Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
milkastrawberry wrote:I'll probably catch a ban for this, but I wish the devs of hogwarts legacy were afforded the same compassion that people are showing for this team

and their situation was not even that bad as jk was kept as far from the project as possible (and the game turned out to be pretty progressive) while this vavra dumbass is literally the creative director and can put their shitty views in the game for all to see (like the treatment of women)

I know consistency is not the strongest quality of this site but this really rubs me the wrong way and feels completely arbitrary


Quote:consistency is not the strongest quality of this site
Quote:This is gross. And to come after Kyuuji of all users? Come on now.

Say what you really want to say.

Maybe because Kyuuji has a lot to say about everything, but for some reason has been quiet as a mouse after they loved the demo.
Okay I’ll say it. Kyuuji is a total cunt and is encouraging a percentage of that forum to slowly kill themselves while ruining videogames chatter for everyone else.
Like the character Kyuuji, the trans mafia and the women's thread had labelled an absolute disgrace and disgusting. Now Kyuuji's constantly posting photos and videos of her like come on obviously people will think Kyuuji is a total hypocrite like multiple times before with the likes of Cyberpunk.
AnOwlWithKnees is now User Banned (Pending): Pending Further Review

No doubt they are waiting to see how much groveling happens on discord before Kyuuji lets them back in
Quote:User Banned (Pending): Pending Further Review

Thank you for your service!

Discord clique successfully defended their queen
Target neutralized! You come at the Queen, you better be prepared to rumble!
(04-13-2024, 12:15 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Minthara wrote:Also, the stance from Vavra about POC not being "historically accurate" is, of course, represented in the game itself. We also know it's a historically inaccurate portrayal, as Eurogamer went out of their way to interview a subject matter expert about the historical accuracy:

"We know of African kings in Constantinople on pilgrimage to Spain; we know of black Moors in Spain; we know of extensive travel of Jews from the courts of Cordoba and Damascus; we also know of black people in large cities in Germany," the historian, Sean Miller, tells me. Czech cities Olomouc and Prague were on the famous Silk Road which facilitated the trade of goods all over the world. If you plot a line between them, it runs directly through the area recreated in Kingdom Come. "You just can't know nobody got sick and stayed a longer time," he says. "What if a group of black Africans came through and stayed at an inn and someone got pregnant? Even one night is enough for a pregnancy."

So at the very least the game purposefully diminished the role and presence of POC in those times in order to make (mostly) all white Fantasy game.


Edit, even better, the guy cited isn’t an actual historian with a PHD, he is a meh level translator for Czech works.

Quote:Still, we're dealing here with a 'historian who specializes in the area' who apparently never published an article or a book of his own work, and whose translations are said to be not particularly good. The kicker? Not only is Miller not a professor, he does not hold a Ph.D. either. Klápšte (the author) refers to Miller as "Mr." rather than "Dr." in the acknowledgements to the English translation. This is not an artifact of the language, as another fellow is referred to as "Dr." on the very same page. So one wonders what the qualifications for being a 'historian' are now.

How on earth they even found this particular fellow is beyond me - usually professors have a university page with contact information, but of course, there is nothing of the sort for this guy. It would seem to me to be a case of just citing someone because you like what he has to say.

Verified freelance market director Rofl

Literally just making up whatever while posting from mommies basement to get verified status
Some Melody Shreds lore:

Melody Shreds wrote:Not quite the same thing but my own fucking father refused to believe that i could no longer open pickle jars, even after I told him years on hormones significantly reduced my muscle mass and overall physical strength. Like the idea that transitioning and taking HRT could have that great of an effect of the body was beyond him. That or he's just an asshole, I'm going with the latter.

[Image: ItwgjAV.png]

Fuck me. The HRT shouldn't stop you from keeping your room clean though.
(04-13-2024, 03:03 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Sophie Labelle and Assigned male have wiki pages:

Mike Triggered 

If you want an old summary from  some place that is not KiwiFarms:

Quote:The best thing the transgender community could do is distance themselves from this steaming pile of shit. Every part of this comic from the first page to the last is the worst kind of propaganda. I think I saw one convincing argument in the entire cesspool of the 68 pages I was required to read. There are multiple arguments on each page. Do the math. This comic is the last kid you should pick for your social movement kickball team. It's so bad at the game it scores most of its points against its own side

The review is a decade old, btw. But that's none of my business...

further reading

actual trans people hate it too (8 years ago before the wagons were circled and these kinds of statements would get you banned):

Quote:I only read it when you first linked it and never heard of it before but good god this is horrible. It's like the pinnacle of extremism and condescension that makes trans people less respected in the eyes of those who were on the edge and drives them to think of us as scary imbeciles. As you said this is barely even a comic. The art is trash and it's basically just the author ranting her crazy opinions using "characters".

