zeo wrote:Will keep an eye on this, though will obviously wait for more information and to see if others come forward. https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/post-122057412
Oh, is this an acceptable reaction now?
18 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, MoonlightJazz, Tucker's Law, Vertigo, Brolha, JoeBoy101, Anti-Monitor, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Propagandhim, benji, Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, MJBarret, Echelon, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC
(04-24-2024, 01:40 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (04-24-2024, 01:29 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/
Uh-oh. We got a new problematic fav for Era.
Cameraman forced to watch a sex act? Hey I hated She-hulk too but suing is a bit much

(04-24-2024, 01:44 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: zeo wrote:Will keep an eye on this, though will obviously wait for more information and to see if others come forward. https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/post-122057412
Oh, is this an acceptable reaction now?
seems like dismissing concerns over sexual assault to me
TripleBee wrote:Glad to see the funding for Ukraine make it through.
How tone deaf can you be?! Israel is getting funding! The genocide is going to continue and America is part of it!
(04-24-2024, 01:35 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: (04-24-2024, 01:29 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/
Uh-oh. We got a new problematic fav for Era.
of course zeo has to jump in
zeovgm wrote:I'm not sure I understand the need to make any sort of comparison this quickly into the story breaking, let alone one as extreme as "worse than Louis C.K."
He was a serial harasser who admitted to masturbating in front of at least five women and had additional accusations on top of that. https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/?post=122057412#post-122057412
(after sheepishly obtaining their full consent)
No pics? The cameraman was shit at his job anyway.
04-24-2024, 02:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-24-2024, 02:34 AM by benji.)
https://www.resetera.com/threads/stellar-blade-review-score-prediction-thread.851394/post-122054925 wrote:*CHECK FORSPOKEN METACRITIC*
Yeah, I think this game could be higher than that & gaming media failed us, but I don't care about it at all.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ JuniperAndSage wrote:There are too many random little reactionary Gamer sites included in metacritic for this to get a bad score. It's all wrapped up in rightwing backlash shit, and they're signaling like crazy to those people. No doubt they've given plenty of review copies out. Quote:Yeah, this is gonna easily bump the score up. It's the reverse effect of review bombing. Regardless, try not to let the vocal minority gamergate nutjobs sway you if you enjoy this game.
11 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Tucker's Law, D3RANG3D, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, FUME5, BIONIC, Propagandhim, Gameboy Nostalgia, Hap Shaughnessy, kaleidoscopium, Taco Bell Tower
(04-24-2024, 01:43 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Jeff. A sex crime is a sex crime. Let's not go all plagiarize about it. (04-24-2024, 01:44 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: zeo wrote:Will keep an eye on this, though will obviously wait for more information and to see if others come forward. https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/post-122057412
Oh, is this an acceptable reaction now? (04-24-2024, 01:54 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: seems like dismissing concerns over sexual assault to me Can you guys wait until plagiarize rules on this?
11 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, killamajig, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Chumbawumbafan69, BIONIC, Propagandhim, Gameboy Nostalgia, kaleidoscopium, Taco Bell Tower
Zeo wrote:Will keep an eye on this, though will obviously wait for more information and to see if others come forward. Quote:gross
ZeoVagina wrote:Excuse me?
Care to elaborate or will that remain a very questionable drive-by?
16 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Tucker's Law, Brolha, Nintex, Anti-Monitor, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, Daffy Duck, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Chumbawumbafan69, Taco Bell Tower, benji, Propagandhim, Hap Shaughnessy, Gameboy Nostalgia
(04-24-2024, 01:44 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: zeo wrote:Will keep an eye on this, though will obviously wait for more information and to see if others come forward. https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/post-122057412
Oh, is this an acceptable reaction now?
tsubaki wrote:Will keep an eye on this, though will obviously wait for more information and to see if others come forward.
zeovgm wrote:Excuse me?
Care to elaborate or will that remain a very questionable drive-by?
Why do they let white male Jeff marvel get away with being a giant turd who shits up every thread he enters
speaking of which...
enduin wrote:Two steps forward, two steps back. Really hate how this government works.
avitus wrote:Yes, the freedom and survival of an entire country of people is the same as an app ban that can easily be undone.
zeovgm wrote:Absolutely no one said that, especially the person you quoted.
This bill also includes aid for Israel, which means we are continuing to support and fund the exact opposite of "the freedom and survival of an entire country of people" at the same exact time we are (rightfully) giving aid to Ukraine.
