Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Their shit is so weird. It's like they want to just open threads and read a bunch of people parroting all the same things at the full emotional maximum they feel when outraged. Then whenever there's a slight disconnect from this they get angry and have to passively aggressively complain about it and how people aren't posting how they want. Only they don't actually want to talk about these topics, they generally can't discuss them and/or they're ignorant loons like Nepenthe. So it's all these non-targeted passive aggressive attempts at socially and politically shaming people in hopes they read it, say "wow, they're talking about me and they're right!"

Even though they don't have anything resembling an actual idea that says what those people should be doing if they shut up and listen and see the light. Passive aggressively shaming others into taking up arms I suppose. Do they really feel some Blue State loser not voting for Biden is something they're going to even think about ever let alone say "ah, yes, a win for me. I did this"? Do they picture some grand moment where everyone reads some hectoring person across multiple threads and all of American discourse shifts and Joe Biden says "shit I better do something" and carpet bombs Tel Aviv (92% Jewish)? What do they think they're doing exactly? Do they even know what their own intent posting is?

Imagine what dealing with them in real life is like. Or don't, because they obviously don't act this way because they're either deliberate shut-ins who keep themselves away from "chuds" and "fascists" or they're meek rule followers who act completely differently in real life like plagiarize. You never really think about those types of people, but they might be somewhere simmering in rage at your lack of fealty to them and taking it out on a bunch of strangers on a "video game" forum over political topics where they don't even have any answers to what those people should be doing instead.

I guess it's true, shutting the fuck up is free. Yet all these white liberals turn down the bargain and keep on colonizing.
(05-15-2024, 06:37 PM)Uncle wrote:
(05-15-2024, 06:18 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
ReginaldXIV wrote:You can't win against dictionary warriors, wiki warriors and debate perverts, because none of them are arguing from a position. They just want to "win" a debate.

Yeah, you guys are the ones that are totally open to having your mind changed through evidence and conversation.  lol

[Image: QP65hQY.jpg]

Never understood this joke.  People with dwarfism are demeaned and discriminated against far more than black people anywhere.


never really thought about this but you're right

the joke is "if you're arguing over which word is worse and you can't even say one of them, that's the worse word"

but...the reason you can't say one of them is because that group has the power to enforce their desire to not have you say that word, meaning they're less oppressed

the other one might hate it just as much but but they're just too tiny and weak to demand that you stop making fun of them, little grumpy gus faces with their little balled up fists, it's adorable

it's worse BECAUSE you can say it

I remember when that 4'10 Bagel guy was making the rounds on talk shows after his video went viral, and he was on some show with a black host- this like 6'4, handsome, well paid radio host was like, "Do you know that if you were black you couldn't behave the way you did!  Do you know how hard we have it!"  I was flabbergasted.

Hrist wrote:It's fascinating how completely unhinged US-Americans are on guns, thinking that "random bullets flying around unaccounted for" is normal or just a small mistake that could happen to anyone.

In the real world, that's wildly reckless and proves you have no business owning a gun. Being this reckless with ammo is wild and it tells a lot about a person if they treat it like that.

This fetishization of guns is just weird, sorry.
(05-15-2024, 04:04 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:Also important to note this is a hobbyist forum in which the electronics required for said hobby depends on the exploitation and enslavement of black and brown peoples.

The brand of progressivism is whatever the establishment allows. So only progressive to a point as long as you don't rock the boat too much. At a certain point you're still expected to fall in line.

Why the fuck you are there, then? If it matters so much to you why you are in the evil capitalist forum? And not, that stupid Bosch comic is a non answer.
This is ultimately the crux of their entire forum's central mentality issue. If what they say all the time about every topic is true then what should be ones action? Their words suggest it's something revolutionary and truly active but their actions and plans suggest otherwise. Their general praxis is: we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.
It’s just so tiring existing in this world, the most we can do is inform and educate people about white cis supremacists out there. God it’s so exhausting
If I were a non-banned Poli-Era refugee I would change my avatar to the Charlie Hebdo Mohammed to piss of Hamas-Era. Or maybejust a normie Mohammed portrait.

(05-15-2024, 05:20 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

TheKeipatzy wrote:I'm not going into debt to support some has been artists who yeah cool doesn't play as much but no they don't care about you.

Last time I did that was weird Al andthat piece of crap never sent anything that was supposed to give me, a torn poster with a crappy autograph (which even though I was there and took a picture of him signing people say isn't an authentic signature!) and pushed me aside for the next crybaby couple to tell their love story to.

So now there's really not much that'll make me max out a credit card for someone. Also all the people I grew up with a kind of bigoted people

Just miserable people who must make everyone else miserable too.

Hecht wrote:Phew. We've made a sizeable dent in the reports, so I'll reopen this.

But first, let me explain a few things here.

- We really don't need to be going down the path of whether or not Hamas is a "legitimate terrorist organization." This is a question no one here is going to be able to answer, and it's just gonna go around in circles with everyone yelling at each other. It's not a competition to deterimine which side is "worse." As the prophet dril once said, "you do not...gotta hand it to [Hamas]." As evidenced by a lot of posts in this thread and elsewhere on the site, nuance is hard, and if you gotta cape for one shitty organization in order to justify your position, maybe rethink how you're going about this discussion.

