a. he has had regulatory language and agency policies that we prepared for him sitting in apparently a trash can for four years. for some reason. the reason is transphobia. he's a transphobe. he's a transphobe that says "i got ur back" instead of "nazis don't kill trans people"

13a. that is a WORSE KIND OF TRANSPHOBE and he is doing WORSE TRANSPHOBIA than jk rowling. 50% of trans kids in the country who had healthcare under trump lost it under biden. FOR NO REASON. DHHS could just say "it is illegal to discriminate against trans people...

13a. ... so no you can't do that." and they just don't! except for tennessee i guess because the media covered the Vanderbilt shitshow? gross! fuck you! where's the PPACA section 1557 nondiscrim reg we wrote for you that you were gonna issue year 1? it's in the trash i guess! ...

13a. where's the VA and TRICARE telling states "hi we are the federal government and you are nothing to us. you are a shitty little state. the federal government runs TRICARE and the VA so all the laws you're passing banning us from doing healthcare are shitty little state laws..

13a. ... that we actually just get to ignore bc we have federalism and anyway we have more guns." that's not hard at all, although it's definitely harder now than it was in 2020 because the bad guys are gobbling everything up! they're gobbling everybody and everything right up!

13a. i spent a week trying find all the obscure reasons why the VA and/or TRICARE can't just be like "open doors for trans healthcare, come get federal trans healthcare if you're trans, we're the federal government doing federal government programs and our federal...

13a. ... government doctors and nurses are doing your healthcare now. also we still have more guns, just in case, and just so you know." there really aren't that many obvious reasons they can't! just do it! send a few more cases into the courts! who cares!...

13a. make them file the cases at least! do it until they stop you! but honestly you don't really have to let them stop you, because again, you're the federal government! you have nukes! bibi controls you with nukes, you can control Abbott with nukes if you want to!...

13a. it's greg abbott! who cares! tell him you'll nuke him! tell greg abbott you'd absolutely nuke him if he lays a single goddamned finger on another trans kid! that's probably even good for your polling! do it! nobody cares! it doesn't matter! trans kids are fucking dying...

13a.... and you either have their backs or you don't! declare a countrywide environmental emergency and give all trans people medicare! that's another thing you can just do! look it up! make them come up with wacky legal theories for why you can't do that!...

13a. i guarantee you ALEC does not have a memo prepared for stopping the EPA from using the same mechanism that gives East Palestine train disaster survivors Medicare to give all trans people Medicare! of course they aren't ready for that! we could dispense so many hormones...

13a. while they come up with something! do another national health emergency with HHS and misuse those obscure mechanisms to give all trans people medicaid, too! why not! they don't have anything ready to file for that either! the books are chock full of goofy shit...

13a. and regulations maybe six people in the country are experts in! just keep throwing shit at the wall! i'll sit in a closet coming up with fresh new goofy shit for you to use for trans kids for free and so will a bunch of my friends! and my friends are smarter than me!

13a. the bad guys have a lot of money and they're very scary but they absolutely fucking suck shit at policy! their bills are universally utter dogshit! they have more people but they're all insane morons! we're very, very good! we draft circles around them...

13a. every fucking session and we lose every fucking session but we only lose because we have no fucking resources! put some federal oomph behind us and i will bet on our policy over theirs all day! these people are nuts but they understand POWER.

13a. and they win because they use naked POWER and you lose because you care about dumb shit like a senate parliamentarian you can just FUCKING FIRE. if you bring norms and decorum to a POWER fight you will lose immediately! this is rock paper scissors shit! what the fuck!

13a. the same way nobody in the history of the world has ever arrested fascism by FUCKING VOTING nobody in the history of the world has ever defeated POWER with dumbass bullshit! the bad guys quit doing politics a goddamned DECADE ago and you're still doing dumbass bullshit!

13a. if you keep just doing FUCKING NOTHING and FUCKING WAITING you are extremely literally just letting them kill us! if in 2020 you did the title ix reg we gave you instead of putting lanyards on a hundred monkeys and waiting until the shit they threw at their...

