Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:This. I've holding my tongue on this but I'm so sick of "redemption" is discussed in media recently (and I didn't like it before) because people really do treat it like if you say sorry or do something "nice" or good (that may have nothing fucking to do with what your originally did wrong), you're absolved of all wrong doing and don't have to face justice. Like it's a fucking karma system in a video game; and it's perfectly okay to gas light your victims and treat THEM as the baddies for not forgiving you (especially if their written to be a shitty as possible or just make them straight up villains to downplay the protagonists past actions).

So many writers treat redemption as free from consequences, free from fault, free from taking any responsibilities for what they've done and honestly I'm just going say it, that's such hack writing to me; so damn cheap; like it's bad when even Digimon Adventure 02 of all things does a redemption arc better then most modern works.

What's extra infuriating is this attitude isn't just fiction, people apply this logic to real life, treating people who have done horrible shit as "redeemed" because they gave to charity or said something nice; making it perfectly okay to gaslight and vilify their victims for not forgiving them or accepting their apology, refusing to date them, want to be friends etc.

Sorry for the rant.
ok but society only deems a few types of crimes as the ones that cannot be forgiven in the sense that you will never again be given the opportunity to live a normal, quiet life

even murderers aren't forced to spend every waking minute on the outside performing some kind of contrite redemptive action forever

so yes, there is a "fucking karma system like in a video game," we value the human right to pursue a normal life and happiness once you've paid your debt to society
(07-14-2024, 11:05 PM)Uncle wrote: ok but society only deems a few types of crimes as the ones that cannot be forgiven in the sense that you will never again be given the opportunity to live a normal, quiet life

even murderers aren't forced to spend every waking minute on the outside performing some kind of contrite redemptive action forever

so yes, there is a "fucking karma system like in a video game," we value the human right to pursue a normal life and happiness once you've paid your debt to society

Always funny to me that the people who call for prisons to be abolished can't seem to get their heads around the idea that people can change and be redeemed for their crimes.
(07-14-2024, 10:18 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(07-14-2024, 10:12 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Again, is a forum whose gay and trans members say slogans like “Free Palestine”. But somehow feeling empathy for a dude in the other political spectrum of their national politics is somehow offensive…

ProfessorBeef wrote:i don't and have not encouraged further violence

but it's much much much more desirable to just not say anything, or just show sympathy to the person caught in the crossfire

dems shouldn't be showing sympathy to people who wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire

I’m sure Hamas will welcome a lot of gay and trans people:

Quote:probably some hypocritical nonsense like "we don't condone violence in america but in gaza it's ok" or "trump is a threat to democracy but get well soon sir 🫡 "

Why are LGBTQIA+ people supporting Palestine when Hamas and Islam hates them? Because being an empathetic human means you're against all atrocities against your fellow man. ProfessorBeef has lots to learn.  doggy
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
Not a Trump fan by any means. But I wonder if Era would be into the conspiracy theory nonsense if it was the other way around?
No right now they believe the media, even MSNBC, is against Biden and wants Trump re-elected.
Poor KetKat Tyrant has been reduced to begging for attention in other threads -

Quote:Happy Enby Day!!!! 😊

A shameless plug but if anyone is questioning or closeted I'm starting up a voluntary safe space for you to talk on era, this includes sexuality and romanticism and not just gender. Details are below, it's of course 100% confidential:

On the plus side they've inspired me to pretend I'm a voluntary consultant on imaginary whatevers. If you have issues around not being a woman or a kangaroo please post them in my hidden thread along with photographic evidence of your ID. I promise not to dox or spread your secrets around the Discords
Biden called it an attempted assassination. Checkmate, Resetera and Wikipedia.  wag
(07-15-2024, 12:07 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Biden called it an attempted assassination. Checkmate, Resetera and Wikipedia.  wag

