Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(06-22-2024, 02:42 AM)benji wrote: I'm pretty sure there's a psychological term for this but I'm blanking, it's a major component of depression, anxiety, etc. Where you escalate everything to an existential all-or-nothing extreme. Then you apply the precautionary principle to justify doing something absurd to prevent that probably near impossible chain of events excluding all contradictory evidence or alternatives because of the existential danger of the outcome you've decided is guaranteed.

It's not my job to provide emotional labour for you chuds, but just this once out of the kindness of my pure, benevolent, anti capitalist heart:

Reply wrote:Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion that prompts people to jump to the worst possible conclusion, usually with very limited information or objective reason to despair. When a situation is upsetting, but not necessarily catastrophic, they still feel like they are in the midst of a crisis.

What are some examples of catastrophic thinking?
When someone makes a mistake at work, she might engage in catastrophic thinking by exaggerating how poorly the error will reflect on her and concluding that she will be fired for it—and, perhaps, that this will lead to other severe consequences, like losing her home. An airplane passenger may catastrophize by interpreting turbulence as a sign of an imminent crash. Someone who incorrectly assumes that a relationship, or her reputation with others, has been irreparably damaged because of some regrettable behavior could be described as catastrophizing.

What is catastrophic thinking a sign of?
Catastrophizing has been linked to a number of adverse experiences and behaviors, including anxiety, depression, and anger-related problems. It can be a tendency of individuals who have generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or other conditions—each of which is diagnosed based on a broader list of symptoms.

Why does catastrophizing make the effects of pain worse?
Catastrophizing, which is sometimes called “magnifying,” can be thought of as a second burden or injury that follows the initial one, such as a flare-up of pain. Thoughts that zoom in on pain and emphasize the worst-possible outlook for the future (“I will always feel this way,” or “I will never be able to ___”) may exacerbate stress and anxiety. For some, catastrophizing may also discourage physical activity, which can be a valuable part of the management of certain forms of chronic pain.
Nah, doesn't sound like Must be something else. Let me check the pages about capitalism.
(06-22-2024, 03:00 AM)Boredfrom wrote: You should at least watch the pilot. Mr Plinkett himself appears:

(06-22-2024, 03:38 AM)benji wrote:
(06-22-2024, 03:00 AM)Boredfrom wrote: You should at least watch the pilot. Mr Plinkett himself appears:


I mean, I feel this monologue wouldn’t be out of place on a Plinkett review:

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower
Fisty wrote:Explains why he pushed really hard right. Won't lose that fanbase for that

(06-22-2024, 03:08 AM)Potato wrote: So, I'm watching World War Z. I wonder how the whole Jerusalem scene would play out in the current climate. I would love to hear nepenthe's take on it since it basically casts the Jews as benevolent saviours and the Palestinians as the reason the zombies breach the wall.

From memory the book is even better lol. 

The Israeli government deploys the IDF against their own people as the hardline Ultraorthodox community openly revolts because of Palestinians being offered right of return en masse.

Torpedo Vegas wrote:I'd have to experience a happy life to know. Been waiting for 40 years for the "It gets better" part to show up.
(06-22-2024, 03:34 AM)benji wrote: [quote=]

What are some examples of catastrophic thinking?
When someone makes a mistake at work, she might engage in catastrophic thinking by exaggerating how poorly the error will reflect on her and concluding that she will be fired for it—and, perhaps, that this will lead to other severe consequences, like losing her home. An airplane passenger may catastrophize by interpreting turbulence as a sign of an imminent crash. Someone who incorrectly assumes that a relationship, or her reputation with others, has been irreparably damaged because of some regrettable behavior could be described as catastrophizing.

Excuse me?! She? What sort of sexist chud websites are you platforming? Are they implying that women are incapable of working without making mistakes, or are prone to hysterics? Social Justice Warrior 2

The alt right has infiltrated deep into the medical industry. First that cis nonsense with the Cass report despite the science already with being settled and now this article implying that women are just not capable of working and should stay in the kitchen.

I expected better from the staff, but y'all really been showing your asses lately with this and your disappointing lack of trans solidarity in the middle of pride month in the middle of a genocide.
Nep is a small minded idiot who consistently generalizes broad groups of people based on the actions of individual persons. 

In the academic field there is a term for this type of simpleton. 

(06-21-2024, 06:19 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(06-21-2024, 11:40 AM)Polident wrote: Weird how whenever something is organically popular, the talent behind it just so happens to be evil or something. Watch this new Star Wars thing that’s good actually and its creator is a hecking good person. All the major media outlets are saying it. Don’t look up what her previous jobs were.

