Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
I wonder what might have the General Manager pissbitch so upset recently.

[Image: 1705987408717]
[Image: Screenshot-2024-03-20-200200.png]
ResetEra would probably make a lot more money if they just ignored TransEra, unbanned everyone, and then only banned for threatening crimes.
(03-21-2024, 12:28 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I get the feeling that Nepenthe thinks because she's black she's not really an American which means any of the critic pointed at America is never pointed at her. That she'd be considered a privileged American in many POC majority countries probably eludes her

A particular annoying one, I bet.
Nepenthe has no concept of wealth creation. In her mind everything is zero sum, so if someone has something it has to have been taken from someone else. So she literally believes that all the wealth in Europe and America existed in, say, 1500 but was in America and Africa. Then the whites came along and stole the "money" directly from their bank accounts and put it in their own. (Also why she thinks AI can only "steal" from artists.)

She thinks the "theft" of land was wrong because it took the places they could live not that it stripped them of their most important capital. So her complaint is weird because wealthy Native Americans can easily move back to their land if they want to. In her conception these people don't even exist, all Native Americans are trapped in some undisclosed location with no money despite billions in government spending on them along with their own community efforts like casinos.

So to her it makes complete logical sense that all white people should have everything taken from them and be dumped in Europe no matter what the actual historical background that led to them being where they are today. To take the man I love more than any other person on Earth, Elon Musk was born in South Africa and came to the United States via Canada as an adult. But he's white, so he gets to fuck off with nothing to Europe. Nikola Jokic and Luka Doncic are multi-millionaires who have come to the United States within the last decade, fuck em, back to Europe with nothing, that's for the Indigenous and Blacks (for unexplained reasons) now.

Notice also how Nepenthe never ever mentions what should happen to the Latinxes (mostly white in the United States) or Asians (white-adjacent) even though these populations combined would be larger than the Indigenous-Black one she envisions left with all of America and all its wealth. There are four times as many Asian-Americans as Native Americans for example. Almost none of them can trace their heritages being here before the 20th Century.

None of these things matter because she's just letting out her racist anger at the people she blames for her own personal choices that have led her to the "non-dignified" life she suffers. No different from the "THEY TOOK OUR JOBS" MAGA she disdains except for which racial group she's targeting. Their solutions are the same: more people should be impoverished.
Some dude tried to dox JKs daughter but instead doxxed some random. 

Meanwhile the JK thread is suddenly making "need to reply" hidden posts hmm
(03-21-2024, 01:23 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Some dude tried to dox JKs daughter but instead doxxed some random. 

Meanwhile the JK thread is suddenly making "need to reply" hidden posts hmm

it's okay to doxx if the shemales do it.
Joanne strips the usernames from screenshots and even does screenshots instead of reply tweets to small accounts. Yet they're trying to claim she deliberately targets people? huh
It's funny how many progressives believe in "sins of the father" too. But that's none of my business...
I hope the ResetEra admin team will post to the Rowling thread and demand all of them disavow the doxxing attempt. To not do so would mean that staff are in danger should doxxing become open season!
SolVanderlyn wrote:I feel you. I've invited an Arab friend of mine to go to protests with me, and she just tells me it won't achieve anything, that it's just "words in the air." On some level, I know she's got a point, which makes my heart sink. I can feel the dejection in her voice when she tells me that, as if she wishes she didn't believe that, as if she's reached a dead end. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people felt this way at this point.

I just figure at the very least, it's worth exercising the free speech I have in my country to protest its actions. There was a photographer at the last protest/march I went to who said he's been covering free speech protests since the Vietnam War. Even though those protests didn't stop the war, they were still documented evidence of people trying to advocate for humanity. Maybe I, and anyone else protesting or donating where they can, will help history remember that there was resistance, that people cried out against what's going on, that people tried to get their country to stop funding genocide.

At least, I like to think that way. Even a voice ringing out into the air can have meaning

Or she’s not interested in going to an extremist rally and being documented being there. The fact this guy falls back to “well maybe the history books will remember me being there with a sign” says it all. True virtue signalling.
First ResetEra allows the Stonetoss doxx on their site! Now they allow allow Rowling harassers to congregate!


Thank you for your service! Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy! Bowdown
(03-21-2024, 01:38 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
SolVanderlyn wrote:Even though those protests didn't stop the war, they were still documented evidence of people trying to advocate for humanity.
Then why didn't they oppose North Vietnam's invasion? But that's none of my business...
Maybe try this on your sign:
"Israel AND Hamas out of Gaza"

See what reaction you get. Society

I tried to find the last time JK apologised and retracted something but I couldn't find anything because I was swamped with articles of all the times JK rowling forced people to apologise and retract something.

