Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-12-2024, 05:19 PM)killamajig wrote:

Kunty is taking the news well I see. He even unleashes the C-word.
Quote:Fucking cunts the lot of them. How dare they do this under the guise of care, how dare they cite the now-thoroughly debunked Cass Review, ignoring international standards and best practices of care in the process. How dare they prevent generations of my community from having any ability to be themselves, forcing them knowingly through lifelong changes with no ability to pause and choose for themselves. The pain and harm this inflicts upon the most vulnerable in our community is devastating. Utterly fucking reprehensible people.

Quote:Scarily options to move away to are becoming scarce as well.
Quote:Isn't that the truth. My shortlist is Ireland, Germany or Canada atm for if they amend the Equality Act or the review into our healthcare produces another Cass style farce.

Hope the U.S. isn't on the long list either.

Love this. Support the (stupid) ban on the word “cunt”. Browbeat mods into compliance when trans most affected. Deploy cunt first sentence as freely as you like (while others are still bound by the silly rule).
(07-12-2024, 07:38 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(07-12-2024, 06:28 PM)Steven Snell wrote:
(07-12-2024, 06:14 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Why isn't she posting this in the Why Women Criticize thread?

Too afraid of the big bad Morrigan beast.

You're absolutely right
Quote:what are people's thought on the newest Zenless Zone Zero tease, i mean it is a full gacha game so they go hard on the Waifu bait.

i do like the design though.
[Image: GR_aDybXsAAHz-P?format=jpg&name=large]
Quote:Trash in every way
(You asked)
Lesbian fetish who's on break beating their meat to the female characters
Quote:Trashy, especially with the ripped stockings. Girlfriend plays it and she showed me the in-game model today. The jiggle physics are bad, even for a smaller chested character like her.

Quote:As a guy I gotta say I hate how everyone in this game has the consistency of flan

Like Girls are jiggling every shot. Every movement.

like I'm not going to lie, I have hetero interests. But this is far too much. Like I shouldn't have to feel embarrassed to talk or play a game in public and certain characters here deffo push that boundary. Seeing other guys discuss this makes me feel like an alien sometimes, it's like do you all not have an off switch?
Quote:Even outside of the sexualization they look like generic sameface soulless gacha trash. Seriously one of the most repulsive and ugly art style I've seen in a while
Someone's jealous over video game characters  Social Justice Warrior 2

FurrySmasher wrote:Yeah. I really think the character designs in ZZZ are pretty much across the board repulsive. The game itself could've been pretty cool (it's trying SO HARD to be stylish and Persona 5-ish and it almost nails it as long as no PEOPLE are on screen) but the character designs just make me want to jump out a window when I look at them. I honestly can't think of a single character that I don't have any complaints about.

ok the bear is fine but that's it

The furry bara bait character? Really? 

Even has the construction worker motif.
Reply wrote: User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory attacks on other users

hope everyone in the election thread enjoyed their little celebration last week, now the blood of every trans kid this kills is on your hands
I guess the staff say Genocide Joe's off the hook.
(07-12-2024, 07:45 PM)benji wrote: wrote: User banned (2 weeks): inflammatory attacks on other users

hope everyone in the election thread enjoyed their little celebration last week, now the blood of every trans kid this kills is on your hands
I guess the staff say Genocide Joe's off the hook.

Wait, Era is even banning the PAWGs? This is a genocide I simply cannot ignore!

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Yes, I am aware the poster likely not an actual PAWG. Probably not even a PAWB! maf
I doubt Kyuuji is afraid of Morrigan, but I don’t think he sees any benefit on picking a fight with her because this game.

It should be noted that most of the Burka thread are probably salty that Mihoyo went back in creating fan service driven female characters. China censorship is probably getting lax again about sex. Even the most recent Genshin character is a redhead in a latex bodysuit. lol 

(07-12-2024, 07:52 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I doubt Kyuuji is afraid of Morrigan, but I don’t think he sees any benefit on picking a fight with her because this game.

