Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
tyrant’s GTA style self portrait avatar is all the evidence i need to know that they are very serious and very real.
(07-11-2024, 03:37 PM)DavidCroquet wrote: tyrant’s GTA style self portrait avatar is all the evidence i need to know that they are very serious and very real.

The one before that was an edited real photo too. Verdict: probably touching themselves when you reply
(07-10-2024, 11:45 PM)CHOW CHOW wrote: One trans murder in all of 2023 in the UK despite Joanne's best efforts? 



That's part of her evil agenda, the constant gaslighting so we all look paranoid. We know where her rhetoric leads, the blood on her hands already, but she deliberately keeps the numbers low for plausible deniability. And that's not including the possibility that the still ongoing right-wing government is covering up the murders, we already know about the mass killing of children they covered up, why wouldn't they cover up an entire genocide?

Spoiler:  (click to show)
More zerovag wisdom
Quote:If Biden withdraws from the race, he's not resigning as president for the final six months of his term as well.

That would only complicate the situation for everyone involved in the potential Harris campaign and election

Great plan. “Democrats admit biden incompetent to string two words together, while still being fully competent to run the country”. How the fuck does that inspire confidence?
(07-11-2024, 11:11 AM)Snoopy wrote: Tyrant has to keep bumping their thread because no one is giving them any attention.
Fat4all wrote:im fortunate enough to talk to ppl already about such things, helped greatly over the last 5 years or so (when I finally can out to my dad), but it still a very nice an comforting offer to make to folks regardless
Quote:I wish you all the best with this!

As someone who is cis, I've thought it better to keep myself out of the discussion in the sense I'd rather listen to what trans people have to say than insert any of my own thoughts, in the same way I'd hope people would allow me to centre myself as a minority in a different respect. Idk if that is the best way to be an ally but I'm a pretty non-confrontational person haha.
Quote:Something that has always worried me a bit regarding this conversation is the unwillingness of some to actually talk to people to help them understand and respect those who are gay, trans, whatever have you. I was, at one point in my life, someone who was incredibly dismissive of the whole thing and was at points downright hostile about it. I don't like admitting it, but it's the truth. I had a couple of people who really took the time to actually talk about it with me and helped me come to an understanding and acceptance to it. I can't thank them enough, and I do wish that there was a little less hostility and more willingness to have those kinds of conversations.

I know, they're difficult and some people won't be changed, some people will be assholes about it. But I think these conversations as a whole are invaluable. I hope this can stay open and I hope that you're able to help people accept others and possibly themselves.
Quote:I was, at one point in my life, someone who was incredibly dismissive of the whole thing and was at points downright hostile about it. I don't like admitting it, but it's the truth.
I was the same way, a long time ago. I told all the usual bad homophobic jokes. I never talked to anyone about it, but eventually figured it out on my own that hey... that's me. Took a long time.
theTVglow wrote:quite the selfless offer, and i hope the interactions are nothing but positive and enriching! having someone offer information and a non-judgemental forum for these kinds of conversations is invaluable.

it took me too long to realize i was parroting a lot of ignorant beliefs bestowed upon me by my family and community, let alone before i realized i was trans myself, and i don't doubt that if i had access to information and a patient teacher that i would have been able to bypass a lot of that painful time.

and even just as an avenue for someone who's cis but wants to simply learn more or become a better ally, this kind of offer is incredibly kind and i hope you appreciate how hard doing this kind of thing can be!!
plagiarize wrote:*positive affirmation that could be perceived as a spoiler for a movie*
plagiarize wrote:
theTVglow wrote:working my way out of the midnight realm rn
It's a hard path, but you aren't the first, and your efforts will help make it easier for folks that follow.

