Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-12-2024, 07:57 PM)benji wrote:
Good luck, Clicky. Thank you for your service!

Secret letters to the Weimar Republic, meetings on the final solution for trans between DeSantis and a British doctor, J.K. Rowling funding a transphobic cult that has infiltrated his majesty's government

This shit is fucking insane even for them.  lol
The reason Slayven got a mod position is because he was the most street. Nep still treats him like a crip
zeovgm wrote:I would be really curious to get some opinions on this album and how it handles its concept from trans people of Era.

To me, the concept feels clumsily held together and confusing, somewhat eliminating the satire he's attempting. But maybe I'm being too harsh? Trying to have an open mind here.

KennyLinder wrote:I guess that would definitely be a 'your mileage may vary' situation but I'd imagine most groups he raps about are probably not the biggest fans in general. A few women I know have always hated Eminem for what he has historically rapped about.

zeovgm wrote:Well, that's the thing, right? It shouldn't just be the groups he goes after that get upset at it. If he's using ablest and transphobic slurs in his lyrics, shouldn't we all call that out as unacceptable? Or does it become okay because of the story he's trying to tell?

I'm genuinely struggling with that because there is a lot that I like about this album.Âce-releasing-summer-2024.854298/page-13?post=125736522#post-125736522

Unless Copmala comes out for full trans rights and a fully funded trans refugee program I'm not interested in voting for another fascist. #ACAB ERAsure of the marginalized!

Not like this!
(07-12-2024, 08:53 PM)benji wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:
subpar spatula wrote:You could see the expensive reshoots and they do not work lol
Where do you see the reshoots and how do they not work?
*50 posts later*
ZeoVGM wrote:Well, I asked someone earlier in the thread who claimed "you can see the reshoots" to explain where they're seeing them and they didn't answer.

I think I can spot the reshoot


Quote:Public opinion trending away from a Presidential candidate at warp speeds not seen since Howard Dean:

"Yeah but his policies are good if people just took time out of their days to decipher what he actually meant in-between continued gaffes, blunders and wildly varying states of energy and cohesion. He should stay."
It's absolutely bonkers how low the standards of a "good candidate" have fallen since then. A goofy little scream was enough to take him down in 2004. I bet he thinks about it frequently every time Trump or Biden open their mouths.
He had already lost when he did the scream. His national "frontrunner" status never saw him at much more than 25% and it was crumbling as they went into Iowa. He was at 30% in Iowa on Jan 7th, he got 18% on Jan 19th. Basically everyone jumped to Kerry when he won Iowa, the scream was essentially irrelevant.

I'm not the only one who thinks this: wrote:A feature of the scream that often goes unmentioned was that Dean was trying to energize his supporters after a loss. He had been the poll leader in the Iowa Caucus for months, as the graph below shows, but his support began to fade in the days before the contest, while the fortunes of John Kerry and John Edwards rose. There are a number of explanations for Dean's fall, including a failure to be embraced by party insiders, an inability to convert online national support into on-the-ground organization, and an ad war with Richard Gephardt that pulled both of them down. But it's key to remember that the Dean Scream occurred only after his disappointing finish in Iowa, the place where he'd concentrated most of his campaign efforts. A presidential candidate can certainly survive a third-place finish in Iowa, but it's damaging to do so when you were widely expected to come in first and when you have little organization elsewhere.


Sometimes, party insiders converge on a candidate long before the contests ever begin. That didn't happen in 2004. A lot of Democratic governors and members of Congress waited to issue endorsements because they wanted to see how the candidates did in the early contests. Dean's failure in Iowa demonstrated to them that he wasn't a closer. (Contrast that experience with 2008's Iowa Caucus, when Barack Obama demonstrated that a candidacy with celebrity-like appeal could actually translate hype into votes.)

Why didn't insiders flock to Dean? Keep in mind the nature of his candidacy. He described himself as representing "the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party," suggesting that others were not quite Democratic enough. He referred to the Democratic members of Congress who had voted with Republicans to support the Iraq War as "cockroaches." He notably made enemies of many of the party elites. This is a terrific strategy to generate press but a terrible pathway to win a party's nomination. Party insiders were far more impressed with John Kerry's steady ability to generate votes and his longstanding party bona fides. wrote:JOE TRIPPI, Campaign Manager: The worst part was we were headed to frickin' New Hampshire, where John Kerry had been in their living rooms for years as a Massachusetts senator. If there was a state he was going to win, New Hampshire was it. And he had just won Iowa.


TRIPPI: Our whole strategy was built around winning Iowa. And if we didn't win Iowa, we were going to be in a lot of trouble. And guess what, we didn't win Iowa. The Scream had absolutely nothing to do with the end of the Dean campaign. The Scream was just an exclamation point on it.


