Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-13-2024, 03:44 AM)Ethan wrote:
Quote:From the linked statement
Quote:“The CAS decision is deeply disappointing,” said Thomas in a statement provided by her legal team. “Blanket bans preventing trans women from competing are discriminatory and deprive us of valuable athletic opportunities that are central to our identities. The CAS decision should be seen as a call to action to all trans women athletes to continue to fight for our dignity and human rights.”
But that's none of my business...
4 users liked this post: MJBarret, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
(06-13-2024, 03:26 AM)ClothedMac wrote: [Image: xgt1Zjy.png]
I haven't seen it or even read the Wikipedia entry but isn't it about how war sucks?
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
"Why can't we have media that sends the unique and progressive message about how brutal war is awesome?" Social Justice Warrior
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(06-13-2024, 05:18 AM)benji wrote:
(06-13-2024, 03:26 AM)ClothedMac wrote: [Image: xgt1Zjy.png]
I haven't seen it or even read the Wikipedia entry but isn't it about how war sucks?

Worse, is that “war sucks” and “both sides”.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
Reply wrote:Let's remember that in much of the Western world, women weren't even legally people for many hundreds of years and didn't have basic freedoms. We couldn't own property. We couldn't vote.
Wait until they find out about men and these basic freedoms for hundreds of years all over the world including still today!

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Juche wrote:I would argue that while anime is a huge factor and component in causing the skewed perceptions of unrealistic beauty standards for women inside video games, there's also the core issue that this happened long before anime became mainstream to them. Anime is not the first place where we had stylized, buxom beauties, and plenty of Western cartoons like Looney Tunes, Roger Rabbit, etc had portrayals of exaggerated waistlines on women with large chests that jut out. And, we can see this same style in many older games as well such as Dragon's Lair & Space Ace with Princess Daphne. This all started long before they were exposed to mainstream anime and hentai. There's also that awful movie Cool World with the heavily sexualized Holli Would and Brad Pitt.

Society has indoctrinated men into only accepting women in media as these types for a long, long time, and accepting anything else goes against their programming. It was also helpful that this was all done during eras when women were stereotyped and stigmatized by media and enforced societal norms that we had no value or could be considered "attractive" unless we wore certain types and brands of clothing, we were expected to behave a certain way on and off cameras, and most of all to be submissive and provide for the home and children. That our main "job" and "goal" was to be the perfect housewife and that our "greatest joy" or "assets" came from our ability to use the newest *gasps* dishwasher while wearing heels. Thanks, 1950s.

If I had to clean the house in heels now, I'd die.
Quote:Yeah, at the end of the day this is an extension of the ingrained sexism and misogyny within our society. Certainly throughout much of North America and Europe, women are an oppressed class, often in ways that are fundamentally baked into society, going back far, far before the 1950s. Let's remember that in much of the Western world, women weren't even legally people for many hundreds of years and didn't have basic freedoms. We couldn't own property. We couldn't vote. We couldn't go outside without being accompanied by a man.

But obviously many less obvious forms of oppression remain. Whether that's being expected to be passive and subservient to men in their lives, being responsible for childcare for "free" in addition to other employment, assumed to know how to cook, clean, and do clerical work for others, expectations around taking on others' emotional labour and support, having qualities ascribed to their gender rather than them as individuals, and of course having their value tied to often unrealistic beauty standards... there are obligations and expectations for women that are often unfair and impose significant consequences on their lives. It's also one of those things where they are often invisible until they are pushed against a little too hard, at which point it becomes all too clear just how far society still has to go.

Many women have internalized these expectations, and of course so have men, often to degrees that they aren't even aware they're doing it. And unfortunately many men do not like being reminded that this is a thing. The best way to counter this is to have more and more women in positive roles and positions of power and control... and now that this has begun to happen in games, as well as other popular media like movies and comic books, we're seeing the worst people out there show their true colours and whine like children whose toys are being taken away.
I love how they not only believe this shit they've made up in their heads* they believe it so much that they demand everyone treat them by these stereotypes or else.

*most of those depictions, maybe even the "vast majority" were progressive, empowering and feminist for the time. Might as well talk about how you can't believe those dumb nomadic humans before agriculture didn't use their iPhones to find a good spot to settle down for good. wrote:The problem is chuds don't understand that the vast majority of white, cis, heterosexual males are painfully mediocre, and for many that are elevated from history, were terrible and if they discovered/invented something, they probably stole the credit. These people will also yell about not erasing history, which means to make sure to center them as the ones being behind everything major that moved societies forward, and if they were involved in anything bad, downplay everything significantly.
Wait until they find out about the vast majority of non-whites, non-cisses, non-heterosexuals and non-males!

