Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Typical greedy parents, just like mine demanding I wear headphones for my sapphic euphoria because "guests are over" like fuck those fash, it's my right to exist. They've never given a dime to any of my online suicide threats. The cruelty is the point.
The PoliEra Discord is probably seething at that Gaza thread where B-Dubs silenced all the marginalized voices, all kinds of posts talking about how Biden is a terrorist, a racist, an anti-American, loves murder, sits around all day wanting nothing but people to hurt, is establishing fascism, gets off on having blood on his hands, etc.

Remember to vote! Malarkey!
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-19-2024, 06:59 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Can't I just order The Governance of China off Amazon or is that outdated now?!  Stahp

Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-19-2024, 07:14 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: wait so chest sliders are okay now?  ???

Isn't that just nuru massage?
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, Gameboy Nostalgia, Daffy Duck
(04-19-2024, 08:45 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: I do find it funny that these nerds are still playing Pokémon Go and are now upset how shit their avatars look.

OMFG…it’s TransEra the gif…

They're getting what they wanted? Why are they so upset?

Ghostcrew (Administrator) wrote:A banned creator with a questionable source for rumour and speculation means this is an easy lock.


Ghostcrew (Administrator) wrote:Right above Metroid Prime he lists Metroid Prime Remastered, which was 60Hz on Nintendo hardware.

How do we know that this is referring specifically to MP4?


Nojobxo wrote:He's actually a banned source here…

Assume that they're using the Fami ban a point of reference, he was endorsing a harassment campaign from LoTT against a Black developer.

So this cunt willfully posts in a thread about a nothing “rumor”, and then has the gall to close the thread with righteous indignation, but only after our favorite Diversity Analyst pulls out his dossier of internet nobodies. Motherfucker doesn’t even know what’s banned on the shitheap forum he’s an admin of Dead lol

Nothing Loud, post: 121798965, member: 4041 wrote:actual doctoral clinical biochemical engineer here (ie I’m the IRL version of the main scientist character)
I was gonna post my own reactions thread with a sci-fi analysis of the concepts but maybe not.

What I'm most surprised by is how realistic/scientifically accurate the quirky sci-fi elements are here. Enzymes lowering the amount of atomic energy needed to gain new powers? That's literally what enzymes do in chemical reactions, by lowering the activation energy barrier to produce chemical reactions that would otherwise be left to random chance and very slow kinetics. 😍

Even the fallopian tubes look somewhat anatomically accurate, with mucus being understandably representative of disease and damage, and viruses with protein capsids crawling about like spiders. That's so fucking cool. The parasite enemies even look like parasites.

This game rules. It's like Mario meets Metroid meets Super Meat Boy meets scientific realism in clinical veterinary biology.

Games as a Service Snob Piss2
(04-19-2024, 09:58 AM)benji wrote: The PoliEra Discord is probably seething at that Gaza thread where B-Dubs silenced all the marginalized voices, all kinds of posts talking about how Biden is a terrorist, a racist, an anti-American, loves murder, sits around all day wanting nothing but people to hurt, is establishing fascism, gets off on having blood on his hands, etc.

Remember to vote! Malarkey!

Especially when Shoot keep making new thread so those who were threadbanned from the Hamas / Israel thread can have a second go at it.  Malarkey!

C'mon, B-dubs. You know you want to lock it and tell them to shuffle back to their containment thread.  Wink
The usual sort are getting grumpy Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is allowed to be discussed:

Quote:I have no idea, but he's much more than the co-founder of the studio, he was the director and lead writer too. In other words, everything in the game is subject to the approval of this awful person.

Quote:People always climb onto their high horses when their principles are consequence-free. If doing so would deprive them of something they want though, suddenly it becomes easier to excuse or ignore the bad thing.

Quote:I'd like to add that, just like JK Rowling, Vavra's views are directly reflected in the work itself, as Kingdom Come Deliverance is pretty sexist in its depiction of women and, or course, still has the fundamental issue of a lack of people of color in the game (although there are some) due to "historical accuracy".

And of course there're the calls to ban the game:
Quote:I'll never understand Era. There's a ban on games like Cyberpunk for dubious reasons (when the game devs actually show strong support for trans rights with numerous evidence), but we can freely discuss and promote games made by Daniel Vavra, a true sexist, xenophobic and racist piece of garbage who's not hiding his bigotry at all.

Quote:Yup, not sure why this gets handwaved away as it just being one man being the problem. The game is gross, the guy is human trash, and I don't know why discussion is allowed.

Bufbaf is stricken with fear that he can't denounce Vavra!
Bufbaf wrote:
Dyno wrote:There was another thread not too long ago where people against Vavra were being banned. I'm actually kinda surprised there haven't been any happen here yet
100% not writing anything more in here because of that, and I'm sure there are others. It's really uncomfortable rn.
Fuck yes. Let's see if Kyuuji has the balls to try another ban campaign.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, clockwork5
Quote:I found exactly one tweet yesterday of someone who liked the new avatars. It was made by the community manager.

Quote:Painfully queer.💀 White silence is white consent. ✊🏻✊🏽✊🏿 Lead Community Manager for
. 🎲 They/them. Opinions are my own.


[Image: GYHDYN8.gif]
(04-19-2024, 08:45 AM)Daffy Duck wrote: I do find it funny that these nerds are still playing Pokémon Go and are now upset how shit their avatars look.

OMFG…it’s TransEra the gif…
The belly jiggle has me dead.

