Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-13-2024, 01:25 PM)Nintex wrote:

It's a harmless pop song but the comments are wild.

People use “white feminism” and by extension “karen” as a pass to hate on women. It’s weird.
It's okay though, twenty years from now a Lindsay Ellis will make a 3 hour YouTube video about how people mistreated Katy Perry
Quote:It's amazing how great Biden is at communicating to crowds with a teleprompter. He sounds sharp and very commanding. Doesn't require memorization or on-the-spot recollection. He just delivers and his delivery is solid.

The bar is now so low these retards are praising Biden's reading skills.
wrexis wrote:Nexus Mods was my go-to, but I've heard mixed things lately. Plus I've personally seen some mods in there recently that are very questionable.
Thunderstore is totally new to me, and I'm not sure if it's considered trusted or not.

No examples given, are we supposed to just believe this when nexus was banning mods that removed gay shit from games?
(07-13-2024, 01:35 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
(07-13-2024, 01:25 PM)Nintex wrote:

It's a harmless pop song but the comments are wild.

Got you fam
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: k3BRpH9.gif]
Quote:kind of sucks that most gacha is centered around freakbait and unrealistically muscular dudes. if they let me roll for some fat butches i'd be pretty tempted to whale ngl
(07-13-2024, 02:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
wrexis wrote:Nexus Mods was my go-to, but I've heard mixed things lately. Plus I've personally seen some mods in there recently that are very questionable.
Thunderstore is totally new to me, and I'm not sure if it's considered trusted or not.

No examples given, are we supposed to just believe this when nexus was banning mods that removed gay shit from games?

wrexis wrote:When I say mixed things, I mean from some mod creators. Apparently one click patching of mods is much easier from Thunderstore than Nexus.
Aside from that I've seen some shitty mods removing "woke" content like diverse character art in games, things like that. Adult content in mods doesn't bother me; that's been around for decades.

Just don’t download it if these things upset you….. no one’s forcing you to mod out the DEI characters lol
(07-13-2024, 01:37 PM)Polident wrote: People use “white feminism” and by extension “karen” as a pass to hate on women. It’s weird.

I haven’t followed the Dr. Luke drama, so I just looked into it. Supposedly his involvement is the reason Katy is being hated on (weirdly, not a lot of direct mentions or dunks in his direction though. funny that.)

But this MF has been active all over the joint. He produced Doja Cat and Kim Petras during all this Kesha drama…weird that reeee isn’t attacking those artists. What’s different, I wonder???
(07-13-2024, 01:27 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Tyrant T002 wrote:They have me a two day ban for naming and shaming a guy who sexually harassed me (with evidence) on there (that got flagged as inappropriate), alongside pointing out that transphobic guys claim there's two genders but have a million personality types (Alpha, Beta sigma etc), and it got flagged as hate speech. I supported a Black person who had been a victim of racial abuse and said "I'm sorry this happened to you. White People Fucking Suck" , flagged as haye speech. I posted a list of BBC producers with links to prove they have connections with far right organisations including white supremacy groups, again getting flagged as hate speech. I made a post in support of sex workers, flagged as as hate speech.

But when I flag a Zionist supporting the genocide, or transphobic behaviour, it's not hate speech.

The admins on LinkedIn are fucked.

This person was treating LinkedIn like their virtue signaling Twitter account… 


You’re a dumb cunt for posting that on LinkedIn in the first place, fml how retarded are you?
Rixan wrote:If we are being honest there's just no real circumstance in 2024 where there are this many slurs and punching down bars on an album where the majority of publications could review it favorably, regardless of the context in how those slurs are framed.

That's not a defense of either eminem or the publications, I enjoy the album well enough but after my first listen I knew there was simply no chance of this doing well from the consensus of professional critics - they aren't "allowed" to praise it with this kind of content - even if they might like most of it from an overall sonics or lyrics perspectiveÂce-releasing-summer-2024.854298/page-14?post=125762829#post-125762829

Daffy Duck dateline='[url=tel:1720882808' wrote: 1720882808[/url]']
kaleidoscopium dateline='[url=tel:1720877233' wrote: 1720877233[/url]']
Tyrant T002 wrote:They have me a two day ban for naming and shaming a guy who sexually harassed me (with evidence) on there (that got flagged as inappropriate), alongside pointing out that transphobic guys claim there's two genders but have a million personality types (Alpha, Beta sigma etc), and it got flagged as hate speech. I supported a Black person who had been a victim of racial abuse and said "I'm sorry this happened to you. White People Fucking Suck" , flagged as haye speech. I posted a list of BBC producers with links to prove they have connections with far right organisations including white supremacy groups, again getting flagged as hate speech. I made a post in support of sex workers, flagged as as hate speech.