- I don't know if you all have noticed, but the Israel/Palestine conflict is the biggest and most complicated event that has occurred during the life of this site. It's a conflict that people have been discussing for decades. We aren't gonna solve this here. We're all also not a bunch of foreign policy experts that have knowledge of every event that has happened leading up to this. So some people are going to come in with incomplete information - if you choose to inform them of something, feel free! Just maybe don't jump to "oh you support Hamas" or "oh you support genocide" as your initial reaction. If someone is JAQing off, then report it and we'll take care of it. The best we can hope for is that some users come out of this more educated on all of it than they were at first.

- There's clearly a massacre going on from the hands of the Israeli government/military. There was clearly a horrible attack by Hamas on 10/7. There are clearly people who support either side. There are conflicted people deciding how to reconcile preexisting beliefs with new information. Despite all of this, there is no excuse for antisemitism or islamophobia from anyone. Straight out. To that point though, criticizing the Israeli govt/military for their actions is not antisemitism, and criticizing Hamas for their actions is not Islamophobia. This should be a pretty simple concept, and while there are obviously bad actors out there trying to co-opt one side for their own bigotry (like far-right shitheads who actively hate Jews choosing to side with the pro-Palestinians in order to sow chaos), I think we can have a discussion here without having to go down that road. Obviously we'll be on the lookout for anyone doing that, but that's a very minor piece of what we deal with regarding this discussion.

- For those of you talking about us trying to stifle dissent towards Biden/Democrats, please. Feel free. I assume you're referring to us taking action against posts saying "Genocide Joe," which isn't due to the words themselves or the actions Biden is taking, it's to stop you all from boiling down whatever your thoughts are into some inflammatory, pithy nickname. Yeah, this site may lean more left than a lot of other large forums, but it's still a mix of moderates, liberals, progressives, and leftists, all of whom are primarily here to talk about video games. There's a perfectly reasonable discussion to be had regarding voting, and some people are viewing it from a "what if Trump wins" lens, and others are viewing it from a "I can't support Biden due to Gaza, etc." lens. The biggest rule we really have here, and honestly the base rule that affects a lot of other rules, is this: "don't be an asshole." If you can't get your point across without completely dismissing someone else (and to that point, if someone else is being an asshole, them. It's that simple), you don't have to click the "Post" button.

Hamas are terrorists. Kinison
Tbf, cyberpunk amd wizard game were bigger controversies with bigger body count.
(05-15-2024, 05:53 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:On a more positive note, I'm unreasonably happy that they rendered Doctor Dillamond as an actual goat. They're my favorite hooved animals lol.


That's funny Nepenthe, goats are my favourite too. They taste fucking great!
Found chindoggs twitter, not surprising but the ban is funny 

They completely ignore the mod post Rejoice 
Quote:If the Bush years have taught us anything it's that the primary utility of the phrase "terrorist organization" is as a thought terminating cliche to describe any militant group that the security state and western media would rather not center in any historical or material context but instead in a frame of civilizational struggle between good and evil which better fits the narrative and ambitions of the colonizer
(05-15-2024, 06:32 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

plagiarize wrote:Not being taught about gender identity growing up in the UK in the 80s and 90s definitely caused me significant harm. Fuck this 'may' cause harm. We all know the 'harm' they are talking about is that a cis kid might be talked into mistakenly believing they are trans for a bit. Which, frankly is nothing compared to leaving all trans kids feeling confused and fundamentally wrong and broken. We know what that leads too, but since they only care about cis kids, here we are.

There is definitely gonna be a post-cock-chopping-surgery regret thread from plagiarize. Just a matter of timing.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx

PES wrote:Cool, but given that literally zero of the explanations provided in the post above can be applied at all to the specific ban of Nola (or Richter, among others) which was the cause of all of the moderation complain in the last few pages, I hope you don't mind but I'm going to read this as "nothing is changing, everyone in this thread needs to continue to carefully navigate ~unknown~ double standards".

Also I am personally curious how there are so many user reports in this thread that require lockdown to even handle, specially when the last 3-4 pages were focused on moderation criticism. Is it possible one or more individuals are gaming the report system to try to get certain minorities/political ideologies banned from the forum? Impossible to know.

Anyway this is my last post on this derail (until the next ban). Back to the topic on hand.
(05-15-2024, 07:28 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Hecht wrote:- I don't know if you all have noticed, but the Israel/Palestine conflict is the biggest and most complicated event that has occurred during the life of this site.
Anyway, I shouldn't criticize others while not providing my own plan of action. So here is what I think Joe Biden should do:
[Image: gESCUAQ.png]
(05-15-2024, 07:33 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Found chindoggs twitter, not surprising but the ban is funny 

Why they always look exactly how you expect?

[Image: mWieDMf.jpeg]
Remembering back to the site first coming into existence because they wanted nothing to do with the shower elf anymore, the promise that the new place would be for everyone, no talking down about others, everyone had an equal voice.

