05-06-2024, 05:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2024, 05:47 AM by kaleidoscopium.)
Amalthea wrote:Yeah, we can basically condense the goals of the transphobic moral panic into 3 points:
1. Protect the gender binary
2. Distract from political incompetence
3. Put blame for cis male violence on trans women
Is this a new form of the no true Scotsman fallacy, the no true transwoman Phallicy?
(05-05-2024, 05:21 PM)benji wrote: One of the weirdest things about trans people, and this includes the offline "normies", is that they think their gender change should change how you treat them. I've seen them all across the insanity spectrum say "just treat me like a woman/man." Except this isn't something I ever think about. I'm not claiming to be non-sexist or even remotely a feminist but I never ever think "this person is a dude so I will treat him this way" consciously. I'm sure it happens subconsciously but I could never list out the ways I treat different genders. If you insist on me treating you differently because of your gender I'm going to treat you differently because of the personality you've revealed. I don't roughhouse with my grandma because she's a woman but because she's old and fragile and tiny and probably stronger than me.
I have the same problem with race so I don't get that either. Enzom having his skin color revealed and disappearing is very funny but I wouldn't have changed how I treated him. If Nintex revealed he was Black I wouldn't give him a pass for being Dutch and posting garbage MAGA Twitters.
It feels very racist or sexist to me to ask other people to do this. Like you're saying "treat me like I'm stupider or less emotionally stable" or something because I can't imagine what else it could mean. I can't imagine people talking about how oppressed marginalized people are all the time want me to make up some "good" stereotypes as if I could even do this. (Especially when they never act like those stereotypes and still like the other.)
Maybe I'm just too individualistic (shocking I know) or have always had too many friends that were girls or grew up with too diverse of friends or something. I don't understand it, especially from people who claim to be intellectual and informed. Then again, these are the same people who are constantly saying they have to believe something because chuds are doing the opposite.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Be sure to donate to my Ko-fi so I can eat today no matter what the capital-G Gamers want.
Can’t remember if I posted this already. To preface, I have a habit of saying “guys,” as in “you guys” when referring to a group. Men, women, doesn’t matter. Actually in the wake of me too I tried adjusting my language until two female coworkers told me to stop being a bundle of sticks. Anyway, couple months ago I was at the store and about to ask a worker if they had so and so product. Duct tape and zip ties. Usuals. But I caught myself when I saw them. Singular them. And unironically “you all” slipped out. Felt kind of bad about it.
Quote:Even though I'm happy for Arrowhead and peeps in unsupported countries, I will say I'm hella annoyed they backed down mostly because now the Asmongolds and Actmans will feel like they "won"
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
05-06-2024, 07:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2024, 07:13 AM by Nintex.)
Good job everyone now all the great patriots can Helldive again. It just shows what is possible when you protest peacefully and partiotically on your laptop instead of setting up illegal encampments to attack black university presidents and their innocent security staff
Is his uni a good one or just a random no hoper one like Nepenthes
danm999 wrote:why are people still defending a position even Sony admits was a mistake lol
Lopy wrote:Yes, it doesn't make sense for people to still defend it.
Why do they want other people to sign up to something that they clearly don't want? It simply doesn't have any benefits, what is the reasoning?
danm999 wrote:screaming the community are babies or children, it's bizarre
 if I agree with danm999 does that mean I am no longer a chud?
05-06-2024, 08:53 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2024, 08:54 AM by FEUER FREI..)
Some pissbabies mega mad in the F1 thread that Trump appeared at the McLaren garage and a TV broadcast of him for roughly 1 min talking the team principal at the F1 race at Miami on sunday
The best part, is that Lando Norris/McLaren actually won the GP (Lando's first GP win) which makes some of them even more pissy
Follow all the pages since here: https://www.resetera.com/threads/fia-f1-2024-ot-theres-newey-time-like-the-present-raceweek-6-miami-3-5-may-sillyseasoncontinues.814548/page-149
Some of those posters being pissy the most barely post in the F1 thread it seems like they just there because Trump made an appearance
 non regular posters complaining in a thread? Should be banned, just like in the burka threads.
