Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(05-05-2024, 05:31 PM)benji wrote:
(05-05-2024, 05:05 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Noodle soup posted his diary, long long post
Quote:Moreover, the president took on a centrist position where he conveyed that he was powerless to enact the demands we set...which we all know is bullshit.
I mean, it's not. Illinois State probably has a board and above that is the state legislature. lol
Quote:Notice of Next Meeting
May 10, 2024

Discussion Hour
8:00 a.m.
Circus Room, Bone Student Center

Board of Trustees Meeting
9:15 a.m.
Old Main Room, Bone Student Center

Live stream will be available via YouTube
Quote:Public Comment
An individual who wishes to provide comment during a public meeting is encouraged to register on the sign-in sheet at the entrance to the meeting location.

In the event the number of requests to address the Board of Trustees exceeds the time available for public comments, the requests will be approved based upon the order of requests listed on the sign-in sheet.
Quote:The Board consists of seven members appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Illinois Senate for overlapping six-year terms
This is Illinois so probably at least five of these are Democrats if not nearly all.

I'm sure the executive Education Department has some oversight thing, and then there's the state legislature which will have a committee specifically about this. Begging political activists to learn anything about the system they want to protest, not just try to protest to the country's dad about everything as if he's omnipotent.

Quote:EDIT: Jesus Christ. My lawyer just mentioned to us that the prosecutor wanted to charge me and a friend with a felony. For me in particular, I think we all know why


Also this kid is fucking stupid, I enjoy reading the diary but disclosing this information on a public forum seems really really dumb.
Pretty easy for investigators to track this down I imagine (they probably already have) and read about how they were planning 'more militant' action plus finding out that they didn't have a conversation with the university president in good faith (knowing that he had no control over the investments of the foundation) but merely to get attention. 

Lawyer: "So what have you been up to since your arrest kid?"

Dumbfuck: "Well I have been posting online about how our University President is a fucking clown, ACAB, I'm more radicalized and falsely accusing law enforcement of being racists"

Lawyer: *spits out coffee*

Spoiler: admission of guilt (click to show)
Alright, it's time to explain what happened the last two days.

Escalation was the main area of contention for our encampment. Whereas 85% of the camp wanted to comply with university rules in their continued protests, the other 15% (which primarily consisted of YDSA members like myself) felt that we needed to take real action if our demands were to be met. Eventually, we came to a compromise that those who wanted to take more militant action would stage a sit-in. There were seven of us in the end who agreed to do the sit-in even though that meant the risk of disciplinary action/police involvement. Now, it's important to understand that a lot of people of color in the encampment were very wary of escalation since the presence of police isn't something to play about. I completely understand. As for my decision to participate despite being black, I saw black people my age putting themselves at risk and getting arrested at GSU and Emory and I thought: if they're risking themselves, why can't I? I knew my parents would disagree with this reasoning, so unlike my friends, I decided not to tell them (more on that later).

At around 10:05 AM on May 3rd, we mobilized outside the president's office in the administrative building. Shockingly, the president arrived just a few minutes later—coffee in hand—and mentioned how he was overwhelmingly "supportive" of our duty to civic engagement. We talked about our demands for a bit before he had a quick morning meet, where he was skeptical of how divestments would change anything for Palestine/Israel despite admitting to being a protestor against apartheid in South Africa. After his meeting, he invited us into the president's conference room for a 20-minute conversation with the expectation that we would leave our signs and phones behind. He began by saying that we should welcome this opportunity to converse as "scholars". These are the major talking points:
Divestment isn't possible because the university has no direct investments. This is partially true, but it doesn't render our mission useless. Since the university handles all of its investments through its very own off-shoot corporate entity that is the (school's name) Foundation, they can absolve themselves of any involvement whatsoever.
Moreover, the president took on a centrist position where he conveyed that he was powerless to enact the demands we set...which we all know is bullshit.
He proposed a hypothetical where if a company that is complicit in wrongdoings were to grant a student a scholarship, should the school severe such ties if that meant the student was to lose the scholarship? We, of course, said yes. Afterward, he asked if we would all drop out of school if we had scholarships from a corporation that was complicit in any wrongdoings. We, of course, also said yes.
Corporations are capable of doing both good and bad things. Sure, Caterpillar may be bad by being complicit in genocide through the supplying of bulldozers to Israel, however, they can still be "good" by constructing homes in a country like Haiti following a natural disaster. This was the example that he gave us. I'm not kidding.
After twenty minutes of dancing around the prospects of divestment, the president never touched on our other demands such as disclosure, boycott, bans, or thawabit. Before he left, I mentioned how the president did not once refer to the Palestinian people as Palestinian but rather as Hamas. He didn't blow up like a tea kettle or anything but he came pretty fucking close: he raised his voice, banged on the table to enunciate words, and talked down to us rather condescendingly. Shortly after, he adjourned the meeting and we knew we weren't having another conversation with this clown.

