Journal of Other Forum Analysis
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Quote:meowdi gras

Some dude out there is missing out on the girl of his dreams. Poor dude.

Yeah it's ZeoVGM lol
(04-15-2024, 03:51 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

Rape & Sexual Slavery Advocate plagiarize, post: 121708116, member: 1940' wrote:How are you still drunk?

I'm getting my tits lasered today. Doesn't hurt nearly as much as the face.

What the fuck lol. What even is this reply to this thread?

Disgusting perverts like this who do nothing to hide their blatant fetish do more damage for the perception of trans people than Joanne ever could.
(04-15-2024, 04:57 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
shinobi602 wrote:On top of what others have already said (you don't bomb another country's embassy no matter what), Israel itself has cultivated that hostility through decades of inflicting pain and suffering and brutalizing the Palestinian people from the 1948 Nakba and up to today, continuing to build their settlements and stealing land, fomenting genocide, and so much more. It has been a hostile nation since its very inception. Why did militias like Hamas and Hezbollah and whatever else pop up in the first place? Just for shits and giggles? Israel invited their creation in the first place.


From the genius mind of “my son is racist”.

By the way just two days ago Argentina declared that Iran was responsible for the Israeli embassy bombings back in the 90s

I don't know how RE doesn't understand that disliking Israel doesn't mean you have to carry water for fucking Iran
(04-15-2024, 05:29 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: By the way just two days ago Argentina declared that Iran was responsible for the Israeli embassy bombings back in the 90s

I don't know how RE doesn't understand that disliking Israel doesn't mean you have to carry water for fucking Iran

Huh?? The Islamic Republic famously respects foreign embassies.
They just memory holed all the heinous shit the Islamic Republic did in their decades long terrorist occupation and paint them as an innocent victim of Israeli aggression.  

Treason, there is no other word for it.
In the Ayatollah's defence, he doesn't require double blinded medical studies when issuing fatwas on trans rights
(04-14-2024, 10:32 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Why is the usage of basic functions like opening the door tied to a car's operating system in the first place? A door is little more than a hinge and a securing mechanism. It's a basic physical system. We've had doors for thousands of years.

Why does literally every facet of our lives have to be computerized?

While we're at it, why do we even have computational devices to calculate numbers in the first place? An abacus is basically beads on sticks, and we've had those for thousands of years. Why do we even need big numbers, anyway? So some fat cat can get rich? You got fingers and toes, why not just use them for your mathing. Even thats pretty out there. Why do we even need numbers in general? 'One', 'Few' and 'Many' covers all uses I can think of.
Everything worthwhile is being destroyed
(04-15-2024, 12:42 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
conciliator wrote:Increasingly feel like I can comfortably assume any news thread title I read on Era is somewhere between an exaggeration and a fabrication


oh hey, era finally found their motto

My ex never wanted a kid and I always question that she might not in love me. After some arguments she said she is ok for one kid when we become 40. When I was with her I felt the marriage pressure and I was scared of the idea of being married. It always felt like a life without my parents and with a person who is not afraid of making me upset would be a nightmare. Since I am single for 9 months, I really want to marry with someone now and become a father after marriage ASAP. I know marriage and becoming a father means more responsibilities but I think I am ready for those mentally. Just wanted to share my thoughts.

This is the one who had a full on breakdown because he was asked his name at reception when he went to see a therapist.
(04-15-2024, 06:06 AM)Ethan wrote:
Quote:Thank you for posting this.
I love having things like this in my pocket for when I overhear some chud-ass coworkers say some dumb shit.
Not that facts ever really seem to matter with those people, I just don't shut up until they walk away.


It's amazing to me how they don't seem to realize that trans women in elite sports is the hill on which trans acceptance goes to die.
Public opinion is already overwhelmingly against this and there hasn't been a single high profile case yet. No normy knows who the hell Lia Thomas is. But imagine what is gonna happen when Simone Biles, Katie Ledecky or Coco Gauff lose to a trans woman during prime time at the Olympics or the US Open.

I can't tell if deep down, they all know it but still push forward because they're insufferable narcissists, or if the Internet moderators have encouraged their delusion by banning all the "chuds" and "transphobes" daring to question this. I can't think of many other topics for which online discourse is so completely at odds with real life opinion.