Everything about it is what makes us as a group less credible like automatically dismissing the opinions of all cis white males (while assuming everyone who disagrees with her fits this demographic as you stated) and also in general just shaming cis people for not knowing everything about us automatically and looking for reasons to be offended. Like the first comic you linked in particular included someone assuming gender based on appearance and then the character got mad like you should never assume gender. What are you supposed to do then? If you don't fit what people assume you as tell them it's not their fault they aren't psychic and know you're trans. So many things about this comic piss me off. It's everything the internet hates about the trans acceptance movement bundled up into one shitty comic loaded with vitriol and non-existent characters. I hope no one actually sees this as a good comic.

Quote:Yeah as a fellow Quebecer (which the author is as well), she is extremely detrimental and toxic to the trans community up here.

She is a self-proclaimed "voice" of the trans community and this is just awful.

YOu're definitely right about her not taking criticism well. She doesn't take ANY.

She's like Tumblr... in real life. I'm part of the Trans community and lets just say actions she took (and her mislead followers) directly impacted in fracturing partnerships between trans and lgbt communities and associations.

Quote:Jesus, was she the person who got all up in arms about the mayor being at the pride parade, or some such thing? I'm having a hard time remembering the details but I think I remember that.

Quote:It's a really preachy, soap-boxy, un-subtle comic. I see it on my Facebook wall all the time and just facepalm at it. Everything is just so clinical about it, it's like an illustration from a particularly boring textbook on Gender Studies where a child is used to explain dumbed down concepts. No thanks. It also paints trans people as being really annoyingly anal about language and just makes me like it less.

Quote:Not my favorite either, the eye rolling tends to hurt every time I read one. I always feels like its one of those things were when you have a hammer everything begins to look like a nail.

Quote:I honestly couldn't tell if that comic was a parody or not when I read it a while back. I'm glad somebody else brought up how bad it is.

Quote:I read this one's backlog awhile back in one go, as I tend to do with webcomics that I haven't seen yet. Aside from the bizarre precociousness of the characters, and the interchangeable voices, as others have mentioned. It's got some of the most problematic shit to enter the discourse in recent years, packed into one place. I'm way too tired and frazzled right now to go into an extended rant, but it tends to jettison everything in trans feminist theory and trans medicine wholesale in a very unthinking, self-centered, "well this is MY trans experience so clearly it's the same way for everyone and anyone who doesn't say so is just WRONG", kind of way.
(04-13-2024, 01:56 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
milkastrawberry wrote:I'll probably catch a ban for this, but I wish the devs of hogwarts legacy were afforded the same compassion that people are showing for this team

and their situation was not even that bad as jk was kept as far from the project as possible (and the game turned out to be pretty progressive) while this vavra dumbass is literally the creative director and can put their shitty views in the game for all to see (like the treatment of women)

I know consistency is not the strongest quality of this site but this really rubs me the wrong way and feels completely arbitrary


clickycarl wrote:You should really consider reading up the JK Rowling thread.

Social Justice Warrior 2
Steven Snell dateline='[url=tel:1713012718' wrote: 1713012718[/url]']
Don't report me for boys club rhetoric now but JK Rowling got pretty nice tits. End of message.

I’ve reported you for being awesome.
Banned(Permanently):A fucking awesome person.
(04-13-2024, 09:46 AM)BIONIC wrote:

B-Dubs, post: 121639956, member: 143 wrote:I just read about this and fucking hell. Talk about starting from a position and working your way backwards. Putting a bigot in charge of something like this is like putting Andrew Jackson in charge of the well being of the indigenous tribes of North America.

I really fucking hope there's a serious amount of pushback because there's just so much wrong with that report that it's not even funny. There are 8th graders who could have done a better job on their first research papers.

Calls author a bigot on the level of Andrew Jackson: shows no examples of such.

Says that there is so much wrong with the report: shows no examples of such, and does not share his medical credentials that he surely has to make such a claim.

Good talk SCIENCE!

what pisses me off the most is that everyone is talking about the opinions of authors of such things, "they follow LGB Alliance on twitter," "they support conversion therapy," "they met with members of the republican party"

what the fuck happened to addressing data itself rather than the person?? if trump says "the earth is round" I'm not gonna start questioning that fact


think of the sheer amount of things you were taught and already firmly believe that probably came from a bigot or a transphobe, or even someone who was smart about that topic but a moron in countless others

how much trans research that resulted in some of the stuff that community relies on came from christians (because everyone was 50-100 years ago) or came from trans-medicalists who firmly saw it as a mental illness to be alleviated (because the concept of transitioning just for the sake of fetish is very new)

do you apply this standard throughout science? "this report says that sea urchins produce chemicals that could be used to improve strawberry yields, BUT they follow the japan fishing council on twitter so they're probably biased in favor of killing sea urchins!!"