It should be noted that most of the Burka thread are probably salty that Mihoyo went back in creating fan service driven female characters. China censorship is probably getting lax again about sex. Even the most recent Genshin character is a redhead in a latex bodysuit. lol 

They also have this huge chip on their shoulder where they want to believe that sex doesn't sell but the amount of absurdly successful gacha games keeps ruining the narrative
Seriously, ZZZ even has a wolf man butler. You can’t blame them in not being equal opportunity horny.
Messofanego wrote:Did people think Labour was bluffing on this? They've been very clear several times. They're already fine abandoning their Muslim voter base to be genocide apologists, and they will enact fascist policies on trans folks for another genocide. If you voted for Labour for harm reduction, you'll get to see what you can actually tolerate now when the plans are put into action.
Quote:Fucking disgusting little weasel. He's going beyond the shit in that revolting cass "review"

Thinking back on all the people who dismissed the valid concerns about labour or who got defensive when people said they wouldn't vote for Labour, because of shit like this.

Where are those fuckers now. They got anything to say about this miserable right-wing lickspittle piece of shit.
Quote:As someone who's bi I don't understand how anyone could be like this - especially people who know how badly gay and lesbian people were treated even up until the 2000s when finally the homophobia started to tone itself down. I realised I was bi only a few years ago so I luckily never felt any of that kind of abuse myself, but even as at the time an outsider I could see how it was wrong and how someone like Wes can see how Gay people were treated back then and hurt Trans people in a much worse way I have absolutely no idea.
Quote:Puberty blockers save lives. They saved mine.

This is evil, harmful and not backed by any scientific consensus.
TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:I really wish the evil shits running the NHS got some justice, you can't pretend you give a damn about saving lives when you push shit like this.
Amalthea wrote:There were always deeply transphobic gay people. If you go beyond the most surface level queer history narratives you'll find how we were almost always kept out of the community as far as possible until the last few years.

Hell, I've recently even come across an open letter to the Weimar Republic's World Committee for Human Rights where a gay member of the SA (yes, that SA!) lamented that the good, patriotic Germans would have long accepted gay people if they were only shown straight(-passing), real (heteronormative)gay guys and not hermaphrodites, 
transvestites and effeminated ones like Hirschfeld did.
T002 Tyrant wrote:What's even worse is that he's gay and he's going after children in his own community.
Quote:Can someone from the UK explain the obsession with punching down on trans people? Is it all to appease JK Rowling and her ilk of TERFs?

I genuinely don't understand what's going on, it's like the only thing on British politicians' mind, from Tories to Labour.
T002 Tyrant wrote:The transphobic movement worships J K Rowling and she has been funding anti Trans Think Tank to lobby for anti Trans laws. Her cult runs deep throughout society, in the media, in government.

It's been pushed in the UK for years as a woman's rights issue, and if you don't bow the Rowling then you are blasted by the transphobic press for being against women.

Dr Hillary Cass, a transphobe, who met several times with Ron Desantis to discuss a final solution on Trans people was appointed to do a review of transgender healthcare for youths. She omitted trans voices, but allowed transphobic organisations to have their say in the report, she omitted all but one piece of evidence, stating that such evidence isn't true because it wasn't double blinded, even though it's impossible to double blind puberty. Not only that but allowed pseudoscientific evidence in including a report that said playing with gendered toys was partially biological in. And tried to spin the fact that only 10 in over 3000+ transitions regretted it. Oh and said that being trans was just autism.

Anyway it suggested an immediate ban on puberty blockers, despite the drugs being used on cisgender kids without issues. And without actually reading it or listening to reason BOTH Labour and Tories agreed with the findings. Anyone who didn't was forced to apologise and resind their questioning of the report.

Weak spined centrists don't like being called by the self appointed "Queen of all Women" Rowling so they just fall in line with Transphobia, because the government and press are systemically transphobic due to the amount of TERF Rowling worshipers there.

Where in America it's more seen as a left wing / right wing political issue. The UK it's a bipartisan "feminist" issue of which there is no escape.

