Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(05-06-2024, 12:46 AM)clockwork5 wrote: I personally would have gone with ISUS.

Just has a nice ring to it, ya know?

oh the S is for seven, I gotcha
it is poor form for noodlesoup to edit out their comments about the college administration, they've been so brave and bold up to now, they should stand by their convictions

Thank you for your service! 

I have taken the liberty of aiding them in standing by their words by archiving the most recent pages of that era thread, so that the prosecution has the opportunity to pull them up, and noodlesoup can proudly say "that's right, I said those things and I'd say them again"

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(05-06-2024, 01:06 AM)Uncle wrote: it is poor form for noodlesoup to edit out their comments about the college administration, they've been so brave and bold up to now, they should stand by their convictions

Thank you for your service! 

I have taken the liberty of aiding them in standing by their words by archiving the most recent pages of that era thread, so that the prosecution has the opportunity to pull them up, and noodlesoup can proudly say "that's right, I said those things and I'd say them again"

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somehow I must've skimmed over this from earlier

poodlesoup wrote:Talks have resumed amongst the group whether we should escalate or not. There are some who feel that our efforts are being wasted by not going all-in — which is something that I agree with wholeheartedly. Also, it's about to rain so you can probably understand why we're debating this.

I would've staged a coup but I might've gotten wet on my head  Gloomy
strudelsoup, back on Thursday wrote:If any of you guys are familiar with YikYak, all of these centrist freaks on campus who are against us are hiding behind anonymity and accusing us of "stealing donations". Lmao. First off, faculty and supporters are the ones willingly cooking us food, providing us with supplies, etc. Secondly, all monetary donations from us and outside sources go towards the Palestinian people.

But it's really the anonymity that pisses me off. If you have something to say about us, then say it to our fucking faces. Loser ass idiots.

yeah it really sucks when people go to efforts to hide their identity and cover up things they've said or done, or where they're protesting, they should do it openly and proudly
I swear to God if the 7 start a Patreon I will find some Gazans and get them to donate
(05-05-2024, 10:16 PM)Uncle wrote: I looked up a dictionary definition

Quote:an adult who lives and identifies as female though they may have been said to have a different sex at birth

doesn't use the same word in defining itself, but conflates sex with gender

May have been said? 

This is fucking stupid.

Nobody is calling a male dog that squats to piss a female. 

Fuck you weirdos.
(05-06-2024, 12:44 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: What’s funny is I looked ISU 7 up on Twitter, nada thing. Must be extremely local or just fake lol wrote:Illinois State baseball scores seven against Southern Illinois

Also: wrote:On April 7, 2015, the Illinois State University community was stunned and saddened by a tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of two Athletics Department staff members and five Redbird friends and supporters.

As the one-year observance approaches, the Illinois State Athletics Department encourages faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends to pay respect to those lost a year ago.

The wives, fiancés, and children of those killed have created Project 7, a grassroots movement encouraging seven acts of kindness in honor of the Redbird 7.
(05-05-2024, 10:41 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

noodlesoup wrote:
Shoot wrote:You are a hero. Thank you for sharing your experiences from the inside throughout this thread. The meeting with the president and the conditions in the jail must have been awful. I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope the court case gets dismissed by the judge and you achieve your objectives.

And to anyone who didn't know, the university administration was on the side of the prosecutors. If our attorney wasn't present during the court meeting yesterday, I very likely would've been charged with a felony. It's fucking personal now and we're 100% going to get them all to resign.

No you're not. Everything they did followed the rules. Everything you did broke them. No amount of reeeeing will change that, cunt.
on the latest page I'm archiving I found this inspiring message

kaboodlesoup wrote:It all seems a bit disheartening at first but no one ever said it was going to be easy. We have seen support from faculty and townspeople. And there are students who may not be out there protesting with us, but they are 100% standing by us. We are on the right side of history. Those who stood against us are going to regret their decision in due time.

