Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-14-2023, 08:36 PM)MMM wrote: Got banned for calling a public figure a cunt. When did this come in? For years and years I have been calling all kinds of public figures cunts in Resetera. Always male public figures. I have always been under the impression that it is acceptable language in subjects in British news. Never once had an issue until now. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Appealed it and the cunts started being cunts. The cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Fucking cunts. Cunts.

Also, Forspoken actually slapped. Really, really good game. Way too many people on era are insecure about that game, though. Game was a good 7/10. A very good 7/10, in fact. Not bloated, good traversal and combat. Only about 12 hours to finish. Just a great game.

You didn't read the new rule where you can't say that word!  Bolo   Then again they never announced it nor updated their ToS that you can't use it.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, MMM
(07-14-2023, 08:36 PM)MMM wrote: Got banned for calling a public figure a cunt. When did this come in? For years and years I have been calling all kinds of public figures cunts in Resetera. Always male public figures. I have always been under the impression that it is acceptable language in subjects in British news. Never once had an issue until now. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Appealed it and the cunts started being cunts. The cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Fucking cunts. Cunts.

Also, Forspoken actually slapped. Really, really good game. Way too many people on era are insecure about that game, though. Game was a good 7/10. A very good 7/10, in fact. Not bloated, good traversal and combat. Only about 12 hours to finish. Just a great game.

Ok cunt. Relax. 
I enjoyed Forspoken. I thought it was a nice game with great combat, amazing traversal and a run-of-the-mill story. It's a solid 7-8/10 game.
2 users liked this post: Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
We’re being invaded by resetera posters Stahp
That character was wasted on that game. It actually made me wish those froggy rapists over at Ubisoft had created her
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
The character is just a good cringe. Give me that cringe over the dull shit in a Ubisoft game.

Would also like to point out something else annoying that is causing me immense butthurt. In the thread I got banned in for calling somebody accused of noncing a cunt, another guy was blaming the victims. Literally victim blaming. I pointed this out in a sternly written appeal for my ban. For which the 'Resetera team' told me to report the post if I have a problem. They did this knowing it is not possible to report a post whilst you are banned. I alerted them of this flaw and had my 'ticket' rejected. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts.
2 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower
Wrong. If the sex offenders had created her she would’ve been less sassy and more nakedy. Most people don’t know this but every Ubi game is designed around the quest for dick.
2 users liked this post: Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
Kabuki Waq, post: 108971859, member: 9794 wrote:Fuck Ford he supports child rape.  He  personally delivered Polanski his Oscar.  A vile act that no one should glosss over.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
Indiana Jones And The Temple Of 9yr Olds
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, BIONIC
Quote:It was a blast, and honestly I enjoyed it much more than FFXVI.


Why they insist with this shit? They keep saying that it was a better wizard game than Hogwards like mentally handicapped hippster.
Inevitably going after guys like Polanski cause too much shrapnel. Too many supporters. You got del Toro to David Lynch. Natalie Portman to Ewan Mcgregor. Harvey Weinstein to Woody Allen…forget that one. tl;dr forget it, Jake. it’s Hollywood.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower
(07-14-2023, 09:03 PM)Snoopy wrote: That character was wasted on that game. It actually made me wish those froggy rapists over at Ubisoft had created her

they did, 6 years ago

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Forspoken was such a bad game that the CEO of Square Enix resigned in Seppuku.  lol
2 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower
(07-14-2023, 08:36 PM)MMM wrote: Got banned for calling a public figure a cunt. When did this come in? For years and years I have been calling all kinds of public figures cunts in Resetera. Always male public figures. I have always been under the impression that it is acceptable language in subjects in British news. Never once had an issue until now. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Appealed it and the cunts started being cunts. The cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Cunts. Fucking cunts. Cunts.
Rather than being a forum-wide announcement, it was hidden away in the Constructive Community Discussion in the Announcements sub-forum that the vast majority of users don't know about or rarely check. Felt like they were being deliberately coy with the announcement just so they could ban people for using it.