But when I flag a Zionist supporting the genocide, or transphobic behaviour, it's not hate speech.

The admins on LinkedIn are fucked.

This person was treating LinkedIn like their virtue signaling Twitter account… 


You’re a dumb cunt for posting that on LinkedIn in the first place, fml how retarded are you?

Yeah but they’re consulting in the field  ufup
(07-13-2024, 01:27 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Tyrant T002 wrote:They have me a two day ban for naming and shaming a guy who sexually harassed me (with evidence) on there (that got flagged as inappropriate), alongside pointing out that transphobic guys claim there's two genders but have a million personality types (Alpha, Beta sigma etc), and it got flagged as hate speech. I supported a Black person who had been a victim of racial abuse and said "I'm sorry this happened to you. White People Fucking Suck" , flagged as haye speech. I posted a list of BBC producers with links to prove they have connections with far right organisations including white supremacy groups, again getting flagged as hate speech. I made a post in support of sex workers, flagged as as hate speech.

But when I flag a Zionist supporting the genocide, or transphobic behaviour, it's not hate speech.

The admins on LinkedIn are fucked.

This person was treating LinkedIn like their virtue signaling Twitter account… 


It sounds like she should be perma banned for that platform. She is treating it like it was Twitter.
(07-13-2024, 01:51 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:It's amazing how great Biden is at communicating to crowds with a teleprompter. He sounds sharp and very commanding. Doesn't require memorization or on-the-spot recollection. He just delivers and his delivery is solid.

The bar is now so low these retards are praising Biden's reading skills.

Being fair, that is something that Trump couldn’t do. Yeshrug
(07-13-2024, 03:53 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-13-2024, 01:51 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:It's amazing how great Biden is at communicating to crowds with a teleprompter. He sounds sharp and very commanding. Doesn't require memorization or on-the-spot recollection. He just delivers and his delivery is solid.

The bar is now so low these retards are praising Biden's reading skills.

Being fair, that is something that Trump couldn’t do. Yeshrug

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Muffin wrote:Inaccurate. Zionism by its definition aimed at the establishment and now the perpetuation of a Jewish state. That is by definition an ideology that promotes the idea of an ethnostate. There is no whitewashing that.

We recently already had a thread where people were trying to downplay Zionism as a term, because it is sometimes used in inaccurate anti-Jewish hate propaganda.

That still doesnt change what it means in accurate historical context.

Inaccurate, they were telling you why using Zionism so casually is considered offensive for most Jewish people, including people that would support you otherwise. Is not downplaying anything, they are just telling you why it means to be catalogued as an anti semitic when used it to ban people from awards.
LinkedIn sexual harassment:

Tyrant t2: oh I love your profile you're so hot let's link up

Random straight dude: lol even if I was gay, you look like a retarded dude in a Halloween costume

Mesoian wrote:Yeah where I'm at.

Vote Biden, and once Biden is out of the picture, PROTEST THE SHIT OUT OF BIDEN AND MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD.

Mesoian pulls a Biden. Inb4 the edit:

Tfritz wrote:oh, is it some sort of SCP/creepy pasta thing
Silencio wrote:Look bro, he's done something crazy and unique here. It's this thing called a concept album, you've got to listen to the tracks in order to understand the full picture. He might be using slurs and saying horrible things about minorities but bro, he's self aware and that actually makes it okay. It's like South Park, you have to really pay attention to understand the satire.

Don't be a hater, give it a listen first. You've got to hear the album for yourself and listen to all the horrible corny shit he's saying. It's not actually him saying all that stuff, it's actually Shady doing it to get cancelled!Âce-releasing-summer-2024.854298/page-14?post=125765325#post-125765325

They don’t know what satire is at this point lol

charcoal wrote:It's been a lot of fun reading responses from folks who clearly haven't listened to the album, or even read what it's about beyond a few snippets from select songs.
Especially Kyuuji
mesoian wrote:There's been a very real shift in the tone of South Park's humor around season 10. They used to dump on anything, but the laser focus on transfolk and complete and total invalidation is well documented, unwarranted and ultimately extremely confusing coming from them.

clicky Carl wrote:It's not really confusing at all. They are just bigoted transphobic assholes.

mesoian wrote:I mean that is the only explanation because the ire comes out of nowhere, is apropos of nothing and flies in the face of any attempts they had previously made at being, or at least seeming, queer-positive.