"you were nice to me, don't come to class on friday"
Quote:At the absolute minimum, Sony could have let it blow over and continue to "allow" people to make accounts outside of their region. Instead they do...this

Shitting on the people actually affected instead of letting the gamer outrage machine blow over is the absolute worst way to go about it
Quote:So are all the people in the other thread saying gamers are snowflakes going to actual admit this is an issue??
Quote:Can we not do this?
It hurt the guy  lol
Quote:Of course not.

Also anyone who uses the term "snowflake" unironically really shouldn't be taken seriously.

I kinda feel like the Overton window of this forum in general has started drifting quite a bit further right over the last few years and people using that term has kinda woken me up to that reality now more than ever
Noodlesoup still has some options:
Quote:DUBAI, May 3 (Reuters) - Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthi militia, which has disrupted global shipping to display its support for Palestinians in the Gaza conflict, is now offering a place for students suspended from U.S. universities after staging anti-Israeli protests.
(05-06-2024, 02:45 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:I kinda feel like the Overton window of this forum in general has started drifting quite a bit further right over the last few years and people using that term has kinda woken me up to that reality now more than ever
As if that forum could drift any more right than it was stocked full of staff and cis that don't care. Hmph
(05-06-2024, 02:45 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:So are all the people in the other thread saying gamers are snowflakes going to actual admit this is an issue??
Quote:Can we not do this?
It hurt the guy  lol
Quote:Of course not.

Also anyone who uses the term "snowflake" unironically really shouldn't be taken seriously.

I kinda feel like the Overton window of this forum in general has started drifting quite a bit further right over the last few years and people using that term has kinda woken me up to that reality now more than ever

500 mentions of GOOBERGATE 2.0 (or are we up to 3.0 now?), Capital G Gamers, their buzzword CHUDS!! but the second anyone mocks their BS, its time to play the victim.

Psittacus wrote:
noodlesoup wrote:I won't disclose for the sake of safety.
This and your main post was enough information for me to instantly find not only which university but a list of you and your compatriots names. I'd suggest making some edits.
Thanks to Uncle, too late  Success
(05-06-2024, 03:42 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Psittacus wrote:
noodlesoup wrote:I won't disclose for the sake of safety.
This and your main post was enough information for me to instantly find not only which university but a list of you and your compatriots names. I'd suggest making some edits.

I sure hope Jomareun Richardson remains safe.
(05-06-2024, 03:58 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Thanks to Uncle, too late  Success

really interesting how suddenly two people post back-to-back about editing his posts, right after they get archived

I don't 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
if it ever came to using such a site as evidence of anything they'd just question the site's validity and accuracy, but in any case it is also for our own edification

I have now archived every page with a noodlepost, starting with his first entry into that thread, so we may relive the complete saga at any time

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Quote:User Banned (2 Weeks): Trolling
Quote:Sony fucked up by not knowing that gamers are the dumbest people of the planet, now the game is ruined, congrats to everyone.
He posts this in a "gaming" forum   Curious
Quote:Hi! I am Steamworks dev.

Steam do control the game on their backends. It's literally their infrastructure.

If Valve have suddenly been made privy to the fact that they may suddenly be distributing a non-functioning package to a ton of regions that will land them in hot water by proxy, they're absolutely going to halt sales in those regions.

Hope this clears up that confusion!
Confusion is right, how did this dev get banned?
Quote:User banned (1 day): Inflammatory rhetoric
Quote:All of the people who seem to be against the idea of refunds being given are kinda giving fasch energy, and I'm only half joking given the nature of the game itself.

Store pages are not steadfast and imitigable legally binding agreements, and ironically neither are EULAs. Enough people said that the account link being mandatory is bullshit and so they are, quite rightly, determining en masse the terms of the agreement.

Is this, or is this not how the market is supposed to work? Are consumers entitled to their consumer rights or are they not? Are Unions also a bad thing now? Is collective bargaining a bad thing? Should we just allow one party to dictate the terms of every sale and allow that without any kind of vocal dissent?

