Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
They're treating politics in that thread like they do media franchises. I mean, this is normal and how they think, but I'm really starkly seeing it because everybody's lining up anti-Biden or pro-Biden and just like completely hardcore adherence to their position. There's very few posters saying stuff like "I'd like Biden to go but nobody else polls as well as he does" or "I'd like Biden to go but it's just too late in the campaign for this" or "I'm ridin with Biden but if there was enough support at the convention I'd support the new candidate too because we have to stop Trump." They're almost all immediately taking it to 11 and talking about the genocide, either the ones going on now or the ones we'll have when Biden/replacement loses then casting side-eyes over all their "allies" in the thread for enemies to expose.

Then there's the people, like Nepenthe, who come into the thread just to bang on about the one thing they always do. This thing confirms what they believe just like everything does and this is more proof of why everyone else is not as good as they are and needs to do better.

So, in other words, it's a typical thread.
(07-05-2024, 02:43 AM)benji wrote: who come into the thread just to bang on about the one thing they always do. 
Look at this fucker using British phrasing he's picked up from the internet or British television on this day of all days. Not like this!
[Image: BiwQSUc.png]

[Image: tUGXwe1.png]

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Believe women...unless it impedes Trans rights. Then fuck those slutty, lying whores.
Just accept your problematic favs as is.  Trumps
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Averon
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4 users liked this post: Vertigo, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, Gameboy Nostalgia

Soapbox Killer wrote:
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[Image: JKbEcAVr.jpg]

[Image: WX9xTWZ.jpg]

I'm sorry yall. It's been an extremely exhausting day. Wife is out of town and I'm holding it down. So I'm cleaning the outside of the crib, crazy yard work and I find this tucked behind the shed. Only one plant in this strange spot. I don't go behind the shed often if ever.

Strange shit always happens when she leaves town for work so forgive me….but is this a nothing plant and it just so happened to been back there? I do have lost of planters with just dirt from when the frost killed my tomato plants.
Yes. lol
(07-04-2024, 05:09 PM)Ethan wrote: That's the old, non inclusive Pride flag, chud wag

hey now listen, I wrote:

a gorilla in the trenches during world war 2, the gorilla has rainbow dyed hair and is holding an LGBTQ-positive flag

Microsoft seems to think that an "LGBTQ-positive flag" means the old less inclusive one, they are entirely responsible for failing to represent trans people and minorities, or whatever that brown stripe is supposed to mean
(07-05-2024, 04:05 AM)Uncle wrote: hey now listen, I wrote:

a gorilla in the trenches during world war 2, the gorilla has rainbow dyed hair and is holding an LGBTQ-positive flag

Microsoft seems to think that an "LGBTQ-positive flag" means the old less inclusive one, they are entirely responsible for failing to represent trans people and minorities, or whatever that brown stripe is supposed to mean
And yet the staff defended the Activision acquisition and banned people for opposing it. Social Justice Warrior 2

The Adder wrote:It's not gonna go to those depths, don't worry. I have way too much ego to ever consider depriving the world of me. But man...

I don't usually get down. I've operated under a degree of stability that lead me to either be actively happy or on autopilot. Recent events have destabilized things for me a bit (don't worry, I've already solved my problems and will be back to stable, though new, by the week after next) and that has opened up the opportunity for some extrospection. Not introspection. Internally I'm solid. But externally?

I've been in this city for twelve years. I used to have a friend group, but they're gone. Used to have a relationship, but she's gone. And I've never replaced any of these with new ones. At this point I'm thirty-five years old and I am truly, deeply alone. I have family I can talk to, but none of them nearby. I have no one I'm connected to that I can speak to face to face or even just hang with on the couch and watch something in the same space.

And every moment I'm awake is driving the point deeper for me. I can't even rely on the aforementioned family because, while it's 9PM here, it's 11 or midnight for them.

Sometimes I want to just move back home to the east coast, but even if I actually had somewhere to live there, that wouldn't actually change anything given that I'm not in contact with any of my high school friends. So I couldn't even do the hometown thing.

Sigh, I'm just ranting and venting at this point. I just needed to get this off of my chest because the pressure was getting to high.

AliceAmber wrote:Wasn't my hero, but I've read his work basically my entire adult life. AND as a goth femme presenting person I know I would have easily fallen for his awfulness.

This all stinks, fucking loser
say what you want about rowling but she's never raped anyone.  Snob
(07-05-2024, 04:26 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

The Adder wrote:It's not gonna go to those depths, don't worry. I have way too much ego to ever consider depriving the world of me. But man...

I don't usually get down. I've operated under a degree of stability that lead me to either be actively happy or on autopilot. Recent events have destabilized things for me a bit (don't worry, I've already solved my problems and will be back to stable, though new, by the week after next) and that has opened up the opportunity for some extrospection. Not introspection. Internally I'm solid. But externally?