GARRETT M. GRAFF, Deputy National Press Secretary: I think it's one of the most misinterpreted moments in American politics. I think that the true impact of the Scream was that it cost John Edwards the bump that he should have gotten out of Iowa. The Democratic primary should have pretty quickly become a John Edwards-John Kerry two-man race, but it didn't because the Scream sucked up all the oxygen. I think if Edwards had gotten that boost two or three weeks earlier, right after Iowa, he might very well have ended up the nominee.

TRIPPI: Look, the establishment wanted to stop us and they did. He could have smiled and introduced himself that night, or he could have screamed. In the end I'm not sure it would've mattered.

GRAFF: The Washington establishment and the national media press corps never really understood the Dean phenomenon. And this was sort of an excuse for them to write off something that they didn't fundamentally understand. But more than that, the Scream was a way for them to discount the entire movement.
[Image: edc44a50-66ff-11eb-9fbf-0e3cb5b76b56]

Bond there is a transphobic cult dating all the way back to the Weimar Republic that has infiltrated his Majesty's government at the highest level.
It has started with petty bullying, denying trans children their puberty blockers with a fabricated study known as the "Cass Report". Pretty soon there will be millions of refugees fleeing the butchers of an unspeakable genocide in both Britain and the United States.  It'll be worse than the Holocaust, in fact it already is. Thankfully some of us can still pull on some strings of power and we need you to be our eyes, ears and if need be... sword.

Well, I guess that's not the only thing the trans can pull if they deny them their puberty blockers.
Never fancied sword fighting though, I'm more of a guy that shoots early and leaves before the lights go back on.

This is not a joke 007, the most powerful people in Britain are part of this group. We have recordings of secret meetings with Ron DeSantis, letters from Hitlers SA and of course hidden propaganda in a little known childrens book called Harry Pottter, spreading the Gospel of both the Nazis and the Zionists. We have designated this group as the TERFs and we believe J.K. Rowling is their leader sending messages of hate through her books. Yet while Rowling spreads her hatred unchallenged, the drag queens are not allowed to read stories to children.

It's always about the children with those perverts innit

We know your reputation 007, I wouldn't call the kettle black. Now your first objective is to get close to Wes Streeting, the newly appointed Health Secretary.
You might've heard about his personal preferences.

Wes the fag? Having a smoker as health secretary kind of blows the lid of their cover doesn't it.

He will be at the UEFA Euro 2024 final in Berlin this saturday. We fixed the match, after 75 minutes Harry Kane will get a penalty and decide the game. The Spanish will riot and that will distract his security detail allowing you to get close.

Haven't you learned not to use the same trick twice? Anyway, just how far does this go, the UEFA, NHS, London City Council?

All the way to the top 007. Keir Starmer, the so called "Human Rights Lawyer" and our new prime minister, "a government of service" he calls it. He is actually a transphobic bigot hell bent on carrying out this genocide on behalf of ms. Rowling.

Well I guess I really was the only one at MI6 that didn't want to be "serviced" by Starmer and my government M

Don't make it political 007, the Tories have been cunts for 14 years, you know that as well as I do.

I guess I'll call this one my trans-mission then
[Image: UUWHoDK.png]

What is genuine about internalized racism?????
(07-12-2024, 10:13 PM)Nintex wrote: Don't make it political 007, the Tories have been cunts for 14 years, you know that as well as I do.
This was one of your better ones. But no staff like on principle.
(07-12-2024, 10:15 PM)Propagandhim wrote: [Image: UUWHoDK.png]
But why would he agree to co-sign it to protect them?
will disney remove anthony mackie from the chinese movie poster?  lol
(07-12-2024, 07:57 PM)benji wrote:
ClickyCal wrote:If things go bad this November and even blue states aren't safe from what happens, I have no good option other than trying to refuge driving north to Canada, but that's a rough option and they might be going bad as well.
Good luck, Clicky. Thank you for your service!

when you need to flee for your life but you're just too tired.. Sigh.
Quote:COVID did a number on the world in so many ways that there's no need to even attempt to recount them all, but one pretty depressing lasting impact it seems to have had at least in the area in which I live is the seemingly permanent worsening of retail and dining experiences. Every aspect of going into any store, restaurant, or similar social space is considerably worse now than it was before COVID. Service pretty much across the board is atrocious due to understaffing and disgruntled workers, actual conditions of the business interiors, food quality, etc. are all abysmal compared to pre-COVID times.

It's like no matter where you go everything is just worse from top to bottom. This feels even more depressing in conjunction with the fact that COVID changed people's habits in lasting ways as well, with more people electing to simply stay at home than go out and shop at retail or dine in restaurants compared to years ago. So it's like this self-sustaining cycle of people not frequenting businesses anymore or going to social events in the same way that they once did, which in turn makes it harder for businesses to even attempt to bounce back and return to their previous quality.

Movie theaters are especially grim these days too, with their disintegrating seat upholstery and skeleton crew staffing. And since COVID wrecked the film industry there's possibly no turning that around anytime soon either. Electronics and gaming stores are also really depressing to browse now with their stock being absolutely anemic. And on top of all of that, due to inflation, all of these significantly worsened experiences cost more than they ever did before too.