The only reason I've not killed myself is because its against my life insurance, I can only hope that something within my life insurance gets me before I find no other option. I'm not leaving my wife without an insurance payout.
Quote:Thank you, now I have a better picture of what's going on, and it'd be terrified if I was a trans person living in Britain.

We are at a point as a society where a billionaire on Twitter can systematically end your rights as a person and directly threaten your identity. Depressing shit.
Quote:Your breadth of knowledge on the subject is impressive and frankly comforting. We all need people like you in the fight.

So, regarding the last paragraph, please always remember that things can and will change for the better, even if it's not looking like that just right now.

T002 Tyrant wrote:Thank you for the kind words, right now I just need as much hugs and support as possible.
Quote:It's a weird one because although the polling isn't great on trans rights with the general public, it's also not really on the publics mind. The last poll I saw was only 2% thought it was a priority issue for them. It's just a few high profile TERFs (I.e. Rowling) with power and politicians that keep it in the media and legislative spotlight.
Amalthea wrote:The simulation has become so lazy it doesn't even bother to generate new character models anymore:
[Image: kswro7fz.jpg]
Kyuuji wrote:To make it stark, the advice is now for young trans people or families of young trans people to leave the country:
[tweet from scammer]

Which can only be agreed with when staying in this country means being denied access to the healthcare you need, forced through the wrong puberty, potentially denied hormones until 25 (and even then facing a 18-22 year waitlist) and then surgeries that would have been avoidable had you been allowed to suppress puberty, consider your options and make an informed decision.
Quote:UK Health Secretary Wes Streeting is a massive cunt who is hellbent on destroying the lives of trans youth, to the point where leaving this shithole island is going to be their only option, if it's even an option. No words.
Quote:Fucking awful. Hatred for hatred's sake.
Quote:Would the Tories not have done this? Genuinely asking because I don't know.

(For the record: these are reprehensible and downright evil policy changes.)

Of course they would have, but what does it matter? If you - and by 'you', I'm not referring to you specifically, to be clear - elect the red group of openly transphobic murderous bastards as opposed to the blue, if you sign your name to their evil just because you think the other evil is worse, you still shouldn't crow on about how happy you are your team won.

Probably shouldn't have voted for them either, giving them a mandate to spend the next five years doing this in your name, honestly. Some lines shouldn't be crossed. They said they were going to do all of this before the election. It's one of the few things they weren't shy about.

Streeting won by 528 fucking votes, and the Tory was in third. Would it have mattered if he'd lost? Nah, Keir Starmer is a bigot, and has turned the Labour Party into an institutionally transphobic entity, but still: arguing that voting for this is even harm reduction rings really fucking hollow.
Quote:What a fucking disgrace.

Starmer has transformed Labour into a racist, trasphobic shitheap.

Don't. Vote. Labour.

They need to be punished for this.
Quote:I'm suffering so much psychic damage that I have to stop. I can't even imagine how all the trans kids who need PB are feeling right now. Actually I can and it's dark.
Quote:wow and the person is gay? he can get fucked.
Kyuuji wrote:Fucking cunts the lot of them. How dare they do this under the guise of care, how dare they cite the now-thoroughly debunked Cass Review, ignoring international standards and best practices of care in the process. How dare they prevent generations of my community from having any ability to be themselves, forcing them knowingly through lifelong changes with no ability to pause and choose for themselves. The pain and harm this inflicts upon the most vulnerable in our community is devastating. Utterly fucking reprehensible people.
Kyuuji wrote:It's state mandated child abuse, nothing less. Denying them the ability to pause and take the time to make an informed choice, and instead forcing them to knowingly endure the wrong puberty with no light of transition at the end of the tunnel thanks to the misuse of the 25 scheme and waiting lists for hormones.
incelsiorlef wrote:Starmer and Wes: "We think today about the horrific behavior of the Conservatives party in reaction to Brianna Ghey's mother coming to Parliament, is it with that in mind that we will institute multiple policies to create many many many more Brianna Gheys, so when all their mothers come to Parliament the Conservatives will have more opportunities to do better!"
Quote:This is actual child abuse. My heart goes out to all the kids that will be affected by this.
ClickyCal wrote:Scarily options to move away to are becoming scarce as well.
Kyuuji wrote:Isn't that the truth. My shortlist is Ireland, Germany or Canada atm for if they amend the Equality Act or the review into our healthcare produces another Cass style farce.
Quote:Why the fuck are some people so fucking horrible. Just let people be what they want, it doesn't hurt anyone. Like what the hell.
incelsiorlef wrote:Canada is about to go far right
Kyuuji wrote:I know, problem is a lot of places are so it's also trying to factor in countries you can speak English in, in addition to healthcare access. It's not an ideal situation in any sense.
Amalthea wrote:Germany also is worrying if you follow the situation around the AfD.
Quote:But that's also the problem - 2% caring means Labour can do whatever they want because most people won't give a shit about what happens to us.

