Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Morrigan was also a a big critic of Islam back then, if I recall correctly. She'd often get into long arguments about Islam's brutality. She'd be labeled a Islamophobe and long been perma banned if she'd kept that up.
(03-15-2024, 09:21 PM)Nintex wrote: uguu  Japancry  Japancry RIMSHOT! kawAi pre-cum x PROJECT NINTEKKSU present RIMSHOT! Japancry Japancry uguu 

Enter my GamerGate be strong and hard


[Image: worldonlygodknows.gif] [Image: 5oQc.gif]

クランチも時には良いですが、少しゲイっぽいところもあるかもしれません スクウェア・エニックス製ならゾーイ・クインは売春婦だった

ENJOY TOO #1 / #2

Nintex Wades in on the Gamer Debate

After their chart topping hit "October Seventh Just Another day of My Life" Nintex, or known in Japan as PROJECT NINTEKKSU, has pushed themselves into the controversial lime light once more with their newest release "Enter my GamerGate be strong and hard". As many of you know Gamergate was a harassment campaign beginning in August 2014 in response to outlandish claims of "Feminist Theory and the Frankfurt School invading the core of video game journalism". With the alt-right Gamergate 2.0 campaign beginning due to a mischaracterization of Sweet Baby Inc many question why the PROJECT NINTEKKSU musician felt the need to show their support for harassment so openly. One now former fan posted on X, formerly known as Twitter "I hope Nintext dies in a fucking fire. FUCK THEM FUCK THEM FUCK THEM!"
Quote:At this point I'm going to guess someone in capcom PR is a gator and set this up

(03-15-2024, 08:30 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: Whats causing gamer hate 2.0?

Edit: for posterity, I’m leaving that autocorrect fail but I typed gamergate and AC’d to gamer hate 😂
  • Sweet Baby Inc employee made the incredibly retarded play of publicly calling for others to mass false-report a small steam curator group (around 2000ish followers) focused only towards listing steam games which had Sweet Baby Inc collaboration, and at the same time also publicly tried to organize a campaign of mass false-reporting on the steam account of the creator of the curator group (who at the time was minding their own business).
  • The creator of the curator caught wind of the attempted brigading, posted it to social media, a bunch of other people started catching wind of it and a massive streisand effect began, in part helped by the vestiges of dying games media all trying to report on the matter by building a false narrative that the curator initiated a harassment campaign against Sweet Baby Inc, which has only helped to grow the “gamergate 2” movement on account of how much more widely mistrusted games press/journalists are by the gaming community.
  • The curator group has a quarter of a million followers now, knowledge on many other DEI/ESG-centric consultant groups have been starting to get publicized and shared around, as has also the fact that there is funding for these consulting groups coming directly from entities like the DHS and canadian government.
  • Because the games press circle jerk has continued both on whatever websites remain, as well as social media, the whole thing has started to be noticed by larger orgs and people outside of games and games media.
  • No word yet on if Adam Baldwin is aware of the matter.

(03-15-2024, 08:35 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Morrigan wrote:
hobblygobbly wrote:Old world religions, which were nature-based, had/have a much better understanding of the world we live in, our role in it, and humanity than the abrahamic religions ever has.


You will find a lot more understanding and peace when learn about old world religions and see what the enlightened one did with concepts of "sin" and "salvation"

Buddhism for example, is today something you can learn of, and its very much all the same concepts as other old world religions whether it is native american, european, arabic polytheism, etc. It much better understands our world, nature, and people, and the self than the abrahamic ones. You can also look into Stoicism which is philosophy not religion, but concepts of stoicism are the same found in old world religions.
Fantastic post 👏
This is complete bullshit hidden by a specific qualifier "than the abrahamic" to try and protect it. For two reasons.

1. The earlier religions did not have an understanding of nature. That's why most of the followers of them destroyed their local environments. Just saying something is natural does not make it so.
2. Christianity actually developed a methodology that allowed internal reform and allowed it to eventually parallel with liberalism, hence the current state of Christianity in the West. Islam actually contains the seeds of potential for this but most of Islam is dominated by authoritarians.

I would argue that no religion understands the world, nature or people. The counter to my argument is actually an argument that strengthens the abrahamic position, in that religion recognized that people will not accept rational explanations so telling them shutting the fuck up is free works just as well if not better to get them to act in certain ways.

I would also argue that religion is predominately philosophy, the supernatural aspects defy philosophical analysis because they do not operate on recognizable laws of reality, but everything else are basically analogies and metaphors about human behavior. To this then, to my above second point, Christianity is a superior philosophy to most other religions because of its capacity of acceptance for liberalism and science. Yes, it dragged its feet and tried to control it, but that's expected, it accepted it in the long run or we wouldn't be where we are. I can't see other religions doing this because they either haven't changed in this regard or they died out rather than adapt.