It was like, literally, one day a switch got flipped and they started going at Transfolk with the same ire they went after the Mormon church with. Like, Matt, Trey, who hurt you

Citation needed, thousands of hours of content and they can point to…… 2? Maybe 3 jokes
(07-13-2024, 02:25 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(07-13-2024, 02:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
wrexis wrote:Nexus Mods was my go-to, but I've heard mixed things lately. Plus I've personally seen some mods in there recently that are very questionable.
Thunderstore is totally new to me, and I'm not sure if it's considered trusted or not.

No examples given, are we supposed to just believe this when nexus was banning mods that removed gay shit from games?

wrexis wrote:When I say mixed things, I mean from some mod creators. Apparently one click patching of mods is much easier from Thunderstore than Nexus.
Aside from that I've seen some shitty mods removing "woke" content like diverse character art in games, things like that. Adult content in mods doesn't bother me; that's been around for decades.

Just don’t download it if these things upset you….. no one’s forcing you to mod out the DEI characters lol

That's not good enough for those kinds of people. Things that they don't like must not exist at all, lest it enthralls the public into becoming chuds that will put them into camps before conducting the genocide.
(07-13-2024, 05:40 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
mesoian wrote:There's been a very real shift in the tone of South Park's humor around season 10. They used to dump on anything, but the laser focus on transfolk and complete and total invalidation is well documented, unwarranted and ultimately extremely confusing coming from them.
clicky Carl wrote:It's not really confusing at all. They are just bigoted transphobic assholes.
mesoian wrote:I mean that is the only explanation because the ire comes out of nowhere, is apropos of nothing and flies in the face of any attempts they had previously made at being, or at least seeming, queer-positive.
It was like, literally, one day a switch got flipped and they started going at Transfolk with the same ire they went after the Mormon church with. Like, Matt, Trey, who hurt you
Citation needed, thousands of hours of content and they can point to…… 2? Maybe 3 jokes

I feel like it's less about wanting to hurt trans people and more about a persistent commitment to reality and making fun of delusion?

they make fun of religious beliefs not rooted in reality

they had a whole imaginationland arc

there was the safe space arc, invaded by mean moustache-twirling Reality

pointing at the uselessness of buying merch to support causes (Scauses)

people huffing their own farts with the things they think are helping but actually accomplishing little

and...people who think they're something they're not and demand that fantasy be respected by everyone else

Gigglepoo wrote:Two Saturdays ago, I got rushed to the hospital after taking way too much medication. Obviously, being found while still alive wasn't part of the plan. After I blacked out, I must have called my wife (to say goodbye? To call for help?) and her awareness that something was really wrong saved my life.

It's a fucking miracle that I'm am to write this two weeks later. I've been in intensive care for two weeks! You could get a horse head transplant and starter shorten your stay in the IC!

When my wife arrived,I was already being strapped in my EMS. Crisis averted, right? Well, then I started having seizures in the ambulance so they had to knock me out to, you know, not die or whatever.

Wheni arrived at the hospital, I was knocked with with a massive tube shoved down my throat, while everyone tried desperately to get my heart rate down. I took so many uppers my heart was about to burst out of my chest.

For the next 24 hours, I was in the state where I could die any second and my mom was halfway across the country wondering if I had died yet. How about now? Maybe now? For 24 hours.

They finally got my heart stable after a day but I was still tubed. For two more days. I don't know if you know a lot about humans, but they're not supposed to be locked up and knocked out indefinitely.

When I came to last Monday, the most bizarre sight I had ever seen. There was a crowd of faces (but I'm dead) but all I can see was my wife saying "You're safe'. I guess she had a loooooooong time to think what to say if I ever woke up again, huh.

The last 11 days have been equal parts terrible and chaotic. I had a lot of problems. A lot. I had boring problems life high and low pressure(?) and wonky sugar or whatever, but I learned about a whole lot of fun new ones. Like did you know a person can forget how to pee? Makes no sense to me but now I have a stick shoved down me dickhole twice a day, and it hurts even more than it sounds like it would. Guess how I started today! Right on one!