And anti-trans folks care a whole lot more about the topic than people who are passively supportive but don't bother to keep themselves informed. It "makes sense" (for soulless profiteers) to cater to the people who actually make their voting decisions around their position.

Trans people are very much alone as governments around the world turn their eyes against us.
Scuffed wrote:This is so tragic. I straight up blame Rowling for all of this bullshit in the UK. She was worshipped there and has spearheaded so much transphobic rhetoric and popularizing it to a point that politicians see it as popular to be transphobic. It's fucking sad. I wish nothing but the worst for Rowling.
Quote:Honestly, the UK has just always been pretty nasty to LGBTQ+ people in general. We only struck down section 28 in 2003, and internationally, the anti trans movement is basically a chance to relitigiate their fight against the whole community.

The UK is quite a shit hole for our community and always has been.
This isn't true btw. We were literally judged as being the most lgbt friendly country in Europe just over a decade ago. Things had shifted *really* fast and were looking good. Heck, Theresa May supported self-id!

Then a band of fanatics and bigots honed in on trans women (because trans men don't exist according to them except as confused and abused lesbians) and genuinely set us back 20 years.

The whiplash has been incredibly depressing as someone who was around in the 80s and 90s.
Quote:Sending my love & moral support to the UK community.

Most countries doesn't even hide their genocidal tendencies anymore. In my book, this is obviously large scale child abuse and by definition, a crime against humanity.
T002 Tyrant wrote:I'm considering the Republic of Ireland. My main issues are

- Logistics I have to find an affordable house, sell this one, move all my stuff to a new house in another country over seas, as a non citizen I don't know how buying a home abroad will go, what's the income tax situation etc?
- Job, I need to also be able to obtain a job that I'm able to pay for a new mortgage with, my current job while remote is exclusively tied to being UK exclusive, I can't maintain my remote job without losing this one
- Benifits, I need a guarantee that my wife can keep her PIP

Really I need some legitimate advice on exactly how to move and what websites I can find houses and jobs in the Republic of Ireland.
Quote:On this site there are not adequate words to describe the state of UK politics. All I'll say is fuck you to everyone who told trans members to vote for labour regardless as if they didn't tories would stay in power
Quote:And don't forget they'll be taking all their trans policy advice from the country's biggest TERF

Fuck this shit
T002 Tyrant wrote:Like, they have a conservative government, and are somehow a million miles ahead of the UK in LGBTQIA rights. You'd think banning puberty blockers would count as conversion therapy?
ClickyCal wrote:If things go bad this November and even blue states aren't safe from what happens, I have no good option other than trying to refuge driving north to Canada, but that's a rough option and they might be going bad as well.
Good luck, Clicky. Thank you for your service!
T002 Tyrant wrote:Dr Hillary Cass, a transphobe, who met several times with Ron Desantis to discuss a final solution on Trans people was appointed to do a review of transgender healthcare for youths.
This isn't true at all. Not sure if I should PM this guy with my questions now. hmm
(07-12-2024, 07:59 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: No1curr
Typical Labour voter gloating about the fascist genocide he brought about. Social Justice Warrior 2
(07-12-2024, 07:54 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(07-12-2024, 07:52 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I doubt Kyuuji is afraid of Morrigan, but I don’t think he sees any benefit on picking a fight with her because this game.