I've always heard so much good stuff about Russian Doll but never got around to watch it. Considering how bad the Acolyte is in regards to direction, acting and writing I'm guessing Russian Doll either also sucks ass or it was the other two creators who carried that show

Season 1 is great fun. It’s a Groundhog’s Day time loop. They almost always are. Season 2 was sloppy. To her credit, she wasn’t involved with season 2 nearly as much. As much as I’d like to joke how Harvey gave notes for the first season, I think she has talent. Or had. It is all pre 2020 before everybody lost their minds.
(06-22-2024, 04:19 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Fisty wrote:Explains why he pushed really hard right. Won't lose that fanbase for that

Yep. You can't look at any right-wing accounts without them going on and on about how they love groomers and wish society wasn't so hard on pedophiles. It's like, can you just admit that some of those aren't perfect and shouldn't be praised?
mieumieu wrote:I want to revenge against the whole British transphobia class - politicians, media figures, news media

All of them deserve to suffer for the rest of their lives

Totally normal post over there

amnixia wrote:Fuck going outside and touching grass.
I really need bad things to start happening to evil people.

If you count the headmates, it could be the worst genocide ever told
Quote:Her essays/ latest book is essentially Mein Kampf for TERFs, it's insane that the UK, no, the world is at a point where they'd promote such shit.
Funny how buried within if you read the sources it’s pretty clear to see their claim of the Cass report ignoring the 16 deaths was actually false:

(06-21-2024, 11:33 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Crossing Eden
Quote:The Midori thing is still so wild to me because literally what is the point of pretending to be a Japanese woman for years??

(06-22-2024, 04:19 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Fisty wrote:Explains why he pushed really hard right. Won't lose that fanbase for that


Messy has quite the leap in that thread
ResetEra is such a dreadful slog these days.

At Summer Geoff Fest, Nintendo dropped banger after banger, after long been under wraps games like Metroid Prime Beyond and Dragon Quest III Remake look absolutely fantastic. Microsoft wasn't half bad either, with a new DOOM coming up. FromSoftware just released what many are calling "the best DLC of all time".

The economy is still in the dumps and inflation sucks but most of us in NATO-land can manage. Instead of taking Kyiv in 3 days, Putin is taking L after L on and off the battlefield.

There is a pretty fun UEFA championship going on and we have AI assistents now that do our Google searches for us and many other things.
And even though I'm not a fan of Labour, watching the Tories go down in flames like the Hindenburg is very amusing.

But here we are, all they can talk about is how they are either trans, retarded, suicidal or all three. Trumps
(06-22-2024, 09:34 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Funny how buried within if you read the sources it’s pretty clear to see their claim of the Cass report ignoring the 16 deaths was actually false:

I’m pulling an Era by not reading all that but…

“up 1600%” vs. “16 deaths”

I'd trust our cat's maths skills before I'd trust ree's.
(06-22-2024, 09:19 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
mieumieu wrote:I want to revenge against the whole British transphobia class - politicians, media figures, news media

All of them deserve to suffer for the rest of their lives

Totally normal post over there

amnixia wrote:Fuck going outside and touching grass.
I really need bad things to start happening to evil people.


Oh, it’s fucking Erin Reed, fucking of course. Vile person and RE loves to platform her.
(06-22-2024, 09:19 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
mieumieu wrote:I want to revenge against the whole British transphobia class - politicians, media figures, news media

All of them deserve to suffer for the rest of their lives

Totally normal post over there

amnixia wrote:Fuck going outside and touching grass.
I really need bad things to start happening to evil people.
What's the cover up supposed to be? What's the scandal supposed to even be?

~16 mentally ill people committed suicide over four years. This is shocking stuff? It's a country of ~66 million and there was a massive pandemic lockdown. Shouldn't this be compared against a baseline? Oh wait, there's no studies recording any baselines for this and any attempt to study it is considered transphobic genocide.

That Jo Maugham is a former lawyer scammer who fundraises millions from idiots, lies about frivolous court cases that aren't actually filed and loses all the ones he actually does file. Definitely should take his word about things, he must be an expert like unstoppable liar Erin "Convicted Felon before Trump made it cool" Reed.

