Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
"This is obviously staged, an obvious plot to manipulate the rubes. Anyway, now back to me freaking out about an elaborate conspiracy to promote Stellar Blade and lower the box office of Disney films as part of a plot to usher in global fascism." Snob
Cool, turn this blithering retard into a martyr.  Great job.  Presidency secured.
(07-13-2024, 10:31 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
HibbySloth wrote:What the fuck.

Pre edit:
HibbySloth wrote:I have the biggest smile on my face.

Patriiick wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 7fd.gif]

Political assassinations are cool when I hate the person.

B-Dubs wrote:Official Staff Communication

This is a developing situation, please be aware that the following will likely do more harm than good:

1) Posting random tweets from non-reporters; twitter and social media randos ARE NOT accurate sources of information and will actively lie to generate clout

2) Glorifying on political violence; failed attacks like this can cause a rallying effect behind the victim of said violence and could lead to retaliatory violence against innocent people. Please remember not to advocate for political violence.

3) Please be sure to try and avoid posting any sort of information without a source behind it. If you are getting your information from a CNN broadcast, for example, then please make sure to cite the source and the person who said it.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): advocating for political violence
Dark Knight wrote:lol @ people in this thread who think this means anything or are calling him a martyr. he's a reviled and loathed public figure who has hurt an untold amount of people, I'm surprised it took this long for someone to attack him.
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): conspiracy theories
eZn wrote:Wouldn't be shocked if this was scripted to fire up his base.

eZn wrote:
CupOfDoom wrote:I would be. You don't plan for someone to shoot you in the head. Its way too small of a margin of error.

2 inches to the left and you die.
Maybe a blood capsule and gunshot sounds played over a speaker.
Quote:Glorifying on political violence; failed attacks like this can cause a rallying effect behind the victim of said violence and could lead to retaliatory violence against innocent people. Please remember not to advocate for political violence.

He really is a delusional, ego fuelled retard. Nobody currs what gets posted on ree
That post isn't advocating for political violence. How are they so bad at this?
(07-13-2024, 10:51 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:Official Staff Communication

2) Glorifying on political violence; failed attacks like this can cause a rallying effect behind the victim of said violence and could lead to retaliatory violence against innocent people. Please remember not to advocate for political violence.
So now it's bad to glorify on political violence. Did Nepenthe agree to this?
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): conspiracy theories
ScaleboundGOTY wrote:Looks like fake news to me

Now locked.
(07-13-2024, 10:56 PM)benji wrote: That post isn't advocating for political violence. How are they so bad at this?

Meanwhile the completely obvious ones like "just a few more inches right" don't get a ban   lol
bdumbs wrote:We are locking this thread for about 10 minutes.

There have been a lot of accusations of this being a false flag operation or staged. These sorts of conspiracy theories DO NOT help anyone and just lead to further conspiratorial nonsense. We need to stick with the FACTS and actual REPORTING.

As such, to try and limit the kneejerk reactions and conspiracy theories being pushed out we are doing the following after the thread reopens:
Slowing the rate of posting down in the thread to give people a moment to collect their thoughts and not just blindly react
Instituting a 15 word minimum for any and all posts in order to ensure people are actually thinking about what they post.
Everyone needs to calm down and take a deep breath, more information will come in over the next few minutes and blindly reacting does no good for anyone.


What a community!
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): conspiracy theories
BananasWithGuns wrote:This shit is fuckin staged isn't it? lol
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): conspiracy theories
tazmin wrote:This was staged as hell. America is cooked yall
How did the staff determine so quickly that it wasn't staged? hmm
Trump is an existential threat to democracy and a 2nd term will result in trans people being put in concentration camps. But also, political violence is bad.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:We just watched a fascist bleed on camera and Era's first reaction is to crawl up into a fetal position and declare we're even MORE fucked than how mega-fucked we were a week ago

(07-13-2024, 11:10 PM)Straight Edge wrote: Trump is an existential threat to democracy and a 2nd term will result in trans people being put in concentration camps. But also, political violence is bad.
Don't forget that voting isn't good enough, we need allies in the streets and willing to put their lives on their line!
Biden isn't winning now.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Soliloquy of a Dogge wrote:Everything about this seems staged.
LeStranger wrote:Happens in PA the most important state, target missed, SS allows him to stay on stage to get the photo. You would think they would rush him off. Yeah I can see it.

Would not be surprised if they soon find the "shooter" and they are every stereotype the right has been hammering for years.

Or someone views him as a direct threat and decided to take action themselves. I can fit both into my viewpointHappens in PA the most
Biden hasn't put out a statement yet. If your main political opponent gets shot you should be on air within 5 minutes to ease tensions but I guess he has to check first if his crazy wife didn't order the hit from craigslist.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-13-2024, 11:16 PM)Nintex wrote: Biden hasn't put out a statement yet. If your main political opponent gets shot you should be on air within 5 minutes to ease tensions but I guess he has to check first if his crazy wife didn't order the hit from craigslist.
You think he should push the news coverage off the air to immediately jump on TV to talk about the nothing he knows?
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-13-2024, 11:14 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Biden isn't winning now.
Well, at least people won't be talking solely about how much he needs to drop out.
(07-13-2024, 11:21 PM)benji wrote:
(07-13-2024, 11:16 PM)Nintex wrote: Biden hasn't put out a statement yet. If your main political opponent gets shot you should be on air within 5 minutes to ease tensions but I guess he has to check first if his crazy wife didn't order the hit from craigslist.
You think he should push the news coverage off the air to immediately jump on TV to talk about the nothing he knows?

Even Bernard Sanders can do it
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): pushing conspiracy theories
theLusitanian wrote:Fist bump? That fucking coward? Has to be a stunt. Every time he was scared for his life in previous rallies he would cower and hide.
(07-13-2024, 11:28 PM)Nintex wrote: Even Bernard Sanders can do it
You mean some staffer can rush to Twitter to post meaningless crap, which isn't going on the air and dominating coverage.
what the actual fuck is this

[Image: ZHGxLQL.png]

mainstream media in a rush to downplay assassination attempts? is that where we are now?
Wow, Reddit is cooked. Nothing in r/worldnews, and the only thread in r/news is locked, with no statement from the mods. Kinda embarrassing.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia

B-Dubs wrote:Go look at twitter and see how many people are pushing the idea this was staged.

Ikouros wrote:The horrible thing is, the conspiracy theories/false flag allegations aren't so out of this world, because this is already a pretty surreal, albeit (ironically) entirely predictable, unfolding of events - and it's not something I'd put past the Machiavellian, despicable minds of those in Trump's circle. Those photos are going to be iconic, and he's going to boast about this event for eternity.
I don't know what's better or worse - surviving the attack, or what may have happened if he'd been killed.
All I think I know, is that this is going to catalyse some seriously dangerous behaviour, and provide the perfect excuse for him and his office to enact some horrible policies should he be elected.

If I wasn't desperately worried about America before (and I was) - I am now.
lori wrote:
Bradbatross wrote:You've already said that it's over and Trump won because of this. Why should you care about any of this anymore?
the fact that you'd ask why a trans person cares about the fact that they're getting sent to a camp now is frankly astounding even for you
I love how when they finally get a chance to talk tough about shotgunning their fascist enemies to death they instead immediately focus on being hypothetical victims of events outside their control. lol

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