(04-27-2024, 11:19 PM)benji wrote: I also feel the need to point out that if witchcraft were real that putting hexes and curses on people should pretty clearly be criminal. (And considering the modern regulatory state progressives demand, all of witchcraft should be highly regulated by the state.)
also, casting positive charms on politicians should be considered unlawful donations/kickbacks and a sign of corruption
It is an absolute tragedy for us lol farmers that there isn’t a chud version of ree. A forum they claim to be wizards and ban anyone who mentions Jim Sterling.
04-27-2024, 11:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2024, 11:36 PM by Tucker's Law.)
(04-27-2024, 10:07 PM)Nintex wrote: In the case of Stellar Blade it seems so oddly specific what was kept and what was censored (not just in terms of cleavage but also blood and gore) that it seems like they just had to skate around some age rating thing in Germany or something so they could sell the same version of the game everywhere.
It reminds me a bit of the Top Gun jacket controversy with the flag of Taiwan removed in the trailer, which they later restored as the film wouldn't be released in China.
With all that said, Aspyr restored or is restoring the removed Lara Croft posters from Tomb Raider II in a patch after the public outcry they were removed post release.
There have also been patches for Unicorn Overlord to restore the original translation and remove the 'localization' after players pointed out the script had been altered a lot.
Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization. People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not? Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”? Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.
The burqa boys thread (rightfully) laughing at the weirdo that married a sex roll rings hollow when they have people like cenauru and Kyuuji in their midst also doing weird depraved sex acts
Starts here and just the whole convo after
(04-27-2024, 11:19 PM)benji wrote: I also feel the need to point out that if witchcraft were real that putting hexes and curses on people should pretty clearly be criminal. (And considering the modern regulatory state progressives demand, all of witchcraft should be highly regulated by the state.)
Why didn't the Witches stop Trump?
(04-27-2024, 11:23 PM)Potato wrote: (04-27-2024, 11:11 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: (04-27-2024, 04:05 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I checked up on Shreds. Got surprised because I thought she found a girlfriend!
But alas, it was just a shreds makeover! You naughty girl ...looking more beautiful than ever. Can't quite put my finger on what changed
Still hasn't said thank you to Nintex. 
PS5, thousands of dollars in audio equipment, guitars and amplifiers, stupid plastic toys in the window shelf and more expensive shit lying around the room.
Still begs for money for "food".
Are his parents buying all this shit for him?
Melody can most likely get on foodstamps if they really had no income or go to a food bank. Since they are not I'm guessing it's just a grift.
(04-27-2024, 11:37 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: The burqa boys thread (rightfully) laughing at the weirdo that married a sex roll rings hollow when they have people like cenauru and Kyuuji in their midst also doing weird depraved sex acts
Starts here and just the whole convo after
Coming close to fetish shaming there.. No one tells known zoophile supporter Cenauru that they can't goon to pixels in FFXIV.
04-27-2024, 11:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2024, 11:43 PM by Uncle.)
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Tucker's Law wrote: (04-27-2024, 10:07 PM)Nintex wrote: In the case of Stellar Blade it seems so oddly specific what was kept and what was censored (not just in terms of cleavage but also blood and gore) that it seems like they just had to skate around some age rating thing in Germany or something so they could sell the same version of the game everywhere.
It reminds me a bit of the Top Gun jacket controversy with the flag of Taiwan removed in the trailer, which they later restored as the film wouldn't be released in China.
With all that said, Aspyr restored or is restoring the removed Lara Croft posters from Tomb Raider II in a patch after the public outcry they were removed post release.
There have also been patches for Unicorn Overlord to restore the original translation and remove the 'localization' after players pointed out the script had been altered a lot.
Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization. People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not? Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”? Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.
people don't need to get embarrassingly dramatic about it like THIS FAR AND NO FURTHER!! MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD!! but of course they're entitled to expressing their opinions about this, even if it sounds silly
boycott is a nonspecific message to the company unless you make it clear why you're doing it, you can't just shrug and say "don't buy it then, they'll learn"
not complaining is what got us here in the first place, and if they didn't want to get complained at, they should've made it clear that complaining doesn't get you anywhere and that they're making the games they want to make regardless
they should've said "fuck off" to the first complainers a decade ago, when puritans started the anti hot ladies crusade
Important reminder
17 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Anti-Monitor, Vertigo, Chumbawumbafan69, benji, nachobro, Brolha, NekoFever, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Propagandhim, BIONIC, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, kaleidoscopium
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Tucker's Law wrote: (04-27-2024, 10:07 PM)Nintex wrote: In the case of Stellar Blade it seems so oddly specific what was kept and what was censored (not just in terms of cleavage but also blood and gore) that it seems like they just had to skate around some age rating thing in Germany or something so they could sell the same version of the game everywhere.
