Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(04-25-2024, 09:15 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Sure? But it's still a white savior story, where the perfect white guy comes in, learns how to be more native than the natives, uphold their values, fight other white people to defend the natives, fall in love with the exotic woman, and then go home. Don't get me wrong, well made movie, but a tropey savior flick at its core.

He fucking dies in that film.


When? Too my recollection, he survives and has a brief audience with the emperor.

Mind you, that idiots contention is bullshit, he isn't a savoir at all, just a stand in for the audience. But pretty sure he makes it through the end.
Fact that Last Samurai is hugely popular in Japan makes the white savior argument a case of a white savior complex in itself.
Oh, I was pretty sure he died. Yeshrug 

That may been a better ending in my head.
RedMercury wrote:Honestly it chokes me up a bit that these kids and faculty members are out there demonstrating. I know it's not easy and not to be taken lightly, just so many people talk shit about their generation for so many things, but they are out there standing up for what's right, it's just good to see even if the reaction is horrible to see.

You should be choked up you worthless performative twat. They're doing what you and the rest of ree can't even begin to comprehend. Actually going out and challenging authority. It's something that used to happen all the time but then you useless, docile cunts came along, sat back and allowed your government to strip everything away. Chokes you up? Get fucked.

Another one -

Quote:I'm sad us English don't protest in the same way, at least on a large scale.

The hypocrisy of them is something else. We don't have large scale protests because you cunts won't stand up for anything.
Absolutely not true, for example, we did a good job of shutting down the super league  Social Justice Warrior 2
Weak men gladly send youths into the meat grinder while thinking they’re too important to be out there.

Although the battlefield is an overpriced college and the fodder are overpaid teachers and children of the affluent class. Was talking to a friend who works at a not-as-prestigious university. They’re prepping for protests but are blunt about how their study body isn’t privileged enough to camp around all day.
(04-25-2024, 10:20 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Absolutely not true, for example, we did a good job of shutting down the super league  Social Justice Warrior 2

Thank God we were there to protect FIFA and UEFA from those madmen
(04-25-2024, 03:30 AM)Polident wrote:
(04-25-2024, 02:36 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I just realised something seeing all the Fallout sales boost news based on the TV show's popularity.

Square's intention with the FF movie and the Compilation of FFVII, and to a lesser extent with XIII (no movie) and XV (video animated movie) was to create a synergy feedback loop between movies and games that would increase sales for both.

Fallout has just done what they have always tried to do, while Rebirth's sales underperform.

If they commissioned a Final Fantasy live action show in a similar vein to Fallout and The Last of Us (did game sales get a boost?), could that potentially boost FF game sales and make FF the behemoth Square need it to be?
[Image: 5wdioz.png]

I know we're all thinking the same thing right now. Sydney Sweeney as Tifa.

[Image: cHeRirvl.jpg]

Queen Stellar Blade shill wrote:[Image: shaking-my-head-sigh.gif]
Spend time designing and modelling a detailed outfit only only for the camera to spend half its time, almost literally, inside her ass. Whyyy 😩 (I know why but whyyy).

Oh come on Kyuuji. You don't have to pretend anymore. We all know you're rock hard and jacking off to this.

Leeness(Hard to tell if it's a trans member or a real woman) wrote:I got bored about halfway through that video of the outfits lol. Some are fine, some are cute, many are gross, many are hideous.

But oh my god, the way she is standing in the menu screen looks so uncomfortable. It's like she's slightly bending forward to thrust her boobs out, and also bending back to thrust her butt out, all the time. I was actually physically uncomfortable watching hahaha. That poor plastic woman 😭

Oh no that poor video game character.

Dice posting a GIF that is upsetting the thread wrote:[Image: 47SgxaF.gif]

This is so lame and obvious lol

I honestly love a good fashion component, and a lot of the outfits are great in theory, but it's cheezed up soooooo much it's honestly just funny.
That camera work wants you to look, or it'll make you look.
planetsmasher wrote:The ridiculous nerd fervor centered around Stellar Blade is really wearing me down. I've had an extremely rough month (work bullshit mostly), and watching people all around the internet, including games journalists who should know better, dance around and celebrate the success of that game is burning my candle down to the absolute bottom of the metaphor that I'm too tired to complete.