So we staged our sit-in for the next 6 hours. Supporters, including the media, came in periodically to give us food, interviews, and updates. We had a good time—that is until we all realized what we signed up for. One of my friends, Joe, is a trans man who had a tearful conversation with us about how anything could happen if we were to get arrested and sent to jail—most notably (TW) sexual assault. And despite being aware of the possibility that it could happen, they were fully committed to the cause to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people who were going through genocide. This was heavy, heavy stuff. It was this moment in particular that made me realize I was no longer a kid; I was an adult who, like my friends, all had something to lose considering who we were as people (black, queer, etc.).

Then, the Demonstration Safety Team confronted us once 5:00 PM hit. They told us that we were violating university policy by staying past close and were at risk of being suspended/arrested. They wanted us to comply and leave, although we told them we had no intent to leave. They pleaded with us on three more separate occasions. We knew the university was scared; they haven't arrested a student in decades. The Dean of Students at one point came to warn us that we would be banned from campus altogether if we didn't leave, which is something that the DST failed to mention. For the final plea at around 7:00 PM, the chief of police (for the university) talked with us and asked us to leave in the hopes that we would comply. We refused. Immediately after, 15 cops came in and put us all in handcuffs. We made sure not to say anything or resist arrest. They marched us out of the administrative building and loaded us onto two paddy wagons, where there were about 40 onlookers (a mixture of press, protestors from our encampment, and other bystanders).

Mind you, I have never been jailed or arrested before, so the entire ordeal was quite a shock to me. The architecture was oppressive and bleak, the cops were smug assholes, and nobody was aware of the fact that we had to strip naked in front of a cop for them to check us. It was, frankly, humiliating. Luckily, I was placed in a large cell block with four of my other friends (as well as two other friendly cellmates). However, Joe and one of my other friends (the only woman in our group) weren't so lucky. They were separated from us and each other, which is something we didn't find out about until after we were released. Despite being in jail for only 24 hours, it was pretty depressing for all of us. The bathrooms had no privacy, there was no A/C, the food was literal slop, etc. You only had three free calls to your name, where you had to repeat "The United States of America" to the phone to start it. Just dystopian shit. Any other services that involved contact with the outside world required you to *pay*; if you didn't have any family members or friends who knew you were in jail and could give you money, you were fucked. My friends and I were talking about how we became more radicalized. If these are the conditions that people lived in, how could you possibly *not* be for prison abolition? Furthermore, we started talking with the other two inmates who were locked up in the block with us. We didn't ask what they were arrested for, but they were pretty dumbfounded to see that we were arrested for fucking protesting and were genuinely supportive of us.