It reminds me a bit of the Top Gun jacket controversy with the flag of Taiwan removed in the trailer, which they later restored as the film wouldn't be released in China.
With all that said, Aspyr restored or is restoring the removed Lara Croft posters from Tomb Raider II in a patch after the public outcry they were removed post release.
There have also been patches for Unicorn Overlord to restore the original translation and remove the 'localization' after players pointed out the script had been altered a lot.
Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization. People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not? Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”? Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.
You can do that without going full incel hyperbole. Mark Kern is doing this shit for attention rather than genuinely thinking “this kills the brand”.
04-27-2024, 11:47 PM
(This post was last modified: 04-27-2024, 11:52 PM by Steven Snell.)
(04-27-2024, 11:23 PM)Potato wrote: (04-27-2024, 11:11 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: (04-27-2024, 04:05 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I checked up on Shreds. Got surprised because I thought she found a girlfriend!
But alas, it was just a shreds makeover! You naughty girl ...looking more beautiful than ever. Can't quite put my finger on what changed
Still hasn't said thank you to Nintex. 
PS5, thousands of dollars in audio equipment, guitars and amplifiers, stupid plastic toys in the window shelf and more expensive shit lying around the room.
Still begs for money for "food".
Are his parents buying all this shit for him?
Maybe all the benefit money is going towards that?
Some Melody lore:
Quote:Not here for a misery competition but I'll just say that I'm a transgender woman who lives in Ohio.
I worked for 11 years making less than 18k a year, lost my job and apartment, and was forced to move back into my unsupportive and transphobic parents house or face homelessness.
With deteriorated mental health due to bipolar disorder and being transgender it's been impossible for my to hold another job, or at this point even get hired. I have zero income, If a major medical emergency ever comes up I'd be completely unable to afford healthcare.
Honestly OP your situation sounds like paradise.
2 years prior in the members only Trans thread:
Quote:I haven't updated here in a while.
Hi Melody her again~
It's been almost a year since I started on hrt and my face has changed subtly but nicely, my breasts and nipples have gotten surprisingly large and my hair has significantly recovered.
Also I'm very soon moving into an apartment and out of my parents house which has been a fairly hostile and unsupportive environment for me~
Thing are going pretty well lately.
15 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Vertigo, benji, FEUER FREI., Brolha, Averon, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, kaleidoscopium, Propagandhim, Bootsthecat, Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, Gameboy Nostalgia
"Unsupportive" parents that are putting a roof over their head.
parents who love you and wish you weren't an embarrassing weirdo and still cling to hope that one day their son will come back and embrace them as they once did
16 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Anti-Monitor, Vertigo, porkbun, benji, Brolha, PogiJones, Averon, NekoFever, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Greatness Gone, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia, Bootsthecat, Taco Bell Tower
04-28-2024, 12:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-28-2024, 12:30 AM by Taco Bell Tower.)
(04-27-2024, 11:42 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Important reminder
![[Image: E9Pr64QWQAY4x1w.jpg]](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E9Pr64QWQAY4x1w.jpg)
That subreddit is while
Quote:My post seems to be making rounds again somewhere, so just to reiterate:
99% of the posts on that sub were roleplaying/joking/trolling. I also cannot comment or reply to any of your comments or concerns on that post since I was banned.
I think the sub was originally intended to be serious but it was *quickly* flooded with trolls (it’s me I’m trolls) and people were just shitposting. I was honestly a bit late to the party because everything on that sub was a shitpost at that point.