As of today we are implementing new policies to curb the use of the word "cunt" on the site.

Before we start issuing bans for use of the word, we will be actioning users with warnings (minus threadbans unless deemed appropriate) until April 1st. Said warnings can be seen as a tap on the shoulder in order to prime members for the new guidelines. Then the below banning guidelines will take effect.

Users will be actioned using the following general guidelines (for exceptions see the next section)
- Using it towards a public figure will result in a 1 week ban if said public figure is a man; 2 weeks if the public figure is a woman
- Using it towards another user will result in a 2 week ban, a month or more if the targeted user is a woman

These are merely guidelines and context will dictate if staff go above or below these stated ban lengths. For example, women members of the site will not be actioned as harshly for not following these guidelines. The reason for that is simply the misogynistic use and history of the term, and as such women users have a right to reclaim it. Again it is going to come down to the context of how the word is used.

This is possibly the most contentious word that has been argued over behind scenes, for years at this point. It generates both reports and argumentative feedback, which we have not been able to handle with consistency. That changes now.

The simple fact of the matter is that the word "cunt" is a misogynistic and gendered slur against women, as well as those perceived/treated by society as women. At best people can and have argued that it's a very emotionally charged expletive. Some will say it isn't a slur or not so charged in certain regions of the English speaking sphere. However after years of internal debate and insight from relevant staff we have finally decided that this is a word we want to see less of on the forum. Previous internal debates led to us being inconsistent in how we have moderated use of the word, which we are rectifying with this policy update. These new guidelines are being carved in the public record for both the benefit you (users) and us (staff). We stand by our decision and this is not up for debate. Feedback is welcome but this is not a dialog for future policy.

"But [word] is allowed and not moderated."
While we are coming down on the use of "cunt" now, this does not mean we will not create nor alter policy regarding other words we find too objectionable or harmful to minorities members of the site. No, this is not an opportunity to suggest words you would like to see actioned on the site. Again, this is a statement of policy and not a dialog for future policy. Inflammatory whataboutism posts will be moderated accordingly.

ResetEra Staff

TL;DR Americans are hilariously precious as fuck with the use of the word, literally no one uses it as a gendered insult out of the US, but the forum is US-centric as fuck. If you're a woman using it, you're fine. 

Was funny watching them flail around when asked about non-binary users using the term.
4 users liked this post: MMM, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower
What's funny about that thread is that junior members or people that have had their thread-making privileges revoked aren't even able to view it. Another layer of obfuscation that the mods love.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower
Me talkin to the new members who got banned 5 years after the non-binary NKVD purged ResetEra. 

[Image: 971760d0-854c-4f60-b864-4f95d0647d2c_text.gif]
3 users liked this post: Brolha, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower
(07-14-2023, 10:21 PM)Greatness Gone wrote: What's funny about that thread is that junior members or people that have had their thread-making privileges revoked aren't even able to view it. Another layer of obfuscation that the mods love.

if you haven't lurked long enough to see a dozen people banned for saying cunt and learned the lesson from them, they don't want you posting on their forum
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Greatness Gone, benji
(07-14-2023, 08:33 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

From Cucky Cal (a transgendered individual of less than 2 years, and now an expert on all things trans) from that same thread:

Cucky Cal wrote:Fucking despicable and furthering genocide

Voluntarily riding a bike in a competition is now genocide?   wtf?

viciman1, post: 108974706, member: 108062 wrote:Transgender people have been less than 1% of the population ever since there have been legally allowed trans people (is now growing, thankfully, means people are less afraid), the fact that there are more than 2 trans athletes at the top level tells me they have an unfair advantage. Is literally maths, elite sports is such a minuscule group of people that the fact that there is multiple people from a reaaally small minority just tells the whole story.

turbozan, post: 108975072, member: 127095 wrote:i hope you don't fall off an overpass into traffic