Anyway, we had to appear in court over Zoom yesterday. We were charged with a misdemeanor in criminal trespassing and have another court date set for the 23rd, so it's not over yet. A couple of hours later, we were released. Some of my friends had parents reuniting with them, tears in their eyes. It was really beautiful. Shortly after, a group of people from the encampment came to meet us and drive us back home. They cheered for us, hugged us, and spoke to us about how our sit-in made news all over social media. We were even deemed a nickname: (my school's acronym) 7. And there was word that the faculty was drafting a letter to send to the university to condemn them for unnecessary escalation. It was surreal to see so much support for us after contending with apathetic assholes and Zionists who were against us on Snapchat, YikYak, in person, etc. I called my parents shortly after. They weren't upset that I protested or anything, but rather that I got arrested and got in trouble (considering that I'm black and they care about my education). I didn't even care that my mom was yelling at me; it was just nice to hear her voice.

So yeah, that was that. My friends and I are meeting with our lawyer later today to discuss the next best course of action. Even though we're completely banned from campus (one of my friends who lived in the dorms has been rendered homeless), the encampment is still going strong. We'll continue to pressure the university to meet our demands—even if it means it'll spill well into the next school year.

EDIT: Jesus Christ. My lawyer just mentioned to us that the prosecutor wanted to charge me and a friend with a felony. For me in particular, I think we all know why.
Nintex, the police arrested him in the middle of commission of the crime. They don't need any of that. lol
(05-05-2024, 05:09 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: I know why
Quote:Foreign PSN accounts have been something Sony have looked the other way on for over 15 years.

Bozos have now drawn attention to it making it the biggest gaming news story of the week and forced Sony's hand in enforcing TOS. Good job.

They have admitted in the previous Helldivers 2 threads they're using Sony addresses and random Japan address.  Wind could get banned for using fake info.

Windrunner is also one of those trans lesbian Life is Strange fans. You know the type, so not surprised she took a liking for Playstation around that time.
(05-05-2024, 05:05 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Noodle soup posted his diary, long long post

TLDR, generic “prison sucks and it made me more radicalized man! They made us eat SLOP!” Type post, one part stands out to me though: 

Quote:He proposed a hypothetical where if a company that is complicit in wrongdoings were to grant a student a scholarship, should the school severe such ties if that meant the student was to lose the scholarship? We, of course, said yes. Afterward, he asked if we would all drop out of school if we had scholarships from a corporation that was complicit in any wrongdoings. We, of course, also said yes.

This shows such a naive and privileged mindset from young noodlesoup, a company is willing to pay for a students education, no strings attached, and that student should be kicked out if the company is found to be “bad”? The fuck is wrong with these kids minds. Fucking weirdos
What a bunch of assholes. So some lower class kid shouldn't get a scholarship because you're whining about it? Like where is even the logic here? Like who are you even hurting besides that student? Oh no, Caterpillar now has a couple of extra million they can invest into something else than supporting future engineers.
(05-05-2024, 05:25 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
noodlesoup wrote:If these are the conditions that people lived in, how could you possibly *not* be for prison abolition? Furthermore, we started talking with the other two inmates who were locked up in the block with us. We didn't ask what they were arrested for, but they were pretty dumbfounded to see that we were arrested for fucking protesting and were genuinely supportive of us.


noodlesoup wrote:Thank you! However, I may have to correct you in that this isn't UCLA. This is a public university in Illinois that I won't disclose for the sake of safety.
(05-05-2024, 06:08 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

noodlesoup wrote:Thank you! However, I may have to correct you in that this isn't UCLA. This is a public university in Illinois that I won't disclose for the sake of safety.

Oh my God, this dude. While I respect he having convictions… he is so clueless that it hurts.
(05-05-2024, 06:04 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: What a bunch of assholes. So some lower class kid shouldn't get a scholarship because you're whining about it? Like where is even the logic here? Like who are you even hurting besides that student? Oh no, Caterpillar now has a couple of extra million they can invest into something else than supporting future engineers.
I mean, there's a whole bunch of universities that won't be turning that down. Illinois has like 20 public universities, so they could just go to one of those. lol

If they really wanted change they'd push the state legislature to ban all schools from having investments. Teehee
I just realized, I'm actually in the race to do work for a company that sells and repairs caterpillar engines.