White silence is white consent. It's really uncomfortable rn.
(04-19-2024, 05:04 AM)benji wrote: wrote:The admins of this site really need to ask themselves why this kept happening to POC communities during times of crisis.
Quote:Because white progressive and POC progressive usually end up being two different things.
lori wrote:Marginalized progressives who are justifiably angry tend to just get referred to as "Twitter crazies," or as otherwise unreasonable people, I've noticed.
Quote:We get tone policed for not being "civil" in the face of racism and other stuff we experience on this forum, and then get banned for it.
Quote:Yeah, the bar gets raised against us all the time.
Like, in regards to sourcing. Even outside this thread, if I ever want to post a seemingly leftist or pro-Palestinian source/account/writer/etc, I gotta triple check on whether they've ever had a bad opinion on any subject even if it had nothing to do with Palestine (or really progressive issues in general), because I know the moment I post it someone's gonna get in my face about how dare I cite this person?! They said x about y!

Meanwhile, we have to tone-police ourselves even before getting tone-policed by others over those who are considered respectable, and it doesn't matter what despicable shit they've done or said, they're not leftists or pro-Palestinian, they get a pass!

Moments ago I've seen a clip of Owen Jones saying the following, and it's very spot on:
"These people walk from crime scene to crime scene, spattered with blood, calling for more blood - and are still presented as men and women of moderation!"
Quote:And when you pointed out a bias in the "liberal media", you got banned because you are accused of being a conservative. You know, the group of people who would gladly support the eradication of your own people.

How callous, and how hurtful can that be, unbelievable.
Quote:Huh, when you put it that way it's even more messed up.
Quote:I was genuinely confused by it. Like I don't think people would be accused of being conservative for correctly pushing back against the destructive transphobic bender the NYT's been on.
OK. I hate to be the one to stick up for dumbs but get a grip people.
B-Dumbs: “Hey everyone, I agree that the NYT has issues but let’s refrain from using this conspiratorial tone and bad faith arguments to discredit the paper. This is the same type of tactic used by conservatives and has no place here.”
RE: “OMG did you just call me conservative? WTF that’s the last straw. It’s so hurtful that you would associate me with the group that doesn’t want me to exist.”

He didn’t call you a conservative you idiots. He said your extremism is blinding you to the truth and causing you to say some pretty embarrassing things. And for once he is right.
turbokacper wrote:I'll never understand Era. There's a ban on games like Cyberpunk for dubious reasons (when the game devs actually show strong support for trans rights with numerous evidence), but we can freely discuss and promote games made by Daniel Vavra, a true sexist, xenophobic and racist piece of garbage who's not hiding his bigotry at all.

bufbaf wrote:Just low key observing how every "snipe" in this thread that's quoting and calling out specific members is not coming from the against side. Are those also actionable or no?

closeTalker wrote:If you're going to shame every person who isn't willing or able to uproot their entire life and income stream because their boss is a douche, you're not going to get much sleep. While you live on a high horse in the land of blind idealism, most other people live in reality.
[Image: 9VlQZdT.png]

simply go work for one of the many other czech game developers if you disagree with the owner on one minor issue
wtf are some of these flags

entelechyfuff wrote:It seems like Era overall is moving away from game bans.

We could play this discussion out with nearly every high-profile product released and in the end the answer would ultimately be to shut down the site. 🤷‍♀️

More like MOBA asked why they had a blanket ban on the best selling game of 2023 and told b dumbs to knock that shit off lol

Kyyuji wrote:With the sole exception of Timothée, nope.

Weren't Kyuuji a gay man before entering their trans phase? Strawberry ice cream or what the hell they were talking about.
(04-19-2024, 01:57 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: wtf are some of these flags

Good to see bears properly represented.
(04-19-2024, 02:16 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
Kyyuji wrote:With the sole exception of Timothée, nope.
Weren't Kyuuji a gay man before entering their trans phase? Strawberry ice cream or what the hell they were talking about.

Boys club behaviour?
is this?
I swear, I fucking swear there was a boregender or a minor variation like borigender, I forget what the tumblr teen said it meant

we had our own pride flag, I posted it

now scouring the internet for these terms, absolutely no trace of it

even on old bore (though the search is famously broken)

I swear to you
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC, Daffy Duck

First page....
Quote:I'm a man and I don't even need myself.
Quote:I am an unfortunately useless man, but I'm in therapy and working on it
Quote:I am a man and can confirm I am personally useless to both the same and opposite sex.
Quote:They certainly don't need me. I tell my girlfriend that she should ditch me, but she doesn't listen.

I bet these guys are useless but it isn't because they were born men.
(04-19-2024, 02:18 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
(04-19-2024, 02:16 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
Kyyuji wrote:With the sole exception of Timothée, nope.
Weren't Kyuuji a gay man before entering their trans phase? Strawberry ice cream or what the hell they were talking about.

Boys club behaviour?
is this?

BossAttack wrote:He's a fuckboi though. 😁

Kyuuji horny af wrote:Well thankfully he'd be the only one on the planet so manageable.

Quote:Sounds like he'd be very tired

Kyuuji horny af wrote:Don't worry, so would we.
Isn’t Kyuuji 30+ and Chalamet around 22? Seems like an age gap they would tut tut if it didn’t involve a transbian.

Edit: he is 28, just looks very young disregard
Kyuuji is just throwing chalomet out there to pretend he’s not a danger to women
I found it

[Image: YXYfX2x.png]
Boreigender  lol lol lol lol
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia

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