You've got this.
Kyuuji wrote:I really hope this isn't a spoiler or smth 🙏 I've been ignoring threads on it until it releases here on the 26th, it's been a stupidly long wait to see it.
plagiarize wrote:The film is very open to interpretation, and I don't think my post speaks to events in the plot. I'm being intentionally vague here. I had no idea the UK was still stuck waiting, but I'll edit it all the same.
Kyuuji wrote:It's cool just wanted to check, sorry to be a pain. You know how few trans films we get and it's annoying having to wait months to finally see it bc of things like this. Have it booked with a friend and excited to see it largely blind beyond the trailer and the praise.
Dice wrote:Thanks for all the fighting you do T002 T. 🫡

It's sad but noble when you gotta take up the flag and "play mom" by answering an exhausting amount of questions, but for a greater reason.
Quote:Thanks, OP. Hope this can help people learn more so they treat us with more dignity. Or at least have fewer excuses not to.
Quote:I wasn't able to u der stand the whole topic until my uncle visited and was now my aunt. She needed decades to feel free enough to tell us. It's always good to learn. Thanks OP.
Quote:Thank you for the generous offer, OP. I am thankful for a resource to learn how to usefully support my neighbors and friends.

I hope to be an ally for fellow humans who happen not to share my CIS female identity.
Quote:This is a tremendous offer on OP's part.

I was never against/uncomfortable/biased against trans people, but I've come to realize how simply "being okay with" their existence isn't enough. I was fortunate to meet a trans man who bravely disclosed his journey to me and was open and honest about the struggles he had faced his entire life and it completely shifted my views and my understanding of the trans experience into a more proactive/activist mentality. It's really not until you meet someone who's gone through it that you can really understand, empathize and advocate.

I hope people who find themselves with questions (even 'dumb ones') take advantage of this generosity.
plagiarize wrote:I was born there, and lived there just over half my life. Still go back to visit semi regularly. I live in Massachusetts in the US now. At least *currently* it's a much safer place for me to be my true self.
Quote:Power to you, OP.

I'm a really simple person. Just let people live their fucking lives. Really isn't difficult.
Quote:Yeah good for you doing this OP.!
I've been the person explaining all this sort of thing and being the one people questioning reach out to alot and it can be so so rewarding but obviously can be a stress and sometimes not go the best, hope it all goes ok for you (I would offer the same thing but I'm new here so not too sure about doing that/if it'd be taken up.

I work(ed) alot in helping run trans spaces in a big city for queer people in the UK and have dealt with... alot in my 7 years but back like early 2017 I'll fully admit to being someone who wasn't anti-trans or anything I just had... no idea about any of it bar a few representations in media, took me meeting first 1, then 2 then dozens of trans people in my city to learn and god I made mistakes at first (never be confused about the difference between femme and drag (godamnit it past me)) but I asked questions to the right people who were willing to answer them and now I'm 4 1/2 years on hormones and I wouldn't change it for the world so from that perspective this sort of thing is very useful (as is educating people who are genuinely curiousto know/understand more) <3
T002 Tyrant wrote:
Quote:wait what's the difference that the op post is highlighted? does it show up somewhere else? it's already the op so... it's already of note 🤔 i don't understand 🤔
Guess what, I don't understand either 😝

I have no idea what happens when mods highlight my post, I thought at first when I got the notification it had gotten pinned (which I don't mind). But I honestly have no idea what highlighting does 😅
Quote:Really kind and generous offer - I may well take you up on it, particularly as with my job I sometimes have to talk to students going through a variety of issues and - although I remind myself constantly to listen and not put myself into what they are saying - there are times that I feel like I'm guessing at what good advice is. We're about to go on summer hols so it might not be until September.
Quote:I like to think I have some awareness and openness - but recognise that
1) me thinking it doesn't make it real
2) its surface level at best as I don't have lived experience or anything other than second hand information