Quote:The other week I played and finished DMC5 for the first time, which I loved and might be my new favorite game in the series. I never actually finished DMC4 because the second half of the game is a massive slog despite Dante being extremely fun to play as, and I only barely touched DmC after picking it up during a Steam sale due to my distaste of the reboot's direction. After finishing 5 I decided to try out DmC definitive edition on PS4, and played it all the way to completion this time. I don't really have anything new to say about DmC that any fan of the Japanese games hasn't already said: I don't like the characters or story at all, but while the combat isn't as deep as other DMC games it's not entirely a bad time either. I do like the mix of Dante's classic abilities with Nero's grappling maneuvers. Honestly the main disappointment I had with it was that the bosses were exceedingly lame; most enemy encounters were far more challenging than the likes of Mundus or Vergin. The only boss I had any trouble with was the Bill O'Reilly boss which was only because I didn't realize I had to stomp on those shiny red things at first to damage him.

Honestly though it's not the lore or atmosphere changes from the Japanese titles that I found most off-putting about Ninja Theory's version, but rather its unabashedly horrific treatment of its female characters. This might be some of the worst I've seen in a video game I've played. Every, and I mean EVERY female character in this game is called a bitch and a whore at different points, and Donte's mother Eva is referred to as a whore by others no fewer than three times. And every woman's role and characterization are entirely in servitude to some other male character(s). Eva is Donte's mother who gets tortured and murdered, Lilith is Mundus' whore who gets aborted by a sniper rifle and murdered, and Kat is the exposition character and the reason any strife arises between Donte and Vergin toward the end of the story, who gets kidnapped and tortured. That's it, those are the only women in the game who have any impact on the plot, and everyone else in the background is a stripper and/or a prostitute. Kat in particular is egregious for having pretty much no personality or backstory whatsoever other than being something for Donte and Vergin to fight over. Also there was zero romantic chemistry between Kat and Donte and we're expected to believe they hook up at the end because I guess that's how every man and woman relationship in male fantasy stories have to play out? The VERY LAST SHOT of the game is Donte grabbing Kat's ass before the screen cuts to credits, I literally went "oh my god" in disbelief at the audacity of it.

Regardless of all of the changes Ninja Theory (and even Capcom themselves) implemented to differentiate DmC from mainline DMC, I don't feel there's any excuse for this game's treatment of women, and I don't know why this seems to get overlooked among both this game's critics and defenders. While female characters in main DMC are played up for fanservice as well (don't get me started on how annoyed I am by Capcom's handling of Lady after DMC3), at least they're not called whores or sluts by every character at every possible turn, and Dante certainly doesn't make unsolicited advances on them or grope them at inopportune moments. In fact Dante is entirely chaste and I've always imagined him being completely uninterested in sexual relationships with others in spite of his occasional flirtatious behavior. So the way NT's Donte is played up as this sex-obsessed ass-groper is fucking bizarre. There could have been a genuine attempt for DmC to improve on DMC's comparatively weak characterizations for its female characters, but instead NT's writers just turned it into some Frank Miller thing about all whores all the time. It's probably the single most disappointing aspect of the reboot for me.

Another thing is that this game's fat jokes are fucking lame and they were as funny back then as they are now. Donte himself is the source of almost every derisive comment made at a fat person or enemy's expense, which made him lose a lot of sympathy points from me since the game didn't seem to have anything else to say about obesity other than it being because of THE MAN and CAPITALISM or whatever. The social commentary in general was fucking stupid but that's another conversation. Anyway, the writing in general was appalling and I have no idea how anyone could tolerate or overlook its treatment of marginalized groups, and I just felt like putting that out there in this topic since I see very few criticisms about DmC pointing this out, and it actively ruined my enjoyment of a game I already had low expectations for going into.
Social Justice Warrior 2
5 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Pwnz, HaughtyFrank, Venice
(07-14-2023, 10:44 PM)Venice wrote:
(07-14-2023, 08:33 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

From Cucky Cal (a transgendered individual of less than 2 years, and now an expert on all things trans) from that same thread:

Cucky Cal wrote:Fucking despicable and furthering genocide

Voluntarily riding a bike in a competition is now genocide?   wtf?

