Journal of Other Forum Analysis
benji, I want to like your posts but there’s no report button on them.
Quote:Intersectionality is a tough cookie to crack, and we're not going to solve it here,
That's the thing though, you literally can't solve it because your entire ideology is based around white people being the big bad. As soon as two minorities have a conflict you're in a stunlock with no way out.
Quote:I've had numerous jobs that were not only soul-sucking but my bosses and/or co-workers clearly wanted me gone.


(05-18-2024, 05:24 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:Official Staff Communication

Reopening the thread. It's likely most people will not be getting actioned if they were reported. We will continue looking through reports but feel the discussion can continue now that people have had a chance to cool off.

This is a significantly intersectional issue where ultimately there is no lack of validity for any parties involved. It is fair for Black members of the forum to both be happy that Yasuke has gotten in and to be upset that his inclusion in an East Asian setting is being essentially sidestepped for the disappointment over a lack of an East Asian male playable character. Subsequently, it is okay for East Asians to celebrate the fact that while a Japanese woman is playable, a Japanese man is not in what should ostensibly be a setting where that would be the case. And frankly? If any East Asian women were to feel some type of way about the fact that East Asian men aren't satisfied, fair dues.

No one is necessarily wrong to feel the way they feel here given not just the history of this franchise and its community, but the reality of the dearth of both Black and Asian representation within Western studios' catalogues. And frankly there's little way or reason to moderate this issue without essentially giving credence to one side or the other. Intersectionality is a tough cookie to crack, and we're not going to solve it here, especially if it risks alienating any affected members.

I will say, keep the inflammatory accusations to a minimum. People care about this issue in their own ways, even if you disagree with their priorities. And if you want a bigger thought exercise, question the productivity of fighting other minorities in order to be seen by a white-led studio in a world where our oppressors benefit from this infighting, when instead we can put that energy towards building a world where white acceptance doesn't actually matter anymore.

Always gotta be about whitey.

I mean, her entire message is, "Stop fighting each other, and fight Whitey instead." All her messages all the time is race war baiting bullshit.
(05-18-2024, 10:05 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:I've had numerous jobs that were not only soul-sucking but my bosses and/or co-workers clearly wanted me gone.



Whats that line about if you run into an asshole and if all you do all day is run into assholes?

Have you given any consideration that maybe... YOUR the problem?
(05-18-2024, 10:05 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:I've had numerous jobs that were not only soul-sucking but my bosses and/or co-workers clearly wanted me gone.



If you walk down the street and you meet an arsehole, that person is probably an arsehole.

If you walk down the street and every person you meet is an arsehole, you're probably the arsehole.
(05-18-2024, 10:37 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
(05-18-2024, 10:05 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:I've had numerous jobs that were not only soul-sucking but my bosses and/or co-workers clearly wanted me gone.



Whats that line about if you run into an asshole and if all you do all day is run into assholes?

Have you given any consideration that maybe... YOUR the problem?

This is very old man yelling at youths, but I think it’s why having a customer facing job/service job as a teen is a learning experience. Under socialized guys go from school right into an office job can’t handle the different culture.
Thread keeps delivering -

Quote:Fuck em, you can do better.

I had a boss that hated me and wanted me gone.

He was old, I was young and I went the extra mile to study and get certifications after work hours.

He definitely felt threatened by me and did not want me around.

For 5 years he held me back, made me do the most menial work and prevented me from doing anything that would give me experience or help me develop or do anything of note.

He would do everything he could to make sure all work goes through him and that nothing happens when he isn't around, then he would take a vacation just to prove I can't do the job.

I would know this was intentional because shortly after I was assigned to him he would start crying whenever I show up.

I gave him 3 years of a benefit of a doubt before escalating but even after that his manager was covering for him.

Eventually after the 4 years mark I took the nuclear option and raised it to the heads of the division with a very spicy email.

Next call from my boss had him crying again, he would set a retirement date in 6 months.