Also "they killed all the believers" isn't an argument for the superiority of anything, if it was superior than we should have seen its adoption regardless. Should we really believe that the spread of Christianity and Islam was only because of violent force or did the converts possibly see a reason to convert? Note that if we take my above argument and treat religions as an ideology or philosophy and examine it on those terms we have a superior explanatory theory than either of these. Especially if we recognize that adopting a religion often has social benefits even if you don't become a fanatic for it. Hence why most of those indigenous you're so concerned about blended their beliefs as a method of reforming their ways. 

Your need for strict binaries is ahistorical. Stop it. I'm not playing around.
Despite the above Christian apologetics, if I was forced to pick a religion it would be Taoism even though I am ignorant of the supernatural and ritualistic aspects of it despite having studied it academically. I just don't remember without looking.
AndroidSophia privated her Twitter.

Oddly nobody posted to the Nex thread all day. hmm
Only zodiac signs, crystals, and essential oils for Resetera. Abrahamic? Ewww. That's been touched by Jews.
Reply wrote:
Quote:Thanks so much to the OP and everyone involved in making this thread. It's absolutely packed with resources & information. I can't imagine the hard work involved in putting it all together.

It was also frankly eye-opening (not just the OP but the whole thread). I suppose when I'd thought of 'genocide' I did indeed think of, you know, a mass scale wiping out of a specific group of people, as opposed to how they start (like the OP states, 'genocides don't start in death camps').

I've been saying, you know, trans rights are human rights (something that needs saying until it's an incomprehensible, redundant phrase—as redundant as saying 'human rights are human rights'), but I'm afraid I was hugely uninformed on a lot of this.

I'd heard of some awful laws being passed thru the grapevine, but I didn't know just how many, or the insane amount currently proposed.

I live in rural Alberta, Canada. I can certainly figure out how to fire off some emails at the premier, ministers of health & education, but beyond that...

What should I do, or what can I do to help? Can I do text banking around here? Of course, I'll do my own research too, but if there are any other Albertans here (I saw Huey) who have suggestions or advice it'd be much appreciated.

My heart is with you guys. I don't want that to come off hollow and empty, like a fire and forget... I don't know what else to say at this juncture, but lord knows I'm going to have to figure out how to do something, literally anything.
Better, Canadianer minds than I can help you on a local level, so I would personally stress two obvious but still very important things:

Push back against bigotry and misinformation/disinformation in the public sphere. You never know when a trans person who needs to hear affirmation of their humanity will be in earshot.
Vote. Vote in every election at every level. Give bigots no (further) room to spread their hate via the levers of government.
Thank you for being here. Every person joining this fight counts.
Oh, that's all? Feels bad, man
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower
hobblygobbly wrote:Old world religions, which were nature-based, had/have a much better understanding of the world we live in, our role in it, and humanity than the abrahamic religions ever has.


You will find a lot more understanding and peace when learn about old world religions and see what the enlightened one did with concepts of "sin" and "salvation"

(03-16-2024, 02:02 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
hobblygobbly wrote:Old world religions, which were nature-based, had/have a much better understanding of the world we live in, our role in it, and humanity than the abrahamic religions ever has.


You will find a lot more understanding and peace when learn about old world religions and see what the enlightened one did with concepts of "sin" and "salvation"

Oh boy, Japanese were particularly cruel with Christians.
The Old Gods died for a reason: Darkseid killed them in their sleep. ufup

Spoiler:  (click to show)
One of the stupidest New 52 revisions imo. lol
hobblygobbly wrote:Old world religions, which were nature-based, had/have a much better understanding of the world we live in, our role in it, and humanity than the abrahamic religions ever has.


You will find a lot more understanding and peace when learn about old world religions and see what the enlightened one did with concepts of "sin" and "salvation"

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
In JRPGs about killing God, one that is particularly cool is SMT Apocalypse as 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
YHVH devolves into a amalgam of various Old Deities that he consumed. Nice touch given how hard JRPGs miss the reason of why monotheistic religions raised above others (Protip: the others were usually worse), so is nice that the game acknowledges how shitty the old Gods were.
3 users liked this post: Water Enjoyer, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Lot of words on old religions and the abrahamic ones, why not modern advanced religions? Cruise Missile
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, Gameboy Nostalgia
Should we all join the Unification Church? Cao Dai? Maybe Bahai?
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(03-16-2024, 02:20 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Should we all join the Unification Church? Cao Dai? Maybe Bahai?


Spoiler:  (click to show)
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-15-2024, 11:10 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-15-2024, 11:02 PM)railGUN wrote: Man, Asmongold’s DD2 character has REE REEing hard  lol

Surprised it’s not getting posted here, or did I miss it?

Actively dangerous!

