Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:You're going to come back from this, probably stronger than ever.
Is it tho?

Capra wrote:
flatearthpandas wrote:The sarcasm of your post seems to suggest it's as ridiculous to suggest R.Kelly was winking at people with the nickname as to suggest Ed, Edd n Eddy was. I disagree.
It is ridiculous lol.

The dude didn't secretly put a big flashing neon "PEDOPHILE" sign over his head that only those who surpassed the herculean challenge of "picking up a fucking book" could decode. He used a widely-known literary reference as shorthand for musical prowess. That's it. The darker connotations of the Brothers Grimm version are upsetting and relevant, but I think we can recognize that without attributing intent.
(07-13-2024, 06:37 PM)Nintex wrote:
Quote:You're going to come back from this, probably stronger than ever.
Is it tho?

I do sincerely hope this guy makes it through and becomes dad of the year, it is a sad situation. 

Realistically though, hopes n prayers the mom n kid find a non-retard to fuck her/raise him.
haziq wrote:Another friend then asked what a pied piper is, and I realized I didn't know what that is either. So I looked it up... and it's just not okay.

haziq wrote:Personally, I think the take of "it's not that deep, there's no winking & nudging here why would he do that?" is hilarious in the context of someone who was brazen enough to record himself committing one of the most atrocious crimes imaginable, multiple times.

If he's brazen & dumb enough to do that - especially since he got away with it once - why wouldn't he be brazen & dumb enough to give himself a nickname that has some implications in the specific context of his infamous reputation?

I dunno, you're dumb enough to be an adult and not have heard of one of the most culturally recognized folk tales in human history.
Was looking at a random ree thread,  wat did fat4all get banned for. He was really aggressive recently so not surprised, but seemed protected in a slayven kind of way
(07-13-2024, 02:16 PM)killamajig wrote:
(07-13-2024, 01:35 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
(07-13-2024, 01:25 PM)Nintex wrote:

It's a harmless pop song but the comments are wild.

Got you fam
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: k3BRpH9.gif]

Obvious CG. Real tits DO NOT move like that. Chud.
(07-13-2024, 06:52 PM)Propagandhim wrote: I dunno, you're dumb enough to be an adult and not have heard of one of the most culturally recognized folk tales in human history.

I have actually been curious as to whether folk tales have started to become lost, people have better things to do with their time now

when I was young there was fuck all to do but read the random "classic" children's books lying around the house, like a mother goose digest or collection of grimm's, or aesop, or the fucking box car children, or listen to cassettes of folk/silly songs like there's a hole in my bucket

there was so much less media that had achieved cultural traction that you got exposed to the same stuff everyone else did, endless reprints of the same stories that had been told for hundreds of years

kids are not brought up with that at all now, if they're lucky they might get a little of it in school

part of the reason being that anything old is viewed with suspicion that even if it isn't explicitly problematic, it might subtly promote those attitudes, like why does the prince have to rescue the princess, why does the pied piper have to be a MAN and why is it appropriate for him to kidnap CHILDREN hmmmmmm???
(07-13-2024, 07:05 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-13-2024, 06:52 PM)Propagandhim wrote: I dunno, you're dumb enough to be an adult and not have heard of one of the most culturally recognized folk tales in human history.

I have actually been curious as to whether folk tales have started to become lost, people have better things to do with their time now

when I was young there was fuck all to do but read the random "classic" children's books lying around the house, like a mother goose digest or collection of grimm's, or aesop, or the fucking box car children, or listen to cassettes of folk/silly songs like there's a hole in my bucket

there was so much less media that had achieved cultural traction that you got exposed to the same stuff everyone else did, endless reprints of the same stories that had been told for hundreds of years

kids are not brought up with that at all now, if they're lucky they might get a little of it in school

part of the reason being that anything old is viewed with suspicion that even if it isn't explicitly problematic, it might subtly promote those attitudes, like why does the prince have to rescue the princess, why does the pied piper have to be a MAN and why is it appropriate for him to kidnap CHILDREN hmmmmmm???