Not to get controversial, but Trump was the US President for four years. Half the country voted for him twice. Before that he was a game show host. For better or worse he is a historical figure. Think they actually expected him to vanish like Palpatine or Thanos.
Well, back to Stellar Blade. Sony, give us our digital cleavage back or else.
(05-06-2024, 07:07 AM)Nintex wrote: Good job everyone now all the great patriots can Helldive again. It just shows what is possible when you protest peacefully and partiotically on your laptop instead of setting up illegal encampments to attack black university presidents and their innocent security staff 
'G'amers getting more done at their computers in a weekend than Noodlesoup did in their encampment and jail, screaming at the Uni president.
'... asshole'
12 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, benji, Nintex, PogiJones, D3RANG3D, Potato, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank, Not an Alt Account
Can we get some Gazans to protest Little Lebowski's suspension?
(05-06-2024, 06:39 AM)Polident wrote: Can’t remember if I posted this already. To preface, I have a habit of saying “guys,” as in “you guys” when referring to a group. Men, women, doesn’t matter. Actually in the wake of me too I tried adjusting my language until two female coworkers told me to stop being a bundle of sticks. Anyway, couple months ago I was at the store and about to ask a worker if they had so and so product. Duct tape and zip ties. Usuals. But I caught myself when I saw them. Singular them. And unironically “you all” slipped out. Felt kind of bad about it.
[hide]girl who claims she's a they/them who I work with infrequently is always referred to in a kind of mumbled apologetic way by those around her including her lesbian roommate, and she doesn't seem to loudly/angrily enforce it on others, not that it would come up very often since how often do people use third person pronouns about you in your presence?
but basically the vibe I get is that everyone knows it's performative bullshit and she's too old and in too mature an environment to be a hardass about something so petty
being nonconfrontational is also a feminine trait  [/hide]
[hide]when sony doesn't require you to create an account to play helldivers but you bet your ass the bire requires it to read those tantalizing hidden posts
11 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, benji, Nintex, kaleidoscopium, Superstar, MJBarret, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1714969776' wrote: 1714969776[/url]']
I have now archived every page with a noodlepost, starting with his first entry into that thread, so we may relive the complete saga at any time
page 12 - https://archive.is/LPq8p (contains a photo of his college's encampment)
page 13 - https://archive.is/oz9ON
page 14 - https://archive.is/QBxjT
page 15 - https://archive.is/CkLHD
page 16 - https://archive.is/iOcJh
page 17 - https://archive.is/crwkA
page 18 - https://archive.is/T7axW
page 19 - https://archive.is/eJcDE
page 20 - https://archive.is/hSW8P
page 21 - https://archive.is/CFevg
page 22 - https://archive.is/KX2ib
page 23 - https://archive.is/WDj9D
page 24 - https://archive.is/TyR3K
page 25 - https://archive.is/7lfpG
page 26 - https://archive.is/fzPaH
page 27 - https://archive.is/0l2uT
page 28 - https://archive.is/Jz9Uv
page 29 - https://archive.is/amRE5
page 30 - https://archive.is/i9mCC
page 31 - https://archive.is/UtoOF (post-edit, unfortunately) Is it possible to send these emails to ISU themselves?
