Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-02-2024, 07:51 AM)benji wrote:

Real allies will see me in the streets, not that I expect to see many yts or non-queers.

Posted on a platform run by a techbro nazi. OK pal.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D
(07-02-2024, 07:53 AM)Chudder Barbarity wrote: Trump would never have the balls to create a theofascist state, why are these REtards trying to get my hopes up lul.
[Image: GRdFEX1WwAA-Nrk?format=jpg&name=small]
literally shaking
All this ruling is doing is giving me schadenfreude about a bunch of people who claim to be informed and ACAB. So I'm in favor of it.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
On the plus side you lot might take some inspiration from the Frenchies and have a few riots. Get a free TV for Xmas
(07-02-2024, 08:17 AM)Snoopy wrote: On the plus side you lot might take some inspiration from the Frenchies and have a few riots. Get a free TV for Xmas
Excuse you, please use the term "democratic community policing" thank you.
Part of's problem is the only people outside of their hugbox they listen to are complete lunatics who are equally ignorant:

Quote:In the coming weeks and months, we're going to see liberal institutions capitulate in anticipation of a Trump dictatorship for fear retribution if they don't and create a self fulfilling prophecy. It's an autocratic version of Roko's Basilisk.

Institutions will not save you.

Your first sign. CEOs and corporations rushing to support Trump. It's not just about playing both sides or pay to play access. It's about fear if they don't support him.

The biggest ally of an autocrat is fear and our institutions are filled with cowards who will put their careers, livelihoods, safety, or even freedom before the good of society.

Once this ball starts rolling it's nearly impossible to stop. Institutions will collapse quickly.

And if you think people will rise up and stand up, you're sorely mistaken. The next greatest ally of autocracy is apathy. Most simply won't care because it won't affect them. Society will slide into quiet compliance with horrifying consequences for disfavored groups.

It'll become the new normal and everyone will adapt because there's no alternative. Putting immigrants in concentration camps, jailing of political opponents, persecution of religious and sexual minorities will be seen as "they deserved it." It's a cultural process.

Propaganda is extremely effective at dehumanizing out groups. You already fall for it every time you minimize Palestinians being murdered by the thousands, asylum seekers being detained, homeless being arrested, and Black men being killed by police.

Autocracy needs to eliminate empathy to work and that's what propaganda does. It will get you to rationalize the most unthinkable horrifying things because that's how you think it's supposed to be. "Those people deserve it or their life doesn't matter."

But fear, apathy, and dehumanization come at a cost. It always does. And the truth is, those responsible rarely if ever pay for the cost of it. Who was ever held accountable for the mass displacement or genocide of indigenous people or the centuries of slavery? No one.

Actually, we built statues, put them on our money and glorified those who did it. The fact is that this is the standard course of history. Accountability such as Nuremberg trials were aberrations and not the norm.

Yeah, this is pessimistic but this is how history typically plays out.

In the meantime, build community. Find strength in each other. Your institutions will not save you but you can build up resilience to an increasingly likely autocracy to make it through.

The optimism I have is that the fear and apathy needed to make autocracy work also plant the seeds of its own destruction by valuing loyalty over competence. It's inherently unstable. It won't last forever but not everyone will make it through.

"Legal expert"

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Mental Asylums when?
3 users liked this post: Nintex, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia

Spoiler: Mouf (click to show)

This one just confuses me:
Benji delves into the dark abyss so we don't have to.

God bless him.
(07-02-2024, 08:32 AM)D3RANG3D wrote: Mental Asylums when?
Hey, they told me the Supreme Court made it legal to do:

Think of how many members suffer from this but aren't aware enough to self-diagnosis like I have:
(07-02-2024, 08:36 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Benji delves into the dark abyss so we don't have to.

God bless him.
It's called shutting up, sitting down and listening, chud. ufup
Preach Preach Preach
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

This T002 Tyrant nutter is gonna end up topping themselves when labour get in, in wonder if that’s them in the avatar
Starmer  Rejoice

Winds up all the baddies, gets the jobs done, lovely stuff
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Potato, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
Kyuuji has been oddly absent as the trans genocide grows… makes you wonder which side they are on…

persephone wrote:deep breath*


I hate him so much. Cunt.

persephone wrote:Mods wanna ban a woman for using it they can idgaf

And they did

Kyuuji wrote:How can it be misogynistic when used by a woman toward a man threatening the rights of women. Seems silly to me.