Quote:Pretty much the only reason anyone would be "anti" diversity is if that diversity is making them feel a certain way. There is zero logic behind it - why would more variety be a negative?
Because it's not actual variety? It's just irrelevant demographic information.

Quote: I know there's no reasoning with people that never reasoned themselves into their positions to begin with, and I imagine these are also the same kinds of people that seem to think anger somehow isn't an emotion (as long as you're a cis male anyway), but it will never not be hilarious how they're perpetually whining about the most non-issues in existence, all the while claiming it's others that are "offended" or "sensitive snowflakes" or whatever the "derogatory" buzzword/phrase of the week/month/year happens to be. Speaking of which, I almost never see them use "feminazi" as a pejorative any more. Maybe the "nazi" in it hits too close to home for them now or something.
ERA: "Anime is the reason why men like to see beautiful women!"


Are these people for real? It doesn't take fucking anime to explain why someone wants to see something aesthetically pleasing versus seeing something they think looks ugly/average at best. Are these people so insular that basic human preferences like that is an alien concept to them?
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[Image: Aujr5h1.png]
3 users liked this post: Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
entrydenied wrote:Unrelated to gaming but a few years ago I was obsessed with Gunpla and lurking in my local Gunpla FB group (I'm in Asia), mainly to catch posts on good deals. There was this woman who posted about how she's new to gunpla building and and needed advice. Sometimes she'll show off her built kits and latest hauls. The first odd sign was when she posted a video and in the background there was a glass cabinet that had a reflection of a naked man, with a penis being very visible. Up till this point she had never posted pictures or videos that showed how she looked like but her profile picture is that of a woman. She deleted the video and claimed that it was her BF who was in the reflection. People started becoming suspicious. One day she posted her latest Gunpla haul and it had an expensive kit. The price tag on the box showed the price and the department store that she bought it from. On that same day, there was a huge gunpla fair going on so people started asking her why didn't she just buy it at the fair for probably 1/2 to 1/3 of the price. Department stores are notoriously expensive places to buy Gunpla kits from, at least in my country. She cooked up some reason that I can't remember but some posters started to dig further. Someone found out that her profile pictures belonged to some other woman. Some of her pictures were posted previously were also taken from elsewhere. I can't remember the details but she eventually confess that she's actually male, and I think he was a former account that got banned from the FB group. Icing on the cake was that someone found out that that expensive kit was actually shoplifted from the department store. My memory isn't good when it comes to this part but I think someone in the FB group worked at the store and said that he was caught on CCTV stealing the kit and had been doing it for a long time, often buying small items and getting the store paper bag, then going back to steal expensive kits by sneaking them into the bags. It was crazy lol. I lurked in the group for deals and ended up witnessing priceless drama.

Ah, now they dislike it when men pretend to be women online! Such blatant transphobia during pride month… it’s so tiring…
Quote:It was also helpful that this was all done during eras when women were stereotyped and stigmatized by media and enforced societal norms that we had no value or could be considered "attractive" unless we wore certain types and brands of clothing, we were expected to behave a certain way on and off cameras, and most of all to be submissive and provide for the home and children. That our main "job" and "goal" was to be the perfect housewife and that our "greatest joy" or "assets" came from our ability to use the newest *gasps* dishwasher while wearing heels. Thanks, 1950s.
Let me expand on how this is ahistorical bullshit. The 1950's were a time of massive empowerment and independence of women resulting from the war, really the two decades of war plus the depression, and this media was speaking to that. That dishwasher was part of it, it freed the woman from doing the dishes. This was great rather than "fuck you women do your role." The heels, that clothing, the hairstyles, etc. was part of it, they now had wealth to spend it on things they wanted to look good. You might be shocked by this since you don't bathe or anything but many women want to look good! The message wasn't STAY IN THE HOME AND BE A WIFE AND POP OUT BABIES because nobody would have even questioned that to need to be told that. The message was LOOK AT ALL THE SHIT YOU CAN DO NOW AND YOU SHOULD BUY OUR SHIT TO HELP. Look at the popular movies and how many are depicting "boring" housewives who stayed in their lane? How many of the movies women characters and the women movie stars were instead promoting independent women? I Love Lucy seventy years later might look like it's depicting a submissive cowed woman but for the time it was completely different!