Didn't know they supported Israel, we'll put in maximum effort to increase their sales Thank you for your service!
Quote:The bathrooms had no privacy, there was no A/C, the food was literal slop, etc. You only had three free calls to your name, where you had to repeat "The United States of America" to the phone to start it. Just dystopian shit. Any other services that involved contact with the outside world required you to *pay*; if you didn't have any family members or friends who knew you were in jail and could give you money, you were fucked. My friends and I were talking about how we became more radicalized. If these are the conditions that people lived in, how could you possibly *not* be for prison abolition?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but he was in jail and not in a prison.
(05-05-2024, 05:21 PM)benji wrote: One of the weirdest things about trans people, and this includes the offline "normies", is that they think their gender change should change how you treat them. I've seen them all across the insanity spectrum say "just treat me like a woman/man." Except this isn't something I ever think about. I'm not claiming to be non-sexist or even remotely a feminist but I never ever think "this person is a dude so I will treat him this way" consciously. I'm sure it happens subconsciously but I could never list out the ways I treat different genders. If you insist on me treating you differently because of your gender I'm going to treat you differently because of the personality you've revealed. I don't roughhouse with my grandma because she's a woman but because she's old and fragile and tiny and probably stronger than me.

I have the same problem with race so I don't get that either. Enzom having his skin color revealed and disappearing is very funny but I wouldn't have changed how I treated him. If Nintex revealed he was Black I wouldn't give him a pass for being Dutch and posting garbage MAGA Twitters.

It feels very racist or sexist to me to ask other people to do this. Like you're saying "treat me like I'm stupider or less emotionally stable" or something because I can't imagine what else it could mean. I can't imagine people talking about how oppressed marginalized people are all the time want me to make up some "good" stereotypes as if I could even do this. (Especially when they never act like those stereotypes and still like the other.)

Maybe I'm just too individualistic (shocking I know) or have always had too many friends that were girls or grew up with too diverse of friends or something. I don't understand it, especially from people who claim to be intellectual and informed. Then again, these are the same people who are constantly saying they have to believe something because chuds are doing the opposite.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Be sure to donate to my Ko-fi so I can eat today no matter what the capital-G Gamers want.

I bet you'd treat them differently once you find out they're carrying a (lesbian) hookup knife Bolo
(05-05-2024, 06:13 PM)benji wrote: If they really wanted change they'd push the state legislature to ban all schools from having investments. Teehee
Illinois Senate: 40-19 Democrats
Illinois House: 78-40 Democrats

(05-05-2024, 06:16 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Correct me if I’m wrong, but he was in jail and not in a prison.
Yes, jail is just for holding until processing. He won't be going to prison.

They "punished" him with jail overnight already. The process is part of the punishment, not that ever cares about this.
Quote:You only had three free calls to your name, where you had to repeat "The United States of America" to the phone to start it. Just dystopian shit.

Probably just how you pick between calling within the US or internationally.  lol

You have to say the name of the country you live in and that provides for you, how dystopian.
(05-05-2024, 11:46 AM)Straight Edge wrote:

Quote:I recently went to Vietnam and was quite shocked to find many people had no understanding or care for Socialism. People didn't care for Karl Marx or theory. Many people love America and dislike China. Despite fighting a superpower for their independence they somehow support Israel. People like Donald Trump and were very materialistic. In the north people were more political but they weren't communists they were just nationalist and kind of intolerant. Workers rights there are poor too, they dont own the means of production and have low wages and I was told by people that protests or strikes are forbidden and are broken up by police.

