Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(05-24-2024, 06:22 AM)clockwork5 wrote: I have to agree with potato. 

The Democrats are incredibly stupid. Just ignore the man into obscurity. Force him to rant on Twitter or his money laundering excuse for a social media site.

Why in gods name would you want his face on the news every day of your own party’s unpopular presidency? It is beyond all reason. It’s like the moment the Democrats win they forget that 50% of the country wants them out ASAP. 

They play checkers and play it poorly.

Um, chuddie. Trump means clicks and clicks means money. You want all eyes on your product.

Maybe Biden should be a little more silly? Because it's not the Biden fanfare that the fellow reddit Colbert fans want, it's continued dunking on Trump for the hate dopamine rush.

I can't believe Resetera is dividing us. I blame Benji for creating a safe space for freedom of speech.  Stahp
TL;DR There is no simple way to deal with Trump because he is a symptom of the U.S. not trusting its political class. In my experience, living in a country with a similar asshole, ignore him is not viable because he has a ton of followers and political enablers. And I seriously doubt that your government wasn’t willing to ignore him and let it be if their hand wasn’t forced given how malicious stubborn the fucker is.
and let RFK JR have his place on the debate stage! STOP IGNORING HIM!
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
(05-24-2024, 07:02 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(05-24-2024, 06:22 AM)clockwork5 wrote: I have to agree with potato. 

The Democrats are incredibly stupid. Just ignore the man into obscurity. Force him to rant on Twitter or his money laundering excuse for a social media site.

Why in gods name would you want his face on the news every day of your own party’s unpopular presidency? It is beyond all reason. It’s like the moment the Democrats win they forget that 50% of the country wants them out ASAP. 

They play checkers and play it poorly.

Um, chuddie. Trump means clicks and clicks means money. You want all eyes on your product.

Maybe Biden should be a little more silly? Because it's not the Biden fanfare that the fellow reddit Colbert fans want, it's continued dunking on Trump for the hate dopamine rush.

I can't believe Resetera is dividing us. I blame Benji for creating a safe space for freedom of speech.  Stahp

And it goes both ways, because conservatives also want the dopamine rush that Trump causes when he is “winning” against democrats. 

Is a ouroboros.
(05-24-2024, 05:32 AM)Potato wrote: Fuck the Democrats. Fuck the Republicans. Fuck the lot of them.
I'd rather not. Jeanluc
Even though I voted for the man I enjoy a little Genocide Joe joke here and there. Not too much, not too little. Just the right amount.  Malarkey!
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
Yes, your country can and will survive another 4 years of Trump. But I, living in the neighborhood country, would prefer if you guys choose the senile guy over the malicious senile power hungry incompetent idiot that is Trump. Specially because he reminds me of my current President.
I’m sorry, Benito Juarez, I’m sorry… I have too… 
Feels bad, man Stahp
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Donald Trump is a fucking cunt and an idiot  ufup

Don't allow yourself to become so bedraggled by internet warz that you entertain the idea

Can't exactly laugh at bdubbles and nepenthe then go and vote for that fat cunt can you?
(05-24-2024, 07:27 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Can't exactly laugh at bdubbles and nepenthe then go and vote for that fat cunt can you?
Because they aren't as anti-capitalist as he is! Bolo
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
(05-24-2024, 07:38 AM)benji wrote:
(05-24-2024, 07:27 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Can't exactly laugh at bdubbles and nepenthe then go and vote for that fat cunt can you?
Because they aren't as anti-capitalist as he is! Bolo

Melody and Princess Bubblegum voting for the Ayatalloh would be more tolerable  Rogan
Genocide Joe Show Season 2 is going to be as the kids say "litty" and "poggers".
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(05-24-2024, 08:14 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Melody and Princess Bubblegum voting for the Ayatalloh would be more tolerable  Rogan
Iran provides gender affirming care unlike places run by white liberals. ufup
Siren  Messofanego has been spotted in the thread! I repeat! Messofanego has been spotted in the thread! Siren

Thread lock is incoming if these types of replies continue! 

