Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Maybe Elon reads the bire
So did Nexon!

That doesn't really mean anything positive for Switch 2, buddy. lol
Found this reply to something Neoxon retweeted:

Ninty gonna fill dat buffer with Splatoon lesbians. Lawd
Reading Nintendo Twitter is pretty wild. Everyone talking about matching 2020's deliberately subpar tech (the Series S) in 2025 as some kind of big win over the competition. lol
Benji trying to cyberbully ZeoVGM into deleting his life's greatest achievement. Dead
(05-10-2024, 07:47 AM)benji wrote: Reading Nintendo Twitter is pretty wild. Everyone talking about matching 2020's subpar tech in 2025 as some kind of big win over the competition. lol

4k HDR with DLSS and a nice handheld unit will be more than enough  Preach

Nintendo are going to save videogames all over again and who will thank them? Which of you will stand up and say 'It was I who triple dipped on the Kirby game that was announced for Switch at the Switch 2 reveal'?  Mjcry
(05-10-2024, 07:09 AM)benji wrote:

Sickos (furry edition)

Keffals is back again?  What is this?
(05-10-2024, 07:34 AM)benji wrote:

He went from  literally shaking with dem likes and retweets (probably bots) to  Egomaniac but he ruined it with that SW top list  You could have just walked away
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
Is his cover story for the blue checkmark legitimate or did he just shoot his shot on the only chance he has to become a top reply guy while maintaining plausible deniability? I know some of the old verified users were given the check automatically but haven't heard anyone getting it for having 1 viral tweet...
(05-10-2024, 07:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Benji trying to cyberbully ZeoVGM into deleting his life's greatest achievement. Dead
It's what Gene "Bloodbath" Park would want.
(05-10-2024, 08:10 AM)saltygeneraltso wrote: Is his cover story for the blue checkmark legitimate or did he just shoot his shot on the only chance he has to become a top reply guy while maintaining plausible deniability? I know some of the old verified users were given the check automatically but haven't heard anyone getting it for having 1 viral tweet...
I think it's some kind of bug with this:
You know people are really mean. Poor Jeff spent a lot of money on that check mark and nobody noticed or even cared enough to comment.
(05-10-2024, 07:09 AM)benji wrote:

Sickos (furry edition)

I used AI to get to the core of the Damian Wayne mythos.

Comparing Damian Wayne, a character from the DC Comics universe, with Damon Wayans, a real-life actor and comedian, reveals interesting parallels and contrasts between fiction and reality.

Damian Wayne, the son of Bruce Wayne (Batman) and Talia al Ghul, is a fictional character known for his complex backstory, exceptional combat skills, and tumultuous relationship with his father. Raised by the League of Assassins, Damian struggles with issues of identity and morality as he navigates the dangerous world of Gotham City. His character arc explores themes of redemption, family, and the burden of legacy, making him a compelling figure in the Batman universe.

On the other hand, Damon Wayans is a multifaceted entertainer known for his work in comedy, acting, and writing. As a member of the Wayans family, he has contributed to numerous successful projects in film and television, including the "Scary Movie" franchise and the sitcom "My Wife and Kids." With his sharp wit and versatile talent, Wayans has established himself as a respected figure in the entertainment industry.

In terms of personality and background, Damian Wayne and Damon Wayans couldn't be more different. While Damian is a brooding and intense young hero burdened by the weight of his family legacy, Damon is known for his comedic prowess and laid-back demeanor. However, both characters share a certain level of charisma and confidence that draws others to them.

In a hypothetical showdown between Damian Wayne and Damon Wayans, it's clear that their strengths lie in different arenas. Damian's combat skills and strategic intelligence would give him the upper hand in a physical confrontation, while Damon's quick wit and improvisational abilities would likely outshine his opponent in a battle of words.

Overall, while Damian Wayne and Damon Wayans may inhabit vastly different worlds, they both serve as compelling examples of the power of storytelling and the enduring appeal of larger-than-life characters, whether they're fighting crime in the streets of Gotham or cracking jokes on the stage.
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
planet smasher wrote:I don't know what good this is gonna do, folks. The studio is already gone - you can't un-close a studio and un-fire all of its staff.

But I appreciate the sentiment, I guess. :(

[Image: p6XNvZU.png]
(05-10-2024, 12:21 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
planet smasher wrote:I don't know what good this is gonna do, folks. The studio is already gone - you can't un-close a studio and un-fire all of its staff.

But I appreciate the sentiment, I guess. :(


wtf I love review bombing as a means of communicating consumer feeling to giant multinational corporations now
[Image: PoSIIEy.png]
write a long post to tell people to stop using chatgpt to write long forum posts


Sure, here's a piece discouraging the use of AI to generate lengthy forum posts:

Dear fellow forum members,

As our online communities continue to evolve, it's important to reflect on the tools we use and their impact on our interactions. In recent times, there has been a growing trend of using AI, like ChatGPT, to generate lengthy forum posts. While the allure of effortlessly creating content may be tempting, it's crucial to consider the implications of relying on such technology.