Social Justice Warrior 

this is the world now

everything is "who said it" and not "what was actually said"
melody shreds pickle jar muscles wrote:Yeah true and while most human rights organizations are pushing back against it you still have shit like fucking Stonewall agreeing with it. They should change that fucking name considering how many poc trans people were instrumental in that uprising. It's fucked because they've been directly supportive of us in recent times too.

I love how they can’t put 2 and 2 together such as “this group has supported us for so long, and is now talking to this report. I wonder if the report might be based in reality and we should consider our positions again.” But instead it’s “this group supported us for so long and now they’re CHUDS! They should change their names to CHUDWALL!”
(04-13-2024, 03:49 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
melody shreds pickle jar muscles wrote:Yeah true and while most human rights organizations are pushing back against it you still have shit like fucking Stonewall agreeing with it. They should change that fucking name considering how many poc trans people were instrumental in that uprising. It's fucked because they've been directly supportive of us in recent times too.

I love how they can’t put 2 and 2 together such as “this group has supported us for so long, and is now talking to this report. I wonder if the report might be based in reality and we should consider our positions again.” But instead it’s “this group supported us for so long and now they’re CHUDS! They should change their names to CHUDWALL!”

It's pretty surprising that even Stonewall recognizes it considering they said some wild shit in the past

Mermaids is also suddenly claiming "We’re not medical experts, we don’t advocate for any [medical] pathway." which is just completely untrue of their past.
(04-13-2024, 02:40 PM)Venice wrote: Some Melody Shreds lore:

Melody Shreds wrote:Not quite the same thing but my own fucking father refused to believe that i could no longer open pickle jars, even after I told him years on hormones significantly reduced my muscle mass and overall physical strength. Like the idea that transitioning and taking HRT could have that great of an effect of the body was beyond him. That or he's just an asshole, I'm going with the latter.

[Image: ItwgjAV.png]

Quote:People absolutely refuse to accept that this is a large part of HRT. Whenever I have to explain this to someone it takes so much work and even then it's only possible when they are already generally supportive.
(04-13-2024, 03:29 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(04-13-2024, 01:56 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
milkastrawberry wrote:I'll probably catch a ban for this, but I wish the devs of hogwarts legacy were afforded the same compassion that people are showing for this team

and their situation was not even that bad as jk was kept as far from the project as possible (and the game turned out to be pretty progressive) while this vavra dumbass is literally the creative director and can put their shitty views in the game for all to see (like the treatment of women)

I know consistency is not the strongest quality of this site but this really rubs me the wrong way and feels completely arbitrary


clickycarl wrote:You should really consider reading up the JK Rowling thread.

Social Justice Warrior 2
Such a hilarious non answer. 
Honestly if someone really wanted to troll Kyuuji and co they shouldn't call out their hypocrisy, like that one member did, but just start expressing how disappointed they are in them that they're supporting these "harmful" games (remember that's something you're not allowed to disagree with or your dismissing concerns) and how they thought they were better than that.
(04-13-2024, 03:30 PM)DocWager wrote:
Steven Snell dateline='[url=tel:1713012718' wrote: 1713012718[/url]']
Don't report me for boys club rhetoric now but JK Rowling got pretty nice tits. End of message.

I’ve reported you for being awesome.
Banned(Permanently):A fucking awesome person.

(04-13-2024, 03:38 PM)Uncle wrote:
(04-13-2024, 09:46 AM)BIONIC wrote:

B-Dubs, post: 121639956, member: 143 wrote:I just read about this and fucking hell. Talk about starting from a position and working your way backwards. Putting a bigot in charge of something like this is like putting Andrew Jackson in charge of the well being of the indigenous tribes of North America.

I really fucking hope there's a serious amount of pushback because there's just so much wrong with that report that it's not even funny. There are 8th graders who could have done a better job on their first research papers.

Calls author a bigot on the level of Andrew Jackson: shows no examples of such.

Says that there is so much wrong with the report: shows no examples of such, and does not share his medical credentials that he surely has to make such a claim.

Good talk SCIENCE!

what pisses me off the most is that everyone is talking about the opinions of authors of such things, "they follow LGB Alliance on twitter," "they support conversion therapy," "they met with members of the republican party"

what the fuck happened to addressing data itself rather than the person?? if trump says "the earth is round" I'm not gonna start questioning that fact


think of the sheer amount of things you were taught and already firmly believe that probably came from a bigot or a transphobe, or even someone who was smart about that topic but a moron in countless others

how much trans research that resulted in some of the stuff that community relies on came from christians (because everyone was 50-100 years ago) or came from trans-medicalists who firmly saw it as a mental illness to be alleviated (because the concept of transitioning just for the sake of fetish is very new)

do you apply this standard throughout science? "this report says that sea urchins produce chemicals that could be used to improve strawberry yields, BUT they follow the japan fishing council on twitter so they're probably biased in favor of killing sea urchins!!"