I do try and recognise as the topic gets more specific in an area that I'm out of my depth and just back off (a lot of people could do well to do the same honestly) but having somewhere to go to discuss that specific point and help me understand would be a really valuable thing - thanks OP
Quote:Cannot even begin to imagine. Wish none of this was even necessary, but every little step in cis folks understanding is a good one. Didn't understand some things myself when queer people became more visible at first, but being more sensitive and toning down one's ego helped me to do so. I really applaud your effort.
T002 Tyrant wrote:It's something I do on a voluntary basis but I extend my education and advocacy to neurodivergencies, disabilities, Anti-Colonialism and anti-capitalisim. As I'm partially deaf, neurodivergent, anti-racist and an anti-capitalist I at least teach about disability and being neurodivergent, while supporting and amplifying indigenous and non-caucasian voices without stepping over them, but as a white woman I come from a way of privilege living in a country built on the blood caused by colonisation, and I am forever on a journey of self improvement when it comes to Anti-racisim and Anti-Colonialism. A journey that will continue until my dying breath.

I think if I can get through just to one person on any of the topics I have first hand experience in then I have done at least something.
Quote:Yeah, I think intersectionality is important. There's a lot of overlap in the injustices around us, and they impact also the apathetic without them even realizing it. And there's indeed no end to personal growth or education I think. It's always good to be humble. Heck, even making mistakes is a part of the learning process. It's never too late to change one's mind, to listen, to give up prejudices based on cultural norms for example, and to accept fellow human beings - as they are. 👍
T002 Tyrant wrote:Indeed and allies need to know they're not going to be born the perfect ally, they are born into a system that benefits them and rewards them for loyalty. And breaking completely free is difficult, and admitting that one isn't perfect should be encouraged, they shouldn't shy away from that, because admitting faults is the first step towards bettering oneself to become an greater ally.
Quote:You absolutely rock, OP! Initiatives like this don't only help the trans community but also society in general. I'm saying this as a cis (privileged af) man. You had no obligation to do it but it's great that you do. Thanks and congrats!
T002 Tyrant wrote:
Quote:I'm glad you're trained for this stuff and I hope you get a lot of people asking for help.
I was born for it. ✊

Anyway bumping this just in case, one last time.
T002 Tyrant wrote:Actually this will be my last bump on this thread to remind those with questions to ask them, for those in the closet to feel safe to speak with me. You are loved regardless.
Here's the problem. It's reading trans people that makes me less tolerant of them because of how clearly they outline a totalitarian agenda based around a religious cult founded on sexism and I'm not tolerant of totalitarians. I can't "just leave people alone" because they are the ones who articulate that that's clearly not allowed, including with their central demand that I deliberately treat them in a sexist way based on their own personal nonsense. One of the posts above even admits they thought they were an ally because they didn't care what other people did and the trans community has made quite clear that's not acceptable enough. You want to talk about power and privilege? "Trans rights" is an explicit political agenda about giving a very tiny group of sexists extraordinary power and privilege to control everyone else. They can't even stop themselves from talking about wanting to convert others, including children, to their sexist cult and ruin their health with blatant pseudoscience. (Not to mention their lives with deliberately adopting BPD type behavior.) Yeah, I'd love to go back to "just leaving people alone" but that's clearly not an option. But that's none of my business...
That's aside from my moral view that it's wrong to demand others lie for you.
What's been fascinating me lately is watching how similar phenomenons are developing with stuff like Ozempic and how introducing a drug into an online community with promises of some kind of apotheosis creates these weird new moralities that are suddenly universal facts

You get it with ADHD and stimulants, blokes on TRT. Once you bring in the drug people fight it out to become chief shaman. But that's also kinda how society became a thing right? Fascinating business this internet.
(07-11-2024, 11:11 AM)Snoopy wrote: Tyrant has to keep bumping their thread because no one is giving them any attention.


