Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(05-15-2024, 04:44 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanently): Excusing Bigotry; Long History of Trolling
Bitterman wrote:Not saying he isn't problematic but saying that media pushes pol agendas and cancel culture existing is like saying the ori games were good. An understatement.

Resetera: "Everything is political"

Also Restera: "How dare you believe that this piece of media pushes a political agenda"

(05-15-2024, 03:53 PM)wizardora wrote: However will they review reports and decide on anything with Mr. Dubs 'On A Break'?

He’s too busy trying to organize a shitty yugioh tournament where half the thread is posts complaining about how they can’t turn off tournament notifications Girlslaff
(05-15-2024, 12:14 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

Post about how you can’t be racist to white people, with clips from hasan and his insane hamas moderator Frogan lol

Imagine this message causing an uproar:

mukrab wrote:Fine. I'll help you figure it out yourself. Imagine something racist that can be done against a minority? Got that? Okay, now replace the minority you chose with white. There you go

But alas, it did

Bonus resetera “comedy”

fat4all wrote:They call you 'cracker ' now, but just wait till they get more racist!!"


"uhh… white… PALE guy!, uh, YOU… YOU COW… farmer?"

fat4all wrote:I BET YOU FUCK YOUR MUM"

"I dont"


Multiple users in Ree have gotten banned for saying you can be racist to white people
(05-14-2024, 09:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

HyperDimension wrote:
steejee wrote:Hamas *are* terrorists, including against their own people.
Interestingly, most of the world does not recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization...

Does that mean most of the world are terrorist sympathizers? Or is the word "terrorist" itself just a meaningless political label assigned to enemies of Western imperialism?

"If they do it, it is terrorism. If we do it, it is counter-terrorism." - Noam Chomsky

HyperDimension wrote:As someone who is not American... Trump and Biden are both racist imperialist POS scumbags. Whoever wins, we lose.
HyperDimension wrote:
ErichWK wrote:Ya, no. Life in america will very much be worse for many many many people under trump. Biden has had some of the best and most progressive domestic policy wins and actions in decades. So no. They are not one in the same.
Like I said, I'm not American, so I'm more concerned about their foreign policy. In that regard, Trump and Biden are both racist, imperialist, genocidal scumbags. There is zero difference between them when it comes to foreign policy... But that says more about American imperialism than it does about individual politicians. Whoever wins, we lose.
HyperDimension wrote:The amount of white liberals cheerleading for a bloodthirsty mass-murderer like Joe Biden, who has murdered thousands of innocent children... is one of the most disgusting things I've seen in my lifetime. And then these same white liberals try to silence you whenever you call them out on their racist genocide apologetics. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were right about white liberals.
(05-15-2024, 03:14 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Irish Ninja wrote:- if, as that image and your kneejerk reactions here illustrate, hamas is labeled/understood as "terrorist" in the western world, why did the IDF not get that distinction? the former again being a party/resistance effort, and the latter being an unaccountable occupying nuclear force with western backing - why is that label so synonyms with one group, but the other regularly commits atrocities in the name of self-defense?
- why do the IDF not meet that criteria in the middle of on ongoing genocide, with countless mass graves, targeting of aid and hospitals, and weaponized starvation? what does this tell you about said label and how it is utilized?
- more to the point: why are you planting your flag on this while the community continues telling you it feels unsafe here? even if you think the reason for the threadban is obvious (it clearly isn't based on the responses here), why is that your priority rather than pushing back on moderation targeting/silencing and preserving what community we have left here?

maybe sit with that a bit

Hello Irish Ninja-please, you appear to be a stupid cunt.

People think Hamas are terrorists because they went to a music festival in another country in vans, sprayed automatic fire into the crowds and killed more than 350 people, then kidnapped another 50 or so more of the survivors, including people not even from the country they had beef with.

- Why did they initially deny doing this if it was a righteous act? Why haven't they released the hostages and ended all hostilities if they want peace? Why did they prevent humanitarian aid reaching their own people, and used it to buy weapons instead?

