Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(03-29-2024, 08:54 PM)Potato wrote:
Quote:Good god, you can feel the sexual repression coming off of this intro. What the fuck. Like the devs never had a clear chance to interact with an actual woman and this was their one golden chance to do so.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
ERAsure of the marginalized!

The model who portrays the character isn’t a real woman, says balding bearded man who calls himself a lesbian.

I am just starting the Stellar Blade shitstorm and it’s as entertaining as I hoped. Saw lots of people talking about the game, everyone seems to be liking it. I’d get it for sure if it was coming to PS4. And I knew the burqas were gonna SEETHE.
*Double post*
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
If normal people offline knew half of what is going on behind those anime avatars  Maduro
Resetera: "You have to listen to women, never dare dismiss them"

*Shakira has extremly mild take about Barbie*

After rereading the staff post, multiple people are going back to antagonizing each other. Too bad Morrigan's staff post from 2021 isn't being applied for the cross sniping in the thread.
Quote:Empower women and reinforce gender roles in the same sentence. Don't see that very often.

I mean this is the woman who made her fortune by singing, "my hips don't lie".
Sounds a bit like misogyny, no?
Quote:I liked the demo, highlights for me were the music on Eidos 7 and the boss fights. I definitely want to give the full game a go and experiment more with the equipment load-outs.

Speaking as a woman (because we are not a monolith like some are trying to imply) I don't mind "problematic" female protagonists in character action games like Nier Automata, Lollipop Chainsaw and Bayonetta, it barely even registers to me compared to the real-life misogyny I have experienced in my lifetime. You'll find that a lot of women either aren't bothered or even vibe with such designs and express that through cosplay and fan art. I don't understand why this game has to be some deep cultural battleground: we can examine and criticise media while still enjoying it.


I told you all months ago this game would change everything.
We've crossed the rubicon there is no turning back OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™
Oh no -

Quote:Downloaded the demo, played it, quick thoughts
- beautiful environments. Loved the opening.
- soundtrack was pretty alright but loved the tune when you're in the rest area.
- combat is enjoyable and my kind of cup of tea.
- the characters looks are pleasing, beautiful and lovely. I like the aesthetic and hope for more.

My gf had in line the same feeling for the demo. She loved the city scape feeling and thought the main character was pretty but loved Tachy more though lol

Absolutely sickening. Stay safe ladies.
Quote:Rosebud said:
"Men and women have different roles" is such a cis thing to say

I wish we had a sad Sylvia Plath emoji
They can't hide behind their usual "we just want to be seen" gaslighting anymore, they actively want non-woke content to be banned and censored.

In fact, they demand anything and everyone that goes against their ideology be purged or shipped off to the gulag.
If Eve was a burqa wearing 500 pound black woman in a wheelchair waving a trans flag, they'd cheer and call it the best game ever. 

But she isn't so they're going to shit up any thread related (and unrelated) to Stellar Blade for the coming months until B-Cuck finally bans any discussion about Stellar Blade in a condescending "*sigh*, grow up children" post aimed at the "chuds" actually playing the game. What is allowed though is threads to highlight how problematic it is.
[Image: 5zaicRY.png]

"easier to believe a woman doesn't exist rather than believing my opinion isn't universal"

will laugh if the ex-mod in there gets banned for not agreeing 100% with these dorks
Windrunner wrote:I liked the demo, highlights for me were the music on Eidos 7 and the boss fights. I definitely want to give the full game a go and experiment more with the equipment load-outs.

Speaking as a woman (because we are not a monolith like some are trying to imply) I don't mind "problematic" female protagonists in character action games like Nier Automata, Lollipop Chainsaw and Bayonetta, it barely even registers to me compared to the real-life misogyny I have experienced in my lifetime. You'll find that a lot of women either aren't bothered or even vibe with such designs and express that through cosplay and fan art. I don't understand why this game has to be some deep cultural battleground: we can examine and criticise media while still enjoying it.


TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121156161, member: 40323 wrote:Nah, while these April Fools are annoying, corporate AF's quickly get forgotten and don't really harm people.

