Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
The Gummy Bear wrote:And with trans identity, it takes a lot of thought because our identities our complicated. For example, someone with gender dysphoria doesn't necessarily have bottom dysphoria too. (I count myself in that category.)

In info no one needed to know, but also if you still have your penis by choice then what the fuck are you “dysphoric” about?????
BackLogJoe wrote:Scary shit. I can't even imagine. Even if this were a regular election, this would be fucking stressful for the Bidens. But having the spector of the future of democracy hanging over your shoulder?

I'm just sending all the positive thoughts I can to Joe. He's a fucking National hero for what he has already done. He's basically given his life that he was going to ride off into the sunset with Jill, to us.

To use an old ree favorite, "I can't even."   lol
Just imagine the scary shit Trump will do if he wins again.  He'll have his department of justice prosecute his political opponents. He'll try to get state officials to disqualify future dem opponents from even appearing on the ballot.  Hell go after his opponents in civil court and get them to declare 9 figure judgments against them for never before seen cases.  Hell get the FBI to monitor people for going to church or complaining at school board meetings.  Kids in cages! Hes gonna put you back in chains!

Our Applause democracy!  Applause will Applause be Applause over!
(06-30-2024, 05:28 AM)Greatness Gone wrote: I don’t understand what ree gains from pretending Joe Biden is coherent. It would probably be healthier to mentally prepare for Trump being president again rather than act like Jim Crow Joe is ok.

More like Jim Eagle am I right!
(06-30-2024, 06:08 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
The Gummy Bear wrote:And with trans identity, it takes a lot of thought because our identities our complicated.
No, it doesn't. No, they aren't.
'trans affirming surgeries' is one hell of a euphemism

[Image: hillary-clinton-dab.gif]
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex, benji
(06-30-2024, 07:22 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: 'trans affirming surgeries' is one hell of a euphemism
It's better than "gender affirming surgeries" which they were using previously.
Quote:Scary shit. I can't even imagine. Even if this were a regular election, this would be fucking stressful for the Bidens. But having the spector of the future of democracy hanging over your shoulder?

I'm just sending all the positive thoughts I can to Joe. He's a fucking National hero for what he has already done. He's basically given his life that he was going to ride off into the sunset with Jill, to us.

Quote:Look at that disingenuous fucking headline. Media is taking the piss.


Biden is not stepping down. His whole agenda today was about convincing donors he won't.

At least, that's not the plan for the foreseeable future.

Quote:the media really wants those ad dollars from a trump admin with all the spin theyve been doing lately

Quote:I mean, yes you definitely are free to be wrong about how elections work. Biden was steadily improving in the polling and was leading in many/most polls nationally before the debate. Post debate polling is mixed but most of the strong reaction looks to be from the online commentariat and political bubble.

Quote:If some people get their wish and Biden gets replaced you all better enjoy this election, because it'll be America's last one.

Quote:The only people "panicking" about Biden are the media who really really really want him to drop out for ratings and doomscrollers on Twitter

Barely anyone even watched the debate, and polls have shown that like… nothing changed at all from it

This entire thing is one giant media wishcast. Biden isn't resigning and nobody in the party is seriously humoring it as an option because there's… no reason to even weigh it as an option. It's a non issue

Quote:Trump gets convicted of 34 felonies and says stupid embarrassing shit every single day and the whole GOP doubles down on him, while Biden has one crummy early debate showing and the Dems lose their goddamn minds like a bunch of cowards.

Fact is, Biden is the candidate now and is going to be the candidate in November because that's who the Dems nominated. And if you don't want to see Trump back in office, he's going to be the guy you're going to have to vote for.

Quote:You don't think clips from the debate are going viral on TikTok, Instagram, Twitter (X), Facebook and YouTube?

Quote:That's uhhh… not the general public…

Quote:Yes? But the impact of that has not really been measured well.

Like, not everyone follows social media. And social media itself tends to move on quickly due to its very nature.