I think is just RE being dumb, uncle. Don’t go full boomer.
Now that people have told Zeo what to think about Eminem’s new album he’s on a tirade lol 

zeovgm wrote:Yes, he raps about wanting to suck Megan Thee Stallion's toe.

That's the third mention of Megan on the album (and the second about her foot)? The other is a line about her scissoring Nicki Minaj.

It's all very bad.

zeovgm wrote:This sounds like you just want to ignore the very valid criticism.Âce-releasing-summer-2024.854298/page-15?post=125768565#post-125768565

VibrantStorm wrote:This sounds like you didnt hear the whole album.


zeovgm wrote:I've listened to it twice, front to back.

Just say that you're not bothered by the transphobia and ableism on the album. It's a lot easier than childishly accusing people of not listening to it when they criticize said bigotry.
The kids now read about 

Feeemales Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy! relatable and grounded in the real world while keeping some of the details which make her so iconic Aloy Six

So they play Fortnite instead Trumps
Being strictly fair, you always going to get people with cultural blind spots. The dumb thing that Haziq did wasn’t not knowing the Pied Piper, but thinking that R Kelly mentioning it is somehow a revelation. It is not knowing your own ignorance and proudly presenting it.

Slayven wrote:Not everyone should be a hero

His only contribution on the OP outside images and a Wikipedia summary.
(07-13-2024, 06:04 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
kasumin wrote:It's insane to me how being pro-Palestinian is an accepted, defacto exception to the first amendment. And then I remember all the times I've been shouted down online for arguing that Americans should do more about hate speech. Here people are at all levels of society trying to erase and silence a group of people and their allies by using institutional and government power. The hypocrisy is so grating.

And going as far as to nuke entire accounts... This shit is inexcusable.

Explain the first amendment to me and how it applies here, please.

Why do these fuckers always seem to omit that Hamas is a literal terrorist group who murdered kids at a music festival? Why should you be free to support that without consequences?


Quote:Vulva girl looooooooooooooooooooooool

(07-13-2024, 07:18 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I think is just RE being dumb, uncle. Don’t go full boomer.

do you genuinely think most parents read classic fairy tales/folk tales to their kids every night
(07-13-2024, 06:17 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:Get aboslutely fucked. I will continue not to purchase any shit from Microsoft and not upgrade to 11. The idea of switching over to Linux is becoming increasingly tempting

The slight inconvenience they would have to actually boycott something is always a step too far. Doesn't stop them threatening it though, just following through.
(07-13-2024, 07:32 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-13-2024, 07:18 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I think is just RE being dumb, uncle. Don’t go full boomer.

do you genuinely think most parents read classic fairy tales/folk tales to their kids every night

I’m pretty sure I learned about the Pied Piper from a random cartoon. Yeshrug
Look, you have to get rid of the rats. You hire this guy. He calls himself the PIED PIPER "Yes sir, I'll take care of the rats sir".
He starts playing his flute like a crazy person. Getting rid of the rats with a flute, that's the silliest thing I've ever heard...

*shoot 'em!!!*

That's right, he should've shot the dirty stinking rats. Anyway, we're not going to pay. We're not paying this guy to play his flute.
We want pest control not a flautist. And then he plays again and the kids start to follow him. I've never seen anything like it. These impossible to control noisy kids that run around the house... they turn into robots.... bing bing bong bong... off they go... following the Pied Piper. 

Darling give me my wallet, we're paying this guy double his rate!

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(07-13-2024, 07:32 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
T002 Tyrant wrote:A lot of my connections on LinkedIn (owned by Microsoft) are getting banned for showing support for Palestine. MS is not my favourite company right now.