Weird, WEIRD reaction from people here. Very weird, and I think very telling.
Quote:User banned (3 days): Console war rhetoric over multiple posts
Quote:but people here, ITS SONY!!!! THEY HAVE BEING THE ONES TO BE BLAMED 100%, yeah.....
Quote:User banned (1 week): Drive-by post, trolling, history of similar behavior
Quote:So steam's gonna take care of their Nazi problem next?
Quote:I have waited for this game for so so many years
it comes out and is better than I could have ever hoped for
i am enjoying the setting, the meta story, playing with my friends etc...

and now fucking Sony of all fucking companies pulls this shit
if this game goes under because of this bullshit i will weep

This dude was defending Sony hardcore in the previous locked HD2 threads, calling PC gamers whiners.

Sony caved in  lol
(05-05-2024, 05:21 PM)benji wrote: Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Be sure to donate to my Ko-fi so I can eat today no matter what the capital-G Gamers want.

I know your mum makes you tendies so what are you really gonna use that money for? ufup
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
psittacus wrote:This and your main post was enough information for me to instantly find not only which university but a list of you and your compatriots names. I'd suggest making some edits.

noodlesoup wrote:Thank you. I made some edits to those posts. I do wanna say that none of the information that's publicly available is damning, but I do want to be more cautious in the future.
There were people shilling for Sony in those HD2 threads harder than Sony's own paid lawyers ever would

Fatherless behavior
(05-06-2024, 05:07 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
psittacus wrote:This and your main post was enough information for me to instantly find not only which university but a list of you and your compatriots names. I'd suggest making some edits.

noodlesoup wrote:Thank you. I made some edits to those posts. I do wanna say that none of the information that's publicly available is damning, but I do want to be more cautious in the future.

[Image: v7GeeDr.png]

Whew Wow!

[Image: YdVMMjK.png]
Guess Hecht was too busy on a bender this weekend to warn that fellow he’s got a good amount of PII out there lol or he reserves that service for mods only
(05-06-2024, 05:12 AM)Uncle wrote:
(05-06-2024, 05:07 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
psittacus wrote:This and your main post was enough information for me to instantly find not only which university but a list of you and your compatriots names. I'd suggest making some edits.

noodlesoup wrote:Thank you. I made some edits to those posts. I do wanna say that none of the information that's publicly available is damning, but I do want to be more cautious in the future.

[Image: v7GeeDr.png]

Whew Wow!

[Image: YdVMMjK.png]

Reminds me of this
Quote:Era is a meant to be a safe place for people like me to share and be open with like minded members and not be judged harshly and laughed at. There are very few places for people with disabilities that are safe and Era is one of them.

But you have bad people outside of the forum with bad intentions cherry picking posts with no context to them and laughing at them. Obviously I cant do anything about otherwise I would shut them down for good.
(05-06-2024, 05:12 AM)Uncle wrote:
(05-06-2024, 05:07 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
psittacus wrote:This and your main post was enough information for me to instantly find not only which university but a list of you and your compatriots names. I'd suggest making some edits.

noodlesoup wrote:Thank you. I made some edits to those posts. I do wanna say that none of the information that's publicly available is damning, but I do want to be more cautious in the future.

[Image: v7GeeDr.png]

Whew Wow!

[Image: YdVMMjK.png]

how can one bire poster be this based
First, Jim Ryan telling women to shut up. Then, Stellar Blade. Now, reversing the PSN patch. I think it's pretty obvious that Sony's openly chosen a side. And it's not with the right side of history that's going to get the resignations of all of Illinois State's administration.
(05-06-2024, 05:27 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(05-06-2024, 05:12 AM)Uncle wrote:
(05-06-2024, 05:07 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

[Image: v7GeeDr.png]

Whew Wow!

[Image: YdVMMjK.png]

how can one bire poster be this based

He's our Uncle, that's how  uguu
4 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Straight Edge, Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia

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