Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

T002 Tyrant, post: 125826489, member: 49452 wrote:Ka-thunk, it's a me, a thread bump to give people a chance to DM me.

Games as a Service
Quote:You shouldn't be wishing anyone dead. It's awful to do so. That's a human life, whether you like them or not.

If you're concerned about child molesters, you need to look at the transgender population and why so many of them are getting convicted of raping children then.
Quote:I didn't ban you, but I wish I had.

Humanizing Trump and demonizing every trans person in the next breath.

I will make sure to use the women's restroom next time I'm forced to make a choice.
(07-15-2024, 04:39 AM)BIONIC wrote:

T002 Tyrant, post: 125826489, member: 49452 wrote:Ka-thunk, it's a me, a thread bump to give people a chance to DM me.

Games as a Service

Someone really needs attention in their life..

Mr. Snuffleupagus, post: 125796021, member: 27214 wrote:To be very clear, is the moderation level now set to calling Biden 'senile' being OK? In months prior, it was actionable with a ban; recent users who have used such descriptors have been reported by me and despite this, have been left un-actioned. Other reports I have made for conspiracy theorising have been met with near-immediate 2-week bans, so I know that my report tickets have been looked through and evaluated.

So again, I'd like to check, is it just cool and non-actionable to call Biden senile now?

Bigshow You could have just walked away

Halfway through the year and there is still no cogent explanation of non-binary that doesn’t rely on gender stereotypes.
Didn't they already have a month? Why can't black folks have more day during the year?  Rolleyes
lozange wrote:I've been "out" as non-binary for a few years now (to friends and online anyway), but it's only in the past few months that I've had the space and money to make my wardrobe increasingly genderfluid, for a lack of a better term. It rules! Highly recommend it.

I don't think of my gender as genderfluid as such, but I love to have boy days and girl days. The act itself of choosing to change my presentation back and forth, constantly, brings me a lot of joy.

Happy Non-binary people's day!

What does this even mean? Are they now just wearing potato sacks, no gender expression at all?

AlgusUnderdunk wrote:Woo! Celebrated the end of pride month by buying my first bit of non-gender-conforming clothing.

AlgusUnderdunk wrote:Got me a BIG green hoodie trenchcoat! Goes down to my knees and fits like a labcoat!

I was only kidding but they really do… lol
What's your outfit when you gender fluid? A more baggy shirt and jeans for man and gendered stereotype skirt for woman?

Women can wear jeans and shirts too, you know. Sigh.. it's all so tiring.
stevy/tessa needs to stop donating to melody's ko-fi and start taking care of themselves.  Stahp
Royalan, wrote:You're not wrong.

But it's not on us to sus out the validity of the facts as is presented to us.

I just really need to see the left (and I mean the broader left, not leftists) get out of this learned defensive posture. It's sad, and it helps absolutely nobody. We're in the fight for our fucking lives and right now I wouldn't even want to play a soccer game with half of y'all because you'd bow out if there was a patch of dead grass on the field. Oh no we just can't do it! It's joever 😭 guyz! It's JOOOOOEVER!!!111one

If y'all don't get the fuck outta my face.
I'm not going through the other 25 pages of this thread since I last looked but I just wanted to point out another staff member endorsing at minimum stochastic terrorism. B-Dubs doesn't care, the rules don't apply to the institutional and systemic elites.
Royalan over here with their privileged take. Try being trans, ok?
(07-15-2024, 05:04 AM)Greatness Gone wrote:

Halfway through the year and there is still no cogent explanation of non-binary that doesn’t rely on gender stereotypes.
(07-15-2024, 05:18 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

What does this even mean? Are they now just wearing potato sacks, no gender expression at all?

I was only kidding but they really do… lol
I was going to quote something from a smart person but I can't remember it to find it in 30 seconds so you'll have to settle for me paraphrasing.

The non-binary nonsense, and trans nonsense, is a reification of gender from a social construct to essentialism. It rejects gender neutrality and gender equality to insist on the necessity of gender stereotypes. You can't "opt out" of the gender binary unless you define what is the binary and what consists of adhering to it. The only way to do this is by taking what you think are masculine and feminine stereotypes then asserting that these are the inherent nature of people who do not specifically choose to refuse them. This is literally the old argument that women (or men, but I'll stick to one from here on) are a certain way and actually goes further by insisting that they must be a certain way. The distinction with the old argument is that it said a woman who wasn't that way was an outlier but it rarely denied her womanhood, it said she was doing it wrong. Now they're arguing that if you do not act the way they think women should act, you literally are not a woman. They are taking a stereotype (bigoted/misogynist/etc. or not) which they acknowledge is a social construct and then asserting that it therefore determines reality rather than merely being an assumption about probability. Then they are morally condemning those who do not deliberately identify differently from the majority.