The end result is that I deteriorated my reputation with all my coworkers through out the whole ordeal, I'll be honest some of it was my fault because even after he was retiring I went full spite mode on the manager that was covering for him and was disobedient, but my reputation was already in the mud because of that shitty boss.

After that I knew there was no future there, but the place was miserable from day one so who cares.

I don't need their approval, I don't need my boss to acknowledge me, I don't need the company to appreciate me.

I know I can do great things, I know I've got amazing ideas, I know I've got what it takes to make it happen.

If no one can see that but me, fine I didn't need them to.

I left the company, learned coding and am now working on making my personal dream game.

All of this to say fuck the company, leave it.

You don't need to stay in a place you are not appreciated, if they don't appreciate you they don't deserve you.

You should know your own worth and make everyone else regret how they could not see it.
(05-18-2024, 04:58 AM)benji wrote: In Titanfall 2 tonight one person recognized another persons display name as a trans reference to this I found on the traaaaaaans subreddit:
[Image: it-happened-so-fast-too-like-omg-v0-x21j...c362753a06]

Four other people in the game (out of twelve) proceeded to either say TRANS RIGHTS or talk about how they can't wait to turn trans in a year or so. Then they proceeded to refer to multiple things in the game as HRT, HRT injections, "girl" shit, etc. while talking about how gay and lesbian they are and how LGBT is best clan and so on. I was seriously getting thrown off because 1. nobody ever really chats in game except at the start or to argue about who is hacking 2. it was all the same shit you see everywhere like from Trans Era repeated in that insufferable "injoke" fake cloyingly "euphoric" way reminding me of Polident talking the other day about how all these people use the same phrases and manner of speaking.

My safe space. Existential

wow what are the chances, with only 0.5% of the population being trans, that's so rare that there would ever be so many trans people around at once
skullmuffins wrote:i don't fully understand how some invisible like system with a threshold is somehow less workable for a site with very high engagement than the current system of asking people to report "highlight-worthy" posts which have to be manually read through and approved by staff? like are you hoping only 0.001% of users will actually make use of it?

if the highlight thing is supposed to be used to spotlight "good quality discussion" then i'm not sure why a couple of one liner jokes and image reactions were highlighted in the rollout

punished b dumbs wrote:Because, frankly, there's also a vein of posters who seem to want to make everyone miserable and who don't want people to actually enjoy anything. So we want to highlight good discussion and people having fun, hopefully to promote both at the same time.

mik2121 wrote:Honest question because I sort of understand what you're saying but not really...

... how would a user-driven Like system not work because of the activity level, but a moderator-driven Like system would work, even though supposedly the users can promote (by Reporting) posts? Other than basically doing what everybody is complaining about, which is to just leave it to mods what all users will see as highlighted or not?

All these forums are nothing without the userbase -- see what happened to NeoGAF back int he day. Having only the mods being able to affect what gets highlighted, based on "internal guidelines" that are not even shared with the forum feels so strange to me based on how this forum got started. But looking at this thread, I guess this is not changing...?

unliked b dumbs wrote:Again, this isn't a like system!

I think he actually believes because it doesn’t have a thumbs up button or LIKE that it isn’t a like system. lol
b-dubs as he keeps explaining his like system is not a like system:

It’s not a like system because nobody likes the moderation  Elon
(05-16-2024, 04:09 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
mojo wrote:Don't criticize Biden y'all. You'll get banned and called an anti semite as the people who run this site cower in fear and hide in threads where they don't have to face the reality of what's happening outside. They use minorities on this site to push their agenda to get this old piece of shit reelected no matter what. Y'all are a joke who put up arbitrary rules to shut down real discussions in threads about politics. Ban me don't care clean your fucking house

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanently): Metacommentary & Modwhining; Long History of Inflammatory and Dismissive Commentary
Nepenthe wrote:And if you want a bigger thought exercise, question the productivity of fighting other minorities in order to be seen by a white-led studio in a world where our oppressors benefit from this infighting, when instead we can put that energy towards building a world where white acceptance doesn't actually matter anymore.