Messofanego wrote:
The Albatross wrote:The thing is with ultra left progressives is that they will always find the thing that is unfulfilled and make that their priority, even if they never gave a fuck about it 6-12 months prior to that being their thing . We haven't had a more progressive president in 90 years of American history than Joe Biden, who has actually passed a very progressive American agenda and somehow sold that to non progressives in a way that no other president in that time has done (I'm stopping this at 90 years, perhaps FDR was more progressive, but he also sold that progressivism on white supremacy). If you had a wishlist, 10 years ago, for what a progressive president could actually achieve, Joe Biden has exceeded that beyond expectation. But far left progressives will find some reason for why this president doesn't fulfill their wishlist and why a right wing fascist white supremacist racist rapist "might not be that bad" because "people, somewhere, are hurting." "People are hurting" therefore we should equivocate and make excuses for the opponent so that they can hurt more? Sure, go for it. I've got a daughter. I've got real skin in the American game, for her. I'm voting for Joe, I know what's at stake for her, for me, for all of us. The alternative would be catastrophic.
If Joe Biden is the most progressive president in nearly a century while he has supported a genocide among other issues, that is more an indictment on the state of political leanings in the country and lack of representation over the people rather than something that needs to be celebrated. I think you are being uncharitable, strawmanning, and villainising leftists if you truly believe they are saying Trump might not be that bad and make excuses for him. Punching left like you're doing is not going to help, ultimately.

yellowfury wrote:
PeakPointMatrix wrote:And a reminder that not voting Biden just to punish him will only punish the weakest, must vulnerable groups and minorities in the country, not the rich white man who will die rich and white while the rest of us actually feel his "punishment".
Louder for those in the back. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills with the amount of people who want to protest Biden's worst qualities by not voting in this election. A non vote for Biden is a vote for Trump.

Booshka wrote:
Vipershark wrote:The genocide is going to happen regardless of candidate, and there's nothing that any of us can do about that on an individual level. It's unfortunate but it's something that we have to accept.

With that in mind, the question becomes:
Given the option of the current amount of genocide or MORE genocide, which option do you support?
Craziest shit I have ever read on this site. Truly the end of liberal democracy with these kinds of takes.
(05-24-2024, 08:24 AM)benji wrote:
(05-24-2024, 08:14 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Melody and Princess Bubblegum voting for the Ayatalloh would be more tolerable  Rogan
Iran provides gender affirming care unlike places run by white liberals. ufup

Shia Muslims being more tolerant than white liberals? Heh  Snob
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
User banned; Reason; trying to geolocate the hidden imam
(05-24-2024, 08:28 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Messofanego wrote:If Joe Biden is the most progressive president in nearly a century while he has supported a genocide among other issues, that is more an indictment on the state of political leanings in the country and lack of representation over the people rather than something that needs to be celebrated. I think you are being uncharitable, strawmanning, and villainising leftists if you truly believe they are saying Trump might not be that bad and make excuses for him. Punching left like you're doing is not going to help, ultimately.
Booshka wrote:Craziest shit I have ever read on this site. Truly the end of liberal democracy with these kinds of takes.
So then what are they advising? Why won't they say?

They're just yelling that nobody is allowed to judge without saying why.
It’s pretty incredible how a single issue is their entire problem with Biden. The guys on the center right have issues with the economy, immigration, divisiveness of his rhetoric, mental capacity, etc. whatever your thoughts are on any of that, it isn’t a single issue. But these brats have been so catered to by the entire range of the establishment that this pushback is catastrophic. Give a mouse a cookie, and all that.
Queen Bee wrote:Just for perspective trans people currently sit with an active anxiety over being forced back into the closet or having to leave the country if changes to the Equality Act are made. Changes that have been signalled by both Labour and Tories. 'Weird, backward and baffling' is an incredibly light way to address what trans people have lost this past half decade and fight against today.

"We are more left wing than most" isn't saying anything in the face of these anxieties, it's meaningless to them. People aren't considering how 'left' they are they're  doing their best to prevent their children committing suicide now they face going through years of mental anguish as they're forced through puberty, denied access to adult care -potentially until their mid-20's- when they then face having to go through significant surgeries they could have avoided otherwise, while continuing to fight for years for a single appointment for the care they need. I have had parents in tears to me not knowing what they can do to keep their child alive.