13a. GODDAMNED TYPEWRITERS produced the insane perversion of the javitz amendment you used to do STATES RIGHTS for athlete bans DOE could have FUCKING DESTROYED ryan walters LONG BEFORE the OK DOE produced their own birth of a nation-ass video telling everybody

13a. that it was open season on FUCKING CHILDREN and Nex would be FUCKING ALIVE. i don't understand how you could look his parents in the eye and lie to them that you care and i don't understand how you can look me in the eye and tell me that the most that...

13a. that the MOST POWERFUL GOVERNMENT ON THE PLANET can give me to work with is a FUCKING SUICIDE HOTLINE NUMBER that you haven't even done FUCK ALL TO DO TO give me ANY confidence that it's not staffed by nazis or a snitch line to arrest their parents or...

13a. literally just another executive branch list of known trans people or a scheme to harvest trans medical records to turn over to FUCKING NAZIS. i am someone who should know if that number is safe to give a trans kid St. Gabriel, Louisiana, and I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA...

13a. and I DO NOT TRUST YOU because you have done the exact MOST OFFENSIVE AND WORST THING POSSIBLE at EVERY OPPORTUNITY and the world is closing its jaws down on these kids that i will die for and i don't know if the lump of coal you gave them for Christmas is...

13a. real coal that i can set alight to warm them up for 20 minutes or if it's fucking plastic explosives. FUCK. the two hotlines i do trust are Trans Lifeline, here:

13a. and Trevor Project, here:

13a. maybe the public hotline is great. maybe it really is. but 2024 is not a year in which anyone who has trans kids backs is going to send them fucking ANYWHERE on a maybe. and maybe it's perfect now. but maybe when you lose your election because you're so old

13a. you won't even get out of bed in the morning for anything less than a flour massacre and 20 more dead kids the other guys get the hotline shit and use it up abduct trans kids or lock up their parents or publish their medical records in the Atlantic or whatever the fuck.

13a. and we have to seriously consider these things because that's what it means to have trans kids backs and that's what it means to have been a trans kid and that's what it means to be a trans adult who has watched the world shudder at our joy and cocoon itself...

13a. in single-minded hatred of our blazing force of will and emerge glistening a horrific, ancient, famished CREATURE hungry for the flesh of the only people in the world who know its secret. it cannot STAND that we know its secret and it cannot STAND for...

13a. other people to learn it from us and it cannot STAND at fucking ALL because it has wrapped itself around the world so completely that there is no land left for legs it left behind and the only action and location and direction it knows is THROUGH. THROUGH our bones and...

13a. THROUGH our children and THROUGH the bodies and families and communities we have manifested for ourselves, together, and extended to you as a life raft that you condemn as a pirate vessel because you digested yourselves on its behalf and the soft tissues of your eyes..

13a. were the first parts of you to dissolve. we offer you a new world you offer us a FUCKING USELESS suicide hotline. there is no more politics. the politics you think you've been doing are a fucking board game you are playing with yourself. there is power.

13a. and because you cannot see this you are LOSING TO IT. trans people understand power because every single living trans person is every single one of us you've killed and every single living trans person is all of us still alive.

13a. in the only way that matters there are more of us than there are of you. YOU need US to survive because we are the valves in your hearts. without us you are a fucking mcdonalds. without us you are fucking dead but even worse, without us you are FUCKING BORING.

13a. you are afraid and ashamed of our bodies yet without us there would be no one to tell you that your naked fucking asses got fucking SCAMMED when you gave the creature money for invisible clothes and it's FUCKING HILARIOUS.

13a. left to your own devices what do you fucking do? you do goddamned mercantilism or whatever other weird-ass money shit with the beast slouching towards bethlehem. that is fucking GOOFY.

13a. it comes through us first to get to you. but it doesn't come for us. never has and never will. it barely sees us because it's more goddamned colorblind than i am and we are prismatic; it perceives only the precise wavelength of the golden hoarde you have amassed...

13a. a lighthouse to beckon it home. so what we need you to do, and what you need to do for yourselves even though you'd never do it for us, is to stop fucking waiting. stop praying for a vote. you have a fucking state.

