Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(04-02-2024, 01:01 AM)Averon wrote: I wonder if M.O.A.B told B-Dumbs to stop banning shit that tanks the forum's traffic. I'd imagine M.O.A.B saw the analytics before/after the CyberPunk 2077 and Hogwarts Legacy bans and told B-Dumbs to stop doing that. Only thing that would explain why B-Dumbs--who usually relents to their every whims--won't relent on this: banning more games.

Lol. Dude going to threaten to unalive themselves over a video game and the sane people will just shrug.

I don't have a ps5 and am not a pedo, so don't really know shit about this game except it creates salt pillars that soar towards the heavens.
(04-01-2024, 11:07 PM)BIONIC wrote:

doops., post: 121149681, member: 70863 wrote:Such a bodacious classic. I wish trans people were real :/

[Image: C7S0ouqVAAANACj.jpg]
It’s like the trolley problem where one track is a bunch of happy normal people and a second track is a miserable sad sack who willingly walked on the track demanding to plow through the first track. This confounds the moderation team.

Gamers can't be reasoned with. Gamers don't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And Gamers absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!
(04-02-2024, 12:58 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Morrigan wrote:As far as I know it's against the forum rules to demand that things be banned, no matter the perceived double standards or inconsistency. Honestly it would be nice if people just stopped with this. I get why you're annoyed but we can criticize the game without demanding the game be banned or attacking folks who choose to play it. 
Aren't they trying to do this for SB?
How can they say there's a genocide when these retards own the Haiti of video game forums?
How are we supposed to feel safe on a forum where the staff cater completely to Gamergate? Like it's absurd I even have to say this in 2024 and on the day after Transgender Visibility Day of all days.
Constructive remains the containment thread for people who think maybe some standards for communication might be kinda okay:
Rukland wrote:Report it, the mods can't deal with what they don't see.
FatalT wrote:What? I've reported many of those posts though, I said as much in the post you quoted. The problem is that I never see a response after reporting those posts so I'm wondering where the line is on who is okay to wish death upon and who isn't, since apparently there's a line there.
CommodoreKong wrote:I reported a post this weekend that literally said "I hope Biden dies." and nothing has happened.
arimanius wrote:I reported the same post a couple of days ago as well and nothing.

I get it but I wouldn't think this site would want that.
Rosebud wrote:People wishing for politicians or awful people in general to die are very common in the forum since the beggining
Ulysses Cheeks wrote:It feels like there should be a sitewide policy against wishing death on people. Like that's one easy and simple rule we all should be able to agree on.
Conditional-Pancakes wrote:There are some threads I just won't go in because I know I'll read that kind of comment, and I just can't stand it. There are plenty of ways you can unambiguously condemn someone, and directly wishing for their death shouldn't be something that's tolerated. And it's not like it's happening just once in a while when people are highly emotional after some big event, reading people expressly wishing death on other people is such a common occurrence here.

I also would like a zero tolerance policy about this kind of stuff. There's just no excuse. It's disgusting.

Some Discord somewhere must have notified Shoot, who is apalled at this abuse:
Shoot wrote:I don't appreciate this thread being abused to brigade me into a ban behind my back.
Rosebud wrote:People wishing for politicians or awful people in general to die are very common in the forum since the beggining
This. What else can you say to this?
WP: U.S. signs off on more bombs, warplanes for Israel
If we can wish death on Mitch Mconnel then we can do so here.
He then edited his post to take out the McConnell bit and add an AlJazeera article about the horrors in Gaza:
Quote:He played an instrumental role in killing over 32,000 people and while he virtue signals for his base he sends more and more 2,000 lb bunker busters to kill more people.

Tell me the world isn't better off without the people behind this:
Love in the time of genocide
For weeks in southern Gaza during a recent visit, I collected stories of women admitted to hospital, each of them there to recover from what they call "war wounds". But it's not a war, because only one side has an actual army. Only one side is a state with full military wares.

These victims were mothers, wives and babies, whose slight bodies were pierced, torn, broken and burned. Their deeper injuries aren't visible, until they open up about their lives over the past five months.
One young mother, Jamila (not her real name), cried for the first time since she held her six-year-old son's lifeless body in the dark, her fingers accidentally sinking into his brain. She's one of the few who sobbed, surrendering to the memory.

Their family had been targeted by tank fire, not a missile. A drone, perhaps with heat-sensitive sensors she thinks, hovered outside their building, and shelling followed them as they ran from one side of their apartment to the other, unable to exit.
Two weeks later, after fleeing from place to place, an Israeli soldier shot her three-year-old daughter Nour in her arms, shattering both of her tiny legs as they cowered in terror inside a hospital they thought would be safe.