*Don't fight to be seen and be accepted by white-led studios 
*Chastise white-led studios for not having adequate representation of MY race in their games

pick one
Quote:Man, I just gotta say I love that you used a post of mine for these.

Also I'm not sure if it's good or bad that, as an almost-40 year old, seeing that I was one of the initial inclusions in this feature gave me warm fuzzy feelings. Like, maybe I shouldn't put so much weight into how people respond to things here on the forum, but also my life is kind of lousy offline right now so I'll take the silver (gold?) lining in this case.

jasoNsider, verified Developer wrote:Like the other person said: how is this not? It's literally a "mods like" system.
Your explanation doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to me. As others have said, there is potential to tune the metrics for what gets promoted based on average amount of interactions/feedback. Hell I'd rather none of this if all we get is a "mods like" system in the end.


j7vikes wrote:B-Dubs doing whatever he can to remove the number of like button requests.

Jokes aside this is neat.
It’s hilarious that Dubson can’t just add a simple like feature because the prominents will lose their shit when their posts don’t get any
Kyuuji's posts getting ratioed. Preach
Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:I will say that the latest highlight (regarding Godzilla: Minus One), if anything, quenches any future discussion over the movie as this just seems to promote a certain reading of the movie and moderate consensus.

As there is no way for users to see what was, and what was not, reported, Highlights in their current state just come across as "whilst all speech on ResetEra is welcome, we will reward speech that aligns with how we feel."

Still waiting on those internal guidelines too.

Have there been any Highlights since announcing the new feature?
I wish somebody outright called out the blatant gaslighting by Dubs, and the mods with the explanation of this feature, or the way they moderated PoliEra off the site.

Some absolutely corny ass evil stuff by them.
Hey hey,

[Image: hey-hey-ive-been-in-reno-for-six-weeks-d...08104a696c]

I was gone for 8-12 (weeks.)  What'd I miss?  Did Nepenthe pull a The First Purge (2018 R)?

G Status Ray wrote:Truly having a rough time all around. Last night I went to the ER after having an asthma attack. I have a history of asthma and had gone to the ER for it in the past. It's actually how we discovered I had it because one night as a kid I woke up and couldn't breathe or speak.

This time I must have had a rough reaction to my inhaler. I was vomiting and spinning, couldn't maintain breathing and coughing so hard my face hurt. Then hand tingling and chest pains set in.

Went to the ER and everything was clear. Inhaler had worked and I was breathing but still sick and shaking. Turns out I had a panic attack coupled with my asthma attack. Makes sense based off of what an inhaler does to the body.

The embarrassing part is that early on they asked if I smoked. I said I have smoked marijuana in the past but it's been a while. I'm very honest in these situations. Apparently this led them thinking I was high and having a panic attack because of it. No one asked if I had smoked that day or anything which I had not. Then comes in a doctor who essentially gives me a talk on how strong marijuana is these days.

I was so embarrassed. 6 people looking at me while I'm being lectured on weed. I'm a 30 year old dad who was dead tired from working and just came off one of the worst asthma attacks in recent memory. I couldn't get any words out and the slow realization of what was happening was horrible. I also was given various medications so just as I was feeling better the realization of the situation was making me feel like a complete idiot.

I'm not embarrassed I went for what they deemed a panic attack. I know I had one now and can recognize that. I'm just so bothered by the fact that 80% of the things the doctor told me was about weed and not my asthma attack.

Super personal but it just adds to the feeling that I have to trust what I know to be true in a world that screwed me over more times than I want to think about. It's tiring to receive no validation for so long.
(05-18-2024, 01:28 AM)benji wrote: I'd also like to see evidence it's "one of the last big internet forums" at all.