My throat is sore (obviously,I have a tube down it for 3 days) but I have this giant, gnarly mushroom that no one knows what it is or how I got on my tongue. This sadistic surgeon yesterday dug the fucking thinking out of my head so now I can't eat or speak.

Have I mention this sucks?

I'm always surrounded. Always. Because I attempted suicide, they's a full time guard who watches every thing I do (even the dick stick!), I can't get out of bed without an alarm sounding, and there's nothing to do but think. And that's a bad thing to do.

Did I mention I have a son and wife? I thought it was a good idea to kill myself with a 7-year-old son? Ok, will that's his life ruined! My friends? Neighbors? The fucking hundreds of people who reached out.

I used to hate when people said I had people to live for. Hafted it. They don't have to live my life, worry about yourself.

Fuck that. My son drew me a picture of a broken heart. How's it going to feel when he finds out I noped out?

I must have had a good reason, right? This is the best part part. I was taking a Bart to SF to hang when I had bad diarrhea halfway. So I get off at Oakland, around looking for public restrooms, before finding relief. By then I was bored of walking so I just decided to head back.

And while reading, I really l randomly googled the toxicity of my prescriptions and two were really scary. I decided to kill myself when I got home on a whim!

Well, then my life must have sucked, right! Nope! My wife and I have been separated for 7 months. But I've built a life of my own, good job, my friends are cool.

I completely fucked up my life for no reason. Now my wife will surely leave me (and she should), I can't pee, and have half a tongue.

For a whim.
(07-13-2024, 06:25 AM)benji wrote:
DrForester, wrote:Is Baldwin able to sue the prosecutor into oblivion? Because that is absolutely horrible.

Quote:Hopefully the prosecution can be sued. Obviously politically motivated since the start.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, benji
Some more FunSmasher lore:
PlanetSmasher, post: 125766222, member: 6260 wrote:I'm glad you're still here, Gigglepoo. I bet your son is, too.

And yes, the suicide watch guards are a real thing. I once made a bad gallows humor joke while talking to a triage nurse and they put a guard in my room in the ER for the whole day, even though my best friend was sitting right next to me the entire time. The hospital has to do it for liability reasons, and a lot of times the guard knows full well you're in no immediate danger but it's their job to watch you. Mine did not appreciate me trying to tell jokes to him while in the bed.

This stuff will pass. Your tongue will heal (trust me, it will take a while, but it will), and you'll be able to talk and eat again. Look forward to those moments.

imagine having to listen to this cunt's jokes, that guard prob needed another guard to watch him so he doesnt unalive himself
South Park to me just reacts and changes their targets based on pop culture/US culture as it happens. These days we see more and more trans people, especially acting in wild ways, they’re going to be lampooned as part of the US culture at large. Why do they think they are immune from comedy? No one knows lol
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

skillzilla81 wrote:I've read the majority of the books on there by Black authors. Love that for me..

Pop-O-Matic wrote:
Lilly-Anne wrote:the fact that I have yet to see a single post even attempting to explain a possible plan on how get actual undecided/swing voters on the Biden train and all we got is people admonishing people are going to vote for the democrat candidate regardless of what happens is honestly telling.
It's because the polls are wrong and fake and being propped up by a media conspiracy to get Trump elected. Biden is the only candidate who can appeal to moderates and independents and anyone else is too far to the left and would give Trump an easy win.
(07-13-2024, 05:56 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote: Some more FunSmasher lore:
PlanetSmasher, post: 125766222, member: 6260 wrote:I'm glad you're still here, Gigglepoo. I bet your son is, too.

And yes, the suicide watch guards are a real thing. I once made a bad gallows humor joke while talking to a triage nurse and they put a guard in my room in the ER for the whole day, even though my best friend was sitting right next to me the entire time. The hospital has to do it for liability reasons, and a lot of times the guard knows full well you're in no immediate danger but it's their job to watch you. Mine did not appreciate me trying to tell jokes to him while in the bed.

This stuff will pass. Your tongue will heal (trust me, it will take a while, but it will), and you'll be able to talk and eat again. Look forward to those moments.

imagine having to listen to this cunt's jokes, that guard prob needed another guard to watch him so he doesnt unalive himself

Dude made a suicide post and ComedySmasher just haaaad to make it about himself  Egomaniac I await the day a woman posts about pregnancy and ComedySmasher posting how he knows what it's like, how he went through it.

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