(05-06-2024, 10:41 AM)Uncle wrote: [hide]when sony doesn't require you to create an account to play helldivers but you bet your ass the bire requires it to read those tantalizing hidden posts
You bastard, you got me lol
(05-06-2024, 10:41 AM)Uncle wrote: [hide]when sony doesn't require you to create an account to play helldivers but you bet your ass the bire requires it to read those tantalizing hidden posts
The jelqing tips are soooo good
(05-06-2024, 10:47 AM)DocWager wrote: Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1714969776' wrote: 1714969776[/url]']
I have now archived every page with a noodlepost, starting with his first entry into that thread, so we may relive the complete saga at any time
page 12 - https://archive.is/LPq8p (contains a photo of his college's encampment)
page 13 - https://archive.is/oz9ON
page 14 - https://archive.is/QBxjT
page 15 - https://archive.is/CkLHD
page 16 - https://archive.is/iOcJh
page 17 - https://archive.is/crwkA
page 18 - https://archive.is/T7axW
page 19 - https://archive.is/eJcDE
page 20 - https://archive.is/hSW8P
page 21 - https://archive.is/CFevg
page 22 - https://archive.is/KX2ib
page 23 - https://archive.is/WDj9D
page 24 - https://archive.is/TyR3K
page 25 - https://archive.is/7lfpG
page 26 - https://archive.is/fzPaH
page 27 - https://archive.is/0l2uT
page 28 - https://archive.is/Jz9Uv
page 29 - https://archive.is/amRE5
page 30 - https://archive.is/i9mCC
page 31 - https://archive.is/UtoOF (post-edit, unfortunately) Is it possible to send these emails to ISU themselves?
(05-06-2024, 11:16 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Quote:This is a slippery slope, so now when gamers decide they don't like something they'll just review bomb companies into doing what they want?

...it's literally the least you can do? it's fully legal and uses official channels and methods to express the consumer's will? like, on the surface it's not even as impactful as demanding a refund, which is ALSO a valid tool available to consumers
what would you have them do instead? just lie back and take it like fucking sheep? what's an example of a time that giving poor reviews would be acceptable? let me guess, if the devs patch the game to add more titties or -phobia?
(05-05-2024, 11:06 AM)Nintex wrote: I think it boils to platform holders upholding strict rules and policies (especially after the Cyberpunk 2077 mess).
So if Sony doesn't meet the 'demands' they set for third party games they can't enforce them on others.
And those policies are usually related to comply with government regulations. If I had to guess, developer fucked around and legal found out using 'only' Steam accounts breaches the EU/GDPR privacy regulations. After all, only the company that you interact with may process necessary personal data unless the parties involved have a data processing agreement in place for the particular service or product which they have arranged through the Steam/PSN account linking.
So if you use a Steam account, Sony isn't legally able to access your user data (in Germany they have even ruled your IP address is 'personal data') and you are playing on Sony servers (for which they probably have a 'general' privacy policy based on PSN accounts that you 'agree' to when you sign up). When you link your PSN account to your Steam account the additional DPA between Valve/Sony covers the data processing between the accounts. Sony also has quite a few EU funded projects so breaching EU laws would put those at risk.
Companies have to decide to create one version of the game (according to the most 'strict' regulations) or seperate versions for every region and in nearly all cases they stick with a single 'global' version of the game, don't collect any data or don't release it overseas.
And the risk is real, I just signed up for a class-action lawsuit against Google because Android runs Google Services in the background that share your data with Google without consent.

your thoughts on all this since Sony caved
"guess those laws weren't a factor?"
Cancel culture doesn't exist iirc
(05-06-2024, 11:16 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Quote:This is a slippery slope, so now when gamers decide they don't like something they'll just review bomb companies into doing what they want?

Really, is there an instance of this where the chud fans were wrong? From Operation Rainfall to the Snyder cut to Sonic's teeth to the Yakuza series to many others, the fans were in the right. You can extend it to Resident Evil 2 remake and DMC5. It's always beneficial for all parties except corporate fanboys warning about a slippery slope.
All I'm saying is, the chuds would've gotten Batgirl released if they wanted it.