Funny how none of them want to show what these "friends" were posting that got them banned.  omg

I support Microsoft banning people using LinkedIn to promote their shitty "activism" that has nothing to do with their work or career. LinkedIn is slowly but surely being fucked in the arse by dickheads who no longer get the attention they crave on Facebook.
(07-13-2024, 08:39 AM)benji wrote:
(07-13-2024, 07:29 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

$14.2 trillion/8.2 Billion=$1731.71
I mean, good luck getting the current estimated sticker price for all those assets in a crash fire sale without having anybody with the capital to purchase them.

edit: Just using a hypothetical reserve requirement of 10%, that's at least another $142 trillion you're sucking out of the global economy to try and get at redistributing that $1700 per person.

I understand you're just doing the math contra Garfield's version but if anything Garfield's was too optimistic because it assumes McDonald's would still be open rather than all of them shutting down from lack of supplies due to capital markets effectively ending.

What part of the need to end capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy (and humanity) do you not understand CHUD?
(07-13-2024, 12:02 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:
(07-13-2024, 02:47 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
zeovgm wrote:Gave it a second listen and the production is already falling apart despite my previous praise of it. I'm probably going to end up agreeing with the mediocre reviews it's getting.

The fact that he's trying to tell a story using slurs doesn't mean it's okay to use slurs. He's trying to have his cake and eat it too.

scarface wrote:This is where I'm at.

The album wore out its welcome VERY fast.

I can't bump this shit full of slurs and ableist language.

With more listens the corny ass bars revealing themselves as well.

No original thoughts, its all binary "this has slurs, it is BAD. its reviewing BAD. It is BAD".

Need to listen to it at least 3 times before I can judge if it's bad though

How quickly these fuckers fall into lockstep (goosestep?) when they find out their actual opinion differs from the agreed mod-approved consensus.

When people ask how it was possible for the German people to behave in such a depraved manner, here is your evidence.
(07-13-2024, 07:35 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-13-2024, 07:32 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-13-2024, 07:18 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I think is just RE being dumb, uncle. Don’t go full boomer.

do you genuinely think most parents read classic fairy tales/folk tales to their kids every night

I’m pretty sure I learned about the Pied Piper from a random cartoon. Yeshrug

and do kids legit watch tom and jerry or looney tunes these days? do modern iterations of such cartoons still randomly cover classic literature with any accuracy? is there a modern Wishbone?

recognizing this shift away from centuries-old stories is only "boomer" if you're claiming it's a problem that needs to be resolved, rather than simply acknowledging that the world doesn't stay static and things that are common cultural touchstones evolve as time goes on
(07-13-2024, 12:24 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(07-13-2024, 02:45 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
embiid wrote:They had recent specials shitting all over vaccine skeptics and QAnon. They're definitely not conservative.

I'm looking forward to this. If kdot trusts them on a wild ass topic like this I trust them as well.

plagiarize wrote:We have very different measures for what makes a conservative if this is where you set the bar.

They took the JK Rowling position on trans women in sports. Whatever party allegiance you want to assign to that, it's a conservative viewpoint with no scientific basis.

These people don't actually know what a conservative is, do they?


Embiid wrote:This isn't just a JK Rowling talking point. Our press doesn't breathlessly report on every aspect of her transphobic brain rot like in the U.K. The reality is over 2/3 of this country believe trans women shouldn't be allowed to participate in women's sports, meaning there's a shit ton of people on the other side of the aisle that believe it as well. Calling it a conservative viewpoint isn't even close to doing it justice in terms of how widespread the rot is: 69% for women, 66% for girls, page 13. Honestly just an insane number…I didn't think it would be damn near 70% when I googled it. It's like a mind virus.

It's the same deal with racists. It's not just a conservative viewpoint, it's across the spectrum. I've met just as many diet racists that call themselves liberals and vote dem as I have conservatives that put it out in the open.

Common sense approach to sporting categories=mind virus. 

Believing someone with significantly more muscle mass and bone density than women should be competing against them=settled science.
zeovgm wrote:It being a concept album does not mean it's okay to say horrible things about trans people and use slurs for 13 songs.

He is really just using the concept of the album as an excuse to say those things.