(07-14-2024, 10:18 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
ProfessorBeef wrote:i don't and have not encouraged further violence

but it's much much much more desirable to just not say anything, or just show sympathy to the person caught in the crossfire

dems shouldn't be showing sympathy to people who wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire

ProfessorBeef posting this about a man who was an actual firefighter.  Popular

I don't think firemen look up party affiliation before deciding whether to rescue someone from a burning building. Resetera would though.
Astroturfing wrote:they promote sadistic treatment of complex, feeling creatures, so... nope.

also i rather spend that time mowing down enemies and causing random chaos etc, you know having actual fun.
(07-14-2024, 11:14 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: No right now they believe the media, even MSNBC, is against Biden and wants Trump re-elected.

I mean, it would be good for their ratings...

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(07-14-2024, 09:31 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Nintendrone rant:

Hero of Legend wrote:*Goes into a super long tangent on how they had to optimize for the and I quote "mobile hardware" when addressing the Switch version*

My counterpoint:

Should've made the game for Switch specifically from the get-go. Bam, done, problem solved.

They created their own problem by failing at the starting line. How Christian Whitehead, a super accomplished programmer fucked that up I will never know.

Who in their right mind would make a game like this and think "yeah, totally let's make it NOT specifically for the Nintendo system where these games thrive in the millions".

Sorry man, but that's extremely disappointing coming from him. You surely began this in 2017 or 2018 (hell Evening Star didn't even form until AFTER Mania released in Aug 2017), so the lack of dev kit access wasn't an excuse they could pull.

Hopefully they learn from this and do better next time.

They always surprised when history repeats itself, but is never a problem inherent of Nintendo.

That user is batshit insane lol.
Thordinson wrote:Sure but I watched it live and heard it.


It's not a big deal.

Which is fine but folks, not you but in general, really need to stop gaslighting others when Biden makes gaffes.

B-dubs wrote:If it's not a big deal then why harp on it? Just shut up and move on!

Uhm.. hostility toward another user?

Royalan wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:It's not really that simple anymore. This was absolutely true in 2020 and even in 2022 when right-wing propaganda was trying to push the idea that Biden was not mentally well and that he was unfit for office.

However, things have changed recently and quickly. Thanks to the debate, we now for a fact that there legitimate issues that go beyond a stutter or a simple fumbling of words. So while there will still be people who nitpick at his standard flubs or moments that aren't actually an issue at all (such as calling him out for saying "President Trump," which is a very normal thing to do for ex-presidents), there are also a lot of legitimate concern and criticism that he isn't fit to serve another four years or even win the election at all.
Biden's doctors have spoken to his fitness.

On top of that, he has held over 20 events since the debate, and put on an absolute foreign policy clinic a few days ago.

There's no mincing words at this point: the concerns are not legitimate.
Seaneko wrote:So is that it, that there's no reason to discuss this component of the game anymore because the mainline series has been revived already and DmC will never get a sequel? People discuss social issues in old media all the time, I don't see why this can't. And it could be I just want to see more discussion around the actual important issues with DmC's writing so that more people are just aware of it on a deeper fundamental level than "Oh yeah the writing is cringe, the end" and also just expand their critical thinking about the portrayal of women in video games in general. But I guess that's too much of an ask for a ten year old game that's never getting a sequel even though there's games and movies decades older than it that people are still talking about in-depth to this day.

If Seaneko wants engagement in their topics they should just bash the MCU. Trans genocide and women's issues on video games don't matter on this site.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Alice the Madness Returns May Cry: Starring Donte is an inferior product what else is there to say? lol
3 users liked this post: Boredfrom, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia

elLOaSTy wrote:This shooting ended trumps run. Reactionaries are so out of clue

Thank god. Biden bros, we're SO back.
Quote:Only if you hate women.
(07-15-2024, 01:01 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Thordinson wrote:Sure but I watched it live and heard it.


It's not a big deal.

Which is fine but folks, not you but in general, really need to stop gaslighting others when Biden makes gaffes.