The fact that the report doesn't even say what most of the posters in that thread think it does and concludes that it doesn't have enough evidence to make ANY judgements for or against participation in sports doesn't mean that people won't get banned the next time anyone dares post against the narrative of SETTLED SCIENCE
(04-15-2024, 06:22 AM)Potato wrote:
(04-15-2024, 04:38 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Morrigan wrote:In a relationship and living together for 2 decades but not married so none of the poll options fit me :P
It’s nice Morrigan found some blind guy to be "her precious".

Morrigan is more of a Shelob honestly


2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(04-15-2024, 08:59 AM)benji wrote:
(04-15-2024, 08:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I thought Iran Government was corrupt and their morality police wrong for killing innocent women?

I guess the right of women mean little if there's Jews to exterminate, huh? 
[Image: F9OR4xFbMAYZtfp?format=jpg&name=small]

reproductive means free justice palestine?
That thread about the review is great.

The conclusion of the review is that there is not enough empirical data done in studies currently being used, and that there needs to be more data.

The IOC study that headlines the title concludes with:

Quote:The Brighton researchers, however, who took one set of measurements from each volunteer, said that longer-term research was now required, ideally with subjects drawn from a wider population than just the UK.
They also noted the limitations of research in which each category of volunteer had a sample size of less than 30.

(04-15-2024, 04:57 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
shinobi602 wrote:On top of what others have already said (you don't bomb another country's embassy no matter what), Israel itself has cultivated that hostility through decades of inflicting pain and suffering and brutalizing the Palestinian people from the 1948 Nakba and up to today, continuing to build their settlements and stealing land, fomenting genocide, and so much more. It has been a hostile nation since its very inception. Why did militias like Hamas and Hezbollah and whatever else pop up in the first place? Just for shits and giggles? Israel invited their creation in the first place.


From the genius mind of “my son is racist”.

It really does october 7th boggle the mind how october 7th israel just have this history october 7th of completely unprovoked hostilities october 7th against totally blameless and peaceful october 7th political groups that wouldn't even exist otherwise
What happened on October 7th? Isn't that LGBTQ+ History Month?  ???
Quote:I've been battling with myself about this Coachella. I'm 41 years old and I've always considered myself pretty "in touch" with current music and take some pride for being rather open to new stuff. Since my late teens/ early 20s, I've read Pitchfork, Stereogum, and a few other sites on a daily basis, always looking for new artists and music to check out. I know the general vibe about this year's show is that it was a bit of a weak lineup but man...I tried watching quite a few sets over the last 2 days of artists I hadn't really heard of ( there were a lot this year) and most of what I saw just did nothing for me.

I've been walking this line of, "Am I just turning into the older people that I despise because they just dismiss new music?" and "Maybe this music is just kind of not good for most of the people there too?" Maybe I'm a little of both but it kind of just bums me out. Even the "legacy" acts didn't do much for me this year.

Am I alone on this boat era?

Whenever someone starts out with a massive back in the day paragraph about music you know it’s going to turn into this kind of lazy bullshit.
for shinobis racist family it was a tuesday It was Tuesday!

Kusagari wrote:Interview with Garland where he specifically says "he's in the centrist camp" and that the movie is about "centrism vs. extremism."
(04-15-2024, 03:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:


The irony

(04-15-2024, 05:05 PM)Jordi L'Engorge wrote:

ZeoVGM: "As a 38-year-old who feels winded after waking down a couple flights of stairs, I'm in awe at 54-year-old Gwen Stefani's energy on stage."

(04-15-2024, 03:51 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

Rape & Sexual Slavery Advocate plagiarize, post: 121708116, member: 1940' wrote:How are you still drunk?

I'm getting my tits lasered today. Doesn't hurt nearly as much as the face.

What the fuck lol. What even is this reply to this thread?

I'm morbidly curious about this transition. 

He's got all the signs of being radicalised towards trans identity based on his politics and the people he associates with in real life and online.

He's got a wife who will now be stuck with a post op "lesbian". How long until she craves some dick? 

I'm thinking we'll get a relationship breakup thread within a year of the medical transition. Then a "I regret my decision" within two years. 

The only question is whether Resetera survives long enough for the inevitable.
(04-15-2024, 06:12 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(04-14-2024, 10:32 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Why is the usage of basic functions like opening the door tied to a car's operating system in the first place? A door is little more than a hinge and a securing mechanism. It's a basic physical system. We've had doors for thousands of years.

Why does literally every facet of our lives have to be computerized?