First and foremost, employing AI to craft forum posts diminishes the authenticity of our discussions. Authenticity lies at the heart of meaningful communication—it's what fosters genuine connections and facilitates understanding. When we resort to AI-generated content, we sacrifice the uniqueness of our voices and the depth of our thoughts. We risk turning our forums into echo chambers of automated responses, devoid of the rich diversity of human perspectives.

Moreover, using AI for extensive forum contributions undermines the spirit of community engagement. Participating in online discussions isn't merely about sharing information; it's about fostering dialogue, exchanging ideas, and learning from one another. By outsourcing our contributions to AI, we miss out on the opportunity for genuine engagement and intellectual growth. We deprive ourselves of the satisfaction that comes from actively shaping discussions and contributing our own insights.

Additionally, relying on AI-generated content raises ethical concerns regarding transparency and accountability. When readers encounter posts generated by AI, they may not be aware of the source or the authenticity of the information presented. This lack of transparency erodes trust within our communities and can lead to misinformation spreading unchecked. As responsible members of online forums, we have a duty to uphold integrity and honesty in our interactions, which includes being transparent about the origin of our contributions.

Furthermore, the overreliance on AI for forum posts perpetuates a passive approach to communication. Effective communication requires active listening, critical thinking, and empathetic engagement—all of which are integral to meaningful discourse. By outsourcing our contributions to AI, we risk becoming passive consumers of information rather than active participants in dialogue. We must resist the temptation to prioritize convenience over the fundamental principles of communication and community building.

In conclusion, while AI technology like ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in certain contexts, it should not replace the genuine human interaction that lies at the heart of online forums. Let's commit to fostering authentic, engaging, and transparent discussions by actively participating in our communities with our own voices and perspectives. Together, we can ensure that our forums remain vibrant spaces for meaningful exchange and mutual learning.

[Your Name]

[Image: now-old.gif]
Please add gobs of precum to the story.
Quote:Surely this clear act of forced censorship by a mob of people will get the Freedom of Speech Above All Else people all riled up, right? We're going to get a bunch of big gamers on twitter starting a petition any day soon, right?

Shouldn't you then be arguing how this is just "localized" for the current market or how this is "consequence culture"?
neoxon wrote:There's some talk that the Switch 2 might actually do better ray tracing than the big dogs due to Nvidia's inherent advantage regarding RT, but it's also possible that the Matrix Awakens tech demo just became more efficient since it was first shown.

I love how neoxon is just flat out talking out of his ass and people think it means anything lol
bitchdubs, wrote:Be careful with what social media users and "news" sites you trust. I'm not going to lie, we've been seeing more stuff from straight up conspiracy theory sites/accounts lately in a lot of places and it's wild how normalized that sort of thinking has become online in the last year or two. Shit is scary as hell.

also, from the very same page he is actively responding to:

Quote:The only time in my life I can remember Americans being largely united was in the immediate aftermath of 9/11, and even then that was very short-lived when the Islamophobia came out full force and every Brown person, whether or not they were even from the Middle East, was immediately in the crosshairs.[b][/b] America has always ethnically and politically fragmented because the country is fundamentally a colonial project that sees no need- from conservatives or liberals- to actually meaningfully replace that foundation. We have always hated each other, a feeling exacerbated by the rampant wealth inequality we're all saddled with, and we have always been a threat on the world stage. Russia and China taking advantage of this for their own ends is a problem that could theoretically be solved by America just committing to not being a moral disgrace. But I mean. *(points at everything happening)*

Quote:Likely because generative AI has been framed in the context of making content creation exponentially cheaper, and you know how our government feels about giving CEOs and billionaire start-ups practically everything they want. Cat's honestly out of the bag on that front anyway; the time to come down hard with legislation was like the moment we figured out that the data for these algorithms had been laundered specifically to skirt around use case laws. So yeah, have fun with debunking that AOC baby eating video while folks simultaneously tell you this technology is going to result in a bright future.

Quote:It's gotten so bad that, if I don't feel like putting in the work to track down a source, my default position on any images, videos, etc. I'm seeing that are not directly from proofed sources (like actual artists with pre-AI portfolios lol) could have either been generated wholesale, or are simply taken so far out of context that I could be looking at something from years ago being posed as happening today.

At this point, the Internet is fake unless proven otherwise.

Quote:Economic anxiety is definitely part of the story because you can't really facilitate fascist tendencies without it. When shit hits the fan and the check is due, governments are more likely to offload the burden from themselves onto a scapegoat. But it's not the only part; white racial animus absolutely does cross class lines, and rich white people are especially prone to hierarchical thinking which in turn maps very nicely into fascism. J6 wasn't about impoverishment. It was about the fact that, on an extremely superficial level, overt white supremacy had been resoundingly defeated in a fair election, and rather than engage in some difficult introspection, a cabal of whites deep into their sunk cost wanted to take back what they saw was theirs.