That is literally the discussion being had in this thread

VibrantStorm wrote:Yeah and I dont agree, just like almost literally no one else is who checked the album. The whole point of it is that if you listen to the album, the whole thing, you understand that He realises himself that the old eminem did and said things which are unacceptable. thats the whole idea behind it. Do you think anyone really felt comfortable listening to anti christ? I mean if some people finish the album and feel like, yeah the first part is what I am going to bang in my car, well I think they missed the whole message or have not outgrown puberty.Âce-releasing-summer-2024.854298/page-15?post=125769165#post-125769165

The entire concept of personal growth/change is upsetting to zeo lol
Quote:do modern iterations of such cartoons still randomly cover classic literature with any accuracy?

Since when they did that in the first place?
(07-13-2024, 01:15 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(07-13-2024, 12:42 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: I thought that thread about Katy Perry was canny awful too. I don't really see what she's done to deserve that level of nastiness. The best they've got on her is that she married a massive dickhead, which many people have done before.

Seems to be reserved for women that were once popular but are now not. For example, Kyuuji runs a sex discord for anime paedos, which is arguably a lot worse than Katy Perry not being that popular at the moment.

It's interesting how there's a downright hate for something they loved 12 years ago. I wonder, is it like a teenager growing up and cringing and what they thought used to be so deep and meaningful or is it the permanent cycle of progressiveness where the old needs to be dismissed and shamed, because how else can you define yourself except in how much better your are now than in the past.

A retarded take on pop culture is guaranteed from The Guardian. If they weren't to have a completely idiotic take it would be a disappointment honestly.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
(07-13-2024, 01:25 PM)Nintex wrote:

It's a harmless pop song but the comments are wild.

Song is boring, but the film clip does a great job of skewering the hyper-sexualised modern feminism promoted by tiktok retards and camwhores.

Not surprising those same people and the morons who aspire to be those same people are reacting badly.
4 users liked this post: Alpacx, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
Quote:recognizing this shift away from centuries-old stories is only "boomer" if you're claiming it's a problem that needs to be resolved, rather than simply acknowledging that the world doesn't stay static and things that are common cultural touchstones evolve as time goes on

I mean, you are not entirely wrong but I doubt is because there is a shift in this case and more like: “sheltered RE user learns something that is considered common knowledge by the majority, flaunts it like he just solved a puzzle”.

Also, again being fair, I remember not knowing that Pied Piper kidnapped children at the end of his story until I entered middle school.
(07-13-2024, 08:01 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:do modern iterations of such cartoons still randomly cover classic literature with any accuracy?

Since when they did that in the first place?

enough accuracy to understand the story, pretty much forever

I remember a lot of cartoons/references to classic literature in children's media praised for being particularly accurate when they didn't necessarily need to be, the most obvious example being Muppet's Christmas Carol, where you can tell as silly and jokey as they wanted to be, they cared about getting the story right too
(07-13-2024, 07:05 PM)Uncle wrote:
(07-13-2024, 06:52 PM)Propagandhim wrote: I dunno, you're dumb enough to be an adult and not have heard of one of the most culturally recognized folk tales in human history.

I have actually been curious as to whether folk tales have started to become lost, people have better things to do with their time now

when I was young there was fuck all to do but read the random "classic" children's books lying around the house, like a mother goose digest or collection of grimm's, or aesop, or the fucking box car children, or listen to cassettes of folk/silly songs like there's a hole in my bucket

there was so much less media that had achieved cultural traction that you got exposed to the same stuff everyone else did, endless reprints of the same stories that had been told for hundreds of years

kids are not brought up with that at all now, if they're lucky they might get a little of it in school

part of the reason being that anything old is viewed with suspicion that even if it isn't explicitly problematic, it might subtly promote those attitudes, like why does the prince have to rescue the princess, why does the pied piper have to be a MAN and why is it appropriate for him to kidnap CHILDREN hmmmmmm???

Pretty sure they've all been deemed sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic and capitalist, colonialist and white supremacist now and been replaced by children's stories involving mothers with shecocks, dads with hevaginas and borderline racist noble savage first nations stories.

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