When I met baby Nour, she had metal bars sticking out of her tiny shins, with a long scar running the length of her right calf, where the bullet had exited.
Nina, her husband and the rest of the group eventually made it to a temporary stop in Gaza City, from where they moved along fencing walls to reach a shelter. They went one at a time, on the logic that if Israel fired on them, they would not all die. Losing one was better than 75 at once.

One person was indeed shot by a sniper after nearly half of them had made it, splitting the group for a while until they again mustered the courage to run for it, again, one at a time. Children were split up between the parents. Half a family killed is better than all of it. Such were the choices they had to make, not unlike "Sophie's Choice".
Eventually, soldiers entered. "At least 80 of them," she said. They separated the men from the women and children, stripping the former to nothing but their boxers in the dead of winter. The women and children were crammed into a small storage room, the men split into two classrooms. For three nights and four days, they listened to the screams of their husbands, fathers, and brothers being beaten and tortured in the other rooms, until finally, soldiers ordered the women, in broken Arabic, to take their children and "go south".
She and Hamad made it out together. When they finally arrived somewhere safe, they realised his leg had been broken, his wrists were cut by the plastic ties, and his back bore the Star of David.

Among the screams Nina had heard over the previous days had been her husband's, as a soldier used a knife to carve the Jewish symbol into his back.

Which is met with essentially 'okay but how about we just don't deathwish':
Conditional-Pancakes wrote:Are you really trying to defend some kind of right to wish death on people? Am I reading this correctly? That's... kind of scary and worrying.

We shouldn't be able to wish death on anybody. I think that's the point people are currently trying to make.

So on the one hand a group of people asking for basic decorum on the forum in a thread dedicated to constructive criticism. on the other, someone wading in to relitigate how evil Biden is. The true magic of Era is I have no idea who, if anyone, will catch threadbans from this. It's not as exciting as the Stellar Blade drama, but I enjoy the slow descent into madness.

Answer: Nobody, B-Dubs just makes a threat to shut down discussion. Good use of a feedback thread.
Conditional-Pancakes wrote:Are you really trying to defend some kind of right to wish death on people? Am I reading this correctly? That's... kind of scary and worrying.

We shouldn't be able to wish death on anybody. I think that's the point people are currently trying to make.
Shoot wrote:Watch list? For saying the same thing people said about Trump for his entire presidency?
B-Dubs wrote:Hey, enough with the personal arguing or I'll ban all of you from the thread.
BaconHat wrote:While i can understand the feeling of wanting to defend yourself, it's really tiring seeing yet another attempt at derailing the only thread we have to talk to the mods about administrative choices to speak about Biden.
Edit : Just saw your post B-dubs, sorry about this post.
This fucking game is going to implode the goddamned site I can feel it. "Give us nonwhite sword lesbians vs testicle monsters, you cowards!" they demanded, dripping with contempt that such a game IP wasn't locked in a bidding war. Then shock, disbelief, anger...when Best Korea answered the call. "NOT LIKE THAT!" they shrieked.

Also, has this demo really paused the genocide? Holy shit.
AnOwlWithKnees wrote:There is no point discussing this because you're going to get silenced. As much as I agree with all of you.

Mods will shortly be here and 'tap their sign' (which is absolutely condescending as fuck when phrased this way, as it has been repeatedly) and allow no discussion whatsoever on the issue. They will threaten to be in a 'banning mood' and that their last nerve has been struck. Taking an authoritarian threat tactic to stifle discussion. Even though it clearly means a lot to people in this thread. This is part of the problem. It's why so many sub-groups have been driven off the forums into discords.

It's not as if I post on Era a lot or particularly care if I'm banned, it's just a disappointing state of affairs from the staff here and the media at large to see such a lack of response to a clear, easily researchable issue. Always eye-opening.

You read that, B-Dumbs? The Burka Brigade are gonna bee driven off ERA if you don't relent and ban Stellar Blade!
Mfw when Jeff tells me to trust the staff will protect me from Gamergate when people are literally posting about Stellar Blade as we speak:
Is Stellar Blade really going to be the hill they want to die on? Stellar fucking Blade? Should've been JK Rowling.
I can't even go on the Nazi hellsite (not full of capital-G Gamers, the other one) without Elon pushing me this game when I search for "stellar blade" and it just makes me think like why the fuck are we allowing them to do this to us? Why are the cis not armed up and in the streets?
I'm going to say it.

Swimming still isn't banned. BASED MODS.  Applause
Oh, you like Stellar Blade? How about the stellar blade that is the hookup knife to my throat if I don't get what I want right this minute? And also any donations you may be willing to give to my Ko-Fi.
ShiftUp wants people like me dead and the staff don't even care. The cruelty is the point.