Note: This isn't even the first time a coup based on white animosity has happened in the US. They fucked up a town in the Carolinas after a Black cabinet was elected in like the 1800s. You do not need Russia and China for America to eat itself alive in this manner. It has always had this capability as an inherent part of its DNA, which is in part why disaffected minorities like myself ain't trying to hear that shit for long. My life isn't as unnecessarily hard as it is because of Russian and Chinese disinformation. It's because this country hates Black people.

Quote:People absolutely should question why the government was able to move at lighting speed for Ukraine but cannot do the same thing for its own citizens though, sometimes not budging on an issue for centuries depending upon the issue you're discussing. That isn't to say helping Ukraine is wrong. It's to ask people to consider that the prioritization of public funds isn't actually based upon morality but upon the mere maintenance of Western hegemony, no more no less. Naturally though, making that leap is much harder than simply defaulting to "fuck the Ukrainians," but I don't entirely begrudge the actual realization itself. If America is supposed to be a moral bastion, there should be a lot more money going to a lot more people to actually help fight back against their oppressors too. But not all oppressors are created equal, especially when you're one yourself. The Global South ain't about to get shit from America.

Quote:You ain't ever lied.

But I will say, when I see right-wingers talking about how Japan and the like are paradise, it isn't on the basis of a collective cultural outlook. It's because they really, really like the racial monoculture in these countries and just want a white ethnostate lol.

Quote:It's fair for the average American voter to worry about trying to support themselves through high rent and sustained inflation over the invasion of a foreign country by another foreign country. As a general principle, you cannot do good work if you are in a precarious position anyways.

But even forgetting that, manufacturing consent that the aid to Ukraine on the grounds that it was the right thing to do morally was always going to inevitably backfire because, at the very least, folks with a hint of melanin know that's a lie, because if the West gave aid based upon moral principles then you could argue the West would have to cease existing as it does today lol. Only certain victims matter to the maintenance of the current world order, and the victims who don't matter are never going to forget or forgive the hypocrisy.

Now, I would say that we aren't technically stuck between a rock and a hard place. You can fight disinformation on a domestic front through education, public service campaigns, and legislation, and you can fight it on material front by actually committing to making a country that minorities are proud to be part of, so that China and Russia's strategic use of American discord effectively has no working basis to stand on.

Instead you're sitting back watching cops invade universities while on the other end folks are getting RICO charges slapped on for protesting these same cops' training camps. Good job!

Quote:The whole anti-drug campaigns of the 80s and 90s would be the level of public service outreach I'd use for educating about misinformation. But there's no money in that like there was in facilitating public sentiment to be terrified of drugs so as to more easily facilitate the drug war. Hell, teaching people to be more critical against propaganda will inevitably undermine your own efforts.

Does... does BitchDubs have Neopeth on Ignore? lol
Some cursory Fact Checks from an internet that is still real:

Japan is the 9th safest country in the world. The US is 129th.

The US provided $70b in foreign aid this year, the majority to 'the global south' and 'people with a hint of melanin'

bigly research on the benefits of critical thinking
I often wonder if that idiot Dubs has ever read any of the posts on ree. He seems to be either wilfully ignorant or totally oblivious.
Neoxons follow up, he is actually retarded 

neoxon wrote:I'm referring to this, though Ray Reconstruction is also a factor to consider.

disparate wrote:ray reconstruction isn't going to let a 10-15W device outcompete a Series X on RT

neoxon wrote:That's why I mentioned the possible scenario of Matrix Awakens being made to be more efficient. But considering Nate's solid track record (with his demo reports being corroborated elsewhere) & Nvidia's massive RTX advantage over AMD, we can't dismiss it entirely.

disparate wrote:I think we can dismiss it entirely. Nvidia's lead over AMD on RT isn't such that a cut down 3050 is outperforming a Series X with a higher thermal and power envelope.
(05-10-2024, 12:53 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:Surely this clear act of forced censorship by a mob of people will get the Freedom of Speech Above All Else people all riled up, right? We're going to get a bunch of big gamers on twitter starting a petition any day soon, right?

Shouldn't you then be arguing how this is just "localized" for the current market or how this is "consequence culture"?

Why again should “G”amers be concerned about Target??
The balding prophet Melody speaketh:

Quote:Thank you so much. This is the kind of thing I wish I heard more often.
It's just something I've been fighting against for years at this point and the way he took advantage of people always taking suicide threats seriously (as they always should) it's just somehow beyond what I thought even he was capable of.
Just wanna say, even if something looks like a cry for help it should still be treated as seriously as a gun to the temple. A simple "cry for help" can turn into the end of someone's life in a second.
Even when someone pulls something like this doesn't mean we should EVER take suicidal ideation less seriously.

'grifting off suicide is terrible business, who would do such a thing Do Not Want'

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