And in regards to TikTok, there are numerous reasons to be angry about the potential ban, including the reason why this is happening now (China + it being the most pro-Palestine social media community) and the fact that a lot of people make a living through the app, as another poster mentioned above.
Aid for Ukraine is good. It is crucial. But packages like this are one of the many reasons why this country is so rotten. Because something morally right, such as aid for Ukraine, can only be passed alongside something factually evil (more money towards Israel's genocide of Palestine), alongside something completely shortsighted and ignorant (the TikTok ban). https://www.resetera.com/threads/senate-passes-95-billion-package-sending-aid-to-ukraine-israel-l-taiwan-includes-repo-act-tiktok-after-months-of-delay.852096/?post=122059392#post-122059392
I love how they keep making that claim about it being "the most pro-Palestine" social media as if there's any evidence of this.
Also interesting how now the fact that a lot of people making a living through something is reason not to ban it.
They keep quoting an article without realizing that the calls to ban it after oct 7, the date with the most Jews killed since the holocaust, wasn’t because it was pro Palestinian content but because it was violently anti Semitic
That’s pretty clear dismissing concerns.
Zeo is so sus. His virtue signaling online persona always shows its cracks.
04-24-2024, 03:04 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-24-2024, 03:07 AM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
Switters wrote:Whatever score robs these devs of their bonus.
Switters wrote:Qudi wrote:Like the whole team? If yes, what an awful thing to say. Lol. No. "Devs" as in the royal devs. I should have worded it better thinking it was interchangeable within the context. I'm not a monster. Christ. I just don't think bald faced misogyny and anti-feminism should be rewarded. Call me crazy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Shemhazai wrote:If it scores higher than Forspoken then truly, gaming media has failed us.
17 users liked this post: MoonlightJazz, Tucker's Law, LoverOfCycles, Vertigo, Brolha, NekoFever, D3RANG3D, benji, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, FUME5, Switters, Chumbawumbafan69, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, kaleidoscopium, BIONIC
Kyle Cross, post: 121954527, member: 5544 wrote:With the OT going up this Wednesday, I'm inquiring again on the possibility of getting a note added to the Stellar Blade OT about the developers misogynistic history when it gets made? Thank you.
Kinthey, post: 121964037, member: 17780 wrote:Not against a note, but shouldn't this then also be applied to any Ubisoft, Activision, Blizzard etc. game?
Nerokis, post: 121977723, member: 4985 wrote:The answer to this is, honestly, “not really.”
This isn’t a transitive thing. It is, properly, a case by case thing where community discourse, in combination with the specific factors at play, occasionally reaches a threshold where it makes sense to start doing things like adding notes, containing discussion, or straight up banning discussion altogether.
Adding notes to the Stellar Blade OT but not this or that OT isn’t a statement that only Stellar Blade out of those is worth scrutinizing. It’s a statement that the situation around the game is such that our community feels explicitly pointing out some of its problematic elements that way is needed. Maybe there are external factors at play adding to the discomfort around those elements (e.g. Stellar Blade becoming a focal point of so-called GamerGate 2.0), maybe some of them have been underreported (e.g. the firing of feminist employees), maybe the discourse around the game has been conflicted in a way that it would simply benefit from establishing a very visible baseline for acknowledging its issues.
Either way, the point is this: inevitably, this kind of action isn’t just about the presence of negative elements around a game, but also whether or not our community feels galvanized to ask for some kind of action. Calls for perfect consistency in this “why this and not that?” form tend to be incredibly off base for that reason (and others I won’t go into here).
And I say all this as someone who thinks it isn’t really necessary to add notes to the Stellar Blade OT beyond maybe a few sentences in the opening post acknowledging problematic elements and warning people not to be dismissive of criticism.
Kyuuji, post: 122020233, member: 31943 wrote:Thank you for making this point so clearly.
16 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, LoverOfCycles, Vertigo, Brolha, Daffy Duck, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, benji, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia, Hap Shaughnessy
More constructive:
Snormy, post: 122036043, member: 2756 wrote:Korea's political climate in regards to sexism is an entire topic. This makes it difficult for some members of staff gauge bias or quality of sources. Certainly even among the situations based in the US journalists aren't and outlets consider things from a business perspective and not just whether or not it should be covered at all. Further more we need to pass most of it through translation services which further complicate things. There are a lot of GamersGate comparisons made and one thing that seems evident is that misinformation and bad faith slandering, attacks on character and worse are all part of reality here. It isn't easy and there is only so much time we should give any one task realistically.
It is my hope that given the game is getting a lot of international attention, we will start to see more international journalists providing insight and information so we can pad out the knowledge gaps and uncertainties.