B-dubs wrote:If it's not a big deal then why harp on it? Just shut up and move on!

Uhm.. hostility toward another user?

Pretty clear he hates socialist ERA. That shit about “Lenin killed Marxism” was so insincere.
this is a time for unity. I'd hope B-dubs would understand.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower
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1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
MattB wrote:That guy's Twitter..... Definitely don't have any sympathy for him.
Booshka wrote:One of those, "no there really aren't good people on both sides" moments. If you go to a Trump rally chances are you are an unhinged fascist. No sympathy for this asshole.

SolidSnakeUS wrote:This whole thing screams fucking planned. Like Jesus Christ...

??? ??? ???
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-14-2024, 02:01 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
advance wars sgt wrote:People who are not under threat from a Trump presidency are showing their asses with their meek non-violent mantras.

You don't fucking WAIT until harm is done to then justify self-defense. A lot of the people in this thread are tacitly endorsing the death of many individuals because they can't stomach the fact that people want a violent fascist regime dead before it gets off the ground.

Soft as fuck. I really wish the world took more from Malcolm X in these instances, he would not be advocating for a quiet death of oppressed individuals like so many here are apparently OK with.
(07-14-2024, 02:07 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Liberals: I don't understand how fascism is taking over.

Also liberals: You can only fight fascism once they're physically carrying you away to the camps, otherwise you're just as bad as them.

Every single time.
(07-14-2024, 05:23 PM)Nintex wrote:
nepenthe wrote:Being bad at organizing implies you're trying to do it and yet failing. I don't see liberals actually trying to plan or organize any truly material opposition to Republican fascism beyond telling people to vote, finger-wagging towards those who didn't give a shit about whether or not Trump died yesterday, and lying through their fucking teeth that violence isn't part of American identity.

"Civility and decorum" are impregnable parts of the liberal agenda, a way to separate themselves as the good guys. Subsequently, they have ceded all of the tools of fighting to the right-wing because violence in and of itself is always fundamentally unjustifiable to the liberal unless you're swung on first, although they have no answer for when the metaphorical swing is a fucking mass shooting, or mass demonstrations of Nazis, or a Supreme Court stripping your rights, or police doing what they're paid to do all the time. They are pacifists who don't believe in preventative action, folks whose answer towards the paradox of tolerance is just to ignore it.

If Trump had died yesterday, I would've cut off my dominant arm before being seen admitting that I gave any sort of shit about the well-being of my political enemy. Fuck him and the rest of the fascists backing him.
(07-14-2024, 10:07 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Redmond Barry wrote:
Naiad wrote:Can we not do this? I don't like Trump supporters any more than the next person, but a little girl lost her father and his wife is a widow for a dumb reason.

In the little girl's eyes, her father is a hero who saved her and her mom.
Can we not do this? The man attended a fascist rally. What the people raised to love him unconditionally think of the whole affair does not suddenly cancel that fact out.
Proposition: these posts are worse than the ones expressing wishes that Trump had died or shooter had not missed that got banned.

Those posts they've banned were emotional expressions unreflected on and allow the possibility that the user could be talked out of the position.

These posts are members, including an admin, intellectually justifying terrorism and mass murder in a democracy against their partisan political opponents.
Quote:The game is over a decade old and I think it's time to move on.

Quote:It'd blow your mind to learn people are still analyzing books that are hundreds of years old.

Generally speaking, they analyze those books beyond “this book is misogynist” or “character is cringe”. Even Marxists and Feminist perspectives can get more interesting than “girl design looks like trash bag huehuehue”. 

Not mention those discussions get even less attention. 
It's only been a day since the events in Butler PA and these idiots are already back to their "Trump's going to send all the gays and people of gender to concentration camps" nonsense
I don't know where we're at, Biden bros. Are we SO BACK or is it over?  Stahp

Resetera is so hot and cold about this.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

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