Quote:No Democrat in any leadership position is panicking at all. This is just the media wanting a story + ageism

Obama had a bad first debate in 2012 too. He was sullen, reserved and not the usual Obama. Where were the calls for his resignation???

Quote:Of course they do. The general public also has short memory and real life things to do.

Not everybody is out there consuming media 24/7.

If Biden messes up again, then sure, but it's not an irreversible situation.

Quote:Biden is not dropping out. People need to come to terms with that.

Quote:Biden hasn't shown any particular reason to worry he wouldn't revert to his normal self either… like he spent all of yesterday after the debate campaigning. Meeting people, talking to them.

This just comes down to "he's old"

Quote:Guys stop falling for this media propaganda. Jesus. All these fuckers give a shit about is Trump getting back into office so their profits will soar again.

Biden is not dropping out. His debate performance was not good, but it was far from the shitshow that the media is trying to push.


Quote:People aren't questioning Trump's physical capabilities, despite being 78 himself. By 2029, he will be in his mid 80's too.

And he's a criminal to boot.

Yet, Republicans have doubled down on him.

Quote:Honestly Biden shouldn't do anything with CNN anymore considering they don't seem to care about facts or moderating their own debate.

Edit: Scratch that, Biden should just have his team create his own news media channel on Youtube or something since it seems the powers that be just do not care about facts.


Quote:The scarier performance was his opponent.

Quote:He's not dropping out.

Quote:Do people not follow history? Calls for Obama to drop out weren't 0. Spoiler alert: He did not drop out and was re-elected.

Quote:Let the guy with 32 felony convictions drop out first.

Quote:Biden campaign had best fundraising days ever one and two days after the debate.

Biden went up one point in the first poll after the debate.

Media and pundits are doing their absolute fucking best to make as many people as possible question the candidacy of a well-meaning super-successful sitting President - and not his opponent who is a lying, criminal autocrat - but luckily it doesn't seem to be working on the actual voters.

Quote:If republicans aren't calling for trump to stand down after the most recent debate, why is it a good idea for democrats to do so when there's so much juicy stuff to attack that his opponent said? The desire to self sabotage the election seems incredibly high.

Quote:People are being dramatic. Debate wasn't the greatest but it was fine. We'll get 4 more years of Biden.

Quote:He's old and flawed. He had a really bad debate performance. People are placing way too much emphasis on one debate where his opponent also looked bad. A very unpopular opponent.

I certainly don't know someone else wouldn't be better, but given the time frame that seems to be an insane risk to take given the stakes are a modern day Hitler.

Quote:There's exactly one person on the planet who could slot in and become an instant favorite to win, and even then it would be a risky proposition come November. But she's been very clear and consistent about not wanting it. So yeah, pure fantasy land.

Quote:A one man crime wave (as Biden put it) is more fit to lead? Somebody who only cares about his self?

Trump is running to avoid being incarcerated.

The conversation ends there.

There are no flaws for Biden, RFK Jr., or whomever else that supercedes that.

Quote:Ding Ding Ding. Every single media outlet wants Trump back in. He made the presidency into reality tv and there's basically no turning back from that into a "normal" presidency for the media. They need "news" (conflict and drama) and Biden and doing his regular as boring president job isn't cutting it.

Quote:It's quite irresponsible of the media to push this speculative narrative rather than report on things that have and are demonstrably happening instead of trying to generate hype over this. I realize this is what we've got with media in America these days but it's pretty depressing.

Quote:The thing y'all should keep in mind...

In the hours after Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies, not a single publication called for him to drop out.

This is not about assuaging genuine concerns about Biden's fitness or his performance in the debate.

But never has the journalistic bias toward Republicans been more naked.

We have never had a moment, in the history of this country, where a political candidate for the Presidency was rendered a convicted felon. 34 times.

And not a single op-ed was written about him dropping out.

