Journal of Other Forum Analysis
The best thing about ree is there's always another absolute mental case waiting for their chance to grab the spotlight
Nepenthe wrote:No, because I don't find the mere existence of noise an ethical dilemma most of the time.....
I'm not, but my community is filled with good people who just so happen to play music loudly in public, whether live or through speakers, and I'd rather a bunch of NIMBYS not insist they're shitty people worthy of jail time.

Nobody is talking jail time, but having 0 conscientiousness for other people is not a virtue.

Quote:my community

What?  Your 'spiritual community' or your physical one?  You live in your parents house in the suburbs, watching cartoons in your 30s with your discord buddies.


One day, when you own your own backyard, you'll understand.
It’s common for these types to infantilize sociopathic behavior because of race. And saying this, not four hours ago was I in a restaurant where white Aussies were having a loud speaker phone conversation. But typically that’s not the mental image they land on when they picture the hypotheticals.
(05-26-2024, 01:01 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(05-26-2024, 12:52 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Given how hard thethickofit is defending they position, I almost empathize with them until I remembered that they think the Cass Report is invalid because assigned media told them too.

TransRE is in the weird position of waiting to bitch about UK politics but the most intelligent people on TransRE understanding that is probably for the best to calm themselves given the upcoming election, while the most resentful want to go full NepNep on burning everything down (on Minecraft).

reading between the lines, thethickofit has done something pretty fucked up in the past and has intrusive thoughts about it which are expressed as serial killer style crazy person notes, but has attempted to rationalise it as actually the systems fault not theirs.

But their subconscious knows whatever it is that they did.

(05-26-2024, 07:36 AM)benji wrote:
thethickofit wrote:(I'm transfeminine and TMA.)

Yes, the UK MSM's systematic campaign of malice against trans people, and trans women specifically, calls generally all British MSM reporting into question. Especially when it comes to sensational stories like Letby's. Not drawing that line is falling victim to Gell-Mann amnesia.

This is chickens coming home to roost for Kyuntuji in particular, and bitchdubs tolerance for letting TAnon run rampant with their conspiracy nonsense in general.

Kuntuji knows full fucking well 'TERF Island' is not a fucking dystopian nightmare for trans people, the mainstream media isn't perfect but generally factually accurate, and the NHS is A Good Thing Actually.

If any of those things weren't true, they wouldn't tacitly accept the situation by spending their time watching avatar 2 multiple times at the cinema, doing multiple New Game +s on the latest AAA blockbuster Day One, and shitposting on the internet all day.

They would be rioting on the fucking streets, like people whose lives feel genuinely threatened do because they have no other recourse.

The fact they now have to deal with the consequences of their hyperbole now by having to confront obviously deranged conclusions that stem from the premises they have been spreading but from someone whose sole exposure to what life is like in another country is through the things that they and people like them say, should give them pause for thought the next time a minor interference in their life (or their life stopping them interfering with minors  Awesome ) has them busting out the LITERAL GENOCIDE rhetoric.

But it won't. The utterly detestable piece of shit.
User threadbanned pending further action

Kunty's post is the next one after the thread ban

Got em
What the hell is going on in that dragon ball topic 

garou wrote:If you are not OK with any kind of attractive depiction of minors, I am not sure if Anime is the right medium you're looking for.

(05-26-2024, 02:13 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: What the hell is going on in that dragon ball topic 

garou wrote:If you are not OK with any kind of attractive depiction of minors, I am not sure if Anime is the right medium you're looking for.


(05-26-2024, 01:47 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:No, because I don't find the mere existence of noise an ethical dilemma most of the time.....
I'm not, but my community is filled with good people who just so happen to play music loudly in public, whether live or through speakers, and I'd rather a bunch of NIMBYS not insist they're shitty people worthy of jail time.

Nobody is talking jail time, but having 0 conscientiousness for other people is not a virtue.