I could check those GameFAQs and r/gaming claims but they seem so false on the face that I can't be assed.

r/gaming says 2,478 online right now, resetti says 2,434 members and 4,864 guests online for total of 7,298. But one assumes guests wouldn't be able to like posts so they are irrelevant to this topic. For comparison r/games is at 2,660, r/pcgaming is at 960, and r/overwatch (the biggest single game sub) is at 321 online. 

All of the gaming subreddit listed have subscribers over 3 million though, with overwatch at 5.5 mil

Vertpin wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:It's not highlighted because we necessarily agree with it, but because they put in some real effort to create a space where a discussion can take place.
This is completely opposite to some of the examples that were shared in the OP. There are examples that are literally reaction pics. How is that real effort which promoted a space where discussion may occur? It's just going to be quoted on end. Everyone will react to it. It was simply highlighted because you (or another mod) liked it.

Your replies appear to be just verbose word filler claiming "it's not a like system, you're thinking of it in the wrong way", but as everyone here has claimed - it is a like system, and one that is only applicable from the mods. Which is a bit ridiculous, no?
Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)
My experience with Reddit says there's about 7 retards with 1500 alts each and a bunch of mods who don't play games but are only there to police anyone with an opinion that's further right than Greta Thunberg.
(05-17-2024, 11:38 PM)benji wrote: Hell, even though Hecht makes it sound like Israel-Palestine is a new thing the staff has been swamped with, they've had a specific section about it on their rules for five years that rules out all kinds of discussion points: wrote:Israel and Palestine

Threads about the Israel/Palestine conflict are some of the most contentious and difficult to moderate. While we have tried being more hands off in the past, these threads have tended to escalate out of control when they are not tightly moderated. As a result, we now enforce four primary rules to keep these threads as civil as possible.
  • Do not conflate civilians with their leadership: This means you should not conflate all Palestinians with Hamas or attempt to paint all Palestinians as terrorists. You should also not hold all Israelis responsible for the actions of their government.
  • Do not condone violence or killing: This goes for both Hamas and the IDF, especially with regard to civilians.
  • Do not deny the right of either Israel or Palestine to exist as independent states.
  • Due to historical considerations, the term "Nazi" is not appropriate or acceptable when used in reference to Israel, Israelis, and Jews. This includes comparisons between the Israeli government/IDF and Nazi Germany. You are welcome to criticize Israel in all other ways, but that specific analogy is off-limits, period.

Wow, you'd have assumed given this is one of the few specificities in rules and guidelines they actually fucking wrote down it would be easier for the 3+ mods that sign off every action to remember how to do their fucking job.

So when an era mod reads this, time to go delete one of your few publicly visible behaviour guidelines because it makes you look bad!
(05-18-2024, 04:58 AM)benji wrote: In Titanfall 2 tonight one person recognized another persons display name as a trans reference to this I found on the traaaaaaans subreddit:
[Image: it-happened-so-fast-too-like-omg-v0-x21j...c362753a06]

Four other people in the game (out of twelve) proceeded to either say TRANS RIGHTS or talk about how they can't wait to turn trans in a year or so. Then they proceeded to refer to multiple things in the game as HRT, HRT injections, "girl" shit, etc. while talking about how gay and lesbian they are and how LGBT is best clan and so on. I was seriously getting thrown off because 1. nobody ever really chats in game except at the start or to argue about who is hacking 2. it was all the same shit you see everywhere like from Trans Era repeated in that insufferable "injoke" fake cloyingly "euphoric" way reminding me of Polident talking the other day about how all these people use the same phrases and manner of speaking.

My safe space. Existential

egg post

Shoot wrote:In more positive news CBC says it has no plan for how to handle a loss of federal funding when the Conservatives take power. They currently receive $1.3 billion in taxpayer money annually only to spread propaganda and racism and muzzle Palestinian voices. I hope to be hearing less and less from them after the election.
What is puppybrained? Do I even want to know?

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