But this is just my personal experience living in South Florida, and I'm curious to hear from other people from other areas of the United States as well as around the world to see if things are similar elsewhere. I'd love to know if and how other places have managed to bounce back more effectively than what I've been seeing where I live.


Fuck off doomer
(07-12-2024, 06:10 PM)benji wrote:
(07-12-2024, 05:56 PM)Propagandhim wrote: They see capitalism and individual wealth-accumulation as a zero-sum game, but not asylum seeking?  Like, I know you're trying to escape the trans sea of blood that is America, but they want to step in front of someone on the line who is escaping famine and war because kids can't get ahold of medications that disrupt their bodies developing normal adult sexual health.  lol
The "experts" on trans Twitter already claim there's an internal refugee crisis in the United States:

I'm very confused by this map.

Why are trans people from Florida fleeing northwest but Mississippionians  (can't spell) are going northeast. Then they meet in Ohio and can't even show solidarity? Maybe a disagreement about flag colours.
"they're hoping it's less of a big deal next year when most folks have "moved on" from the genocide"

You retarded fucking faggot ass bitch, 99.6% of people stopped giving a fuck 6 months ago
COVID changed people? Maybe if you're a school age kid but I doubt the Re masked cultists understand that feeling.  Rolleyes
2 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower
Being STUCK here?  lol There's refugees from third world countries fleeing war and death who dropped their whole lives to leave. Why can't the privileged trans folks of the first world do that?
(07-12-2024, 10:36 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Being STUCK here?  lol There's refugees from third world countries fleeing war and death who dropped their whole lives to leave. Why can't the privileged trans folks of the first world do that?
I shouldn't have to do anything just to receive basic human decency. Social Justice Warrior 2
Hi there! I'm an expert in human decency. I'm a grizzled vietnam survivor with a heart of gold and two wives (one of them is bi). Please DM me for a discount on lessons in being a decent fucking person jesus christ
Umm excuse me, but being told not to stare at women in the locker room is an assault on their basic human rights. Now help them open that pickle jar, bigot
charlie0108 wrote:Very, very mixed feelings on this one. It's so surreal to hear Eminem rap like he did in the early 2000s again and damn does he sound good, but the satire really just doesn't land for me. 'Slim Shady' said a lot of controversial/vile shit back in the day but it was a lot more 'popular culture commentary/shock value horror core' compared to the weird amount of psuedo-right wing talking points on this.Âce-releasing-summer-2024.854298/page-13?post=125745186#post-125745186

I know media literacy is at an all time low but….. what right wing talking points lol
Look, it's not like I take pleasure in constantly being right, I'm just observant.

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Also RT'd this:
(07-12-2024, 04:40 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:I actually took interest in Greece a year ago, starting with Mario Kart 8's Booster Course Psss bringing in the Athens track. Then with AC: Shadow info being leaked, I wanted to catch up on my Discovery Tours with Ancient Greece. Later that month, I got my first gyro, and watched 300 and Jason & The Argonauts.

Mario Kart 8 Athens track!!! Ate your first gyro!!! 

Slow down, Aristotle


Mentally challenged...all of them.
(07-12-2024, 08:59 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote:Paramount Pictures, Lamar's pgLang, and Parker and Stone's Park County announced Thursday that they're working on an untitled movie that will "depict the past and present coming to a head when a young Black man who is interning as a slave re-enactor at a living history museum discovers that his white girlfriend's ancestors once owned his."


T002 Tyrant
Quote:Ugh the fact two libertarians are involved is an instant no.
(07-12-2024, 11:53 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: T002 Tyrant
Quote:Ugh the fact two libertarians are involved is an instant no.
Imagine you'd prefer to have two libertarians for PM and Health Secretary right about now. But that's none of my business...
(07-12-2024, 05:38 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: I am curious as to the answer of what countries are currently offering asylum/citizenship paths etc to trannny people, based solely on said mental illness.

I hear Iran is nice this time of year.
(07-12-2024, 06:10 PM)benji wrote:
(07-12-2024, 05:56 PM)Propagandhim wrote: They see capitalism and individual wealth-accumulation as a zero-sum game, but not asylum seeking?  Like, I know you're trying to escape the trans sea of blood that is America, but they want to step in front of someone on the line who is escaping famine and war because kids can't get ahold of medications that disrupt their bodies developing normal adult sexual health.  lol
The "experts" on trans Twitter already claim there's an internal refugee crisis in the United States:

These fuckwits have already co-opted the term genocide, now they're stealing refugee too.
Angry Joe
(07-12-2024, 06:10 PM)benji wrote:

That's a pretty big margin of error Erin.

And Canada already has its own internal refugee crisis. Trans are fleeing New Brunswick and Saskatchewan in droves to find refuge in Manitoba...until Manitoba elects its own conservative government in 3 years. That's the problem with refugee resettlement here. Unlike US states which tend to stay more or less the same colour, provinces constantly switch from one side to the other, which I'm sure expert Erin is aware of.

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