The worse April Fools "jokes" and "pranks" are from people who use the day to openly be hurtful and to revel in their own worse tendencies.

Like stuff I've personally experienced are someone coming right up to my face to tell me that I you should have been aborted, beating me up, trying to push me down the stairs or punching me in the back of the head, homophobia or telling me they ran over my pet cat (aka the shit that made me despise April Fools for years).

And that's not even going into stuff using today to justify sexual assault, breaking into people's home, pretend their stealing people's cars, harass strangers etc etc. Even stuff that's considered harmless like wrecking someone's expensive lego set or filling someone's room with balloon (then expect the victim to clean it up) or jokes or pranks that end up accidently breaking other people's stuff can be really bad for people who have social issues or have flat out said they just want to left alone or are too tired; which of course then leads to the issue that the victim is then vilified for reacting badly or feeling hurt or "grassing up" the prankster because their being a "bad sports".

So no, gaming pranks like these are NO WAY the worse kind of April's Fools Prank.

Wut Mindblown Wut
(04-01-2024, 05:33 PM)I don't swear wrote: After rereading the staff post, multiple people are going back to antagonizing each other. Too bad Morrigan's staff post from 2021 isn't being applied for the cross sniping in the thread.

snormy is in an asshole enabling mood
(04-01-2024, 05:48 PM)nachobro wrote: [Image: 5zaicRY.png]

"easier to believe a woman doesn't exist rather than believing my opinion isn't universal"

will laugh if the ex-mod in there gets banned for not agreeing 100% with these dorks
A couple of posts after that one
Quote:"My girlfriend and I enjoyed the demo"

"Impossible! You must be lying about having a girlfriend!"


TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121150119, member: 40323 wrote:Little tangent but their is a mistaken belief being against fetishism, objectification and sexualization = Not finding fictional characters attractive or sexy which is absurdly not true. Feminists find fictional characters attractive all the time because being attracted to fictional characters is itself not an issue, the same way I feel shipping can be a very healthy and fun thing that can allow women and LGBTQ+ people comfortable expressing their feelings and emotions (and WLW women make the most adorable fan art).

FF7 I feel is a great example of this because the majority of people I personally know who find Tifa attractive are women, women love Tifa (and wish she would date Aerith and SQ focused more on her muscles and strength but that's besides the point) but side eyed and groaned at the bikini scene in FF7R because it degrades the character and was just fetishizistic and embarrassing. Same thing with Cammy. For women, Tifa is at her sexiest when she's kicking arse or arm wrestling, when she's allowed to be a character. As I admitted elsewhere on ERA, Pokemon's Cynthia and Gardenia were two childhood crushes of mine but I would 100% calling foul if the PMC started to objectify the two to sell game copies.

It's one of those thing people can often forget, the difference between sexy and sexualized and that one of the things for the former is personality that so many of these chuds and developers just don't seem to get. I've said in the past that I love well written femme fatales and one of the big reasons for that is their personalities and specifically their confidence. The best and sexiest femme fatales to me are the ones, hero or villains are the ones brimming with confidence, assertiveness and just plain fun to be around like Ada Wong in RE4. I wish I had that sort of confidence. As I've said before in this thread, it frustrates me how much of Darkstalkers' Morrigan personality has been lost over the years to the point that her character in some cases is just sexual (or just turned into a villain like Udon or Teppen did).

Some women find kindness to be sexy, being quirky and goofy sexy, being a good friend, funny, being a complete dork etc. One of the fictional women I've noticed recently that so many WLW women seem to love is Dungeon Meshi's Marcille and so much of that is based around her personality.
[Image: latest?cb=20240218173012&path-prefix=protagonist]

I think this is why so many women abandoned DOA (to the point men started to pretend women never liked or played the series). Women fans of that series liked these characters as characters, loved their personalities and playing as them but more and more it became clear that Team Ninja didn't feel the same, treating them more as dolls to sexualize for the pleasure of men and to sell DLC and this got more and more until it became to much and most of the women fans left the series. Why stay when what drew you in was lost.