Their literacy is steeped in such complete ignorance and backward looking from themselves as the place of final human perfection achieved if just stupid white cishet male society would catch up to them. They make up complete bullshit to try and look down on anyone else who is different from them and then decry those people for having different interests. Clearly nobody would choose different from me, they must be forced to do it, they can't have any agency of their own. Luckily unlike those morons I can think for myself so I know that's bullshit and the way to show it is to reflexively react to everything and take stark extreme stances to show my independence in choosing to be on the right side of history as proven by my conformity to a niche subculture. They have absolutely no interest in any perspective except their own which is chosen mostly to crow about their hubris about themselves. "Aren't I great? Don't I just care so much? Look at how much I tell other people to do what I want. I'm such a good person for caring enough to demand everyone do what I want. Hey, you there, are you reading a chud book? I'm hitting you for not just your own good but everyone's good."

No, they say, I know I'm on the right side of history because I completely wipe out and erase history then construct my own imagined utopia so I can dogmatically attack everything that ever exists as failing to join me on the right side of history. Can't they just do so? It's so easy. Just accept it. Accept it. ACCEPT IT. Why aren't you accepting it? You really want to deny me dignity and human rights that much?

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[Image: Ze5Iixf.png]
ERA loves to say how media literate they are and how media illiterate the chuds are. Yet they see a movie like Civil War and it perplexes and angers them so much because Garland dared not to spoon feed them themes of the movie they approve of. Like, they are mad the movie didn't clearly spell out why the civil war happened despite the movie clearly showing the president being a fascist grabbing power (servings a 3rd term), dismantling opposition (shutting down the FBI), and performing military action on US civilians. But since Garland didn't spoon feed them that the President is a Trump-like MAGA fascist in metaphorical blaring neon signs, the movie "avoided politics."
In other words:
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
I love how Ree instantly turned their backs on Midori as soon as they found out she was always a he  lol
(06-13-2024, 05:58 AM)Averon wrote: ERA loves to say how media literate they are and how media illiterate the chuds are. Yet the see a movie like Civil War and it perplexes and angers them so much because Garland dared no to spoon feed them themes of the movie they approve of. Like, they are mad the movie didn't clearly spell out why the civil war happened despite the movie clearly showing the president being a fascist grabbing power (servings a 3rd term), dismantling opposition (shutting down the FBI), and performing military action on US civilians. But since Garland didn't spoon feed them that the President is a Trump-like MAGA fascist in metaphorical blaring neon signs, the movie "avoided politics."
I think they go further. Because he didn't spoon feed them that and how bad it is and how everyone should oppose it he's secretly trying to support it. Why else wouldn't he just say the objectively correct thing?
Quote:Writer of the Pastebin comes off as worse than Mystic here frankly; incredibly creepy behaviour including posting their full name (how does this forum feel about doxxing again?), all seemingly born out of a petty grudge over Midori being the one to post information they had also heard.
There's always that one person  omfg
3 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
There was at least one other person, who called it "psychotic" to call out frauds.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
I used to read this forum. There was this one incel who was in every thread trying to make it about them all the time. Anyway, the Last of us 2 came out and cyberpunk got announced and this user started whining on about other incels with divergent opinions and how it made him look good. Next thing you know he's a woman! On the internet! And the users kept encouraging it and giving him more attention until he ruled the forum with an iron fist! Mental.
Really gross that they're piling on Midori up to 15 pages now (five times the trans genocide thread) rather than encouraging her to come out and accept her womanhood. And in Pride Month of all months. This is why TransEra doesn't feel safe anywhere on the forum.
All Midori-chan has to do is say they are trans and the bans will start rolling.  gay

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D

Dust wrote:Am i getting this right?
American man LARPing as a japanese girl to build his "insider empire". Should I laugh or cry?

[Image: 507.jpg]

The only insiders that are cool in my books are people like Nate, Imran or shinobi. Zero bullshit with them.

Maybe don't post a known chud picture next time?  Rolleyes
4 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, benji
Quote:The only insiders that are cool in my books are people like Nate, Imran or shinobi. Zero bullshit with them.

5 users liked this post: Eric Cartman, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, benji, D3RANG3D
(06-13-2024, 06:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: All Midori-chan has to do is say they are trans and the bans will start rolling.  gay



Gilo wrote:People are willing to believe any bullshit if it fits with whatever they want.