Quote:Actually this will be my last bump on this thread to remind those with questions to ask them, for those in the closet to feel safe to speak with me. You are loved regardless.
Doubt it'll be their last bump.
From my experience, it's the transbians and they/thems that are the real nutcases. A trans woman that would have been an effeminate gay man otherwise is pretty harmless.  It's the porn brained sissy hypno trans lesbians you have to watch out for. You know they've built their female persona off the most fucked up porn imaginable. I wouldn't want to share a bathroom with them either.
The Democrats voted a defense bill out of committee that has a ban on Tricare (military, military veteran and military families) funding child transition rather than voting the entire thing down because of this one thing. Trans Twitter is getting amped up about it. More evidence the Democrats are complicit in the genocide.

edit: Perhaps it is all trans "healthcare" I trusted trans Twitter too much but these (slightly) more trustworthy sources indicate otherwise:

As always, it's about scaring the audience so they can take it further:

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Propagandhim, Taco Bell Tower
(07-11-2024, 05:06 PM)EaldNarche wrote: From my experience, it's the transbians and they/thems that are the real nutcases. A trans woman that would have been an effeminate gay man otherwise is pretty harmless.  It's the porn brained sissy hypno trans lesbians you have to watch out for. You know they've built their female persona off the most fucked up porn imaginable. I wouldn't want to share a bathroom with them either.

Those of us who are not shut in mutants will have experienced creepy behaviour from other men, and to me that's the driving force behind most of the main players on Resetera. They are basically just creepy unfuckable men who have to pay a tax to fit in.
(07-11-2024, 04:53 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: What's been fascinating me lately is watching how similar phenomenons are developing with stuff like Ozempic and how introducing a drug into an online community with promises of some kind of apotheosis creates these weird new moralities that are suddenly universal facts

You get it with ADHD and stimulants, blokes on TRT. Once you bring in the drug people fight it out to become chief shaman. But that's also kinda how society became a thing right? Fascinating business this internet.

Most of our experiences with trans people, predominantly trans women, are likely from an earlier generation. Their goal was trying to live as a woman legitimately. Even a moron like Brianna Wu is part of this generation, that's why Wu has never admitted to it and went after the media for writing a story calling him trans. For him it was supposed to be this secret, you're supposed to pretend, etc. But there was always an honesty about what they were, they were males trying to be women. Transition is a never-ending process for an impossible goal.

These other people are from something new, where they redefined gender to mean fetishes and fetishes to be their entire personality. And it's about forcing others to submit. This is what attracts them to the "social justice" thing because that's about the same thing. There's the impatience which is why they threw out "truscum" and demand that everyone accept that you don't have to do anything that you can just declare a new gender and everyone must obey. The HRT's part of the ritualization, even the surgeries are talked about very differently. But always with the instance that nobody should have to do anything but identify.

I don't know enough about people like Blair White or Sophia Narwitz but I imagine they're closer to the original generation in their goals. I certainly haven't heard of them wielding their identity as a weapon. That one trans woman doctor, Erica Anderson, that came out against some of the stuff, criticized WPATH, etc. that's been accused of being a TERF and truscum traitor I would assume is part of that earlier generation. Again, I don't know enough about any of these people but I imagine they aren't like excelsiorlef or whoever trying to hunt down anyone who misgenders them.

What we're really dealing with is a group of people who feel non-submission to them is lese majeste and needs to be dealt with in the most harsh way possible. And that everyone else has a duty to do so, that's why they scream about it and use GENOCIDE and such language, it's supposed to be convincing others to use force for them. Their being trans is more circumstance than anything, if being trans didn't have power they probably wouldn't be interested no matter what their fetishes. But for a certain type of white male it's a tremendous weapon that can't be ignored if you want status and power within groups that would otherwise place you at the bottom of the progressive stack and demand you be silent.
Add in the absolute wrongun ones who need new identities for their personal, social and criminal history because they made a complete arse of the first run
Also if you're online focused/incel/shut-in/etc. and you "come out" and immediately get "love bombed" and everyone treats you better that's going to feel very "euphoric" because you've just dramatically improved your ingroup status. Look at posters who suddenly come out on, they probably get invited to Discords, they get to throw around their status and post wildly on the forum with no consequences. They never had that before.