Quote:my community

What?  Your 'spiritual community' or your physical one?  You live in your parents house in the suburbs, watching cartoons in your 30s with your discord buddies.


One day, when you own your own backyard, you'll understand.

Park in front of her house and blast this............

Spoiler:  (click to show)

She'll call the cops in no time!!
(05-26-2024, 02:10 PM)killamajig wrote: thethickofit
User threadbanned pending further action

Kunty's post is the next one after the thread ban

Got em

Good job mods, you don't want people who actually believe what they're saying, because that's just crazy.
You want the people that make outlandish claims in bad faith (gosh, you used to use that one a lot more... Thinking) to be disingenuous (that too... Thinking) but are protected users so nobody is allowed to push back on their hyperbole and stop the ratchet moving.

(05-26-2024, 01:47 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:No, because I don't find the mere existence of noise an ethical dilemma most of the time.....
I'm not, but my community is filled with good people who just so happen to play music loudly in public, whether live or through speakers, and I'd rather a bunch of NIMBYS not insist they're shitty people worthy of jail time.

Nobody is talking jail time, but having 0 conscientiousness for other people is not a virtue.

Quote:my community

What?  Your 'spiritual community' or your physical one?  You live in your parents house in the suburbs, watching cartoons in your 30s with your discord buddies.


One day, when you own your own backyard, you'll understand.

I wonder what the Venn diagram between black urban youth and furries looks like. 2 far apart circles
planet smasher wrote:Yeah, one of the biggest problems I have (beyond the insane simplicity and lack of any mechanical depth or creativity beyond graphics) with Astrobot is that the only identity the game has is...the same joke Sackboy already has. "Look, Astro is wearing a hat from another video game!" is kinda played out. It'd be nice if they're able to find some actual identity for the series and the character beyond "cameo hats" and dancing.

But I just don't particularly find mascots engaging at all so I guess it was never gonna work for me beyond tech demos.

shadowman16 wrote:Dude no one with a straight face can say "Astrobot" and "Mechanic Depth" in the same breath that's actually played the PSVR Astrobot game. That was a legit amazing experience and still one of the absolute best platformers ever released in my eyes. Its really like nothing else out there thanks to how well the VR mechanics work in the game.
Sounds like your solely informing your opinion on a fun and short PS5 pack in...

planet smasher wrote:I don't play VR, and that's never going to change. So I am clearly talking about the console game, not the VR game I literally cannot play for health reasons.

He thinks people actually keep tabs on his whole lore to know he can’t play VR for some unnamed health issue 

Is his medical condition JCS*?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
*Joyless Cunt Syndrome I get no respect!
Quote:This logic doesn't hold up to any scrutiny though. You're suggesting that because British newspapers push an anti-trans agenda (which is clearly true), they are also pushing a pro-NHS agenda to protect the institution at the expense of an innocent nurse. But the current powers that be that have been spreading transphobia have also been trying to discredit and destabilise the NHS for years. If anything, newspapers pushing the agenda of the powerful would want to put the deaths down to the incompetence of the NHS to further that agenda.

Unless there is a fear that new government will try to improve NHS but take Cass Report considerations. So Thick is scared that the narrative is going to be “the new government is going to make the NHS work as intended… so less funding to quack medicine like gender transition and hormones”. 

(Is a reach, but I’m trying to see why Thick will take the case personally even if Twitter Brainroot is involved Trumps ).
Quote:The article fails to point out that the ward she was on was a level 2 ward, which is not the most serious, level 3 is the most serious. The vast majority of babies in a level 2 ward are expected to live and to have so many deaths and almost deaths in such a small amount of time is not normal.

Thick wrote:Explainable through a combination of bad luck and systemic issues (e.g. hygiene issues, breakdown of incident management system).

Quote:All of the deaths happened on her shift and none on any other nurses. It is not normal for a baby to die in a level 2 ward.

Thick wrote:Explainable through bad luck and systemic issues.