Social Justice Warrior 

this is the world now

everything is "who said it" and not "what was actually said"

o yea?

Hitler wrote words down too, u fucking fash
(04-13-2024, 02:40 PM)Venice wrote: Some Melody Shreds lore:

Melody Shreds wrote:Not quite the same thing but my own fucking father refused to believe that i could no longer open pickle jars, even after I told him years on hormones significantly reduced my muscle mass and overall physical strength. Like the idea that transitioning and taking HRT could have that great of an effect of the body was beyond him. That or he's just an asshole, I'm going with the latter.

def hormones, not spending all day on the computer and avoiding all physical activity
(04-13-2024, 11:41 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
AnOwlWithKnees wrote:It's gross how you're all in on this company and game.
I guess you only care when it hits home to your transgender issues, huh?
kyuuji wrote:Interesting that you seem to think women's issues aren't my issues. I've been pretty openly critical of various elements of the game and called people out when they've tried to dismiss criticism of it. I don't think I've been missing in discussions of women's issues in general across the forum either, or other issues that people face who aren't trans.

(04-13-2024, 11:59 AM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:This is a horrible post, reported it.
Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)

(04-13-2024, 12:07 PM)Cheststrongwell wrote: The first "Fuck you!" has been lobbed.


Shameful post, fuck you.

literally everyone who said "wow, awful, shameful, fuck you" including kyuuji didn't experience a single negative emotion from engaging with that post

they all absolutely loved it

got an opportunity to rebuke someone while being fully righteous and justified, and feel like they did something productive, and do it all in front of everyone else so they see how good they are

they all collectively orgasmed the moment owl was banned
HistorySmasher, wrote:
Quote:It doesn't, although being historically accurate will have people saying the game is racist

It's not even historically accurate. People of color have existed in Europe for centuries. They didn't just magically appear out of nowhere.

Welp, we can add "Historian" to that ever increasing list of jobs
Era mods: "Look, you can not like something, but don't attack people who do ok?"
Era horde: "Fuck you, fuck this game, fuck eveyrone who likes it, rabble rabble rabble"
Era mods: "Ohhhh I guess we better lock that thread because of all the reports *sadface*"
No wonder eras big new feature is a gaming RSS feed, so you no longer have to deal with the shower of cunts that even the mods don't want to engage with anymore

Quote: Cop User banned (3 months): concern trolling; account in junior phase
ThlammedCarDoor wrote:This isn't even a new kink. why are people freaking out about it? This isn't 2005, weird to see such a prude article like this...
(04-13-2024, 09:46 AM)BIONIC wrote:

B-Dubs, post: 121639956, member: 143 wrote:I just read about this and fucking hell. Talk about starting from a position and working your way backwards. Putting a bigot in charge of something like this is like putting Andrew Jackson in charge of the well being of the indigenous tribes of North America.

I really fucking hope there's a serious amount of pushback because there's just so much wrong with that report that it's not even funny. There are 8th graders who could have done a better job on their first research papers.

Calls author a bigot on the level of Andrew Jackson: shows no examples of such.

Says that there is so much wrong with the report: shows no examples of such, and does not share his medical credentials that he surely has to make such a claim.

Good talk SCIENCE!

You are a piece of shit, B-Dubs.
(04-13-2024, 04:27 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
HistorySmasher, wrote:
Quote:It doesn't, although being historically accurate will have people saying the game is racist

It's not even historically accurate. People of color have existed in Europe for centuries. They didn't just magically appear out of nowhere.

Welp, we can add "Historian" to that ever increasing list of jobs

name one piece of historically accurate media

oh word? literally none of them are? because even the most accurate ones might have clothing slightly too bright based on the limited dye capabilities at the time, or might show baskets made using a weaving technique that wasn't invented until the next century?

gee I guess we'll just have to use a sliding scale then for how accurate something is, and tolerate some compromises for whatever we believe might've been accurate for the time

(04-12-2024, 05:18 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Oh no, they're putting doctor in quotes, implying that the former president of the Royal college of Pediatrics and Child Health is not a doctor

(04-12-2024, 05:26 PM)books wrote: Let Kyuuji, ClickCarl, Melody, TwoHearts (minus Bridie) be a lesson to potential parents with little kids. Don't spoil them because they'll end up rotten like these folks.

The “women” of ResetEra

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