But because these groups are so insular and demanding it cuts you off from all other social groups. If you're already in that grouping I mentioned this just inclines you more to remove yourself from the real world because that will comparatively be nothing but problems simply because it's not deliberately dishonest.

Many of these people are people who see others as morally wrong for being different. Being gay is wrong, I'd never be gay. Being mentally ill is wrong, I'd never truly be that, it's just a little problem I can fix. So me need to change? To work on myself? To become accepting of myself? No, I just need to make a superficial change and everyone else will automatically treat me as I deserve to be treated which is as a perfect godking.

This just exacerbates the anxiety, depression, etc. because it's running away from the only well known things that work. Meanwhile the people who treat them "right" just tell them to take more drugs, make more superficial changes and eventually you'll be euphoric all the time like you should be. Even though they're all miserable too. And since this will only ever fail the problem must be capitalism or society. We need violence to just destroy the entire system and force everyone to treat me as I should be treated.

They don't see the ratchet, the cycle, etc. because they never question the premise that the problem isn't them. I'm trying to argue that much of this "identity" crap is faking that the problem is you, because you're really trying to control other people's responses about you not actually changing yourself. But it's changing irrelevant things about you and thinking this should change how others respond, so it's based on this very ignorant view of other people. The social justice stuff plays into it by telling them that everyone else is racist, misogynistic, transphobic, etc. or controlled by sinister forces. It tells you that you don't need to question your own behavior because the problem is everyone else not being "rational" performers of basic human decency. It's a very narcissistic worldview that's completely naive and ignorant about everyone else and the rhetoric and arguments and everything else of the worldview encourage destroying actual social groups and actual communities in pursuit of an impossible reality where the focus of everyone else (never you) is on making you individually happy.

That's why it's exhausting and they're all always so tired, they've placed the locus of control entirely outside of themselves and are permanently frustrated at their lack of control over everything.
Being fair, I think people that enabled people like Wu worst behavior also helped the perception that being Trans was a bizarre form of social status upgrade. I remember how much Gaf defended a lot of the her BS during the Gamergate years and Patrick Klepek pretending that her game had some merit outside getting connections to the SF Indie circle.

Also remember how insane that thread at Gaf with Chloe Sagal (?) scamming people for money for her transition and how they attacked the journo for trying to warn people after everything else failed? There was a sincerity in both Wu and Sagal, but they also benefited from the growing nastiness of the movement before getting kicked out of it.
(07-11-2024, 06:13 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Being fair, I think people that enabled people like Wu worst behavior also helped the perception that being Trans was a bizarre form of social status upgrade. I remember how much Gaf defended a lot of the her BS during the Gamergate years and Patrick Klepek pretending that her game had some merit outside getting connections to the SF Indie circle.

Also remember how insane that thread at Gaf with Chloe Sagal (?) scamming people for money for her transition and how they attacked the journo for trying to warn people after everything else failed? There was a sincerity in both Wu and Sagal, but they also benefited from the growing nastiness of the movement before getting kicked out of it.
I see that only connected to their trans status because that was the movement these "progressives" were already going in. Yeah, Wu has always been this way if you look into their background. And Sagal had all kind of issues. The criticism wasn't handwaved because of anything they did, it's because the social justice rules were kicking in about how you must always treat "marginalized people" (the term hadn't come in yet) which wasn't to treat them as humans like everyone else but to place them on some kind of social and cultural pedestal immune from criticism and excuse anything they did as if they had no agency of their own.
Back then they were focused on doing this but for women in general because we didn't yet know that white women were the scum of the Earth. Wu tried weaseling into that, not standing out as trans explicitly.
Quote:Anyone that downplays the dehumanization of Palestinians (and those sympathetic to the people of Gaza) that is happening now, under current regimes, facilitated by these corporate systems acting with intention, can so thoroughly go fuck themselves.

Even though I'm a lesbian?  Mjcry

Min wrote:Before it got nipped in the bud and deleted, the thread with a poll asking if Biden should drop had like 50+% in favor of him dropping the nomination on Era so that kinda tells you everything.