I've been in this city for twelve years. I used to have a friend group, but they're gone. Used to have a relationship, but she's gone. And I've never replaced any of these with new ones. At this point I'm thirty-five years old and I am truly, deeply alone. I have family I can talk to, but none of them nearby. I have no one I'm connected to that I can speak to face to face or even just hang with on the couch and watch something in the same space.

And every moment I'm awake is driving the point deeper for me. I can't even rely on the aforementioned family because, while it's 9PM here, it's 11 or midnight for them.

Sometimes I want to just move back home to the east coast, but even if I actually had somewhere to live there, that wouldn't actually change anything given that I'm not in contact with any of my high school friends. So I couldn't even do the hometown thing.

Sigh, I'm just ranting and venting at this point. I just needed to get this off of my chest because the pressure was getting to high.

"I am all alone and I swear that's all I need."
Not like this!
(07-05-2024, 04:30 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

AliceAmber wrote:Wasn't my hero, but I've read his work basically my entire adult life. AND as a goth femme presenting person I know I would have easily fallen for his awfulness.

This all stinks, fucking loser

(07-05-2024, 12:17 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Twohearts wrote:Is Jeronimo meant to be a Native American character or was the name just random? My ex-girlfriend is Abenaki (and another ex is Purepecha) and I like looking at how much effort video games do to depict American Indians (often a lot do a really bad job).
Twohearts got banned somewhere.

[Image: vL01sXj.png]

Has been bleating on about being in hospital, which one can only assume is a mental hospital. Probably got told to limit online interactions.
(07-05-2024, 04:33 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: say what you want about rowling but she's never raped anyone.  Snob

Besides Tom Riddle Sr obviously. And Dolores Umbridge (implied centaur rape).
(07-05-2024, 04:33 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: say what you want about rowling but she's never raped anyone.  Snob
User banned (3 months): Dismissing concerns about Joanne.
Twohearts needs to make an account here. I'm sure it'll be fine. Nintex and It can talk about the switch.  Trumps
Is this TwoHearts gaining a shred of self-awareness, or TwoHearts wanting to limit the self-incrimination in their inevitable future criminal trial?
I hate to get all white liberal about this and reinforce hierarchical systems but we probably shouldn't be inviting pedophiles to join The Bire.
(07-05-2024, 05:02 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Twohearts needs to make an account here. I'm sure it'll be fine. Nintex and It can talk about the switch.  Trumps

They/them according to the profile on Famiboards.

Speaking of their famiboards profile, if you try to look at the full profile it says "Oops! We ran into some problems." That's similar to when someone nukes their profile on Reeesetera or when a thread has been deleted. Any of you nerds know why that might be?

EDIT: Probably made it "private" in the settings.
(07-05-2024, 05:18 AM)benji wrote: I hate to get all white liberal about this and reinforce hierarchical systems but we probably shouldn't be inviting pedophiles to join The Bire.

Yet you allow all the anime fans to post free...
(07-05-2024, 05:30 AM)Potato wrote: Yet you allow all the anime fans to post free...
We don't have to outrun the bear, we only have to outrun them. Rollsafe
I wonder if that was a self-requested ban or a "self-requested" ban. In other words, either leave on your own terms (i.e, request a self-ban) or it will be done for you. I can't imagine the Famiboard mods don't know TwoHearts' deal by now, and I'd imagine they don't want another Amir0x situation on their hands.
leave poor widdle twohearts alone th3y are only 3 years old and do not understand adult world  Stahp

us littles need to stick t2geter
(07-05-2024, 06:01 AM)Averon wrote: I wonder if that was a self-requested ban or a "self-requested" ban. In other words, either leave on your own terms (i.e, request a self-ban) or it will be done for you. I can't imagine the Famiboard mods don't know TwoHearts' deal by now, and I'd imagine they don't want another Amir0x situation on their hands.

Time will tell. He will be out of the hospital at some point and maybe he comes back to Famiboards. It also paints the Resetera ban in a new light. Was that a self-requested ban too?
(07-05-2024, 04:05 AM)Uncle wrote:
(07-04-2024, 05:09 PM)Ethan wrote: That's the old, non inclusive Pride flag, chud wag

hey now listen, I wrote:

a gorilla in the trenches during world war 2, the gorilla has rainbow dyed hair and is holding an LGBTQ-positive flag

Microsoft seems to think that an "LGBTQ-positive flag" means the old less inclusive one, they are entirely responsible for failing to represent trans people and minorities, or whatever that brown stripe is supposed to mean

That one got updated to add a circle for intersex folx Bolo
How much of an overlap is there between people who yell at others about "media literacy" and also prefer the "inclusive" progress flag over the original pride flag? It has to be incredibly high.

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