Quote:In an alternate universe Michelle Obama enters the ring with a steel chair and ends this god damn circus for us all.
(06-30-2024, 07:25 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: ITS HER TURN

[Image: hillary-clinton-dab.gif]

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: aytsH3G.gif]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(06-30-2024, 07:25 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: ITS HER TURN

[Image: hillary-clinton-dab.gif]

It is time to be guided by what we see that is unburdened for what has been. HAHAhAhaHA

I said to Putin my uncle went to the beach and mommy has the nukes now Hahahaha... and I said to him what my grandmother told me whenever a boy bullied us at school: "gal us women have to stand up ourselves for what is right by doing what is best at this moment"

[Image: giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9525c2c5ba9xu7y8dtis6...y.gif&ct=g]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:Fact is, Biden is the candidate now and is going to be the candidate in November because that's who the Dems nominated.
Not yet. But that's none of my business...
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, Garfield, D3RANG3D
(06-30-2024, 05:45 AM)benji wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:To the best of my understanding, it's not only not a thing, surgery for trans minors is not something the trans liberation movement advocates for, outside of extreme cases. It fundamentally goes against the gender affirming model
is this?

“It’s not something we advocate for, except when we do.”
Quote:The thing y'all should keep in mind...

In the hours after Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felonies, not a single publication called for him to drop out.

This is not about assuaging genuine concerns about Biden's fitness or his performance in the debate.

But never has the journalistic bias toward Republicans been more naked.

We have never had a moment, in the history of this country, where a political candidate for the Presidency was rendered a convicted felon. 34 times.

And not a single op-ed was written about him dropping out.
They already published hundreds of those over the last eight years to an audience that agreed but that nobody else was listening to.

I love how they're painting this as a pro-Republican bias when it's clearly from people who want to win and think Biden can't guarantee that. This is the mentality that shows constantly when they want to thrown out the imperfect known for a potentially utopian unknown. But other people do it and it's criminal, part of a plot to bring in Hitler.

There's people on that forum outright calling for terrorism and other mass violence against innocent people all the time but that's all good. They intend for utopia after all, not like these untrustworthy Zionists that control the media.
Quote:We have never had a moment, in the history of this country, where a political candidate for the Presidency was rendered a convicted felon. 34 times.

And not a single op-ed was written about him dropping out.
They just repeat shit uncritically:
[Image: m6mmGgE.png]

I could probably find more but I figured the WaPo was good enough.
(06-30-2024, 04:19 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Quote:The draft guidelines would have lowered the age minimums to 14 for hormonal treatments, 15 for mastectomies, 16 for breast augmentation or facial surgeries, and 17 for genital surgeries or hysterectomies.

holy fuck. These kids can't even drink yet or get shipped off to war, some of them can't even drive, and the idea was to allow them the choice to alter their bodies in a way that couldn't be reversed?

Where's the common sense?

Quote:The final guidelines, released in 2022, removed the age-based recommendations altogether.


The whole thread is just ignoring how this was actually pushed politically. Just denying reality when something happens that goes too far even for them
(06-30-2024, 08:22 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: The whole thread is just ignoring how this was actually pushed politically. Just denying reality when something happens that goes too far even for them
What part of it never happens and nobody supports it did you not understand?
(06-30-2024, 07:38 AM)Garfield wrote:
Quote:Scary shit. I can't even imagine. Even if this were a regular election, this would be fucking stressful for the Bidens. But having the spector of the future of democracy hanging over your shoulder?
Quote:If some people get their wish and Biden gets replaced you all better enjoy this election, because it'll be America's last one.
Quote:Fact is, Biden is the candidate now and is going to be the candidate in November because that's who the Dems nominated. And if you don't want to see Trump back in office, he's going to be the guy you're going to have to vote for.
Quote:Honestly Biden shouldn't do anything with CNN anymore considering they don't seem to care about facts or moderating their own debate.