It's reactionary dogma like most all of their positions. It's an inversion where rather than being an individual who may vary from most you need to be "affirmed" as "valid" by confirmation of existing in a group which can be narrowed to one. But because this is basically operating on a fallacy it essentially needs to strip group membership of having any criteria except personal desire to belong to that group, rendering group status meaningless. It has to splinter into increasingly smaller groups because otherwise the individual no longer stands out. Everyone is already inclusive and equal because it includes everyone and that's the problem. It's not about inclusiveness and equality, it's about establishing the out group and asserting the superiority of yourself for not belonging to it.

It's been tied to gender (and race and etc.) because people are fucking idiots who have decided these need to mean something because racists and sexists thought/think they do.

Anyway, watch this because it's far more intellectual:
(07-14-2024, 09:08 AM)benji wrote:
Solid SOAP wrote:Imagine this.

Trump announces his candidacy at the RNC this week to raucous applause. His typical diatribe of taking back the country, making America great, etc., are heard throughout the speech. But then, it turns out that this near death experience brings him to the conclusion that "enough is enough," and his and the RNC's platform on gun control is to implement common sense gun laws. The laws go farther left than even the Democrat's proposals, and Trump's base's undying love for him has them all on board to give up their precious guns for the good of the nation, and safety of their king.

Do you vote for Trump!?

Imagine this.

Trump announces his candidacy at the RNC this week to raucous applause. His typical diatribe of taking back the country, making America great, etc., are heard throughout the speech. But then, it turns out that this near death experience brings him to the conclusion that "enough is enough," and his and the RNC's platform on children transitioning is to implement common sense HRT laws. The laws go farther left than even the Democrat's proposals, trans women in sports and everything, and Trump's base's undying love for him has them all on board to give up their precious children for the good of the nation, and glory of their king.

Do you vote for Trump!?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(07-14-2024, 10:12 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Again, is a forum whose gay and trans members say slogans like “Free Palestine”. But somehow feeling empathy for a dude in the other political spectrum of their national politics is somehow offensive…

I just knew those cunts would be like that about the guy who died, like at this point fuck you and your forum.
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1721000120' wrote: 1721000120[/url]']
Poor KetKat Tyrant has been reduced to begging for attention in other threads -

Quote:Happy Enby Day!!!! 😊

A shameless plug but if anyone is questioning or closeted I'm starting up a voluntary safe space for you to talk on era, this includes sexuality and romanticism and not just gender. Details are below, it's of course 100% confidential:

On the plus side they've inspired me to pretend I'm a voluntary consultant on imaginary whatevers. If you have issues around not being a woman or a kangaroo please post them in my hidden thread along with photographic evidence of your ID. I promise not to dox or spread your secrets around the Discords

What the actual fuck is this! Sending your ID off to a weirdo on the internet? Are you fucking serious? Mods need to lock this and tell this whack job to knock it off.

(07-15-2024, 04:51 AM)BIONIC wrote: Constructive:

Mr. Snuffleupagus, post: 125796021, member: 27214 wrote:To be very clear, is the moderation level now set to calling Biden 'senile' being OK? In months prior, it was actionable with a ban; recent users who have used such descriptors have been reported by me and despite this, have been left un-actioned. Other reports I have made for conspiracy theorising have been met with near-immediate 2-week bans, so I know that my report tickets have been looked through and evaluated.

So again, I'd like to check, is it just cool and non-actionable to call Biden senile now?

Bigshow You could have just walked away

What a wonderful community of Nazi gestapo officers they have over there these days
ChitonIV wrote:Here's some seriously weird stuff, which may go viral. This is from 3 months ago, April 8th. Posted to youtube on the 14th.
I caught wind of this in another forum I am part of, which has a lot of very right leaning people in it.