Sydle wrote:Probably depends on what the people around him [Biden] and that he trusts the most are saying. He doesn't strike me as the type to hold on to power just because. In the past he said something to the effect of he probably wouldn't have run for President if Trump weren't running.
GulfCoastZilla wrote:It just popped in my head but I don't like.the optics of Trump only being able to defeat women canidates to become president (if that dark time line comes to fruition again)
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): inflammatory comparisons; a history of similar behavior
OnionPowder wrote:
Davey Cakes wrote:I've been seeing a lot of posts on X asking "why are only rich white elitists demanding Joe Biden drop out?"

Starting to feel like a psyop at this point. As if regular working people have zero knowledge of politics and cannot possibly think that running a geriatric candidate like Biden could be destructive to their interests.
There is a segment of American liberals that do not get enough attention imo. I saw a popular post comparing Biden dropping down to sexual assault, another popular post saying that the media is pushing Joe Biden out to cover up Epstein, and a LOT of posts claiming that nobody cares about Palestine now because all of the pro-palestinian voices are actually Russian bots. Anybody who wants Biden to step down hates women, they're racist, they want Trump to win.

It's a fucking disaster that ruins any discussion. No different than Trumpers, just sick people.

The website already sucks but it's worse than ever rn.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): inflammatory comparisons; a history of similar behavior
rashbeep wrote:blue maga is absolutely a thing

Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory comparisons
Nola wrote:
RainsJitt wrote:
So basicaly Biden's senior campaign team has turned into a bunch of mini Trumps

Something that has been swirling through my head a lot is all the stories from Trump's presidency about how his handlers essentially edited reality for him so as to not trigger him, distract him, and to reinforce what he already wanted to hear. That they knew if you were the one to get his attention at X time, or be the first to put Y in front of him, he would almost always be persuaded to your position.

I wish Bob Woodward was still at it cause I really, really want to read the inside story on how much of that is going on right now. How much self-serving sycophants are either bending reality on behalf of Biden, or bending reality to influence Biden for their own agenda
B-Dubs wrote:For the record, this situation IS NOT an excuse to make Trump comparisons. The man is literally talking about making a bigoted dictatorship! You need to stop whitewashing and normalizing his insane nonsense!
Isn't B-Dubs white? WHITE PEOPLE
(07-11-2024, 06:27 PM)Jansen wrote:

First post (by a former mod I think) really sums up the reason these idiots keep getting sucked in by people like  Jussie

Volimar wrote:Just saw this. Absolutely terrible behavior from Microsoft. Hopefully the attention convinces them to reverse themselves. The idea that Palestinians=Hamas without any real evidence is pretty shitty but honestly par for the course.

The Windows Central article is itself just a dupe of an article on the BBC which is far less certain about it's accusation than what appears in the OP and the WC article. That being said, the BBC article itself is pretty low quality and is just unconfirmed anecdotes dressed up as news.

Instead of maintaining some level of scepticism about the claims, old captain Volimar here just dives right in, setting the appropriate outraged tone for the rest of the thread to follow.

The thread careens around the usual "fuck Microsoft" stuff until a random user comes up with "the take":

M4xim1l1ano wrote:As someone who has been involved with and also worked for Microsoft in early 2000s, and also being a huge supporter of their Xbox program (was involved in the OG Xbox product strategy), I can honestly say that MS can go fuck themselves.
MS has been working very closely with the Israeli government for decades. I didn't know or "cared" because I didn't know about the "conflict" back then but since early 2020, I have been studying every part of the question of Palestine, history, geopolitics, international laws.. etc. I KNOW THE TOPIC.

To then see and understand how far MS has showed it heads in Israels ass was a great delusional moment. I have not jumped in yet on Xbox Series, I was my intention but because of how complicit MS is to the Israeli crimes happening in Palestine, MS made the decision for me. Absolutely no Xbox going forward..