While I'm happy to say that I have no benefit of the doubt against the claim I'm awfully aware that voicing my own opinion does not carry the same weight as an official staff statements. A degree of consideration for the grains of salt feel necessary. Members are welcome to share what they find with respect and considerations to the possibility of misinformation as well.
This issue is acknowledged but only a minor piece of the post. It is still being reviewed but we've opted to try and keep it light and focused on simple points rather than long ranty ones like I tend to do.
Further staff posts or amendments and threadmarks such as for more information bits or resources on this matter can be made as needed once the thread is live.
I really need to come back in here to say voice my thoughts about some of the more recent stuff such as the whole shaming thing. While it is easy to think "don't shame people" I think placing the blame on these members alone is not the solution.
The fuck is this word salad
13 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Brolha, JoeBoy101, NekoFever, D3RANG3D, benji, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, Hap Shaughnessy, kaleidoscopium, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Stellar Blade OT? Guess it's the best place to complain about Korean politics.
Remember, it’s misogyny to fire a contractor who tried to do a protest question during a shareholder meeting. That’s what they’re upset about.
(04-24-2024, 03:11 AM)BIONIC wrote: More constructive:
Snormy, post: 122036043, member: 2756 wrote:Korea's political climate in regards to sexism is an entire topic. This makes it difficult for some members of staff gauge bias or quality of sources. Certainly even among the situations based in the US journalists aren't and outlets consider things from a business perspective and not just whether or not it should be covered at all. Further more we need to pass most of it through translation services which further complicate things. There are a lot of GamersGate comparisons made and one thing that seems evident is that misinformation and bad faith slandering, attacks on character and worse are all part of reality here. It isn't easy and there is only so much time we should give any one task realistically.
It is my hope that given the game is getting a lot of international attention, we will start to see more international journalists providing insight and information so we can pad out the knowledge gaps and uncertainties.
While I'm happy to say that I have no benefit of the doubt against the claim I'm awfully aware that voicing my own opinion does not carry the same weight as an official staff statements. A degree of consideration for the grains of salt feel necessary. Members are welcome to share what they find with respect and considerations to the possibility of misinformation as well.
This issue is acknowledged but only a minor piece of the post. It is still being reviewed but we've opted to try and keep it light and focused on simple points rather than long ranty ones like I tend to do.
Further staff posts or amendments and threadmarks such as for more information bits or resources on this matter can be made as needed once the thread is live.
I really need to come back in here to say voice my thoughts about some of the more recent stuff such as the whole shaming thing. While it is easy to think "don't shame people" I think placing the blame on these members alone is not the solution.
The fuck is this word salad 
Dogo Mojo wrote:Package deal for the survival of one country, the continued annihilation of another, and an App that many citizens find joy and community through, This country is a fucking circus.
(04-24-2024, 01:35 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: (04-24-2024, 01:29 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/
Uh-oh. We got a new problematic fav for Era.
of course zeo has to jump in
zeovgm wrote:I'm not sure I understand the need to make any sort of comparison this quickly into the story breaking, let alone one as extreme as "worse than Louis C.K."
He was a serial harasser who admitted to masturbating in front of at least five women and had additional accusations on top of that. https://www.resetera.com/threads/megan-thee-stallion-accused-of-harassment-by-cameraman-who-said-he-was-forced-to-watch-her-have-sex.852087/?post=122057412#post-122057412
Once again it is not time to jump to conclusions but it is a time to wait for more information.
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
Pad out the knowledge gaps and uncertainties because a videogame has a conventionally attractive protagonist...
04-24-2024, 04:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-24-2024, 04:04 AM by Taco Bell Tower.)
Quote:I really cannot believe they redlined for a TikTok ban that doesn't help anyone. It's just one of those things that I struggle to understand any upside for it.
Like...it's good that Ukraine is getting support, but is it worth it if we throw the youth vote into a bonfire and potentially hand the election to Trump? I suppose there's no chance Biden will throw it back and ask them to try again, is there?
Crazy to me how much TikTok has rotted their brains, this is just about the perfect bipartisan bill we can have with foreign aid.
You are not getting Ukraine aid with Trump.
04-24-2024, 05:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-24-2024, 05:09 AM by Echelon.)
Motherfuckers just switch back to Snapchat or Instagram or Facebook. They all have the same dumb videos for your ADHD brains. The difference is they're aren't backed by one of the worst regimes on the planet, and any of these retard tankies who think America is even one tenth as bad as the Chinese government should fucking move there.