Maybe sit with that a bit.

TheKeipatzy wrote:I'm not going into debt to support some has been artists who yeah cool doesn't play as much but no they don't care about you.

Last time I did that was weird Al andthat piece of crap never sent anything that was supposed to give me, a torn poster with a crappy autograph (which even though I was there and took a picture of him signing people say isn't an authentic signature!) and pushed me aside for the next crybaby couple to tell their love story to.

So now there's really not much that'll make me max out a credit card for someone. Also all the people I grew up with a kind of bigoted people
(05-15-2024, 05:58 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
zerosnake99 wrote:Hamas has undoubtedly conducted terrorist acts. But the Post 9/11 obsession with labeling things "Terrorist" is an *intentionally* reductive way of looking often highly nuanced topics . It's real easy to say a group like the Taliban are a terrorist organization, but that's not actually what they are, or why they formed. Terrorism is simply one of the many "tools" in their arsenal.

Back when the IRA was fighting Britain, the British government was keen on calling them a terrorist organization, instead of acknowledging that they only exist as a resistive force to the British. The IRA killed civilians, but how was that any different from the roughly same amount that the British killed? If we simply say that any group that kills civilians is a terrorist organization, then the bar has been set extremely low and includes a large swath of people and doesn't aid to understanding any of these discussions.

HyperDimension was simply stating a fact.

Saying Hamas is a terrorist organization ignores that they are a resistive force.
And saying the IDF is a terrorist organization ignore that they are an occupying force.
And most of the world doesn't view Hamas as a terrorist organization.

Hello zerotrousersnake69, you appear to be an apologist piece of shit.

Literally every terrorist group that has ever existed has been 'resistive'. 'Resisting things' doesn't prevent you being terrorists.
In fact, its often a fucking prerequisite - when the majority of people DON'T want what you want, you use violence to terrorise them into compliance.
Also there is ample evidence on "how were the IRA terrorists tho?" and - again - it often boils down to are you deliberately targetting civilians to cause terror, because if the answer is yes, you're a fucking terrorist

and most of the world DOES view HAMAS as a terrorist organisation, even if their administrations find it politically expedient not to acknowledge that
(05-15-2024, 09:33 AM)Rendle wrote:
(05-15-2024, 08:27 AM)Boredfrom wrote: I’m not an expert of Graffiti Art

I believe they're called "tags".


[Image: DqNoiUvUwAAdWPn.jpg]
PoliEra: "It's getting a little antisemitic around here."

HamasEra: "Hold my beer."
(05-15-2024, 01:21 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Cat_Ballou, post: 122999187, member: 7905 wrote:Trans people are that kid that’s getting mercilessly bullied to death at school that everyone pretends not to see.

Amalthea, post: 122999718, member: 36655 wrote:This, fucking this!

The kid relentlessly bullied after they were exposed as having shaved their head and lying about having cancer for attention, after a popular classmate died of leukaemia

But that's none of my business...
(05-15-2024, 05:11 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: People think Hamas are terrorists because they went to a music festival in another country in vans, sprayed automatic fire into the crowds and killed more than 350 people, then kidnapped another 50 or so more of the survivors, including people not even from the country they had beef with.

- Why did they initially deny doing this if it was a righteous act? Why haven't they released the hostages and ended all hostilities if they want peace? Why did they prevent humanitarian aid reaching their own people, and used it to buy weapons instead?

Maybe sit with that a bit.

Ah man, you're not supposed to do that?

*Cancels festival tickets*

HyperDimension wrote:
Wicdor wrote:It's the same post that got the poster threadbanned in the Gaza thread, well except the part about Hamas being left out.

Feels like an attempt do derail the thread honestly.
That thread got shut down... Gee, I wonder why? Could it be because it makes white "moderate" liberals uncomfortable to admit that they're a bunch of racist genocide apologists who value white lives over brown lives?

If you want to vote Biden, go ahead. But don't tell POCs to shut up when we call out Biden being the racist genocidal monster that he is. You don't own us.