This is a small act but this is something that can get amplified. There are many NGOs actively seeking to trial companies for being complicit in the ongoing genocidal intentions and I don't see why MS should "suffer" from this as well.

As a matter of fact, people within MS are already mobilising..

A Marriage Made in Hell: An Introduction to Microsoft's Complicity in Apartheid and Genocide

MS is henceforth forever boycotted unless they change their ways and I will do what I can to highlight their complicity in the atrocities happening in Palestine.

(Btw, former MS guys like Steven Sinofsky are regurgitating IDF lies and propaganda..)

But yeah, if you still are on the fence of buying an Xbox, DON´T.
Let this be your decider..

and fuck MS


If you want me to take you seriously mate, maybe a little less console wars next time, ok?

Lotus wrote:the premise is just lazy, sorry but it is

Lotus perpetually consumes every modern TV/anime/manga/movie and has almost 110k posts. How dare they insinuate anyone else is lazy!
While searching that M4xim1l1ano dudes username, I came across this thread which had some thoughts...

Quote:Hey all,

I have some questions about the restrictions/set up possibilities of the nintendo switch. We have bought a switch for our son (he is 7) that he will get for Xmas and I have already opened it to set it up so that once Xmas is here, it just plug and play.

I have questions.

So I have created 2 users on the device, one for my son and one for us parents. I have set the restrictions via the parental control app, that is all good.
But, for example.. If I want to play a game that he is not allowed to play, will he still be able to see that that game has been played, and exists on the library? This woulld be all kinds of sucky.

My ideal set up would be something similar to login into a computer.
1. You are presented with different users at boot up.
2. The parent account is obviously password locked, the kids not (optional).
3. log in

This way, the kids profile have no clue what kind of games the parents/older teens are playing and one can set up much more precisely the kids account, making sure they only get access to specific things.

I have downloaded the NES/Super NES games and now the icons are visible in the library section and everyone can view this regardless of user. If I want to play for example Hades or similar, this will appear in the library but my son will not be able to play it because of the age restriction. SO he would see the icon, would maybe try to play it and then ask me about why he cant play it... this opens up stupid questions etc..

So questions are:
1. Is it certain that the library items can be seen by all users but due to restrictions, would not be able to be accessed by everyone?
2. If yes on the above, suggestion on how it can be handled... how have you handled this?

In general, it seems this whole parent/child setup is not ideal set on any consoles. I would prefer something like a main user and then sub users and that those can be limited as desired and that once the console is started, you have to choose a profile before actually seeing the welcome page etc etc.

(disclaimer, I have not seen how Sony manages this and my last XBox console was 360. I have been using Xcloud for a while and been checking the setup for this on the cloud but even MS didnt get it right it feels like.. or perhaps the setup is totally different on the consoles?)

Anyways, much appreciated for input and whatnot.
Besides this, the Switch seems awesome, (OLED version). looking forward of playing with my son.. Smile

It's probably just uguu and  Sophisticated Japanese Gaming , but I can't help but think it's maybe a bit of this  EAT FRESH too

My kids play on my Switch. Never felt the need to implement parental controls because I discuss things with them about appropriate content and I don't play paedo anime games. I certainly haven't ever felt the need to hide any evidence of certain games because I don't buy thinly veiled fetish content.
Knowing the palestinians and their "charities" these are the "relatives in Gaza"

[Image: word-image-1699083684515.jpeg]
M4xim1l1ano wrote:I didn't know or "cared" because I didn't know about the "conflict" back then but since early 2020, I have been studying every part of the question of Palestine, history, geopolitics, international laws.. etc. I KNOW THE TOPIC.

I don't have anything to add, just wanted to point out how funny this sentence is.
Quote:Hopefully they ignore the English forums.  The piss poor moderation has pretty much let it be taken over by chuds spamming hate threads the last 2 weeks.
No such thing happened
Do you think people would really do that?

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