It should be noted that most of the Burka thread are probably salty that Mihoyo went back in creating fan service driven female characters. China censorship is probably getting lax again about sex. Even the most recent Genshin character is a redhead in a latex bodysuit. lol 

They also have this huge chip on their shoulder where they want to believe that sex doesn't sell but the amount of absurdly successful gacha games keeps ruining the narrative

I imagine Mihoyo has the numbers and data to compare when they did fan service characters and when China pushed them to calm down. Even though that Genshin and Star Rail are insanely successful, I heard they were not thrilled by some metrics (mainly, both games cannibalizing each other… but still).
Reflecting Sky wrote:Maybe a naïve question; can a president declare an emergency situation if things get truly worrisome (in relationship to the election)?
Reflecting Sky wrote:
Jordan117 wrote:Based on what, exactly?
The election results I guess?
Reflecting Sky wrote:
Jordan117 wrote:You're suggesting Biden overrule the vote and somehow cling to power as an unelected dictator if he loses?
Not necessarily. More like a temporary situation to oust Trump and his cronies. Like I said, probably naïve. lol
Quote:How much does he not see?
Like I don't imagine he takes out his phone and reads what people are saying on Twitter right?

Dude is 81 years old and I would like to believe he would do the right thing if shown the full picture. Is he not being shown the full picture? If he is not, how is that legal?
This is such a massive problem. I hope people read the article because it's crazy imo.
Quote:I definitely believe this. It would explain why he thinks polling shows that he's winning against Trump.
I'm like 100% sure there was a story exactly like this a few years ago.

PhoenixAKG wrote:Sabra's actress was exempt from joining the IDF but still joined anyway and is posting Israeli propaganda in the war......pass
Not many people seem to care, for some reason. Thinking
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower
Jeff Marvel gritting his teeth in frustration
Can't believe they'd put this much pro western capitalism propaganda in my Captain America movie  Feeemales
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): diagnosing mental illness
Milky Way wrote:
Rychu wrote:Bob Casey and Sherrod Brown "got the baskets today", Fetterman yells at reporters.
There's another brain damaged freak that needs to be out of office
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Troll account
Halixa wrote:
Mezentine wrote:These are all things that I would like to be true, but every election in my adult lifetime has been a learning over and over that the things I want to be true aren't and that voters don't process information or behave in the ways that I process information and behave. I'm not trying to be glib about this, I'm really serious: the reason I haven't gotten on the "replace Biden" train is because all of the arguments I've heard sound like they depend on voters as a masse paying basic attention to politics and making decisions informed by accurate information. Do we have any actual evidence that rank and file voters, who do not read op-eds in NYT and WSJ, who do not post about politics on social media, who can barely tell you what happens in Washington in a given year let alone a given month, are actually expressing any sentiment that they want to replace Biden and would rally around a new figure? What I've seen so far is a lot of dissatisfaction with Biden but that does not necessarily imply those other two points and I feel like there's a lot of, frankly, wishful thinking about how people are going to react going around.
Why don't you just rig the election again like you did in 2020? That should resolve all of these concerns quite handily.
(07-12-2024, 08:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

PhoenixAKG wrote:Sabra's actress was exempt from joining the IDF but still joined anyway and is posting Israeli propaganda in the war......pass
Not many people seem to care, for some reason. Thinking
Khanimus wrote:
Quote:Well, if things were different nobody would've said anything, they could've changed the character's background like they did now and everyone would've been happy. But yeah, they invited the problem in a first place and people will only get more vocal by the time of release.
By all accounts they have changed the character's backstory. But even so, the question remains why cast this character at all? Even when the news hit of who this was, it was a bad look. People sympathetic to Palestine were already grossed out. Marvel could've given her role any filler name, but they chose to make this pull. And now in the wake of the last 9 months, even divorced of the actress' own shitty views, people are going to be giving extra scrutiny to this, whether or not the actual role in the movie even warrants conversation.
Quote:You're right on all accounts. Playing the devil's advocate I think Disney wanted a strong Jewish character that isn't either a psychotic, face peeling, former mercenary or genocidal supermutant but Sabra was definitely a wrong choice in the current climate even before Gaza became a graveyard. I think in the mind of execs it was the right kind of representation because shows like Fauda were doing decently well just a couple of years ago. I can only guess that they minimized her actual role in the movie, then again, Tomer Capone is just as bad if not worse in his support as Haas (on top of being a much worse actor) and he is still big part of the Boys, so, we'll see.
Quote:wtf yeah fuck this movie
IrishNinja wrote:yeah, pretty gross & i'm guessing they're hoping it's less of a big deal next year when most folks have "moved on" from the genocide
still an absolutely boneheaded move, definitely won't be catching this one in theaters
Quote:Apparently they did change her background from being a Mossad agent to a former Black Widow, but it doesn't really matter because of who plays the character.
Khanimus wrote:They're absolutely hoping this "blows over" which doesn't change why they included the character in the first place.
Fj0823 wrote:I have absolutely no idea where this "Sabra is an IDF soldier in the film" is coming from.

