Journal of Other Forum Analysis
God I hope there’s a poem about their night in the cells. That would be the icing on the cake.
(05-05-2024, 12:03 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: One of the people on noodles side gets into a very odd argument chain,

wookieroar96 wrote:In regards to those so-called massacres of Israelis on October 7th, do you realize those were Israeli drones killing unnarmed civilians at that concert venue, not Hamas? Do you even know why Hamas was formed in the first place? It was organized in response to decades of oppression by the Israeli government against Palestinians in 1988.

I know a lot of self-identifying 'leftists' are all "well, the right does this, so we should be able to too!" rhetoric, but it is fucking painful seeing the left equivalent of sandy hook truthers appear

Feels bad, man
It's almost like both sides are retarded... omg
Us centrist freaks stay winning 

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[Image: il_1080xN.4788602928_kr57.jpg]

Why yes I'm a centrist how can you tell?
Quote:Lol all they had to do was simply send a message about looking into a solution for players in non-supported regions (because those are the only ones with a valid point for their criticism) and this shit would've been close to blowing over by now. Good luck coming back from giving into the demands of chronically online people who only join these "crusades" for the hell of it and to feel like they belong.

The absolute refusal to just blame the one at fault, Sony, should be studied by cults worldwide. Insane brainwashing.
Quote:Arrowhead's CEO and their CM mods are doing an excellent job selling the studio to other major publishers looking like "trust us with your money and marleting power, we will never throw you under the bus under any problem or cicumstance. Neeeeever....". I wonder what sony thinks of their unproffesional behavior these days.

Quote:AH needs to shut up. The only thing I'm reading here is If we have problems with our publishing partner, we are taking it to Twitter and telling the whole public. It doesn't matter who did what, this is a business conversation that needs to take place behind closed doors, what the hell.

They genuinely believe the little guy shouldn’t be telling their customers what’s what and to voice their complaints. All because its Sony.
Quote:Why is it silly for a game that is actually really fun, well priced, and great continual support being ranked as the most negative paid game on Steam? Because it's dumb, the game is still amazing and people are just jumping aboard the review bomb train. This is going to get sorted, I bet by the end of next week and we all no people are going to go back and fix their reactionary takes.

Has a Bernie Sanders profile pic
(05-05-2024, 03:38 PM)ComeAgain wrote:
Quote:Arrowhead's CEO and their CM mods are doing an excellent job selling the studio to other major publishers looking like "trust us with your money and marleting power, we will never throw you under the bus under any problem or cicumstance. Neeeeever....". I wonder what sony thinks of their unproffesional behavior these days.

Quote:AH needs to shut up. The only thing I'm reading here is If we have problems with our publishing partner, we are taking it to Twitter and telling the whole public. It doesn't matter who did what, this is a business conversation that needs to take place behind closed doors, what the hell.

They genuinely believe the little guy shouldn’t be telling their customers what’s what and to voice their complaints. All because its Sony.

They actually want it this way. With Shift up they can say "Hey they censored it themselves, Sony is not to blame". Helldivers devs actually speaking up about disliking Sony's meddling ruins that narrative
Just go ahead and bookmark that thread for when the Ponies lose their shit when they have to create an XBL gamertag and use XBL friendslists when MS start porting their shit over.
(05-04-2024, 11:33 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:You know, if a categorisation needs to be so highly detailed that it needs a 'Show more', and has to relate to such a specific anatomical technicality with a list of caveats, it's almost as if it's totally meaningless and unmeasurable in real life and thus a useless categorisation.
But it's not. Biological sex is accurate 100% of the time, and you can tell 99.8% visually. There is no "specific" list of "caveats" especially not to the extent it makes it meaningless or unmeasurable.

AND even if it was, which again it isn't, that still wouldn't mean you could define your sex anyway you want. The result from nihilist deconstruction into nothingness isn't "so therefore I can use it however I want" it's that you can no longer use it.

You guys are always making this mistake, you're always attacking capitalism or Stellar Blade or whatever then refuse to say what should replace it and why that would be better. You screech about representation then never give examples of Black or trans excellence. 