Quote:Babies with the most serious conditions are in level 3 wards. There are many wards in the UK that are severely understaffed with untrained doctors and nurses, yet there hasn't been any other incidents like this with so many collapses and deaths. Also all the deaths were ruled out for natural causes,

Thick wrote:Explainable through bad luck and systemic issues.

Quote:if you look at deaths on the ward previously before Lucy letby worked there and other wards around the uk, the vast majority have a clear medical reason as to why the baby died. This was not the case on all of the deaths that happened when Lucy was on shift.

Thick wrote:All of this is explainable through bad luck and systemic issues.

what even compels someone to defend this
(05-26-2024, 04:44 PM)Uncle wrote: what even compels someone to defend this

Insecurity, fear, guilt, paranoia. With a dosis of feeling smarter than everyone else. 

I think the act of questioning the verdict is not wrong per se, but it needs to come from a logical place. They said they felt bad because they identify with the nurse, so already fucked up (that’s why he insists that juries are wrong). 

I would buy more their statical gibberish if they didn’t start with “Cass report is BS”.
(05-26-2024, 04:44 PM)Uncle wrote: what even compels someone to defend this

Mental illness
[Image: KSl5CGA.jpeg]

"Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen???"

[Image: rosZFII.jpeg]

"Explainable through bad luck and systemic issues."

Captain of Outer Space, post: 123496230, member: 23710 wrote:I guess Doom Eternal. It's not that I hated it, but it wasn't up my alley after enjoying the first game a lot. The one E3 gameplay trailer game me some hope that the changes could give it some Ratchet & Clank vibes to the business of the gunplay and that did not pan out.

Wut Titus Wut
(05-26-2024, 04:54 PM)nachobro wrote:
(05-26-2024, 04:44 PM)Uncle wrote: what even compels someone to defend this

Mental illness

Wanted to be more charitable. Yeshrug
(05-26-2024, 05:18 AM)Uncle wrote:
(05-26-2024, 04:00 AM)Greatness Gone wrote:
Nepenthe, post: 123479631, member: 1995 wrote:I think the last time I was emotionally thrown by a video game was one of the bosses in Small Saga. IYKYK:

A stoat gets low on health, and then decapitates and eats one of her allies to regain not just health but a whole fucking new moveset.

I dropped my jaw when it happened. And when my friend streamed it in Discord with me watching in glee, the entire chat of like 10 people got quiet.


TIL NepNep is into vore  Existential
All of this is explainable through bad luck and systemic issues.

(05-26-2024, 02:13 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: What the hell is going on in that dragon ball topic 

garou wrote:If you are not OK with any kind of attractive depiction of minors, I am not sure if Anime is the right medium you're looking for.


People are all wtf to that post.  Why isn't B-dumbs banning that user?
Kyuuji is frankly impressive in their ability to thread the needle with such art that they can be on either side of the same issue as they choose, while also defining the guidelines of acceptable speech and thought, all while simultaneously not even being a mod!

Getting Thick (rightfully) threadbanned is only the latest example. The Stellar Blade fapping (complete with self-taken screenshots of the previously verboten protagonist) was a truly next level demonstration of community subjugation.

It has been hilarious to watch lonely ClickyCal and the final few holdouts in the “why women criticize” thread gingerly talk around the extremely overt disregard of their complaints happening in real-time.

Too bad the game is so popular with CHUDS!!…and an unname-able, unashamed, significantly large and active population on this site.
vonocourt wrote:So it's not transphobia, it's just using dehumanizing transphobic boogeymen to criticize liberals. Oh that makes me feel so much better about creators who have a history of repeatedly being transphobic using us as a crass prop.

Whats the cheat code they used to not be transphobic for when they recently fed into the whole fearmongering that minors are able to get reconstructive surgery Willy nilly?‘south-park-the-end-of-obesity’-trailer-coming-to-paramount-in-may.872046/page-3?post=123487278#post-123487278

It’s pretty easy to tell these people don’t actually watch South Park, or they’d realize how hyperfocusing on 2 episodes of a 30+ year old show makes them look that much more retarded.