The character is named Ruth, she's an Ex-Red Room Black Widow who now works for the CIA.

The character was reported by leakers to be Sabra very early during the movie's production but was changed into Ruth early on.

This was NOT hastily changed in the recent reshoots as a response to controversy, you could see "Ruth" toys that went out in Happy Meals way before the reshoots started.

Now if the problem is the actress herself, that's fair. But the movie does not have an IDF supporting character and likely never did. Leakers should always be taken with a grain of salt.
Quote:I just heard about Sabra. She's going to ruin the film.
Lot of posts by "allies" like Neoxon, ZeoVGM, BossAttack, Slayven, etc. in this thread all of them avoiding this. hmm
ZeoVGM wrote:
subpar spatula wrote:You could see the expensive reshoots and they do not work lol
Where do you see the reshoots and how do they not work?
*50 posts later*
ZeoVGM wrote:Well, I asked someone earlier in the thread who claimed "you can see the reshoots" to explain where they're seeing them and they didn't answer.
Quote:Paramount Pictures, Lamar's pgLang, and Parker and Stone's Park County announced Thursday that they're working on an untitled movie that will "depict the past and present coming to a head when a young Black man who is interning as a slave re-enactor at a living history museum discovers that his white girlfriend's ancestors once owned his."

He's Jeff Checking Aaron Rupar. Mouf

Get his ass and his simps ass, Jeff. Phil
(07-12-2024, 08:39 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Can't believe they'd put this much pro western capitalism propaganda in my Captain America movie  Feeemales
I honestly feel like I'll only see it in theaters five or six times, it's like Disney is trying to help the chuds sabotage this. Maybe Iger is listening to Zaslav too much idk.
skinnyindonesian wrote:Love Kendrick but not gonna watch anything from the South Park chuds

Like Kendrick knows they want him enslaved or dead right? Like why is he doing this?
[Image: qsVX80q.png]

take a wild guess, dummy lol
Slayven is the best example of a barely functioning retard being allowed to wander the world.

loco wrote:Genocide Joe really is diet-Trump now. Regardless voting for a diet-Trump is much better than voting for Trump.
DrForester wrote:He's not going to quit. He's going to lose. And we're all going to deal with a supreme court with 5-6 trump appointed justices for the majority of the rest of our lives, regardless of what future election victories progressives will have.

I sincerely hope republicans drag Biden into their kangaroo courts, and congressional hearings for the rest of his life.
Quote:To be fair we're already going to have to deal with a far-right court for decades because a whole lot of Americans stayed home in 2016 and/or couldn't overcome their hatred of women/Hillary/her emails.
Quote:Literally learned nothing from Hillary's debacle.

You guys will go to the apocalypse blaming the voters instead of acknowledging your candidates are fucking dogshit.

I can already see 4 years of smug liberalposting "but his age".
Quote:Well it's not so much blaming as pointing out what happened. A lot of people stayed home in 2016 and now civil liberties, environmental protections, etc are being rolled back one after another.

Elections have consequences 🤷
I like how they just get angry and fight with each other over nothing, this same guy said Biden should drop out. lol

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