This isn't how things work, especially not in science, you have to provide the superior methodology. You guys literally are making Mac's argument:

The way out of Mac's argument is to point out that evolution still describes reality superior to all other theories. The way out of your attacks on sex is to point out that you're not just wrong but that even if you were right you haven't offered a superior model. The way out of your attacks on capitalism is to point out that it's still superior to the only alternative anyone has proposed.

We don't use Aristotle, Galileo or Newton's models because something better came along. If it hadn't, we'd still use those models because they were better than what came before. Nor did those guys being wrong about one thing render everything they said wrong, they may have been BITCHES on one topic but they are still useful in other areas. They only became BITCHES because something better was found.

You have yet to provide that superior method than biology. Especially because you're under the impression that there's more than two sexes because some people have developmental disorders. You're trying to play language games in topics you haven't bothered to try and understand. We don't even have to look to something objective like sex, I can disprove you on gender. Gender is a social construct you agree, but this doesn't mean you personally can define gender, it means that's up to society. And society isn't a thing, it's a social construct, so you're now two levels away from being able to define it. This is aside from the fact that you aren't even arguing that society should adopt a different definition of gender because you make quite clear you have a very rigid definition that by and large our modern culture has a more fluid one than. Your entire anger is that society is too open to gender non-conformity these days. You're trying to leverage past beliefs against modern society to convince it to accept those past beliefs but let individuals choose which rigid construct they want to be in. Even though society has already advanced extensively to where men and women can be mostly whatever "type" of man or woman they want to be. You're raging against a defunct cultural machine in hopes it will allow you to push right through to making science fall.

But even if you undermine and ruin science, that won't change reality. You'll still be the sex you were born as and the gender you were socialized as. Maybe spend your time on actual things instead of festering in anger at how others don't have your weird sexual hangups. Aristotle's got some ideas about that if you're fine with reading some dumb science bitch.
I hope this season gets back on track, this filler episode is terrible  Snoring
(05-05-2024, 03:38 PM)ComeAgain wrote:
Quote:Arrowhead's CEO and their CM mods are doing an excellent job selling the studio to other major publishers looking like "trust us with your money and marleting power, we will never throw you under the bus under any problem or cicumstance. Neeeeever....". I wonder what sony thinks of their unproffesional behavior these days.

Quote:AH needs to shut up. The only thing I'm reading here is If we have problems with our publishing partner, we are taking it to Twitter and telling the whole public. It doesn't matter who did what, this is a business conversation that needs to take place behind closed doors, what the hell.

They genuinely believe the little guy shouldn’t be telling their customers what’s what and to voice their complaints. All because its Sony.
They really think Sony and other publishers are as petty as they are?
(05-04-2024, 11:31 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(05-04-2024, 11:20 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Lilly Anne wrote:I love JK Rowling's definition of the word "Woman". Go on the streets and askpeople who are the "Human beings who belongs to the sex class that produces large gametes" and people will look at you thinking you are insane

Do you really want to ask lay people who they think is crazier? You aren’t going to like the results lol

Lilly Anne. Regretably I have to inform you that a large majority out there have quite the low opinion of the trans community.

lol at them being mad at JK for defining a woman without any caveats where they could throw in any "but what about so and so who make up 0.01% of the population? Checkmate!" 
Meanwhile their own definition "A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" is completely meaningless shit. Like you learn in elementary school that a definition can't contain the word it's defining.
I'm somewhat fascinated that people on there seem to think the CEOs of these different companies really hate each other and have loyalties to the brand outside of their job. You'd think this sort of idea wouldn't have survived the internet, especially not on a forum that constantly posts about how all these executives are greedy inhuman monsters who don't care about anything but money.

I would have thought Reggie of all people talking about how he has the other platforms would have killed this idea.
(05-05-2024, 04:23 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: lol at them being mad at JK for defining a woman without any caveats where they could throw in any "but what about so and so who make up 0.01% of the population? Checkmate!" 
Meanwhile their own definition "A woman is anyone who identifies as a woman" is completely meaningless shit. Like you learn in elementary school that a definition can't contain the word it's defining.
I like how they think it's less weird or offensive to go up to people and ask them what sex they are than Rowling's definition or similar. lol
Noodle soup posted his diary, long long post

TLDR, generic “prison sucks and it made me more radicalized man! They made us eat SLOP!” Type post, one part stands out to me though: 

Quote:He proposed a hypothetical where if a company that is complicit in wrongdoings were to grant a student a scholarship, should the school severe such ties if that meant the student was to lose the scholarship? We, of course, said yes. Afterward, he asked if we would all drop out of school if we had scholarships from a corporation that was complicit in any wrongdoings. We, of course, also said yes.

