Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
I played 20 minutes of the first one and found being constantly stopped for some hand holding bullshit so unbearable I just quit out and never went back
Rebirth is the best shout of GOTY so far and the best game square have made in forever so it is quite sad that it's not doing great.

But imo that is because to get the most out of it you need to have already finished 2 80 hour videogames and watched a shit movie.
(04-15-2024, 09:59 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Can we realistically make Rebirth more of a success? 

Like Twitter trending, buying it again once it is discounted, double dipping once it is on pc... This game deserves to be lighting thr charts on fire. It's a dream, everything one could want in a modern FF but it's sinking like a rock... We collectively begged for this... For 15+ years and then shrugged our shoulders. Shit is so weird to me.


Wanna know a secret? 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
FF7 was always shit.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Straight Edge, Taco Bell Tower
(04-15-2024, 10:33 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Rebirth is the best shout of GOTY so far and the best game square have made in forever so it is quite sad that it's not doing great.

But imo that is because to get the most out of it you need to have already finished 2 80 hour videogames and watched a shit movie.

Yep, it’s this for the most part along with the fact normal people now know it’s not a remake as such so they’re simply not interested.
I reckon word of mouth will sort it out in the long run but we've already had some genuine mega bangers like Returnal die a death this generation
T002 Tyrant wrote:Hi I know that you totally didn't mean to, but I want to remind people that Transwoman is a transphobic term created by Transphobes to declassify trans women from being women, and has been adopted by people who don't know any different. Again know you probably didn't know this, hut hey, The More You Know! ☺️

I thought that I'd just make sure people here were using trans as an adjective rather than a noun. An easy way to remember this is you wouldn't say Blackwoman. ☺️

ERAsure of the marginalized!
(04-15-2024, 09:59 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:Can we realistically make Rebirth more of a success? 

Like Twitter trending, buying it again once it is discounted, double dipping once it is on pc... This game deserves to be lighting thr charts on fire. It's a dream, everything one could want in a modern FF but it's sinking like a rock... We collectively begged for this... For 15+ years and then shrugged our shoulders. Shit is so weird to me.


Quote:Locked at OPs request
(04-15-2024, 11:43 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
T002 Tyrant wrote:Hi I know that you totally didn't mean to, but I want to remind people that Transwoman is a transphobic term created by Transphobes to declassify trans women from being women, and has been adopted by people who don't know any different. Again know you probably didn't know this, hut hey, The More You Know! ☺️

I thought that I'd just make sure people here were using trans as an adjective rather than a noun. An easy way to remember this is you wouldn't say Blackwoman. ☺️

ERAsure of the marginalized!
Wait, I see the trans Ree always say they're transwomen so are they themselves transphobic?
Hello! Excuse me, but you appear to be having independent thoughts that correlate to reality.

This is a polite and friendly message to let you know that I own your brain and you will fucking think what I tell you to, cunt.

Fank wuu :3 uguu
(04-15-2024, 11:43 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
T002 Tyrant wrote:Hi I know that you totally didn't mean to, but I want to remind people that Transwoman is a transphobic term created by Transphobes to declassify trans women from being women, and has been adopted by people who don't know any different. Again know you probably didn't know this, hut hey, The More You Know! ☺️

I thought that I'd just make sure people here were using trans as an adjective rather than a noun. An easy way to remember this is you wouldn't say Blackwoman. ☺️

ERAsure of the marginalized!

plagiarize wrote:In some sports trans women would generally have an advantage because tall women of any kind have an advantage in some sports but that shouldn't give anyone any pause. Cis women aren't at risk if a particular sport sees a disproportionate number of successful trans women even for cis women playing that sport.

Cis women don't need 'protecting' from trans women and I'd like to think the majority of cis woman competing at the Olympics would say exactly that.

Yes, Olympic athletes, people known for being totally okay with not winning
Big Yoshi
Quote:I played a little bit of remake and didnt like it, tried to play ff7 og and dropped it when the game used the r slur, why should anyone my age care about rebirth? especially since the trilogy isn't finished yet. i don't want to get invested in a massive 3 game series before the series is over, especially when the third part could not come out for another 4 years.
(04-14-2024, 08:57 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

Anytime there’s a Tesla thread on this site you can expect some of the most retarded posts you’ve ever seen.

spineduke wrote:Locked per OPs request

6 pages of era showing how easily they’re ragebaited by just adding Tesla to the title, including moderators of the site lol
“Locked per OPs request” is such a bullshit move for a thread like that. It makes sense when the thread is a self own like “My friends all hate me and never invite me out.” Those kinds of threads. 
But in the case of this thread, as garbage as it might be, is just stuff that happened on social media. God only knows why dozens of people are discussing this dumb video, but they are, so why does OP get to shut down the conversation? Just because they started the thread? That just seems super shitty.
Quote:I live 1km away from this church and it feels like there's been helicopters hovering over my place for hours and sirens non-stop. Had to close my windows for my dog's sake.

Wow, stay safe Era poster
(04-15-2024, 01:02 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
Quote:I live 1km away from this church and it feels like there's been helicopters hovering over my place for hours and sirens non-stop. Had to close my windows for my dog's sake.

Wow, stay safe Era poster

I rewatched Razorback a few months ago. I'm shaking right now and would appreciate all your well-wishes and condolences (please no prayers though, they really trigger me.)

Novara Media is a Corbyn drone publication
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

Rape & Sexual Slavery Advocate plagiarize, post: 121708116, member: 1940' wrote:How are you still drunk?

I'm getting my tits lasered today. Doesn't hurt nearly as much as the face.

What the fuck lol. What even is this reply to this thread?
Time to quit ResetEra. It’s the most trailer park trash internet sim on the net.
Nowadays, nazi just mean people you dont agree with.
(04-15-2024, 03:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:


It’s funny how quickly these morons fall apart when reality comes knocking
(04-15-2024, 03:51 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

Rape & Sexual Slavery Advocate plagiarize, post: 121708116, member: 1940' wrote:How are you still drunk?

I'm getting my tits lasered today. Doesn't hurt nearly as much as the face.

What the fuck lol. What even is this reply to this thread?

"I'd like to be lonely again"
shinobi602 wrote:On top of what others have already said (you don't bomb another country's embassy no matter what), Israel itself has cultivated that hostility through decades of inflicting pain and suffering and brutalizing the Palestinian people from the 1948 Nakba and up to today, continuing to build their settlements and stealing land, fomenting genocide, and so much more. It has been a hostile nation since its very inception. Why did militias like Hamas and Hezbollah and whatever else pop up in the first place? Just for shits and giggles? Israel invited their creation in the first place.


From the genius mind of “my son is racist”.
If only Hamas had some kind of charter at their inception which outlined the specific reasons they formed
Iran is not doing this stuff for Palestine, Shinobi.

ZeoVGM: "As a 38-year-old who feels winded after waking down a couple flights of stairs, I'm in awe at 54-year-old Gwen Stefani's energy on stage."
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(04-15-2024, 04:14 PM)malfoyking wrote: Nowadays, nazi just mean people you dont agree with.

Yeah, these kids have really eroded any meaning of that word. Disgusting.
(04-15-2024, 03:51 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

Rape & Sexual Slavery Advocate plagiarize, post: 121708116, member: 1940' wrote:How are you still drunk?

I'm getting my tits lasered today. Doesn't hurt nearly as much as the face.

What the fuck lol. What even is this reply to this thread?

I think he's asking OP if they're still drunk to send before and after pics of said tits
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC

Lots of


Anyone going to bring up how Resetera harassed the sales people off the site first?

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