To now openly supporting terrorists, posting on a video game forum how bad it actually is to be posting on a video game forum (apparently this person has a gun pointed at them, forced to post there?), ban baiting left and right allowed as long as you are fucking one of the mods, pretending that cancelling people isn’t real and mocking those who bring it up, all the while someone one or two threads over is being cancelled. 

What an absolutely batshit insane few years. They don’t even realize how mocked they are by outsiders looking in, either. They just assume all those people are CHUDS!!! and pat each other on the back.
Quote:Why was nothing we said addressed in the mod post...? All we really got was the implication that liberals are brigading and that that's normal reason to lock the thread for review on the anniversary of the Nakba.

I can't even vaguely cope with an empty apology here because there really wasn't one.

Ух ты! Не могу поверить, что они закрыли тему именно сегодня. Администрация не так уж хитра.
(05-15-2024, 07:53 PM)benji wrote: Anyway, I shouldn't criticize others while not providing my own plan of action. So here is what I think Joe Biden should do:
[Image: gESCUAQ.png]

He should legally change his last name to Mama.
ComeAgain dateline='[url=tel:1715804606' wrote: 1715804606[/url]']
Remembering back to the site first coming into existence because they wanted nothing to do with the shower elf anymore, the promise that the new place would be for everyone, no talking down about others, everyone had an equal voice.

To now openly supporting terrorists, posting on a video game forum how bad it actually is to be posting on a video game forum (apparently this person has a gun pointed at them, forced to post there?), ban baiting left and right allowed as long as you are fucking one of the mods, pretending that cancelling people isn’t real and mocking those who bring it up, all the while someone one or two threads over is being cancelled. 

What an absolutely batshit insane few years. They don’t even realize how mocked they are by outsiders looking in, either. They just assume all those people are CHUDS!!! and pat each other on the back.

Fascinating ethnography fodder though
I don’t know why era is so upset. Everybody gets one genocide those are the rules. For us Jews this is are one. Afreeby from the holocaust
Похоже, у нас назревает конфликт между сторонниками Палестины и трансгендерами.

ClickyCal wrote:
Quote:You're right that discussions would be derailed, but doesn't that make sense? Genocide is the worst crime imaginable and people should be forced to confront what is happening. Genocide shouldn't be something that you can easily avoid by clicking on the correct Biden threads.

In any case, we had temporary stability when we were discussing Palestine in the one thread we're allowed to before mods started banning people again. The discussion in the thread wasn't particularly heated so I think people were lurking and mass reporting us in our only thread.
Let's talk about trans genocide then. Do different genocides have different hierarchy tiers? Why should let's say a thread about Biden talking about his protections of trans people from Trump. Should a thread like that devolve to spamming Genocide Joe?

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=12214898]
(05-15-2024, 08:44 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
ClickyCal wrote:
Quote:You're right that discussions would be derailed, but doesn't that make sense? Genocide is the worst crime imaginable and people should be forced to confront what is happening. Genocide shouldn't be something that you can easily avoid by clicking on the correct Biden threads.

In any case, we had temporary stability when we were discussing Palestine in the one thread we're allowed to before mods started banning people again. The discussion in the thread wasn't particularly heated so I think people were lurking and mass reporting us in our only thread.
Let's talk about trans genocide then. Do different genocides have different hierarchy tiers? Why should let's say a thread about Biden talking about his protections of trans people from Trump. Should a thread like that devolve to spamming Genocide Joe?
Yes, the ones that are actually happening are more important. FUCK THE
Thank you clicky Carl for going into exactly the direction I wanted you to
They've totally lost control of HamasEra.  lol

"You know guys this is complicated and nuanced *wink* *nudge*"  Feeemales


Quote:we fortunately do have a trans genocide thread, and talk of the erasure of our trans community isn't walled off to one thread, with vague/arbitrary rules imposed. if we did, and members of that thread were being silenced & talking about their horrors being both-sided, that would also be a shitty thing to see, would it not?

I was just waiting, and waiting for HamasEra to finally turn on TransEra. The most obvious feud to happen on Era.
Quote:Let's talk about trans genocide then. Do different genocides have different hierarchy tiers? Why should let's say a thread about Biden talking about his protections of trans people from Trump. Should a thread like that devolve to spamming Genocide Joe?

Firstly I would never begrudge you posting endlessly about trans issues in a Biden thread. Hell any thread for that matter. I have family who is trans and I have been an ally for a very long time. You do it I have no problem with that. I would never call it a derail even if it goes on for 10 pages. The thing is the Palestinian issue is shown no quarter in pretty much every thread.

Secondly the "genocide joe" drive by narrative is a straw man. There are plenty here that are very thoughtful and have good information to provide and have tried in those threads only to be ganged up on or moderated away. It's cope to say every post on the genocide is just "genocide Joe." It's just not true. I check the main election thread or whatever daily and I pretty much never see Palestine/Israel discussion at all. It's like Voldemort everyone knows how dangerous it is but no one wants to talk about it. It's strange.
Referencing Harry Potter while talking to clicky cal. Masterful dogwhistle play


When mods stand beaten and broken who is it that comes to save them? TransEra..  Thank you for your service!

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