To me, a character who just a soulless doll to be objectified isn't sexy, it's just gross and creepy because its makes it clear the people making her don't care about women as people, as people with personalities.

Quote:Women have been fired due to calling out the misogyny of the game. That takes it to a tier above just in game.
(04-01-2024, 12:58 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
klauskpm wrote:For sure, and thanks for keep pushing it as well. Every progress is very much appreciated. I remember that the very first time I saw non-binary pronouns in Portuguese used on an anime (Komi Can't Communicate) I was touched.

I know this can be silly coming from a person who is not directly affected by it, but it is extremely heart warming to see characters portrait with respect when the norm is being dismissed or a joke.
This is silly in general.

(04-01-2024, 04:19 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Thrash Panda wrote:By allowing the silencing of women on this forum through fear, intimidation and downplaying of concerns, you are doing just as your government is doing to women in your country.
                          inflammatory comparison?
is this? 

(04-01-2024, 05:40 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote:
Quote:Rosebud said:
"Men and women have different roles" is such a cis thing to say
How is this not the trans logic? ???

(04-01-2024, 05:53 PM)BIONIC wrote:

TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121156161, member: 40323 wrote:Nah, while these April Fools are annoying, corporate AF's quickly get forgotten and don't really harm people.

The worse April Fools "jokes" and "pranks" are from people who use the day to openly be hurtful and to revel in their own worse tendencies.

Like stuff I've personally experienced are someone coming right up to my face to tell me that I you should have been aborted, beating me up, trying to push me down the stairs or punching me in the back of the head, homophobia or telling me they ran over my pet cat (aka the shit that made me despise April Fools for years).

And that's not even going into stuff using today to justify sexual assault, breaking into people's home, pretend their stealing people's cars, harass strangers etc etc. Even stuff that's considered harmless like wrecking someone's expensive lego set or filling someone's room with balloon (then expect the victim to clean it up) or jokes or pranks that end up accidently breaking other people's stuff can be really bad for people who have social issues or have flat out said they just want to left alone or are too tired; which of course then leads to the issue that the victim is then vilified for reacting badly or feeling hurt or "grassing up" the prankster because their being a "bad sports".

So no, gaming pranks like these are NO WAY the worse kind of April's Fools Prank.
"It wasn't sexual slavery, it was an April Fools prank." - plagiarize, probably
Sit down, right there. I'm gonna tell you which Pokemon I wanna fuck

I love how everybody usually just ignores TheEchosOfTheCyborg's insane posts.
(04-01-2024, 05:53 PM)BIONIC wrote:

TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121156161, member: 40323 wrote:Nah, while these April Fools are annoying, corporate AF's quickly get forgotten and don't really harm people.

The worse April Fools "jokes" and "pranks" are from people who use the day to openly be hurtful and to revel in their own worse tendencies.

Like stuff I've personally experienced are someone coming right up to my face to tell me that I you should have been aborted, beating me up, trying to push me down the stairs or punching me in the back of the head, homophobia or telling me they ran over my pet cat (aka the shit that made me despise April Fools for years).

And that's not even going into stuff using today to justify sexual assault, breaking into people's home, pretend their stealing people's cars, harass strangers etc etc. Even stuff that's considered harmless like wrecking someone's expensive lego set or filling someone's room with balloon (then expect the victim to clean it up) or jokes or pranks that end up accidently breaking other people's stuff can be really bad for people who have social issues or have flat out said they just want to left alone or are too tired; which of course then leads to the issue that the victim is then vilified for reacting badly or feeling hurt or "grassing up" the prankster because their being a "bad sports".

So no, gaming pranks like these are NO WAY the worse kind of April's Fools Prank.