Edit: Scratch that, Biden should just have his team create his own news media channel on Youtube or something since it seems the powers that be just do not care about facts.
Quote:The scarier performance was his opponent.
Quote:Let the guy with 32 felony convictions drop out first.
Quote:If republicans aren't calling for trump to stand down after the most recent debate, why is it a good idea for democrats to do so when there's so much juicy stuff to attack that his opponent said? The desire to self sabotage the election seems incredibly high.
Quote:I certainly don't know someone else wouldn't be better, but given the time frame that seems to be an insane risk to take given the stakes are a modern day Hitler.
Quote:A one man crime wave (as Biden put it) is more fit to lead? Somebody who only cares about his self?

Trump is running to avoid being incarcerated.

The conversation ends there.

There are no flaws for Biden, RFK Jr., or whomever else that supercedes that.
I never understand why they post so often not realizing that their own argument self-defeats with such a minor change. If Trump really is this risk, if keeping him out of power is the most essential thing that can be done, then why wouldn't you consider the possibility that replacing Biden is the best way to do this? Instead they simply dismiss the possibility and say they want to ride and die no matter the consequences.

I'm not saying swapping out Biden is the right move, not at all, but they're simply dismissing that possibility even when they warn that the risk of losing is existential. If that's the case then surely it seems like you should really really really evaluate if replacing him might prevent it rather than simply dismissing that and accusing anyone who disagrees of various moral crimes or trying to line their pockets. A few posters at least say "one debate isn't a reason to do so" but that doesn't answer any other reasons people might have. Their threads are filled with people talking about Biden fucking up by supporting genocide or being a fascist or banning TikTok or whatever yet we're dismissing the possibility that the debate performance can simply add on top of those things? Not only is he pro-genocide but he sucks and is going to lose! Nobody's made a case for dismissing that!

But no, we just need to dismiss that possibility because it upsets me. This must not be one of those TOUGH DISCUSSIONS the staff have been liking posts to promote.
"So, benji, are you saying that they're being stupid or malicious/dishonest in trying to shut down discussion?"

(06-30-2024, 08:38 AM)benji wrote: "So, benji, are you saying that they're being stupid or malicious/dishonest in trying to shut down discussion?"


It's curious how the opinions become received, rather than seeing how they form.

You're right about them dismissing the possibility out of hand, but the reason why they do this is because they do not have the skills required to think it through critically. They're waiting for the wind of opinion.

rip sting
(06-30-2024, 07:38 AM)Garfield wrote:
Quote:If some people get their wish and Biden gets replaced you all better enjoy this election, because it'll be America's last one.

(06-30-2024, 05:41 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Fucking benji stealing the first post of page 1600. CAN SOMEONE STOP HIM?!

And he didn't even post a random hottie. Sad

I don't feel safe here anymore. Sad Sad Sad
Unlike the members of the women criticize designs thread I wouldn't know where to find sexy pictures of women on the internet. Klepek
(06-30-2024, 09:15 AM)benji wrote: Unlike the members of the women criticize designs thread I wouldn't know where to find sexy pictures of women on the internet. Klepek

I'm trying to get Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance on Steam, it's $50 on CD keys, any amount that goes over will go towards living expenses, likely food!
(06-30-2024, 07:25 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: ITS HER TURN

[Image: hillary-clinton-dab.gif]

I'm not sure America could survive an Ellen presidency.
5 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, benji, PogiJones, BIONIC, Gameboy Nostalgia
I don't think I could handle all that awkward dancing before, the state of union addresses or whatever.

[Image: sG9LoN7.gif]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(06-30-2024, 09:54 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: I don't think I could handle all that awkward dancing before, the state of union addresses or whatever.

[Image: sG9LoN7.gif]

But can you survive the campaign?
[Image: main-qimg-4a94a4ec14fca28877e9875ae314ee79][Image: 200w.gif?cid=6c09b952gaatrytixozp72e1gd5...w.gif&ct=g]

[Image: 200.gif?cid=82a1493bfxlsv700h5nra4yew8vg...0.gif&ct=g][Image: giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952ssnrq7xadlga26g01u...y.gif&ct=g]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
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He should do his awkward dance to YMCA to trigger the retards again. lol
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia

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