Journal of Other Forum Analysis

BatmanSmasher wrote:I wrote one of these for Columbo in Batman last year:

Why are they just so fucking weird lol
Jssom wrote:This forum and its admin need to really step it up, need a change of policy of how this terrible stain on humanity that is called the state of israel should be discussed from now on (and no I'm not talking about its civilians, I'm talking about the government and the rules that made this state come into being).

Burned alive, decapitated humans including babies, and this only of hundreds of massacres and crimes against humanity. The ERA team blood should be boiling and act themselves instead of needing users to tell them.

israel from now on should be treated as it should, a terrorist, pariah state that should be boycotted and sanctioned.

I'm crying, ever since seeing the image of the little girl who had her legs blown up and killed by israeli rockets I'm depressed and never be the same again.

Fuck israel, fuck this world.
(05-26-2024, 07:17 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Come back Twohearts, we miss you.

Maybe the mods wised up and pulled an Enzom on her (quietly exiled from the community).
Quote:I should have known better, this guy on CNN (Mark Hertling) just said the report by the Gaza Ministry of Health is actually the Hamas Ministry of Health and thus we should just ignore the images, videos of babies being decapitated... fucking ghouls all of them
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, DocWager
(05-26-2024, 09:29 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(05-26-2024, 07:02 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): Showing a clear inability to participate in nuanced discussion. Jewish people are not 'just white'
Mass One wrote:The upside is continuing the Status Quo. By admitting israeli wrongdoings, we then would have to acknowledge our wrongdoings. Which in turns would open up questions about military industrial complex, our billionaire funded - propaganda laiden media and journalism, and our white supremacy culture where somehow it's acceptable 30,000 brown kids can die in the pursuit of revenge for idk a couple hundred white people.

Conservatives/Christian are the kind of snowflakes that would storm the capital. The white fallout from disavowing Israeli would be catastrophic to white society.

"Jewish people are not 'just white'" Reasonably sure known antisemite Nepenthe disagrees. Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!

Isn't it amazing how he gets less for this than someone who defends videogame boobies?

Putting an "idk couple of hundreds" also makes me think this guy is one of those who believes the October 7th numbers are a hoax.

I like how the moderation message implies that the "white" Jews are somehow less worthy than the brown ones.
(05-26-2024, 09:41 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
(05-26-2024, 07:02 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): Showing a clear inability to participate in nuanced discussion. Jewish people are not 'just white'
Mass One wrote:The upside is continuing the Status Quo. By admitting israeli wrongdoings, we then would have to acknowledge our wrongdoings. Which in turns would open up questions about military industrial complex, our billionaire funded - propaganda laiden media and journalism, and our white supremacy culture where somehow it's acceptable 30,000 brown kids can die in the pursuit of revenge for idk a couple hundred white people.

Conservatives/Christian are the kind of snowflakes that would storm the capital. The white fallout from disavowing Israeli would be catastrophic to white society.

"Jewish people are not 'just white'" Reasonably sure known antisemite Nepenthe disagrees. Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!

It's great how Nepenthe could say this,  possibly get a few token "yep," replies and it would just be a routine thing people attributed to her "style."  Yet if anyone else says what she regularly puts out they get banned.  

I imagine b-dubs doing those bans is his way of getting some small measure of relief against what people like Nepenthe push the forum to.

I've often wondered how long an account that just copied and pasted nep's greatest hits would last before being executed by Nep herself (without even realising she was moderating her own words)?
That jssom guy is a fucking lunatic. I'd be putting him on a watch list if any of the three letter agencies are watching that forum.

I think ghoul is their new word for Zionist aka Jew. Also notice how the madder they get the more typos appear as well as grammar errors. They're so fucking mad they just can't even type.


Fuck me. They really give verified tags to anyone. A guy who's studio has only shipped one game and that it barely registers on the market on Steam.

ImaPlayThis, post: 123506658, member: 8856 wrote:Oh my god, don't get me started on Matt McMuscles, I hate him so much and so much of his content is low quality garbage AND he's very frequently wrong in his videos, especially about basic stuff that could be corrected with a 5 second google search. I can't stand his videos and even interesting ones are a chore to sit through, like I even tried to watch that podcast max and justin started with him but couldn't stand it primarily because of him... (he's also completely unfunny)

I've not heard of nor seen that particular video but based on your description it very much feels like the low tier, unfunny garbage he produces and the fact the video is titled that and that's the contents of the video it is giving me that jack whitehall you people disgust me meme vibes.

What's most disappointing about this is that there is a real need to be having this conversation in the FGC, the sexualisation of women in fighting games is just way too OTT and their is an issue with how marketing and adverts have depicted this for decades but people in the community only give a shit about it if it's DOA (an easy punching bag I know) but it's a far more prevalent issue which in itself could have made for an interesting an insightful video but nope if your description is accurate he just decided to show breasts and go "hehehe breasts". It's not just magazine ads either we could go on about how many youtubers for instance (like top hat gaming man) who'll use sexualised images for fighting game characters in his thumbnails as clickbait to get people to watch his videos

Anyway enough of my mini-rant, this topic just really irks me, I even wrote my dissertation on it it bothers me so much


Spoiler:  (click to show)
Wait, I thought Matt was the most SJW-friendly of the three Pat and Woolie (well, Woolie also has his moments). 