Twohearts wrote:In an attempt to re-rail the thread, my headkid Bridie has been playing Yo-Kai Watch 2 and fae have latched onto the Yo-Kai "Toiletta" (Hanako-san) who from what I understand is based on the folk legend of a primary school student who was beaten to death in a school bathroom. I understand why she likes teh caharacter (she feels like she herself is a ghost child) but this is all just a very weird thing to have in a kids game in my opinion.

[Image: Toiletta.png]

Leggly is also just really weird for a kids game, especially as the people who they inspirit get "The best legs in town" so there's a yokai in a kids game who makes people sexy

[Image: Leggly.png]

Bridie back at it again.  doggy

Twobenjis, post: 121179408, member: 164181 wrote:In an attempt to re-rail the thread, my headkid Bridie has been playing Yo-Kai Watch 2 and fae have latched onto the Yo-Kai "Toiletta" (Hanako-san) who from what I understand is based on the folk legend of a primary school student who was beaten to death in a school bathroom. I understand why she likes teh caharacter (she feels like she herself is a ghost child) but this is all just a very weird thing to have in a kids game in my opinion.

[Image: Toiletta.png]

Leggly is also just really weird for a kids game, especially as the people who they inspirit get "The best legs in town" so there's a yokai in a kids game who makes people sexy
[Image: Leggly.png]

Not like this!
(04-02-2024, 02:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I'm going to say it.

Swimming still isn't banned. BASED MODS.  Applause

[Image: iHQXpkm.png]

they can't provide any justification as to why  lol lol
(04-02-2024, 02:17 AM)Uncle wrote:
(04-02-2024, 02:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I'm going to say it.

Swimming still isn't banned. BASED MODS.  Applause

[Image: iHQXpkm.png]

they can't provide any justification as to why  lol lol

Just a threadban and not a real one? Probably did it to shut the whiners up. I'll say it again. BASED MODS  Applause
So the headmate is now dabbling in kids games. A perfect red flag if there ever was one.
Bridie deserves their say in the thread as a girl. Fae are just as valid as anyone else.
(04-01-2024, 10:22 PM)I don't swear wrote:
(04-01-2024, 10:13 PM)Alpacx wrote: What would Resetera do if a poster had one Headmate really horny for Stellar Blade and another Headmate who's in the Burka Brigade?

If "child Headmate" and "intrusive thoughts about children Headmate" TwoHearts is valid what isn't?

If twohearts really is a troll, what an absolute commitment it is. Way too much work to do all that nonsense.

Only Benji has the dedication to shit posting and universal knowledge of the mental defects that afflict these people to pull this off.

Admit it Benji, you're twohearts!!
(04-02-2024, 02:19 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(04-02-2024, 02:17 AM)Uncle wrote:
(04-02-2024, 02:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I'm going to say it.

Swimming still isn't banned. BASED MODS.  Applause

[Image: iHQXpkm.png]

they can't provide any justification as to why  lol lol

Just a threadban and not a real one? Probably did it to shut the whiners up. I'll say it again. BASED MODS  Applause

Oh so now we're just gonna let white fragility slide? Allies ain't shit  Shaq
(04-01-2024, 11:17 PM)I don't swear wrote: Up to something in those threads. Hopefully I get far enough or I just get banned. Having ZeoVGM on ignore makes the site 100x better but if I lose it, oh well.

Professor Scott Steiner

Don't interact with the zoo exhibits. This is not a petting zoo. Just point and laugh at the monkeys when they fling shit at each other.
Burka thread going absolutely nuts because someone dared to call a character a Karen and then being absolutely cool with two hearts talking about her head child   lol
(04-02-2024, 01:01 AM)Averon wrote: I wonder if M.O.A.B told B-Dumbs to stop banning shit since that tanks the forum's traffic. I'd imagine M.O.A.B saw the forum's analytics before/after the CyberPunk 2077 and Hogwarts Legacy bans and told B-Dumbs to stop doing that. Only thing that would explain why B-Dumbs--who usually relents to their every whims--won't relent on this: banning more games.

keep in mind that part of it could also be stubbornness

they've always had a rule since then that you do NOT ask for games to be banned

they want to be miserable and angry and right about everything, so once they've set a rule, that is the Good and Just thing to do, and those trying to skirt it become their enemies, which gets to the righteous indignation part

also they might be picturing a future where 100+ games are banned and people are reporting every direct mention of the game every time they see it so they're forced to ban random people left and right for not saying "wizard game"

laziness of not wanting to have to enforce that if nothing else

ClickyCal' wrote:Unfortunately it can be a thing where sometimes people will just throw in some 2 cents that aren't really necessary :/

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