Everybody is laughing at you! Girlslaff

It's almost like the people of Vietnam, North Korea, China and the USSR were duped into fighting to install authoritarian dictatorships that cared little for communism and the people and simply wanted power...
I love the "only three free calls" when in like every TV show or movie the character only gets one.
I wonder when Nep Nep and the trans maffia are going to take out Noodlesoup he's getting all the praise and attention for his brave protest. Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
(05-05-2024, 06:26 PM)Potato wrote: It's almost like the people of Vietnam, North Korea, China and the USSR were duped into fighting to install authoritarian dictatorships that cared little for communism and the people and simply wanted power...
Nah, they really cared for and got communism. It just didn't work because it can't and the dictators were smart enough to abandon it unlike Western "true" leftists. (Except in North Korea where Juche has always been this weird splinter SUPERIOR SCIENCE.) The Chinese and Vietnamese came to power three decades after the Soviets had already abandoned communism as a complete failure but the Soviets did try to implement it.

page 1: 5-29-2023
page 1000: 3-4-2024

280 days, equaling 3.57 pages per day

page 1000: 3-4-2024
page 1371: 5-5-2024

62 days, equaling 5.98 pages per day

it has almost been a year benji, you have a couple weeks to think about an appropriate anniversary celebration

(05-05-2024, 06:40 PM)Uncle wrote: it has almost been a year benji, you have a couple weeks to think about an appropriate anniversary celebration
Time for benji to sell the Bire to the Swedes and then take a long nap. Money
(05-04-2024, 07:57 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Noodlesoup seems like he might have been being given special treatment, being brought out by himself. I wonder if there was any reason with how the arrests went down.

noodlesoup wrote:EDIT: Jesus Christ. My lawyer just mentioned to us that the prosecutor wanted to charge me and a friend with a felony. For me in particular, I think we all know why.
I was going to buy to add to the urls when the domain renew came up but I didn't realize the domain renewed a month early. Trumps
(05-05-2024, 05:23 PM)benji wrote:
(05-05-2024, 05:16 PM)Uncle wrote: FYI...yet another embarrassing tweet deleted, scrubbed from the was caraballo threatening a full academic boycott of some institution for some reason...

Caraballo does this all the time. In the evening they'll post a bunch of hardcore leftist activist stuff like BIDEN WANTS ME DEAD, NO MORE VOTING, TIME TO FUCK UP THE SUPREME COURT, DEATH TO ISRAEL, etc. Or they'll make some big declarations about the law that they get mocked for. Then they wake up and will delete it. lol

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Only the top tweets, always forget to delete their replies where they double down. Teehee

So one of the more widely cited trans 'experts' is just drunk tweeting all the time Titus
I regret my careposting about Noodlesoup.

More than he regrets getting arrested & banned from campus.

(05-05-2024, 07:38 PM)Puffy Fucking Baby wrote: So one of the more widely cited trans 'experts' is just drunk tweeting all the time Titus

Keffals does that too. Though they're into harder stuff than liquor 

I guess if I had my dick inverted into a hole I have to dilate daily to keep it from shutting I would also take up the bottle.
(05-03-2024, 10:43 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Update on noodle! 

noodlesoup wrote:Demonstration team came after 30 minutes. We will all be getting interim suspensions. Some of us are not going to graduation, be able to take finals, etc. And we lose access to all campus facilities.

Police will be coming in 30 minutes. See y'all on the other side.

I'm still 10 pages behind but I can't believe that noodlesoup thought this through in the least, this is insane

noodle's behavior is incredibly childish so let's assume they're a freshman

it costs around $20,000 per year in illinois colleges

you get suspended, don't get to take finals, probably fail all your classes

you paid $20,000 for the opportunity to protest for a couple days and get arrested

that is a life-changing amount of money for many people, which you simply wasted

there's no refund, the college already has your money, you accomplished nothing

it's in service to a cause you didn't care about 6 months ago and still don't understand in any real capacity, considering you support terrorist aggressors who bit off more than they could chew

imagine you never finish college as a result of this

the butterfly effect of this could be enormous, you end up working shit job after shit job, maybe end up homeless, who knows

for THIS

someday you look back on your life and realize this was the pivot point that led to destitution and ruin, and how utterly fucking retarded you were
He could always cut off his cock and get by on ResetEra pity donations.
oh I see the linkedin shows they've been there since 2021

so make that at least $60,000 wasted


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