Wut Mindblown Wut

What the world considers a typical April fools joke: "Oh no, I scratched your car" ... "haha I actually didn't, april fools"

What a Resetera member considers a typical April fools joke:

[Image: deliverance8.jpg]

Phellps wrote:It's par for the course, these people rally around anything that even sligthly aligns with their agenda (which isn't the case with Stellar Blade since it completely aligns with their agenda), so it's not surprising. The game could turn out to be awful and they'd never admit it.
someone is off their meds
Wonder what that dude's Ree account is, holy fuck

Quote:/R/Todayilearned debates if being toxic on a video game warrants tracking down a 13 year olds house to physically assault them.


Original Title;
“TIL A 46 year old man tracked and attacked a 13 year old kid after being repeatedly killed and taunted by the boy in the video game Call of Duty: Black Ops.”

For further context, the man was a family acquaintance and knew where the boy lived. A debate starts on if the 13 year old is actually in the wrong for being toxic on a video game.

[Link to original post.](

-**The Drama**

>”I don't condone it, but I understand.”


>[I’m conflicted. On one hand of course you shouldn’t beat up a 13 year old. On the other hand god damn the look on that little shits face must’ve been glorious. The “oh shit” moment of someone who talks shit all day thinking they’re untouchable all of sudden realizing they’re wrong.”](

>”On the one hand, no, that's bad. On the other hand, there are many little shitheads who genuinely deserve it. So, the kid wasn't actually hurt, just scared. Maybe two lessons were learned that day, one for controlling your temper and another about being a little shithead online thinking you're anonymous and untouchable.”

>”No child “deserves” to be physically abused by emotionally unstable adults, psycho.”

>”You're exaggerating the situation. 13 is hardly a child when we're talking about a bully. The shithead is old enough to know better. Just like the old guy. And he was not physically abused, just roughed up a little. Enough to scare but not hurt. Everyone in the situation is wrong. You don't need to defend the honor of the shithead bully so hard.”


>”No one deserves to be annoyed by little shits either. The thing is, kids often push boundaries until someone puts a stop to it. In real life, consequences of being a little shit tend to come way sooner, but the anonymity of the internet from the safety of their homes allows them to feel way too comfortable pushing those boundaries as much as they want without having to face consequences of any kind. Usually anyway. Classic case of fuck around and find out and no, kids aren't an exception, nor should they be.”


>”Talk shit get hit. Not saying that a grown beating up a child over shit talk is warranted, but shit talk isnt "doing nothing wrong". Like if someone jay walks and flips me off while doing so,  it isnt okay for me to speed up and intentionally run them over. But just because what I did was a thousand times worse doesnt mean they did nothing wrong.”


>[”People who 'understand ' a grown ass man attacking a kid because he got pissed about a game need some fucking help just like this guy. It's a fucking game. Get a grip People. Join a different fucking lobby or just turn the game off, you obviously need more time off the damn thing.”](

>”Have you ever had a kid just cuss you out about you and your family for 10 minutes straight ? Shit gets to you if you dont mute that person. During those times, you play against or with the same players. A lot of people talk alot of shit playing video games.”