Quote: Cop User banned from the subforum (1 week): inflammatory accusations toward other users
Hound wrote:Does daddy Putin pay in dollars or in rubles?
Quote: Cop User banned from the subforum (1 week): inflammatory accusations toward other users
HyperDimension wrote:How much is daddy Biden paying you to cover-up his crimes against humanity?
Oh I love people throwing their POC identity around like a weapon. Now all we need is someone trans talking about how they need Biden to win and we got the perfect intersectional knot that the left can't comprehend to untie

ClickyCal' wrote:
baby meowsers wrote:Well I am American. And trans. And trying to survive in THIS country. Life under a Trump administration would be a step toward trans genocide and I would rather not have to have that hanging over me personally.
❤Right with you sis.
Goddamn all this Israel/Hamas/political crap is so fucking boring
4 users liked this post: nachobro, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Superstar
[Image: n6bq8Db.gif]
Nepenthe wrote:On a more positive note, I'm unreasonably happy that they rendered Doctor Dillamond as an actual goat. They're my favorite hooved animals lol.

(05-15-2024, 01:21 PM)BIONIC wrote:

styl_oh, post: 122994585, member: 61669 wrote:edit: this thread only has 3 pages???

Cat_Ballou, post: 122999187, member: 7905 wrote:Trans people are that kid that’s getting mercilessly bullied to death at school that everyone pretends not to see.

Amalthea, post: 122999718, member: 36655 wrote:This, fucking this!

Cenauru, post: 122999796, member: 2746 wrote:people really just don't care that much. Personally, I'm too exhausted to even pay attention to trans news as much as I used to. The only times threads about us get past a few pages at best is if it's an OT of sorts, or when people are trying to debate us that transphobic or anti-trans things actually don't affect us or they NEED to play a shitty game or watch a shitty comedian despite it being wrapped in transphobia.

This is the shit i live for  TERF BITCH
(05-15-2024, 05:53 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:On a more positive note, I'm unreasonably happy that they rendered Doctor Dillamond as an actual goat. They're my favorite hooved animals lol.


This nigga wants to fuck goats
(05-15-2024, 05:53 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:On a more positive note, I'm unreasonably happy that they rendered Doctor Dillamond as an actual goat. They're my favorite hooved animals lol.


Easy to tell the person who has never actually met a goat. Fucking assholes.
(05-15-2024, 05:49 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

ClickyCal' wrote:
baby meowsers wrote:Well I am American. And trans. And trying to survive in THIS country. Life under a Trump administration would be a step toward trans genocide and I would rather not have to have that hanging over me personally.
❤Right with you sis.

(05-15-2024, 05:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(05-14-2024, 09:50 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

HyperDimension wrote:Interestingly, most of the world does not recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization...

Does that mean most of the world are terrorist sympathizers? Or is the word "terrorist" itself just a meaningless political label assigned to enemies of Western imperialism?

"If they do it, it is terrorism. If we do it, it is counter-terrorism." - Noam Chomsky

HyperDimension wrote:As someone who is not American... Trump and Biden are both racist imperialist POS scumbags. Whoever wins, we lose.
HyperDimension wrote:
ErichWK wrote:Ya, no. Life in america will very much be worse for many many many people under trump. Biden has had some of the best and most progressive domestic policy wins and actions in decades. So no. They are not one in the same.
Like I said, I'm not American, so I'm more concerned about their foreign policy. In that regard, Trump and Biden are both racist, imperialist, genocidal scumbags. There is zero difference between them when it comes to foreign policy... But that says more about American imperialism than it does about individual politicians. Whoever wins, we lose.
HyperDimension wrote:The amount of white liberals cheerleading for a bloodthirsty mass-murderer like Joe Biden, who has murdered thousands of innocent children... is one of the most disgusting things I've seen in my lifetime. And then these same white liberals try to silence you whenever you call them out on their racist genocide apologetics. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were right about white liberals.