Just awful. I thought the industry was learning and growing, but apparently all you have to do is pretend a genre isn't being served (seriously, how many melee action games have come out in the past year? like at least a dozen, if not more) and stick a Sony logo on the box and people will line up to gleefully excuse anything, even lining up hand in hand with fucking GamerGate to do so.

I'm so fucking exhausted, folks.

Meanwhile in the granblue thread he admits something rather odd:

planetsmasher wrote:lol cagliostro and charlotta were the last two characters I recruited

I know this game has some questionable character designs so I googled them, loe and behold both of them are little kid anime characters with odd outfits.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: Cagliostro.png]
[Image: Npc_zoom_3040010000_01.png]

Shouldn’t you know better Mr Smasher?

planet smasher wrote:Someone just proudly bragged about putting me on ignore for being too "negative" about the game. I'm so fucking tired.
Double posted because this site sucks ass on mobile no offense
(04-25-2024, 01:06 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Double posted because this site sucks ass on mobile no offense

I think we should offend Benji more actually.
ciao wrote:Yeah, japanese-artist-twitter is just gifs of her ass during various cutscenes today. Gonna be hard to browse at work.

Boys club rhetoric?
These morons are really having mental breakdowns because people are enjoying Stellar Blade? Why don't these middle-aged, terminally online sex pests just ignore the game ? ???
(04-25-2024, 01:44 PM)Averon wrote: These morons are really having mental breakdowns because people are enjoying Stellar Blade? Why don't these middle-aged, terminally online sex pests just ignore the game ? ???

That “silence is violence” mantra really hit home with them lol
ComedySmasher wrote:The ridiculous nerd fervor centered around Stellar Blade is really wearing me down. I've had an extremely rough month (work bullshit mostly), and watching people all around the internet, including games journalists who should know better, dance around and celebrate the success of that game is burning my candle down to the absolute bottom of the metaphor that I'm too tired to complete.

Just awful. I thought the industry was learning and growing, but apparently all you have to do is pretend a genre isn't being served (seriously, how many melee action games have come out in the past year? like at least a dozen, if not more) and stick a Sony logo on the box and people will line up to gleefully excuse anything, even lining up hand in hand with fucking GamerGate to do so.

I'm so fucking exhausted, folks.

What a damn drama queen. If one game is enough to completely reverse all social/political gains you feel your side gained over the years, then those supposed "gains" wasn't much to being with. Look how weak and fragile they feel their positions are that they feel the mere existence of Stellar Blade is enough to upend everything for them.
It's a bit like that time when he was in acting class and that girl and him had to make out and even though it was totally awesome for her it just didn't sit right with him ya know
hrist wrote:Just some fragility, some men are just incapable of even handling the smallest criticism of their pantyshot simulator.

They want both the sexism *and* the pat on the head for playing <good game>. They really want *both*. Someone daring to say "uh" just isn't wanted.

He’s had a rough month. Think about all the poor dachshunds leaping to their deaths when they see him coming
Messi decides to pick another fight with Gene Park.
How can Stellar Blade possibly impact your life at all. It's appears to be an okay-to-good hack and slash game that's gonna sell like 2 million tops, who cares? Oh no boobs and ass I guess. The only reason why it's having such a large impact on these weak souls is that they can't browse their beloved Resetera the way they want.
(04-25-2024, 02:45 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Messi decides to pick another fight with Gene Park.
dmax3801 wrote:He evokes it but imo fails to make a compelling argument for how it manifests in Stellar Blade. It's like his point is things are fucked over there for women in a unique way... Therefore stellar blade. When actually stellar blade is just another product of, and a contributor to, how things are fucked over there.

genepark wrote:your last sentence is exactly what the point of my piece was. im sorry it didn't communicate that to you.