13a. you have more and more terrifying state power than any beings have ever controlled in the history of the species. and if you dick around until they leisurely scoop it away from you then they'll have it.

13a. and they use it! abbott doesn't give a fuck. put some texas razor buoys in the federal government's rio grande? why not! desantis started his own paramilitary! the way power works is you just use it. if nobody tries to stop you, there you go!

13a. can state attorneys general just kind of arbitrarily hoover up trans medical records whenever they want? if you squint right and believe the wrong things hard enough it sort of looks plausibly legal, so give it a shot! somebody either stops you or they don't.

13a. if nobody tries to stop you then it's definitely legal enough and you have a bunch of trans medical records. if somebody tries to stop you and fails: legal again! neat! if somebody tries to stop you and you lose that's fine too, since there are no consequences...

13a. ... for losing and you can just see if you've got more juice with a different mechanism. conjure up a whistleblower. pay singal to make a mockery of HHS. take custody of trans kids through DCFS - you just need it for an hour or whatever to get the records. power! wild!

13a. so far you haven't even been trying to stop them, which has made an awful lot of utterly inexcusable shit functionally legal, which is pretty bad! but if you did try it would be very easy to stop them because you're the fucking FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

13a. coming up on the end of this list item! the problem is that you have a bunch of power and just, like, vibed? i guess? because you're a transphobe! but ruh roh, vibing out for so long has let them accelerate pretty quickly!

13a. and now the fascists aren't only  mulching trans people but they're just about to mulch the whole goddamned thing! yikes! it's a much less favorable position to be in for you, the viber, to use power, because you vibed for so long. bummer! that was probably a bad call!

13a. now you're not only dealing with assholes like me saying i told you so but also a whole lot of much stronger fascists with picatinny rails loaded up with insane garbage sticking out of every hole, and they're chomping at the bit to home invade the white house! oh dear!

13a. but wait! you forgot! you're the president! you have a good shot at being able to successfully just do whatever you want! when what you want to do is vibe, doing whatever you want is not that impactful. but if you decide you want to other do things, hoo boy! SO MUCH IMPACT.

13a. and when you're playing with power the way to figure out how much impact you can have is very simple: you do a thing and you see if anybody can stop you. so maybe do less suicide hotline-posting and more actual things instead!

13a. as someone who is extremely confident that i have trans kids' backs i'm begging you to use power to do what I would do: zero more dead trans kids. full fucking stop.
All those single digit hearts and no real engagement.

They scream into the void.  doggy
Quote:You say that but I'm not seeing it from the interest in Qatar's hosting of the Formula 1, in the interest in China's hosting of the Olympic Games or in the interest in Chinese (CCP-owned) games such as Genshin Impact, even on this forum.

But please convince me otherwise because I'd rather be optimistic about this.

Being fair with Chinese vidja developers, I feel that they genuinely also dislike CCP hand on everything and their storylines tend to avoid propaganda. The CCP tends to screw Chinese video game industry rather than used it in anyway beyond piggybacking from them. See last year screw up:
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, kaleidoscopium
(03-15-2024, 05:07 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: All those single digit hearts and no real engagement.

They scream into the void.  doggy
Cis don't care. The cruelty is the point.
Of course, the Chinese government is stealing my data, just like the U.S. But is not like my data was ever secure Awesome
Neoxon hasn't tweeted anything interesting, he retweeted this:

(03-15-2024, 05:09 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:You say that but I'm not seeing it from the interest in Qatar's hosting of the Formula 1, in the interest in China's hosting of the Olympic Games or in the interest in Chinese (CCP-owned) games such as Genshin Impact, even on this forum.

But please convince me otherwise because I'd rather be optimistic about this.

Being fair with Chinese vidja developers, I feel that they genuinely also dislike CCP hand on everything and their storylines tend to avoid propaganda. The CCP tends to screw Chinese video game industry rather than used it in anyway beyond piggybacking from them. See last year screw up:

literally shaking literally shaking Are you speaking ill of our glorious leader Xi Jinping?

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