Qikz wrote:"I believe a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produce big gamates"
I think she's slowly but surely running out of any form of logical ways to define what she believes is a woman as trans women will fit the same criteria so now she's started bringing up things that most people have never even heard of/nor would anyone ever care about. https://www.resetera.com/threads/j-k-rowling-and-her-legacy-of-hate-the-uk-gender-critical-movement.643740/page-116?post=122560539#post-122560539
Mind giving your own substantial definition for cis women vs trans women to differentiate them?
05-06-2024, 01:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-06-2024, 01:04 PM by JoeBoy101.)
I’m sure everyone we’ll be moving forward from the helldivers drama shortly, but that Sony reversing course thread has such examples of saltiness, I’m worried about my blood pressure. It’s glorious!
Slaiven wrote:Quote:This was always the inevitable outcome when the game got delisted in so many regions. It started up a racism/xenophobia angle that I knew they wouldn't want to let run rampant.
oh so now gamers care about racism....SMH
Quote:Silly. Other companies require you to have their account to play their games. Didn't understand what was wrong with this at all
Quote:Honestly, absolutely ridiculous. Sony can basically never require a PSN login for any of its PC software ever moving forward now. Considering so many other publishers already require the exact same thing I think it's mental that this whole thing transpired.
Quote:Wow, gamers "won"! What they won exactly, I'm not really sure. The right to not have to give Sony their e-mail address?
Now if only gamers would put these efforts into worthwhile causes like excessive DLC pricing, predatory monetization practices, always-on DRM schemes, etc.
Quote:Alright, now let's see if everyone keeps this same energy when the next hit multiplayer game comes around and asks you to make/link an account 🙂
Quote:Asides from the regional issues which folks should get refunds regardless of hours spent... for everyone else: it was just making a fucking account, my goodness. Takes fucking minutes lol
Quote:oh fantastic, now my twitter feed is going to be filled with "we did it with helldivers, we can also win the censorship fight against sony, free stellar blade".
i need to start blocking a lot of people.
Quote:It was purely fueled by console war nonsense. People acted like children instead and now the chuds and capital-G "Gamers" are ever more emboldened to do this again whenever they want with whatever they want. The only thing "won" was that those countries can no longer buy it. It's a lose-lose for everybody.
Quote:Sony really caved in to a bunch of babies. Terrible move.
Quote:Oh fuck off with this nonsense. Most AAA games have some sort of account/login system.
You don't like it? Cool. Acting like this is some blasphemy against PC users is idiotic. The only actually weird move was delisting the game in all the countries they had sold it before. That was an actual "get fucked" move.
Quote:This is a slippery slope, so now when gamers decide they don't like something they'll just review bomb companies into doing what they want?
13 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, benji, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Potato, Hap Shaughnessy, Taco Bell Tower, PogiJones, Not an Alt Account, HaughtyFrank, Uncle, kaleidoscopium
The bitterness
Quote:Rage baiting wins again. Congrats, Gamers. Remember to tune in this week and Rise Up!
By the way, fuck PlayStation and Arrowhead for fumbling their communications this hard, but I'm astounded by the amount of vitriol and bullshit you all can type for the dumbest shit.
Quote:This topic is linked to anti-union, how exactly?
Sending threats to workers IS pro-union.
Quote:This is a can of worms because people buying stuff from other countries are not paying proper taxes and Sony cannot be seen to be supporting or turning a blind eye to that.
They should have a free PSN account that works in every non embargoed country then the actual purchasing part should be separate inside that account.
Y'all should take another look to the list of countries supported by other companies. For example, Nintendo or Xbox? Not a whole lot.
People outside supported regions have been telling you this was a non-issue, but hey, what do they know?
Quote:So we shouldn't push back against shitty practices from companies because we might stress their employees out? Lmfao
The push back:
That all of you fail to acknowledge that the incel/far-right chuds, in their war against "sjw woke propaganda", are a huge drive behind this whole debacle is pretty funny not gonna lie.
So many people on retardEra think they work for Sony and this stuff impacts them directly. Maybe they do but unlikely and they’re just extra weird fanboys