Surprised he’s even bothering with these retards tbh
Ah here’s why planet smasher is bitching (today) 

dusan wrote:Stellar Blade looks banger. It will be one of the best selling games of 2024 🤘🏻

planet smasher wrote:I sure as fuck hope not. So many better games to play out there.

Why would anyone want to ignore someone posting like this?? lol 

David Matter, banned (1 week): Hostility and metacommentary wrote:i am so glad there is the IGNORE button in this forum, pretty crazy somebody who likes to spread negativity and reply many people here with his negative comments deserves to be ignored, i was so tired of that bs
Imagine being such a fuckin loser that you have to act like a self-mortifying smelly cunt in a thread for hypothetical anime lesbians to get any engagement with other humans
Jimbojim, banned (1 month): Dismissive commentary/JAQing off; history of the same. wrote:Not looking to create a debate but why can't you just play and enjoy a game for its gameplay loop or story and just not care how the characters look?
Top minds in this thread. 

Quote:So it's going that badly then

Glad it's not me
Nah not really. We just gave them 60 billion. Russia can't win. Ukraine just needs more men to ride out the rest of the war

Quote:It's highly unethical to force someone to give up their life for a piece of land if they don't want to.

You should go volunteer.
nice try. Ukraine isn't accepting foreign volunteers with no military training.
Does this forum want Russia to win?
naiad wrote:You're right. I usually try not to truthfully, but seeing someone edge Planetsmasher on, I just had to throw my two cents in there for that. Most other cases, I've been ignoring others trying to gall me into bad-faith arguments. There's been a lot of moments in that thread where I've rolled my eyes and bit my tongue because it's not worth it as you've said and it's clearly a case with somewhere no matter what you say it's just going to fall on deaf ears because they don't want to see anything past their own beliefs.


Planetsmasher came in there yelling at people excited about the game, how is that edging someone on lol
(04-25-2024, 10:13 AM)Snoopy wrote:
RedMercury wrote:Honestly it chokes me up a bit that these kids and faculty members are out there demonstrating. I know it's not easy and not to be taken lightly, just so many people talk shit about their generation for so many things, but they are out there standing up for what's right, it's just good to see even if the reaction is horrible to see.
Have these dudes never been on college campuses before?

(04-25-2024, 12:58 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
planetsmasher wrote:The ridiculous nerd fervor centered around Stellar Blade is really wearing me down. I've had an extremely rough month (work bullshit mostly), and watching people all around the internet, including games journalists who should know better, dance around and celebrate the success of that game is burning my candle down to the absolute bottom of the metaphor that I'm too tired to complete.

Just awful. I thought the industry was learning and growing, but apparently all you have to do is pretend a genre isn't being served (seriously, how many melee action games have come out in the past year? like at least a dozen, if not more) and stick a Sony logo on the box and people will line up to gleefully excuse anything, even lining up hand in hand with fucking GamerGate to do so.

I'm so fucking exhausted, folks.

planet smasher wrote:Someone just proudly bragged about putting me on ignore for being too "negative" about the game. I'm so fucking tired.

[Image: see-nobody-cares.gif]

(04-25-2024, 01:29 PM)BIONIC wrote:
(04-25-2024, 01:06 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Double posted because this site sucks ass on mobile no offense

I think we should offend Benji more actually.
kaleidoscopium has been banned for organizing attacks on staff and encouraging other members to attack staff.
Imagine batting for PlanetSmasher. 

How embarrassing.

jurassh wrote:Based on the OT, it seems like it is allowed. I think many of us are just tired of screaming into the void about this fuckin game. You post criticism or commentary and it gets drowned out by "looks sick, can't wait" type shit.

mrmickfan wrote:It feels like ppl do that shit out of spite

planetsmasher wrote:I guarantee you that they do. Every time I try to post about the game's problems in certain threads, people come out in swarms to flood the thread with hype tweets from random journalists or Sony regional branches so that my posts are buried.

The fact so many people admit to having you on their ignore list suggests otherwise Mr Smasher  wag

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