This shows such a naive and privileged mindset from young noodlesoup, a company is willing to pay for a students education, no strings attached, and that student should be kicked out if the company is found to be “bad”? The fuck is wrong with these kids minds. Fucking weirdos
(05-05-2024, 01:10 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(05-05-2024, 05:27 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Good job whiners, you fucked it for those people from those countries who had no qualms making a foreign PSN account or using their existing one.

I assume Japan being on there was a fat fingered mistake.
??? If anything if there was no complaints the ones who can't make PSN accounts would be the complainers

Windrunner needs to take her dick out of Sony's ass. Ironically when they identified as a man years ago they were a massive Xbox shill, I guess coming out as trans came with being a Playstation shill all of the sudden.

I know why
Quote:Foreign PSN accounts have been something Sony have looked the other way on for over 15 years.

Bozos have now drawn attention to it making it the biggest gaming news story of the week and forced Sony's hand in enforcing TOS. Good job.

They have admitted in the previous Helldivers 2 threads they're using Sony addresses and random Japan address.  Wind could get banned for using fake info.
(05-04-2024, 11:30 AM)Nintex wrote: Isn't Dua Lipa way too male gazey for the Burqa brigade and totally Haram?

It’s alright Uzzy likes her
(05-05-2024, 05:05 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Noodle soup posted his diary, long long post

Quote:So yeah, that was that. My friends and I are meeting with our lawyer later today to discuss the next best course of action. Even though we're completely banned from campus (one of my friends who lived in the dorms has been rendered homeless), the encampment is still going strong. We'll continue to pressure the university to meet our demands—even if it means it'll spill well into the next school year.
What's the thing Ree says when people fuck up?  Oh, right.  Fuck around and find out.
There's a lot of idiocy in that post, but my favourite was the bit where he explained why what they were doing was pointless but it wasn't pointless because reasons
(05-03-2024, 09:06 AM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(05-03-2024, 03:21 AM)benji wrote:

Whats the phrase the cool kids use? Don't threaten me with a good time?

FYI...yet another embarrassing tweet deleted, scrubbed from the was caraballo threatening a full academic boycott of some institution for some reason...

One of the weirdest things about trans people, and this includes the offline "normies", is that they think their gender change should change how you treat them. I've seen them all across the insanity spectrum say "just treat me like a woman/man." Except this isn't something I ever think about. I'm not claiming to be non-sexist or even remotely a feminist but I never ever think "this person is a dude so I will treat him this way" consciously. I'm sure it happens subconsciously but I could never list out the ways I treat different genders. If you insist on me treating you differently because of your gender I'm going to treat you differently because of the personality you've revealed. I don't roughhouse with my grandma because she's a woman but because she's old and fragile and tiny and probably stronger than me.

I have the same problem with race so I don't get that either. Enzom having his skin color revealed and disappearing is very funny but I wouldn't have changed how I treated him. If Nintex revealed he was Black I wouldn't give him a pass for being Dutch and posting garbage MAGA Twitters.

It feels very racist or sexist to me to ask other people to do this. Like you're saying "treat me like I'm stupider or less emotionally stable" or something because I can't imagine what else it could mean. I can't imagine people talking about how oppressed marginalized people are all the time want me to make up some "good" stereotypes as if I could even do this. (Especially when they never act like those stereotypes and still like the other.)

Maybe I'm just too individualistic (shocking I know) or have always had too many friends that were girls or grew up with too diverse of friends or something. I don't understand it, especially from people who claim to be intellectual and informed. Then again, these are the same people who are constantly saying they have to believe something because chuds are doing the opposite.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Be sure to donate to my Ko-fi so I can eat today no matter what the capital-G Gamers want.
(05-05-2024, 05:16 PM)Uncle wrote: FYI...yet another embarrassing tweet deleted, scrubbed from the was caraballo threatening a full academic boycott of some institution for some reason...