Nobody unironically believes they astral projected to spy on the taliban or fought Allah. I thought it was a shitposting sub til I got banned and my post went viral and now I am responsible for spreading anti Wiccan propaganda (what the fuck am I even typing rn). Sorry Wiccans, I really do feel bad 🥴
PS — I don’t use Twitter or Instagram anymore. Not really active on Facebook anymore either so anyone claiming to be me isn’t actually me. If for whatever reason I do decide to start using other platforms again, I’ll probably verify it’s actually me if it were to come up.
Which I figured this was dead and buried at this point but hey, I guess this is the internet.
04-28-2024, 12:14 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-28-2024, 12:17 AM by Steven Snell.)
(04-28-2024, 12:13 AM)Uncle wrote: parents who love you and wish you weren't an embarrassing weirdo and still cling to hope that one day their son will come back and embrace them as they once did
Apparently they turn fucking 37 years old later this year.
Quote:wow i was born exactly a year beofre this movie and i will die on its 35th aniversary interesting
what a strange way to tell people you're committing suicide and then not do it
19 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Anti-Monitor, Vertigo, benji, Brolha, Averon, NekoFever, Echelon, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Switters, Greatness Gone, Potato, D3RANG3D, kaleidoscopium, Superstar, Gameboy Nostalgia, Steven Snell, Taco Bell Tower
I'm going to die on the one day anniversary of yesterday, that's wild
11 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, benji, NekoFever, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Greatness Gone, D3RANG3D, Superstar, Gameboy Nostalgia, Steven Snell, Taco Bell Tower
(04-28-2024, 12:24 AM)Uncle wrote: what a strange way to tell people you're committing suicide and then not do it
It's the behaviour of a teenage girl on Myspace or something.
11 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Anti-Monitor, Chumbawumbafan69, Bootsthecat, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Greatness Gone, Potato, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
that cry for attention shit is maddening, people that do that are so selfish never stopping to think about the other people that have to read it and process it, and then to top it all off they dont even want help just attention, its a fucked up thing to do that tells you a lot about the character of the person
I'm gonna kill myself on May 12th 2026
But y'all ain't ready for that conversation
15 users liked this post: slippytoad, LoverOfCycles, Anti-Monitor, Vertigo, benji, BIONIC, Nintex, Besticus Maximus, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Greatness Gone, D3RANG3D, kaleidoscopium, Not an Alt Account, Taco Bell Tower
(04-27-2024, 11:53 PM)Ribosome wrote: "Unsupportive" parents that are putting a roof over their head.
Judging by his own age. It's probably reasonable to think his parents is probably in their 60/70s or close to it, well no fucking shit they're not gonna be very understanding of this whole trans thing that's hot currently. And like you mention be thankful you're not sleeping in an alley somewhere.
(04-27-2024, 11:39 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: (04-27-2024, 11:19 PM)benji wrote: I also feel the need to point out that if witchcraft were real that putting hexes and curses on people should pretty clearly be criminal. (And considering the modern regulatory state progressives demand, all of witchcraft should be highly regulated by the state.)
Why didn't the Witches stop Trump? 
Because he married the most powerful Slovenian scorcerer that fed the souls of their children to Barbago
(04-27-2024, 04:40 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I skipped around one of the streams last night to embrace the beauty. He was eating green olives, threw out 'i need to conserve these olives, it's all I have' as the fat body proceeds to gulp some soda after.
I'd contact CPS, but he's like 40
Sorry, we know this is false because Melody already expressed they cannot open a pickle jar due to trans muscles. You want me to believe he could open a jar of olives? Preposterous!
04-28-2024, 01:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-28-2024, 01:37 AM by Tucker's Law.)
(04-27-2024, 11:44 PM)Boredfrom wrote: (04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Tucker's Law wrote: (04-27-2024, 10:07 PM)Nintex wrote: In the case of Stellar Blade it seems so oddly specific what was kept and what was censored (not just in terms of cleavage but also blood and gore) that it seems like they just had to skate around some age rating thing in Germany or something so they could sell the same version of the game everywhere.
It reminds me a bit of the Top Gun jacket controversy with the flag of Taiwan removed in the trailer, which they later restored as the film wouldn't be released in China.
With all that said, Aspyr restored or is restoring the removed Lara Croft posters from Tomb Raider II in a patch after the public outcry they were removed post release.
There have also been patches for Unicorn Overlord to restore the original translation and remove the 'localization' after players pointed out the script had been altered a lot.