(06-22-2024, 10:38 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
(06-22-2024, 04:19 AM)Boredfrom wrote:’s.908469/page-3?post=124844079#post-124844079

Messy has quite the leap in that thread
Foffy wrote:He's admitting to it and that somehow, he wasn't punished or charged which makes it okay and not a problem.
Quote:Is it possible we are looking at a scenario where nothing in the chats could legally confirm he knew he was talking to a minor which maybe means they couldn't or didn't have any legal requirement to take it the police, and if no law was broken then people couldn't break the NDA until it expired so that's why it has taken this long? I feel like they would still have to do something at least right? Is any of what I said even possible or is it just a big Twitch coverup and they are in big time trouble?
Quote:On this topic, my generous to twitch presumption is that the DMs were not concretely illegal enough to constitute legal action. I'm not sure why they didn't go with "DD wrote DMs to a minor that we consider inappropriate, and this combined with prior actions mean we no longer wish to have him on our platform". The generous interpretation of that is that it creates liability in the legal sphere and sphere of public opinion.
Quote:There's a chance the Twitch employee is summing up the situation and the reality was that the messages were problematic and not something they wanted to be associated with, but didn't rise to the level of illegal conduct, so they kicked Disrespect off the platform and made a settlement. Another possibility is that they did contact law enforcement but they didn't think there was a good case, or the victim didn't want to press charges for any number of reasons.
Quote: The messages could be really bad and at the same time not meet the legal standard for prosecution. An ex-employee leaking some of the details and not everything leads to more questions like if this was reported or not. Which it most likely was, but it's not like law enforcement would come out and announce they're starting an investigation.
Messofanego wrote:So, he filmed a minor in a bathroom and now was gonna do pedophilic stuff. He should be in jail.
Quote:Something does not add up, it sounds like something you would have to report to the police.
Quote:Every time I see this guy mentioned there is some weird perverted garbage tied to him. Let's hope he is finally caught soon and locked up so we can stop hearing about him.
Quote:If this is true I am deeply, deeply disappointed in Twitch for covering it up and removing him from the platform without notifying the authorities.
krazen wrote:They should have reported it to authorities and taken the hit, but if you're going to be unscrupulous and protect the brand and your job this was sadly the play (and why the world is so messed up).
Quote:Twitch would get in trouble too if it came out because they were likely liable
Quote:What an even bigger piece of shit and hopefully there are now legal repercussions. If I was the parent of any of those kids I'd be really pissed off twitch buried this too.
What exactly do they think the law is regarding any of this? lol

Quote:It's insane how many of these streaning influencers end up being nonce's peddling far right propaganda. Terrifying having a daughter who's growing up with a generation of misogynistic incels.

Quote:Forget twitch and YouTube contracts, the reaper needs to come for all pedos.
Quote:It's crazy how much of this pedo stuff is just scooting on by as internet news of the day with none of the people involved facing any consequences.
They're seriously so like conservative boomers on social media. Probably could convince them to start trying to get in pizza place basements if that wasn't already taken.
Bubsy is trans?
Twitch: world renowned bastion of child safety and propriety.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(06-22-2024, 01:07 PM)benji wrote:
Quote:Forget twitch and YouTube contracts, the reaper needs to come for all pedos.
Quote:It's crazy how much of this pedo stuff is just scooting on by as internet news of the day with none of the people involved facing any consequences.
They're seriously so like conservative boomers on social media. Probably could convince them to start trying to get in pizza place basements if that wasn't already taken.
I hope they watch this TERF Island documentary about what Joanne and her far-right allies are preparing with things like The Cass Report:
'Do you think it’s ok to steal in some situations?'
Quote:Ya, my friends and I would always look the other way when women would steal menstrual products.

Thank you for your service!
(06-22-2024, 11:52 AM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(06-22-2024, 09:34 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Funny how buried within if you read the sources it’s pretty clear to see their claim of the Cass report ignoring the 16 deaths was actually false:

I’m pulling an Era by not reading all that but…

“up 1600%” vs. “16 deaths”


It went from 1 death to 16 deaths but 1600% sounds more impressive and obscures that trans youth suicides were apparently barely a thing pre-2018?

Fat4all, post: 124851207, member: 906 wrote:my colon needs parry

PaulieWalnutsASMR, post: 124852584, member: 165609 wrote:God, you and me both.

I’ll trust whatever Retro does.

Fat4all, post: 124852686, member: 906 wrote:if retro buffs my colon I’ll be a forever customer

Wow. Such a jokester. omfg
(06-22-2024, 01:40 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: It went from 1 death to 16 deaths but 1600% sounds more impressive and obscures that trans youth suicides were apparently barely a thing pre-2018?
It's also not telling you the denominator. What's the number of patients? Before 2018 would have been before this fad suddenly skyrocketed.

I guarantee there's no data on what the "baseline" should even be. What's the suicide rate for patients with the same comorbidities but that don't have "gender dysphoria"? What about only half of comorbidities?
Another chris chan sat at home sticking things up his arse for want of something better to do
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato, D3RANG3D

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