Captain C wrote:Fuck South Park, fuck Stone and Parker, and honestly having a show like this being discussed happily in a forum with a rapidly dwindling trans community is definitely a choice but hey, Cartman made me laugh in 2004 so

Dwindling? They’re the only ones actively posting these days lol
(05-26-2024, 05:54 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
vonocourt wrote:So it's not transphobia, it's just using dehumanizing transphobic boogeymen to criticize liberals. Oh that makes me feel so much better about creators who have a history of repeatedly being transphobic using us as a crass prop.

Whats the cheat code they used to not be transphobic for when they recently fed into the whole fearmongering that minors are able to get reconstructive surgery Willy nilly?‘south-park-the-end-of-obesity’-trailer-coming-to-paramount-in-may.872046/page-3?post=123487278#post-123487278

It’s pretty easy to tell these people don’t actually watch South Park, or they’d realize how hyperfocusing on 2 episodes of a 30+ year old show makes them look that much more retarded.

Captain C wrote:Fuck South Park, fuck Stone and Parker, and honestly having a show like this being discussed happily in a forum with a rapidly dwindling trans community is definitely a choice but hey, Cartman made me laugh in 2004 so

Dwindling? They’re the only ones actively posting these days lol

It’s pretty clear there is a cultish Discord community that’s telling them it’s dwindling somehow. 

God, I’d love to see that community.
(05-26-2024, 05:52 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: Kyuuji is frankly impressive in their ability to thread the needle with such art that they can be on either side of the same issue as they choose, while also defining the guidelines of acceptable speech and thought, all while simultaneously not even being a mod!

Getting Thick (rightfully) threadbanned is only the latest example. The Stellar Blade fapping (complete with self-taken screenshots of the previously verboten protagonist) was a truly next level demonstration of community subjugation.

It has been hilarious to watch lonely ClickyCal and the final few holdouts in the “why women criticize” thread gingerly talk around the extremely overt disregard of their complaints happening in real-time.

Too bad the game is so popular with CHUDS!!…and an unname-able, unashamed, significantly large and active population on this site.

I mean, is not that impressive if you remember that is clear she is mod protected to a great degree. I think she needs to pull a KetKat to get actually actioned on… anything, really. 

Is still weird how protected she is. Even Nepenthe gets called out once in a while.
Kyuuji is the shadow manager of the site it feels like. Kinda weird how Kyuuji and b dubs never actually interact either…
[Image: ywwm6Fb.png]
Peyton Manning mooned a trainer as part of a locker room prank when he was like 19.  That's not sexual assault. Not sure what resetter has against Tony Dungy, unless he told players to stop having ten kids with 9 different women or something.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Potato
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Low effort trolling
adit365 wrote:Let cuckman and team cook
Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): troll account
Kali wrote:
Crossing Eden wrote:Stating that a person is a zionist for reacting to what Hamas did on Oct. 7th is....not it fam. Especially when a followup statement opposing any form of genocide or conflict was made. One that frequently gets ignored in order to paint it as a black and white situation so that the zionist accusation holds a modicum of weight via the omission/ignoring of crucial information.

Something that often gets ignores is that he explicitly said that the violence needs to stop and hopefully does within our lifetimes, especially as it pertains to the millions of civilians caught in the crossfire, yes including Palestinians before outright stepping away from social media for awhile:
I know people want to read his posts favourably, but again he is well aware of the ethnic cleansing in Palestine and has at most both-sided the whole thing. This is absolutely not a matter that you "both-side" and this matter is not complicated in terms of who plays the role of the oppressor. I don't know why this guy should get a pass.

Crossing Eden wrote:Do you genuinely think he's secretly spent months behind the scenes cheering on the genocide?
I haven't said that. My point is that his continued support of "Israel" makes him a zionist.

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