Yeah I think Mark is fighting the good fight overall, especially with how prolific the problems are in modern games localization. People can bag on Mark with the Stellar Blade petition all they want, but if it gets results then why not? Because “iT jUsT vIdYa” and “LOL YOU CULTURE WAR DORKS”? Nah fuck that lazy and disinterested mentality, especially in times like now, when politics can be so affected by its downstream nature to popular culture and entertainment.
You can do that without going full incel hyperbole. Mark Kern is doing this shit for attention rather than genuinely thinking “this kills the brand”.
I’m sure Mark is glad of the attention it brought to his current game, but considering that all the retards in games press and their little circles of minions have been trying to brigade and harass Mark off social media well before this latest thing blew up, I doubt it is being done primarily for putting attention on him. My having this opinion was no doubt influenced by having listened to the man himself discuss these things at length in interviews (censorship & DEI/localization issues in games), instead of letting kotaku employees and weirdoes with flags & pronouns in their bios do my thinking for me.
(04-28-2024, 01:35 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: (04-27-2024, 04:40 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: So I skipped around one of the streams last night to embrace the beauty. He was eating green olives, threw out 'i need to conserve these olives, it's all I have' as the fat body proceeds to gulp some soda after.
I'd contact CPS, but he's like 40
Sorry, we know this is false because Melody already expressed they cannot open a pickle jar due to trans muscles. You want me to believe he could open a jar of olives? Preposterous!
His parents might’ve opened them for him.
All this “controversy” over Eve’s tits being too covered or not and I’m over here, now finally playing the game and scratching my head at Era’s reactions to her in game character. She has a personality, she’s curious about the various things you come across along the way. Is it literally that they can’t stand that she’s asking the guy about this stuff because she wants to know and is otherwise rightfully clueless about things from Earths past?
I know their rage over the costumes, which is also hilarious, but I went into the game thinking she was this clueless person who couldn’t even put one foot in front of the other without needing help. And their tears over her emerging from the pod in the beginning? It was like…three seconds long
The Adder wrote:Assuming that you are, they need to hear it every now and then. It doesn't mean anything if you have to be prodded or if they're in the middle of a breakdown before you'll say it. In most cases you will see the effect it has on them.
SoneaB wrote:But I'm not?
If you'd said daughter, sister, niece etc. Then sure. I do that regularly with no need for prompting. The other people on your curiously gendered list. Nah, I give credit where it's due. And it isn't.
and Era wonders why there is a rise in Andrew Tates.
(04-27-2024, 09:52 PM)Not an Alt Account wrote: ![[Image: JUhaMqN.md.png]](https://iili.io/JUhaMqN.md.png)
This dude is almost 60 btw
Grummz is using this situation to push Em8er. It's no coincidence the first demo for his game dropped just a couple of days ago, after years of relative silence. And Em8er is heavy on fanservice, he contracted a bunch of well-known hentai artists like CSR to do the character designs, so he clearly thinks he has a similar target audience. It's certainly opportunistic, but I can understand the hustle - it's a golden opportunity for him.
(04-28-2024, 02:40 AM)wsippel wrote: (04-27-2024, 09:52 PM)Not an Alt Account wrote: ![[Image: JUhaMqN.md.png]](https://iili.io/JUhaMqN.md.png)
This dude is almost 60 btw
Grummz is using this situation to push Em8er. It's no coincidence the first demo for his game dropped just a couple of days ago, after years of relative silence. And Em8er is heavy on fanservice, he contracted a bunch of well-known hentai artists like CSR to do the character designs, so he clearly thinks he has a similar target audience. It's certainly opportunistic, but I can understand the hustle - it's a golden opportunity for him.
Em8er's website looks like it's straight out of the early 00's. Should've used some of that hentai artist money to put together a better front page.
Quote:Looks like you live in the U.S. Giving back your land and donating finances to the indigenous people of this country is a worthwhile option if you don't have kids.
19 users liked this post: MoonlightJazz, LoverOfCycles, Anti-Monitor, clockwork5, Chumbawumbafan69, BIONIC, Propagandhim, benji, nachobro, Brolha, NekoFever, Gameboy Nostalgia, Superstar, Hap Shaughnessy, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Greatness Gone, Potato, Taco Bell Tower