I agree that his stuff is badly researched and making Simpsons references is not automatically funny, but I though he was overall also more accessible than Woolie or Pat.
3 users liked this post: Greatness Gone, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:It's not just magazine ads either we could go on about how many youtubers for instance (like top hat gaming man) who'll use sexualised images for fighting game characters in his thumbnails as clickbait to get people to watch his videos

(05-26-2024, 10:58 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Wait, I thought Matt was the most SJW-friendly of the three Pat and Woolie (well, Woolie also has his moments). 

I agree that his stuff is badly researched and making Simpsons references is not automatically funny, but I though he was overall also more accessible than Woolie or Pat.

I always thought Matt drifted away from the friendship due to his growing SJW tendencies and his girlfriend disliking Pat and co. This proves the left always eat their own once they go off reservation even for a little bit.

I'm kidding myself. The right does it too.  lol
I thought it was because Pat was an asshole behind the scenes to Liam, Liam being more insecure and awkward than Bocchi The Rock and whatever happened in that Smash Bros Ultimate recording. 

Matt is the most unfunny, on his own, of the four. Liam doesn’t bother anymore. Pat just focuses on Twitch. At least Woolie had the good sense of having some companion to riff with, but his game selection usually don’t interest me (or is stuff I want to play on my own).
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(05-26-2024, 10:58 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Wait, I thought Matt was the most SJW-friendly of the three Pat and Woolie (well, Woolie also has his moments). 

I agree that his stuff is badly researched and making Simpsons references is not automatically funny, but I though he was overall also more accessible than Woolie or Pat.


[Image: VcDW28V.png]

I mean, I also make Simpsons references all the time, but Matt could do it every minute in one of his videos. With a clip and everything. Without a hint of being self aware that he is overusing it.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank, Gameboy Nostalgia
Simpsons references have always been Matt's thing. It's like telling water to stop being wet.

And I think you're right. Pat's sense of humor comes across as bullying and Liam was always the softer type. I miss their mail bag episodes. RIP the former best friends.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
(05-26-2024, 10:42 PM)AnnoyedCanadian wrote:

Fuck me. They really give verified tags to anyone. A guy who's studio has only shipped one game and that it barely registers on the market on Steam.

Not sure where he posted it, but Feep == Jason Wishnov 

That was never a secret. Yeshrug
Fuck You Got Mine wrote:Fix the fucking yen, price out the riffraff, problem solved. Japan is a circus at the moment and the lady in the video is trash. The locals don't deserve it, and long-term residents like myself are feeling less and less welcome in certain areas because of it.

Quote:Bad tourist are not just poor people

Quote:"long-term resident" makes it sound like you're not Japanese. In your mind you have a rightful claim to be there, but "riffraff" who are poor do not.
That's pretty fucked up. We don't even know if this POS in the video is rich or poor. Being an entitled person who treats others like shit is not something that is exclusively done by "riffraff".

Quote:Do you think poor people are using what little money they have on a trip to Japan?

Quote:Poor people aren't travelling across the fucking globe from presumably either somewhere in the Americas or Europe to take photos.

Christ on a bike, at least it's be a common (even though still bad), thing for the class and racism if you were a native Japanese , but to be coming from someone who it sounds like would be right next in the firing line if they pushed the kind of 'keep these people out' policies is terribly short sighted.

Quote:Ban the peasants!! Japan was cool when only the rich could get in!!!!

Fuck You Got Mine wrote:Called out and rightfully so. Apologies to all. I've always hated the "fuck you got mine" mentality so to be the one doing it warrants some reflection. Thanks.

(05-26-2024, 10:29 PM)Nintex wrote:
Jssom wrote:This forum and its admin need to really step it up, need a change of policy of how this terrible stain on humanity that is called the state of israel should be discussed from now on (and no I'm not talking about its civilians, I'm talking about the government and the rules that made this state come into being).
Look at this pussy shit. "Not the civilians, who would be punished by what I'm calling for and need to be forced off the land because of their state of being being a terrible stain on humanity, only the government elected by them!" lol
If you vote for or don't vote for Biden you're complicit, but not the Israeli civilians because I'll get banned if I don't distinguish between people and their government for countries that don't have agency like Americans. Especially because the staff are complete morons who think authoritarian states are democratically elected.
Quote:Do you think poor people are using what little money they have on a trip to Japan?

Is it tho?

You will be surprised.

(Not an anti immigration dig, but weebs wasting money)
Doesn't help that zero people define "poor" on there and so it's used to include not just the $2 a day poor in other countries but also near millionaires in the West who have $300K of student debt.
(05-27-2024, 01:53 AM)benji wrote: Doesn't help that zero people define "poor" on there and so it's used to include not just the $2 a day poor in other countries but also near millionaires in the West who have $300K of student debt.

On Resetera, "The Poor" is just anyone I can weaponise to my advantage...
(05-27-2024, 02:26 AM)Potato wrote: On Resetera, "The Poor" is just anyone I can weaponise to my advantage...
That doesn't really narrow it down.
can the poor just, I don't know, not be poor?

The poor on resetera sure seem able to have up to date gaming consoles and access the newest releases.  Thinking
Poverty, like womanhood or genocide, is a state of mind, chud.
you WILL pay my 4k a year costs for HRT shots because I forget to take my pills!
Thinking wonder why there's no thread on era..

Quote:Jared Ravizza

Quote:An AMC employee who was working the snack counter at the time of the attack described the suspect as wearing "an oversized trench coat, sunglasses, and a long blonde wig."

White male targeting girls in a stabbing? This is just what Era wants for validation.  hmm

I see now.  Nothing to see here

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