Starting here at about 7:50, this guy talks about a vision he got from God. Predicting record heat, tornados, boosts in various markets, changes in American politics:
Spoiler:  (click to show)

And then here, he really digs into the political change, and starts talking about Trump:
Spoiler:  (click to show)

And at about 11:03, he says he was shown in this vision, an attempt on Trumps life. A bullet grazing past his right ear, etc.
Spoiler:  (click to show)

Edit: Looks like it was godlikeproductions. Yikes Yikes Yikes
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
When I'm feeling mentally unhealthy, I always think to myself that I should find a random online weirdo who constantly talks about wanting to kill themselves.
(07-15-2024, 04:28 AM)Garfield wrote: It's only been a day since the events in Butler PA and these idiots are already back to their "Trump's going to send all the gays and people of gender to concentration camps" nonsense

Instead Trump calls for a more civil discourse and seeks to unite the country.

Quote:The policy differences, he suggested, are the stumbling block. “Some people want open borders, some don’t. Some want men to be able to play on women’s sport teams, and others don’t.”

What they fear most is common sense solutions. Trump could propose to have trans play in men's sports or set up a seperate trans competition. No longer allowing them to easily win or harass women.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(07-15-2024, 07:09 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
ChitonIV wrote:Predicting record heat, tornados, boosts in various markets, changes in American politics
Holy shit, this man predicted heat and tornados in the summer? And changes in different markets over three months?

How do I give him my life savings?
j/k my life savings are all in my Steam account
(07-15-2024, 06:50 AM)Daffy Duck wrote:
(07-14-2024, 10:12 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Again, is a forum whose gay and trans members say slogans like “Free Palestine”. But somehow feeling empathy for a dude in the other political spectrum of their national politics is somehow offensive…

I just knew those cunts would be like that about the guy who died, like at this point fuck you and your forum.

Not to get all Jeff “and your contribution to society is what?” Bell. That the guy killed was a firefighter with wife and kids makes him a more valuable and meaningful person than most of them ever will be.
It's not as much as of a contribution to society as say, making nsfw furry art, but I guess I can't fault fire-fighters for finding a way to make a living.
Firefighting isn't remotely art. It doesn't express anything about the human condition. What's the human meaning and message embedded in firefighting? This is another tech bro white liberal capitalism assault on artists and trying to deny their humanity. Firefighting needs to be restricted rather than used to protect the stolen money yts took from us.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
and for all the pulling faces era has done over the dead man's twitter feed...what power did he have, exactly?

isn't era the place that tells everyone how powerless we are and that forces beyond our control are manipulating everything to make life worse, we're all downtrodden lower caste?

so they should recognize that he can run his mouth about trump all he likes, accomplishing nothing, while performing the actual critical contribution of saving lives for a living
Vector wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:It isn't political instincts. It's ego. He put his life at risk for a photo op.
It absolutely is political instincts, he took a disastrous situation and turned it into a huge moment for his campaign in the blink of an eye. He knew he wasn't in danger anymore as the SS agents let him know the shooter was dead.

No other Republican or Democrat would have reacted like that - he understands the power of optics and heroic posturing in American culture, no doubt something he learned from his experience in reality TV.

How will Jeff respond?! Take a guess of your own!
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Polident
As always, learning involves the humbling exercise of discovering that others existed before you; "radical multiculturalism" in this case being what would now call "social justice"/"woke"/basic human decency/etc.:
[Image: fjzYT6z.png]
[Image: X1IFWh5.png]
Oh, I should have finished this before pasting. Teehee

[Image: qsbr7ML.png]
[Image: 4o2d9eU.png]
[Image: 3Uajxjt.png]

[Image: syFWcjQ.png]

[Image: VAQpwCX.png]
[Image: qfjQXHR.png]

Who does this sound like?
[Image: otbh9Md.png]
(Ironically, Bell's also been accused of "accidentally" being anti-Semitic by saying Jews are complicit in upholding capitalism, colonialism and white supremacy as proven by their academic and economic success so deserve what the yts deserve in the race war.)
(07-15-2024, 08:14 AM)Uncle wrote: and for all the pulling faces era has done over the dead man's twitter feed...what power did he have, exactly?

isn't era the place that tells everyone how powerless we are and that forces beyond our control are manipulating everything to make life worse, we're all downtrodden lower caste?

so they should recognize that he can run his mouth about trump all he likes, accomplishing nothing, while performing the actual critical contribution of saving lives for a living
But have you considered that I don't like what I assume he thought about me? He chose to side with them instead of me, fuck around and find out.
Don't forget what George Lucas warned us about Trump:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
1 year ago
I don’t care what people say about the prequels. This is my favourite Star Wars film and possibly my favourite film of all time. It’s the only film that makes me cry every time I watch it

10 months ago
As a kid we symphatized with the jedi, but as we grew up we can see much clearer

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