There is a deep, grounded reason behind why people feel Labour have crossed the line for them with their abandonment of trans people during a complete backslide on rights and access. It's emotional for you, it's emotional for them.

No! Simply no, this is not happening at all
This is DEVASTATING news for the spicy roleplay discord numbers of the near future
There are no good candidate to vote for, so what is the solution?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
To jerk off to the meltdowns!
(05-24-2024, 04:08 AM)Garfield wrote:
Quote:When Trump starts putting immigrants into detention camps

It's also insulting to refer to temporary detention as camps, especially when they can leave by simply agreeing to go back to where they came from.

I know nothing about how these detention camps are run, but I seriously doubt there's any scenario where Lucio can stroll out of one of these things if he just puts his hands up and says, 

hey guys this prison isn't working for me, like at all. The beatings. The cages. Not my thing. I think I'll take my leave and head back to Brazil if you don't mind

and the camp guards are all, Hey that's cool man. Sorry it didn't work out. You wanna ride to the border?
Quote:What does skin colour have to do with this? I have seen stupid behaviours like this from all kinds of tourists.

Because white folks are known for doing dumb shit like this all the tim

Yes, because we didn't have news stories about how Johnny Somali was straight up arrested in Japan for his behavior. Or that news story about a Chinese tourist defacing ancient Egyptian walls. In fact there's tons and tons of stories about Chinese tourists doing shit upsetting locals but a generalisation like that would probably get you banned for sinophobia
I also coulda sworn that getting liberal young judges in the court was something that was important to them too. But apparently it's not anymore.
(05-24-2024, 10:25 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: There are no good candidate to vote for, so what is the solution?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
To jerk off to the meltdowns!

(05-24-2024, 11:23 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:What does skin colour have to do with this? I have seen stupid behaviours like this from all kinds of tourists.

Because white folks are known for doing dumb shit like this all the tim

Yes, because we didn't have news stories about how Johnny Somali was straight up arrested in Japan for his behavior. Or that news story about a Chinese tourist defacing ancient Egyptian walls. In fact there's tons and tons of stories about Chinese tourists doing shit upsetting locals but a generalisation like that would probably get you banned for sinophobia

The explosion in Chinese tourism has been an absolute boon for American tourists. No longer are the boorish Americans the most loathed on the tour bus. Instead, it's the Chinese spitting everywhere, shouting at everyone, refusing to follow local rules, littering, and generally being obnoxious cunts who are number one on the shitlist.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(05-24-2024, 11:35 AM)Nintex wrote:
(05-24-2024, 10:25 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: There are no good candidate to vote for, so what is the solution?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
To jerk off to the meltdowns!

You really need to question everything about your culture if this guy is anything more than a circus sideshow on second rate reality TV...
melody shreds wrote:I wrote out a long post but I decided not to post it. I'll just say I've known about Vic since 2008.
Only in the last few years with this whole thing going down did I realized I had info that was not fully out there for over a decade.

I honestly feel like shit for not thinking to post something about this anytime between 2008 and now. Maybe it would have made a difference.

ubertag wrote:I witnessed the aftermath of a Vic-related incident back in 2005 at a convention involving another voice actress (who has not come forward and who I will not name out of respect).

Myself and a couple friends were hanging out with both her and her boyfriend throughout the weekend and were mystified when she ran up to him in tears shortly after a panel she and Vic had together. Never got the details (nor was it my place to ask for them) - all we knew was that Vic was directly involved.

I hate to say it, but our default reaction was to presume Vic had simply said something dismissive or disrespectful to her given that he was riding high off his Fullmetal Alchemist breakout at the time and she was relatively new to the industry. That never quite made sense to me given the state of her reaction but it's all we had to go on. Needless to say when the allegations came out in 2019, the details of that incident came rushing back to me like a truck.

I do remember getting stuck in the elevator with Vic heading to the panel floor the next morning and staring daggers into his back.

(05-24-2024, 10:25 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: There are no good candidate to vote for, so what is the solution?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
To jerk off to the meltdowns!

Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition) Sickos (furry edition) Popcorn Sickos
How can you possibly know who the fuck the voice actors were for full metal alchemist in 2008

What level of deviancy drives a man to such knowledge?

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