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Quote:I want to say we started talking on GAF or here but it was definitely one of these two boards. I'd have to get to the Discord archives of a channel that no longer exists, but we used to talk through Twitter DM about gaming leaks because they seemed to know their stuff. I shared...something or another, maybe it was about Three Houses? I shared it with them but deliberately not everything because why would you? A few weeks later, they threatened to expose me, expose that Discord, etc. unless I told them more information. So I said some false shit, they posted it, and I blocked them.

I don't care if Nintendo knows when I leak things. I'm pretty sure they have a file on me.

Imran folded under no pressure

Should've stuck with Nintex bud instead of the basket cases Trumps

I knew Midori was a fake and a fraud right from the start. A japanese girl joining X to post gaming leaks in broken Engrish only happens in their dreams.
Quote:There is zero evidence that 'having been through a male puberty' gives you residual advantages beyond things like height and more relevant in swimming, wingspan.

Not to mention lung capacity, heart capacity, testosterone, larger hands and feet, greater overall strength..."she"'s also not barred from swimming in the World Aquatics, as "she" can swim in the "open" category if "she" otherwise registers and qualifies(or the male category, and was an unremarkable mediocre male swimmer in college before all this nonsense).
Not to mention the ding dong Subscribe to Info Wars!
Franky D Tank wrote:The problem is chuds don't understand that the vast majority of white, cis, heterosexual males are painfully mediocre, and for many that are elevated from history, were terrible and if they discovered/invented something, they probably stole the credit. These people will also yell about not erasing history, which means to make sure to center them as the ones being behind everything major that moved societies forward, and if they were involved in anything bad, downplay everything significantly.

This is the probably the richest comment I have ever read from reeee, and that's really saying something.
Weird how a bunch of mediocre white dudes managed to fend off this unrecorded coalition of gay non-white women to rule everything.
Polident dateline='[url=tel:1718265923' wrote: 1718265923[/url]']
Weird how a bunch of mediocre white dudes managed to fend off this unrecorded coalition of gay non-white women to rule everything.

Capitalism strikes again  Social Justice Warrior 2
I can't believe capitalism still exists.. Sigh.

I just can't anymore..
6 users liked this post: benji, Nintex, Superstar, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Potato
TheEchoesOfAIncel wrote:Since their is a lot of talk about fantasy RPGs recently with the news of Dragon Age 4, why not just straight up ask, what would be your dream Fantasy RPG? What would you want if you were in charge or an experienced team and had a lot of money?

Would you make something traditional Tolkienesque (which I just learned is an actual word in the Oxford Dictionary), explore your own local cultures history and folklore, modern urban fantasy etc? Would you want it to be turn-based, action, card based? Levelling, romances etc. Whatever (:

I think my dream Fantasy RPG would be:
No traditional levelling and focus on horizontal skills instead (so focusing on blacksmithing Iron will improve your skills, with Schools and teachers that can help).
Also related but nothing like Iron < Steel < Orichalcum (high quality brass) like in games like Elder Scrolls but instead each armour having advantages and disadvantages and variants (many based off real world armours) like Steel is better at slicing and resistant to wear and tear but Iron Armour is easier to repair and better at absorbing shock damage from blunt weaponry.
Minimal item management.
Not open world but several mid-sized maps connected to a central hub city/world with dungeons.
No Elves
Yes to Goblins and Hobgoblins, even if their a species of highly intelligent balled carrion Vulture-cats.
Showing technological advancements and having Hand Cannons and steamboats available.
Many varied romance options with character with the own defined preferences and sexualities that tell deep stories that don't always work out.
Rival Guilds where if you join one, it blocks your from join the other with counterpart storylines.
Character customization where you can choose your character's sexuality at the beginning of the game or you play as a wlw woman.
Hot, swampy bogs, long rivers, deep jungles, a vast area of monsters along with cold tundra mountain cities and Iberian-like locals.
Piracy is common
No inherently evil species
The treatment of Dragons being an allegory for the treatment and eugenics behind pure breeding dogs like the English Bulldog and animal abuse.
Multiple Companions at a time with our 2-3 unique storylines, dialogue and conversations with each other.
Able to make small campfires with your companions with optional cooking minigame, playing music, telling ghost stories or past adventures etc.
Political thriller about corrupt government officials screwing over and abusing the populace and the working class having enough.
Classic card game minigames at the inns and pubs.
Not set in England.
Tomb Raiders not treated as heroic

Echoes: “Fuck power fantasies and virtual dolls… let me talk about my power fantasy and cuckold fetish.”

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