While we're at it, why do we even have computational devices to calculate numbers in the first place? An abacus is basically beads on sticks, and we've had those for thousands of years. Why do we even need big numbers, anyway? So some fat cat can get rich? You got fingers and toes, why not just use them for your mathing. Even thats pretty out there. Why do we even need numbers in general? 'One', 'Few' and 'Many' covers all uses I can think of.
Everything worthwhile is being destroyed

Calculators stole all the jobs of hardworking abacus operators. It's wrong that this awful form of artificial intelligence is taking away the livelihoods of these people. Abacus operation is an art form and should be protected. We should ban calculators.
(04-15-2024, 03:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:


here's my question: suppose at some point in the past you tweeted "if I ever make a public apology on this account, know in advance that it was coerced and I do NOT feel sorry and still stand by my original statements"

(04-15-2024, 06:21 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(04-15-2024, 06:22 AM)Potato wrote:
(04-15-2024, 04:38 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

It’s nice Morrigan found some blind guy to be "her precious".

Morrigan is more of a Shelob honestly


Maybe the burka brigade have a point...
Not like this!
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

Chairmanchuck (另一个我) wrote:Before you want to "marry asap" and "want to have a kid asap", I actually wonder if you are ready.

I do not know you in real-life, but all of the threads you posted showed you should first be happy and content with yourself, before you meet someone else and even have a kid with them.

1.) You got mad that a security at your old therapists place asked for your name.
2.) You got mad that your friend lost weight and talks about it.
3.) In a lot of your threads you constantly post that you are an academic with some sort of superiority.
4.) You got mad that another person at your workplace had the same name as you.
4.) You also said you want to become a professor at MIT, so how would that work when you want to have a kid ASAP as well as a wife asap (in terms of moving).

I have the feeling before you get a kid ASAP you should work on your other issues.
Quote:My wife and I have always been undecided on having kids. I'm starting to approach 40 and our careers and lives are beginning to stabilize, so we've discussed it a bit more.

If I'm honest, I think we're both not sure. I lean towards wanting one (or at most two) just because I feel I would regret it when I'm older. That my later years would feel empty without descendants in it. She agrees

The thing we both see as the con of HAVING kids is that neither of us feel the "need" to. We just think we'd regret it someday if we didn't.

My wife is also concerned that her anxiety issues and a history of bipolar disorder in my family (though not me directly) would mean we may be cursing a child with big problems. So I think if we did have kids she's leaning towards adoption just due to that, which I don't have any issue with.

It's all just a tricky decision to make if you are not 100% desperate to have a kid.

So much to unpack in this one:
  • FOMO is for festivals and concerts, not having kids you retard
  • Wife just basically said she thinks his genetics are trash and would prefer not to continue them.

(04-15-2024, 07:54 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Chairmanchuck (另一个我) wrote:Before you want to "marry asap" and "want to have a kid asap", I actually wonder if you are ready.

I do not know you in real-life, but all of the threads you posted showed you should first be happy and content with yourself, before you meet someone else and even have a kid with them.

1.) You got mad that a security at your old therapists place asked for your name.
2.) You got mad that your friend lost weight and talks about it.
3.) In a lot of your threads you constantly post that you are an academic with some sort of superiority.
4.) You got mad that another person at your workplace had the same name as you.
4.) You also said you want to become a professor at MIT, so how would that work when you want to have a kid ASAP as well as a wife asap (in terms of moving).

I have the feeling before you get a kid ASAP you should work on your other issues.

Damn, OP got genocided lol.
(04-15-2024, 06:22 AM)Potato wrote:
(04-15-2024, 04:38 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Morrigan wrote:In a relationship and living together for 2 decades but not married so none of the poll options fit me :P
It’s nice Morrigan found some blind guy to be "her precious".

Morrigan is more of a Shelob honestly

[Image: Morrigan_1.jpg]
[Image: Morrigan_3-1-700x355.jpg]

I still think she looks like Gollum. Trumps
(04-15-2024, 07:41 PM)Potato wrote:
(04-15-2024, 03:51 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

Rape & Sexual Slavery Advocate plagiarize, post: 121708116, member: 1940' wrote:How are you still drunk?

I'm getting my tits lasered today. Doesn't hurt nearly as much as the face.

What the fuck lol. What even is this reply to this thread?

I'm morbidly curious about this transition. 

He's got all the signs of being radicalised towards trans identity based on his politics and the people he associates with in real life and online.

He's got a wife who will now be stuck with a post op "lesbian". How long until she craves some dick? 

I'm thinking we'll get a relationship breakup thread within a year of the medical transition. Then a "I regret my decision" within two years.

The only question is whether Resetera survives long enough for the inevitable.

He wouldn’t have the balls to post that on era

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