>”Talk shit, get hit. The internet make people feel like they can be asshole on the Internet without consequences.”
(04-01-2024, 06:00 PM)BIONIC wrote:
TheEchosOfTheCyborg, post: 121150119, member: 40323 wrote:Little tangent but their is a mistaken belief being against fetishism, objectification and sexualization = Not finding fictional characters attractive or sexy which is absurdly not true. Feminists find fictional characters attractive all the time because being attracted to fictional characters is itself not an issue, the same way I feel shipping can be a very healthy and fun thing that can allow women and LGBTQ+ people comfortable expressing their feelings and emotions (and WLW women make the most adorable fan art).
FF7 I feel is a great example of this because the majority of people I personally know who find Tifa attractive are women, women love Tifa (and wish she would date Aerith and SQ focused more on her muscles and strength but that's besides the point) but side eyed and groaned at the bikini scene in FF7R because it degrades the character and was just fetishizistic and embarrassing. Same thing with Cammy. For women, Tifa is at her sexiest when she's kicking arse or arm wrestling, when she's allowed to be a character. As I admitted elsewhere on ERA, Pokemon's Cynthia and Gardenia were two childhood crushes of mine but I would 100% calling foul if the PMC started to objectify the two to sell game copies.
It's one of those thing people can often forget, the difference between sexy and sexualized and that one of the things for the former is personality that so many of these chuds and developers just  don't seem to get. I've said in the past that I love well written femme fatales and one of the big reasons for that is their personalities and specifically their confidence. The best and sexiest femme fatales to me are the ones, hero or villains are the ones brimming with confidence, assertiveness and just plain fun to be around like Ada Wong in RE4. I wish I had that sort of confidence. As I've said before in this thread, it frustrates me how much of Darkstalkers' Morrigan personality has been lost over the years to the point that her character in some cases is just sexual (or just turned into a villain like Udon or Teppen did).
Some women find kindness to be sexy, being quirky and goofy sexy, being a good friend, funny, being a complete dork etc. One of the fictional women I've noticed recently that so many WLW women seem to love is Dungeon Meshi's Marcille and so much of that is based around her personality.
[Image: latest?cb=20240218173012&path-prefix=protagonist]
I think this is why so many women abandoned DOA (to the point men started to pretend women never liked or played the series). Women fans of that series liked these characters as characters, loved their personalities and playing as them but more and more it became clear that Team Ninja didn't feel the same, treating them more as dolls to sexualize for the pleasure of men and to sell DLC and this got more and more until it became to much and most of the women fans left the series. Why stay when what drew you in was lost.
To me, a character who just a soulless doll to be objectified isn't sexy, it's just gross and creepy because its makes it clear the people making her don't care about women as people, as people with personalities.

None of that made any fucking sense. 

People like hyper sexualized fictional women. People like hyper sexualized fictional men. People like hyper sexualized fictional animals. People like hyper sexualized fictional bull dykes. Anime kids, cars, balloons, etc… ResetEra is full of disgusting weird fucks, along with most nerd communities. Why can’t you assholes see that you all have a kink, and not(your words) “kink shame” others, you fucking morons! But the truth is that you’re a bunch of fascist fucks who want this forum to be a lady-boys club only, plus whatever plans Nep has to create her own terrorist cult cell.
Kyuntuji, wrote:Comparing the mods here to the Iranian regime over not being allowed to gush over a sex doll character designed by misogynists in a post intended to provoke women critical of the design. Alright lol.

[Image: VwfcQEa.png]
(04-01-2024, 06:00 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Quote:I think this is why so many women abandoned DOA (to the point men started to pretend women never liked or played the series). Women fans of that series liked these characters as characters, loved their personalities and playing as them but more and more it became clear that Team Ninja didn't feel the same, treating them more as dolls to sexualize for the pleasure of men and to sell DLC and this got more and more until it became to much and most of the women fans left the series. Why stay when what drew you in was lost.


First of all, Women didn't abandon DOA, everyone abandoned DOA. Not because of the characters being too sexy but because they kept adding micro transaction shit and the game's tech didn't manage to keep up with the competition.

Second: How fucking dumb do you have to be to claim that it's the chuds claiming that women never played DOA. IT'S THE ILK IN THE VERY THREAD YOUR POSTING IN WHO CLAIM THAT. 

Just an absolute brain damaged person
I don't know how the moderators can be this fucking stupid - I really can't, despite all fucking prior historical evidence - that they're just allowing a bunch of He/Hims from the whoreswhoreswhores thread to openly antagonise and brigade a thread on their own fucking forum.

Like, its not even the discord brigading we all know happens. Its right in the fucking open.
DOA ended because Microsoft stopped throwing money hats at it.

Just one of the many WAR CRIMES they committed.
(04-01-2024, 06:24 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
Kyuntuji, wrote:Comparing the mods here to the Iranian regime over not being allowed to gush over a sex doll character designed by misogynists in a post intended to provoke women critical of the design. Alright lol.

[Image: VwfcQEa.png]

Is the word  “doll” her newly discovered word or something? Or do you think the hive mind cooked that up in the discord?

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