The absolute gall of this hyperdimension asshole. Not american, but is happily using MLK and Malcolm X, american people for his nonsense vendetta. lol. At least people in the thread are calling him out.
Hamas: Fuck yeah we're terrorists, look we even dismantled the water pipes to build rockets. I'm going to strap bombs on 4 year olds, just you fucking wait Zionist Egomaniac 

ResetEra: Are they really terrorists Is it tho? 
Most terrorist groups lean heavily into: "We're a bunch of terrorists" and wear it as a medal of honor.

Part of the reason why he defeated ISIS so easily is that Trump made them look like a bunch of losers as he dropped MOABs on them and that stopped foreigners from joining.
It was no longer the cool terrorist club once he started doing that. In comparison Obama and even Putin mostly highlighted the atrocities they committed while Trump just focused on the map as if he was playing Command & Conquer.
(05-15-2024, 05:23 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(05-15-2024, 09:33 AM)Rendle wrote:
(05-15-2024, 08:27 AM)Boredfrom wrote: I’m not an expert of Graffiti Art

I believe they're called "tags".


[Image: DqNoiUvUwAAdWPn.jpg]

looking back on this, realizing this message about how "graffiti is art" is written in comic sans Dead Dead Dead
New South Park special, new South Park thread. How long until the trans mafia shits it up?‘south-park-the-end-of-obesity’-trailer-coming-to-paramount-in-may.872046/

Post #7 from clickycal is how long lol

clicky carl wrote:And somehow there will be transphobia.

The next post after being this is also great

Autumn wrote:Can't wait. The last few specials have been good.

Posted by known transphobe Smokeymicpot.

ReginaldXIV wrote:You can't win against dictionary warriors, wiki warriors and debate perverts, because none of them are arguing from a position. They just want to "win" a debate.

Yeah, you guys are the ones that are totally open to having your mind changed through evidence and conversation.  lol

[Image: QP65hQY.jpg]

Never understood this joke.  People with dwarfism are demeaned and discriminated against far more than black people anywhere.  There are just far fewer dwarves out there and there's no mob and cultural pushback. it's just much more accepted to make "midget" jokes - even SNL does it.     Doesn't mean it isn't a double standard.
(05-15-2024, 06:18 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
ReginaldXIV wrote:You can't win against dictionary warriors, wiki warriors and debate perverts, because none of them are arguing from a position. They just want to "win" a debate.

Yeah, you guys are the ones that are totally open to having your mind changed through evidence and conversation.  lol

That threads great, I love hasan fanboys fellating him and how he’s totally right without acknowledging his “subtle” tweet to call for an assassination on Senator Tom Cotton. 

Weird how they won’t acknowledge that or any of his other issues like the ARMA JDAM

plagiarize wrote:Not being taught about gender identity growing up in the UK in the 80s and 90s definitely caused me significant harm. Fuck this 'may' cause harm. We all know the 'harm' they are talking about is that a cis kid might be talked into mistakenly believing they are trans for a bit. Which, frankly is nothing compared to leaving all trans kids feeling confused and fundamentally wrong and broken. We know what that leads too, but since they only care about cis kids, here we are.
(05-15-2024, 06:18 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
ReginaldXIV wrote:You can't win against dictionary warriors, wiki warriors and debate perverts, because none of them are arguing from a position. They just want to "win" a debate.

Yeah, you guys are the ones that are totally open to having your mind changed through evidence and conversation.  lol

[Image: QP65hQY.jpg]

Never understood this joke.  People with dwarfism are demeaned and discriminated against far more than black people anywhere.


never really thought about this but you're right

the joke is "if you're arguing over which word is worse and you can't even say one of them, that's the worse word"

but...the reason you can't say one of them is because that group has the power to enforce their desire to not have you say that word, meaning they're less oppressed

the other one might hate it just as much but they're just too tiny and weak to demand that you stop making fun of them, little grumpy gus faces with their little balled up fists, it's adorable

it's worse BECAUSE you can say it

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