Caraballo does this all the time. In the evening they'll post a bunch of hardcore leftist activist stuff like BIDEN WANTS ME DEAD, NO MORE VOTING, TIME TO FUCK UP THE SUPREME COURT, DEATH TO ISRAEL, etc. Or they'll make some big declarations about the law that they get mocked for. Then they wake up and will delete it. lol

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Only the top tweets, always forget to delete their replies where they double down. Teehee
Also highlighting his prison experience, bro was surprised they separated the girls from the guys in jail lol 

noodlesoup wrote:Mind you, I have never been jailed or arrested before, so the entire ordeal was quite a shock to me. The architecture was oppressive and bleak, the cops were smug assholes, and nobody was aware of the fact that we had to strip naked in front of a cop for them to check us. It was, frankly, humiliating. Luckily, I was placed in a large cell block with four of my other friends (as well as two other friendly cellmates). However, Joe and one of my other friends (the only woman in our group) weren't so lucky. They were separated from us and each other, which is something we didn't find out about until after we were released. Despite being in jail for only 24 hours, it was pretty depressing for all of us. The bathrooms had no privacy, there was no A/C, the food was literal slop, etc. You only had three free calls to your name, where you had to repeat "The United States of America" to the phone to start it. Just dystopian shit. Any other services that involved contact with the outside world required you to *pay*; if you didn't have any family members or friends who knew you were in jail and could give you money, you were fucked. My friends and I were talking about how we became more radicalized. If these are the conditions that people lived in, how could you possibly *not* be for prison abolition? Furthermore, we started talking with the other two inmates who were locked up in the block with us. We didn't ask what they were arrested for, but they were pretty dumbfounded to see that we were arrested for fucking protesting and were genuinely supportive of us.

noodlesoup wrote:We had a good time—that is until we all realized what we signed up for. One of my friends, Joe, is a trans man who had a tearful conversation with us about how anything could happen if we were to get arrested and sent to jail—most notably (TW) sexual assault.

Joe is the “trans man” referred to earlier in the story that was worried about sexual assault in jail. And yet they were also worried about being put into the women’s cells. Can’t make this shit up.

And just imagine throwing your education away for this, he was seemingly either a junior or senior in college. All down the drain to protest something the school can’t even change lol
(05-05-2024, 05:05 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Noodle soup posted his diary, long long post
Quote:Moreover, the president took on a centrist position where he conveyed that he was powerless to enact the demands we set...which we all know is bullshit.
I mean, it's not. Illinois State probably has a board and above that is the state legislature. lol 

Quote:. One of my friends, Joe, is a trans man who had a tearful conversation with us about how anything could happen if we were to get arrested and sent to jail—most notably (TW) sexual assault. And despite being aware of the possibility that it could happen, they were fully committed to the cause to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people who were going through genocide. This was heavy, heavy stuff. It was this moment in particular that made me realize I was no longer a kid; I was an adult who, like my friends, all had something to lose considering who we were as people (black, queer, etc.).
Thank you for your service!

Quote:Mind you, I have never been jailed or arrested before, so the entire ordeal was quite a shock to me. The architecture was oppressive and bleak, the cops were smug assholes, and nobody was aware of the fact that we had to strip naked in front of a cop for them to check us. It was, frankly, humiliating.
Quote:However, Joe and one of my other friends (the only woman in our group) weren't so lucky. They were separated from us
Quote:The bathrooms had no privacy, there was no A/C, the food was literal slop, etc. You only had three free calls to your name, where you had to repeat "The United States of America" to the phone to start it. Just dystopian shit. Any other services that involved contact with the outside world required you to *pay*; if you didn't have any family members or friends who knew you were in jail and could give you money, you were fucked. My friends and I were talking about how we became more radicalized. If these are the conditions that people lived in, how could you possibly *not* be for prison abolition?

Quote:It was surreal to see so much support for us after contending with apathetic assholes and Zionists who were against us on Snapchat, YikYak, in person, etc.

Quote:My friends and I are meeting with our lawyer later today to discuss the next best course of action.
You're all going to plea!
They only had to stay that long because they got arrested on a Friday night.
I love the line “My friends and I were talking about how we became more radicalized”

''Mom, I know you're angry that I got arrested. But I saw someone else being arrested and thought to myself 'man, you could do that too'. Please understand.''

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