[Image: xPErEJd.png]
Razgriz-Specter, post: 108977166, member: 1129 wrote:Crazy, sounds like one of those urban legends or one of those videos people joke about being traps.
Josh378, post: 108977295, member: 10608 wrote:(Insert X-Files "I want to believe " here).

But seriously, that sounds crazy. Straight out of a sci-fi horror movie.
>Woman kidnapped and possibly being trafficked or murdered
Ree: WOAH! Just like one of my animes! Anime Expert
(07-14-2023, 10:44 PM)BIONIC wrote:

viciman1, post: 108974706, member: 108062 wrote:Transgender people have been less than 1% of the population ever since there have been legally allowed trans people (is now growing, thankfully, means people are less afraid), the fact that there are more than 2 trans athletes at the top level tells me they have an unfair advantage. Is literally maths, elite sports is such a minuscule group of people that the fact that there is multiple people from a reaaally small minority just tells the whole story.

turbozan, post: 108975072, member: 127095 wrote:i hope you don't fall off an overpass into traffic


ban for hostility against other era members...? I don't
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Transphobia, prior severe ban for dismissing concerns of representation
viciman1 wrote:To all the people saying that trans women also lose against other women and this is unjust and just another attempt to destroy the lives of trans people, I propose that from now on, no sport (atleast, individual sports, given team dynamics could lead to women wanting a safe space, deservedly) should separate between genders. I'm pretty sure everyone, especially women would gladly accept this.

No one (Who isn't a transphobe piece of shit) is saying that trans people that compete in sports are doing so because they wanted "easy wins", neither do I think it's why the decision was made, it's just that trans women, regardless of how difficult the transition is and how society as a whole needs to leave them be in peace in literally every other case in which there are absurd polemics that are just transphobia, (an actual disadvantage for them given how mentally tough you have to be to take in that abuse every day) just have an unfair advantage physically.

I have seen people rebate this with the fact that top athletes are genetical freaks anyway (like Bolt, Phelps, Simone Biles, Nadia Comaneci...), a thing that is true, but the initial advantage for the average human is gonna be always there. In every physically demanding sport, the masculine record is just better than the femenine one, it is what it is, even if the topic is complex and trans women deserve to be treated as women in every other aspect, sports is just the one thing I disagree they should be treated the same.

After writing this, I realized how fucked up it is, but I just can't see other solutions (outside of no gender divisions in sports, something 99% of women are gonna vote against).
Pretty transphobic of the mods to not put "advocating genocide" in the ban message
Quote:More simply though by saying “Compete in Open” you’re othering them and not acknowledging who they are. Keep in mind this decision is specifically for transgender women, not men. So think about that a bit

No, you think on that for a bit
starpower wrote:[Image: look-hard-gif.62544]
Mr. Snuffleupagus wrote:[Image: jim-carrey-surprise.gif]
Ace Ventura? Yikes
Quote:In an effort to avoid portraying people with dwarfism inappropriately, the role of the dwarfs has been replaced with "magical creatures."
Xavillin wrote:I'm genuinely curious, isn't this taking away acting roles from actual small people?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom, Taco Bell Tower
I've commented before about how PlanetSmasher is often either the first person to comment in a new thread, or will be in the top 5 comments, but the following seriously creeps me out. 

He's literally posting in threads the very minute they have been created:

[Image: OqcFj7F.png]

Like... seriously. Wtf does he do all day? F5 Era every single minute, looking for new threads to comment on? 

PlanetSmasher... why can't you be JobApplicationSmasher and get an actual occupation?

Also, lol @ 'I am rarely forced'.

You're 'rarely forced' because you practically live on ResetEra.
Imagine being that guy's clown teacher and having to go to work every day, knowing how hopeless the effort is

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