Also it feels weird to portray sweet baby inc as this lil guy who has no power at all when they were involved with the biggest AAA games of recent years

Ree and Reddit XIV's subreddit tried so hard to run Asmongold off from XIV by trying hard to prevent him from doing quests.  Majority got banned for it  lol
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-14-2024, 11:06 PM)Potato wrote: Changing the topic for a second...Resetera and the weird lefty idiots are all still crazy with COVID stuff, right?

Well, this is some interesting news which, if posted, would put the cat amongst the pigeons.

Quote:Queensland's Chief Health Officer says it's time to stop using the term 'long COVID'

The term "long COVID" should be scrapped, according to Queensland's Chief Health Officer, because it creates unnecessary fear — and is "probably harmful".

John Gerrard said the description wrongly implied long-term post-COVID viral symptoms were "somehow unique and exceptional" to other viral infections, but new research suggested they were indistinguishable.

The infectious disease physician said a Queensland study of more than 5,000 people found similar rates of functional limitations in the daily lives of people a year after a COVID-19 infection, compared to seasonal flu and other respiratory illnesses.
I never actually got why the queer kids hate him, the only thing i can gather from observing his streams is that he's completely retarded and disgusting
b-but how else will I demand others pity me?! LONG COVID IS REAL  Gloomy Gloomy Gloomy 

2 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower
(03-16-2024, 01:56 AM)benji wrote: AndroidSophia privated her Twitter.
And now it's been deleted with a placeholder registered in its place so nobody can steal the username.

I hope they're okay. What if there was a plurality civil war?
4 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, benji, MJBarret
(03-16-2024, 02:35 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(03-15-2024, 11:10 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(03-15-2024, 11:02 PM)railGUN wrote: Man, Asmongold’s DD2 character has REE REEing hard  lol

Surprised it’s not getting posted here, or did I miss it?

Actively dangerous!

Also it feels weird to portray sweet baby inc as this lil guy who has no power at all when they were involved with the biggest AAA games of recent years

Ree and Reddit XIV's subreddit tried so hard to run Asmongold off from XIV by trying hard to prevent him from doing quests.  Majority got banned for it  lol
Sounds incredible, anymore I could read on that?
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(03-16-2024, 02:50 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(03-16-2024, 02:35 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(03-15-2024, 11:10 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Actively dangerous!

Also it feels weird to portray sweet baby inc as this lil guy who has no power at all when they were involved with the biggest AAA games of recent years

Ree and Reddit XIV's subreddit tried so hard to run Asmongold off from XIV by trying hard to prevent him from doing quests.  Majority got banned for it  lol
Sounds incredible, anymore I could read on that?

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
(03-16-2024, 02:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(03-16-2024, 02:50 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(03-16-2024, 02:35 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Ree and Reddit XIV's subreddit tried so hard to run Asmongold off from XIV by trying hard to prevent him from doing quests.  Majority got banned for it  lol
Sounds incredible, anymore I could read on that?

Heartbeat Heartbeat Heartbeat  thank you Heartbeat Heartbeat Heartbeat
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
benji dateline='[url=tel:1710557049' wrote: 1710557049[/url]']
Potato dateline='[url=tel:1710457563' wrote: 1710457563[/url]']
Changing the topic for a second...Resetera and the weird lefty idiots are all still crazy with COVID stuff, right?

Well, this is some interesting news which, if posted, would put the cat amongst the pigeons.

Quote:Queensland's Chief Health Officer says it's time to stop using the term 'long COVID'

The term "long COVID" should be scrapped, according to Queensland's Chief Health Officer, because it creates unnecessary fear — and is "probably harmful".

John Gerrard said the description wrongly implied long-term post-COVID viral symptoms were "somehow unique and exceptional" to other viral infections, but new research suggested they were indistinguishable.

The infectious disease physician said a Queensland study of more than 5,000 people found similar rates of functional limitations in the daily lives of people a year after a COVID-19 infection, compared to seasonal flu and other respiratory illnesses.

There is a Long Covid awareness day?!
4 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, NekoFever, Taco Bell Tower, benji
"Alejandra Caraballo has been banned from 𝕏 after changing his username to spell out "Stonetoss is Hans Kristian Graebener"."

Why'd I learn this from Kiwifarms before Resetera?  wag
(03-16-2024, 02:48 AM)benji wrote:
(03-16-2024, 01:56 AM)benji wrote: AndroidSophia privated her Twitter.
And now it's been deleted with a placeholder registered in its place so nobody can steal the username.

Is the TwoHearts stuff starting to affect her? (How the fuck she can share that she believes in the plural shit without sounding like a clown, even at RE).

Or she actually got mad that you mentioned that Cenauru don’t even bother with giving her likes?
(03-16-2024, 02:56 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: "Alejandra Caraballo has been banned from 𝕏 after changing his username to spell out "Stonetoss is Hans Kristian Graebener"."

Why'd I learn this from Kiwifarms before Resetera?  wag

I also just learned this and was seconds away from posting this  omfg
2 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower

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