Sorry bro, you're fucked.
Has she posted anything offensive or outright wrong?

You posted what you thought was her daughter so... people could yell at the daughter? I don't know what your point was supposed to be. Joanne's usually making some kind of argument in her posts. (Or promoting something.)
The "apology" is so slimy.  Comeon
(03-21-2024, 01:02 AM)Echelon wrote: I wonder what might have the General Manager pissbitch so upset recently.

[Image: 1705987408717]
[Image: Screenshot-2024-03-20-200200.png]

I'm no finance expert, but doesn't that first graph indicate they're very close to insolvent?
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
No, that's basically what the entire company exists to do. They spent a lot on some stupid thing earlier, it was in one of Hap's updates.

It's probably not good considering none of their properties make much money. At some point idiot investors will stop giving them money to buy things so they can sell how they bought a bunch of things to other idiots.
One of the amusing ironies of posters constantly claiming that others only care about "line goes up" and "infinite growth" is that MOBA's entire business plan is buying things then aggregating the registered user counts then telling ignorant investors how they now have a "network" of x number of users as if this will eventually make things profitable when some eventual magic occurs that will do something undeclared.
Was surprised how much money resetera was bringing in on ads, not enough to justify a big takeover like this, but cerium was definitely taking in some dough
They basically gave Cerium a three year advance so he could go take a nap.

Another cis white woman showing her ass:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Brianna Wu doesn’t have the charisma to carry a twitch stream on her own let alone a news channel lol
(03-21-2024, 12:52 AM)benji wrote:
(03-21-2024, 12:32 AM)Uncle wrote: can you square reparations with communism?

I assume their idea is first, under capitalism, pay people back what they deserve during the times there are still haves and have-nots, and then transition to a perfectly equal utopia?
They aren't thinking of them as reparations to actual individuals, but to ethnic groups. The capital won't be given to individuals but controlled by new ethnostates. That are based on the U.S. Census. So there will be one "Indigenous" state rather than all the different tribes. One "Black" state, one "Latinx" state, etc.

(03-21-2024, 01:23 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Some dude tried to dox JKs daughter but instead doxxed some random. 

Meanwhile the JK thread is suddenly making "need to reply" hidden posts hmm

🏳️‍⚧️ #LGBwiththeT 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQIA+ 🏆 Award-winning news service est. 2002 as
to cover Harry Potter, now reporting on the demise of JK Rowling's legacy.
That Wizarding News account is one of the best for seeing a person angry that Joanne betrayed them by having one different opinion from them and then spending all their time never letting this go.
MoonsaultSlayer wrote:The simple act of searching for something and seeing hate campaign thumbnails related to it makes me so fucking angry. I hate that they're allowed to have a platform. Fuck these tech companies.

Like when the retardEra Hogwarts legacy ban came up on many gaming sites and channels? Seemed pretty hateful to me… 

andymoogle wrote:About fucking time. They better be deemed responsible in the end. Fuck social media for breeding white supremacists for years and years with no punishment.

Likely going to shake out that more far left extremism came out of this social media bubble including the rise in communist worshipping freaks. But what do I know
(03-21-2024, 03:33 AM)benji wrote:

So she’s definitely hiding her blue checkmark right? Don’t think you can go over the character limit otherwise.

Fucking losers lol
lint2015 wrote:I enjoyed Ghostbusters 2016 much more than Afterlife. I gave Afterlife a fair shot but it just felt like a stale concept that was only carried by the nostalgia. It's also pretty concerning that the people in charge of the Ghostbusters franchise basically capitulated to the small segment of vocal bullies and misogynists in the fanbase that couldn't accept an all-women team, basically pretending 2016 doesn't exist.

The trailer for this one didn't do much to amp up my interest, so I'll eventually get around to watching this, but it won't be in theatres.

kowhite wrote:How did the people in charge of GB capitulate to those people? The movie lost money, it didn't do well. Nobody was gonna make a sequel to that. Afterlife said let's try again tie in to the original franchise oh and have a much lower budget. That worked better for Sony. What am I missing?

Better watch it buddy, referencing sales data is a common chud gamergater tactic 

(03-21-2024, 03:55 AM)benji wrote: That Wizarding News account is one of the best for seeing a person angry that Joanne betrayed them by having one different opinion from them and then spending all their time never letting this go.

It's funny that I disagree with her on like 80 issues and agree on 1 and kinda like her, and they agree with her on 80 issues and disagree on 1 and absolutely hate her for it. The purity requirements with these dudes are astounding.


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