Meta commentary? Questioning mods?

PallasKitten wrote:100% agree with all of these. Seriously, are we really policing women's use of language when rightfully angry about shitstains like Starmer?
Is it weird if i say that trans women that look like hunter schafer should be free to use the women's stuff but the ones that still have dicks and look like larry the cable guy should fuck off?
Damnit, I was hoping that institutions would save me.
The trans mafia coming for the mods. You love to see it. You know Kyuuji has so much power that the ban will obviously be reversed.
Kyuuji forgot that some men have cunts. At least be consistent with your trans ideology.
(07-02-2024, 12:10 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Kyuuji has been oddly absent as the trans genocide grows… makes you wonder which side they are on…

persephone wrote:deep breath*


I hate him so much. Cunt.

persephone wrote:Mods wanna ban a woman for using it they can idgaf

And they did

Kyuuji wrote:How can it be misogynistic when used by a woman toward a man threatening the rights of women. Seems silly to me.

Meta commentary? Questioning mods?

PallasKitten wrote:100% agree with all of these. Seriously, are we really policing women's use of language when rightfully angry about shitstains like Starmer?

Is Persephone a real woman or MtF? Need to know before questioning the use of the C card
What if being a cunt is the same thing as having one and we were never eggs all along  Rogan
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Potato, Taco Bell Tower

Quote: As this now seems to be about the C-word ban:

Posting rules are a bit hard to find on Era. Took me a bit of digging to eventually find it here:

The important bits:

Users will be actioned using the following general guidelines (for exceptions see the next section)
- Using it towards a public figure will result in a 1 week ban if said public figure is a man; 2 weeks if the public figure is a woman
- Using it towards another user will result in a 2 week ban, a month or more if the targeted user is a woman

These are merely guidelines and context will dictate if staff go above or below these stated ban lengths. For example, women members of the site will not be actioned as harshly for not following these guidelines. The reason for that is simply the misogynistic use and history of the term, and as such women users have a right to reclaim it. Again it is going to come down to the context of how the word is used.

Click to shrink...

"Not actioned as harshly" does not mean "Not actioned at all" I guess.

Persephone a man according to the Era mods. Which they probably are.
It’s still going, a thread about trans genocide has been taken over by chuds wanting to use the cunt slur. And only 2 days after pride month… so tiring
(07-02-2024, 12:39 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
(07-02-2024, 12:10 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Kyuuji has been oddly absent as the trans genocide grows… makes you wonder which side they are on…

persephone wrote:deep breath*


I hate him so much. Cunt.

persephone wrote:Mods wanna ban a woman for using it they can idgaf

And they did

Kyuuji wrote:How can it be misogynistic when used by a woman toward a man threatening the rights of women. Seems silly to me.

Meta commentary? Questioning mods?

PallasKitten wrote:100% agree with all of these. Seriously, are we really policing women's use of language when rightfully angry about shitstains like Starmer?

Is Persephone a real woman or MtF? Need to know before questioning the use of the C card

Considering they're reacting that badly to a negative trans piece of new 100% MtF.
Kyuuji wrote:How can it be misogynistic when used by a woman toward a man threatening the rights of women. Seems silly to me.

This quote is just…


Plagiarize wrote:So they're going to give us carte Blanche to use disabled toilets or family toilets then instead right? Right???

Isn’t this cunt in the US? Why you posting like you live in the UK
5 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, benji
(07-02-2024, 12:39 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: Is Persephone a real woman or MtF? Need to know before questioning the use of the C card

I'm not sure. But what I am sure of, is that they are a cunt.
(07-02-2024, 12:53 PM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:
(07-02-2024, 12:39 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: Is Persephone a real woman or MtF? Need to know before questioning the use of the C card

I'm not sure. But what I am sure of, is that they are a cunt.

One of the later posts seems to confirm they are not a cis woman.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
They legitimately believe they are the exact same as the women who birthed them. This new movement is just nuts
Disclaimer wrote:Profoundly tone deaf and irresponsible to ban a woman for justifiably using that word about a man for seeking to police trans women's very existence.

What the fuck is wrong with you, mods? You step on rakes like this for no reason whatsoever. You are why this place isn't safe and why it's bleeding members.

Ban all of us for meta commentary though I'm sure.

Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)

I want to see this ban reevaluated and rules, because if it goes to the natural conclusion you have to prove you’re a British woman to use it lol

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