Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(07-25-2024, 09:30 PM)benji wrote: wrote:Your point about tolerance for crime going down can, ironically, only be addressed by the type of systemic changes that you've criticized in this thread. Take unemployment: in our current system, there is a floor to the unemployment rate. Full employment is an impossibility that is only achieveable if we make dramatic changes to our economic system. Crime is the same way- hitting a 0% rate is impossible with the way US laws and society are structured.
Uh, both of these things are literally impossible anywhere. lol

krazen wrote:This; this times 100%. The reality is that this is a long time festering problem; exacerbated by covid lockdowns, our inability to implement even basic working social safety nets, and a future that even has non-criminals with decent employment requiring help from the state or their parents.

Quote:Raise the minimum wage for all jobs, not just specific ones, introduce a state run healthcare system, lower drug prices, ban college tuition, ban private schools, increase funding for public schools, end at-will employment, give workers actual protections against getting fired, make paid sick days mandatory, introduce better social security and support systems for people living below the poverty line, do not give them food stamps or other shit that brands them as poor, just give them money. Build more social housing, introduce maximum rents and limit how much rents can be raised, strengthen the rights of renters and limit the rights of landlords, end residential only suburbs, make everything mixed use to bring jobs closer to people who cannot afford cars also stop having single family homes as a category, all zones allowing for residential buildings should allow for apartment buildings. Build a proper public transportation system when possible (obviously not every 1,500 people town can have one) ...
I don't think massive tax and price increases are going to lower the crime rate in California.

But you can brute force everything with taxing the rich!

Quote:Ah so the dominos from the supreme court decsion start to fall.

I work adjacent to reentry and transitional housing in LA county. Lemme give what perspective I can.

Most housing mandates and the funding that supports them from government aren't of course actually administered by the government, local, county, or state. We don't really do government housing in the states as matter of culture and practice. We outsource to corps and charities. Housing non-profits for the most part.

The difficulty is that the funding and the structural support simply isn't there to achieve the stated goals. Whether you're talking about renovating or building a space, or even just administering an ongoing program. It's difficult and emotionally taxing work. The turnover in housing managers and staff is very high.

Mitigation on this is attempted at the large org and municipal level through mandates in new apartment buildings and such to require a certain percentage of units be affordable housing. But not only is this exploited in practice by developers, it does not address the root cause of housing the unhoused.

It is a very difficult problem that gets right to the core of folks assumptions about the nature of civil society.

If I had my way, we'd tax the shit out of the rich to fund housing programs of all kinds, and fund twice as heavily the behavioral support services that go along with them: counselors, therapists, reentry and workforce development specialists.

Agree, California's only 46th, they could easily be 50th:
[Image: total-tax-burden-by-state-2022-state-and...-taxes.png]

What are the rich going to do? Live somewhere else? lmao
Quote:No but see, taxing the rich heavily will...*checks notes*...stop them from being very rich and you wouldn't want that right? We can't just increase the taxes on being rich because then that will make rich people not want to be rich, or some shit about how Joe blow will not be able to make it big.
I love when they don't even hide that they just want other people's stuff for themselves.
Quote:Yeah, this is really tragic. I live in the Bay Area and homelessness is a common thing to see out here. Even though places like San Francisco have a reputation for being progressive, it's really more moderately run, and the people in charge really fucking hate the homeless. It's really sad, and unfortunately it's gonna keep happening because the root cause of homelessness is not being solved at all.
What's the root cause and how could the state solve it?

They really honestly believe all of these homeless are down on their luck people who just can't get a leg up. California has offered them housing and they reject it. It's given them cash and they don't use it to become taxpayers. They'd prefer to never stop burdening everyone else than give up on the belief that we're just one little redistribution away from utopia.
FirstTwoPages wrote:Some of y'all bashing Harris' statement need to see some pictures of the protesters. Many of course were peaceful demonstrators but a decent amount of them were unambiguously pro-Hamas. And calling them out shouldn't be considered bad.
Mr Satan wrote:
FirstTwoPages wrote:Some of y'all bashing the statement need to see some pictures of the BLM protesters. Many of course were peaceful demonstrators but a decent amount of them were unambiguously violent and destroyed property. And calling them out shouldn't be considered bad.
Read this slightly altered post again and lemme know how you feel.
                   Inflammatory comparison.
is this?
Scuffed, wrote:Of course the focus is on the protests not the litany of lies from a war criminal. I expected a Harris statement but I didn't expect the pearl clutching over burning the American Flag like give me a fucking break did a Republican write her statement? Very frustrating but I'll keep hope alive for the time being.
Scuffed wrote:
Quote:It would be dumb for her to not condemn flag burning. She's running for president. And if she didn't condemn it, you would definitely see it discussed on the news networks.
I disagree she could have made a general condemnation of violence statement or whatever. Flag burning pearl clutching bullshit is cringe. It's always been cringe.
Scuffed wrote:
Quote:If Kamala Harris just needed to win votes from people who say "cringe" a lot you'd have a point. But no, a US presidential candidate condemning flag burning is to be expected. It's so by the book standard that I'm surprised it's being mentioned at all.
I don't think this is a winning strategy to get young people/progressives and I think young people are her key to victory. We can agree to disagree though. I don't have to use the word cringe if it bothers you. How about this. It's really fuciing stupid. Again you can think it's important if you like but it really only appeals to "patriots" and they are voting for Trump.
Don't worry buddy, she's still on your side, keep hope alive!
It's hard to know whose and what for given the conflicting nature of events and reports, but we're confident that there are concerns being dismissed by multiple parties  Aloy
Nepenthe thinking all this equity talk is about them  relatable and grounded in the real world while keeping some of the details which make her so iconic 

Nepenthe when they see their 80% tax rate Wut
(07-25-2024, 10:32 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: It's hard to know whose and what for given the conflicting nature of events and reports, but we're confident that there are concerns being dismissed by multiple parties  Aloy
When the forum started I said they needed to put people's race/ethnicity on their profiles but they only ever added gender. Trumps
Reply wrote:What the FUCK?

How the hell is this legal? I only use google search so this doesnt even effect me but this is the most anticompetitive shit I have seen. On some serious net neutrality energy.

Greedy fucks meet evil fucks and consolidate the internet even more than it already is. Absolute bullshit.

We need a functioning congress/senate. This is ridiculous.
(07-25-2024, 10:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
FirstTwoPages wrote:Some of y'all bashing Harris' statement need to see some pictures of the protesters. Many of course were peaceful demonstrators but a decent amount of them were unambiguously pro-Hamas. And calling them out shouldn't be considered bad.
ZeoVGM wrote:No, the overwhelming majority were peaceful. A very small amount of them were agitators. A picture you saw on Twitter doesn't change that.
Quote:I like how America is the land of the "wOrDs HaVe MeAnInG" people, unless that sentiment harms a corporation.
Quote:I swear courts used to hold companies accountable
Quote:Gonna bet purdue or tyson bought all the judges out!!! Damn you big chicken!
Thats bullshit tho wth
Quote:100% paid and bought.
They just give more ground on everything.

From the OP wrote:Berkheimer sued the restaurant, Wings on Brookwood, saying the restaurant failed to warn him that so-called "boneless wings" — which are, of course, nuggets of boneless, skinless breast meat — could contain bones. wrote:We are a family owned & operated business on the West side of Hamilton.  Our chicken is always fresh & our boneless are hand cut.  Salads are hand tossed & our sandwiches are out of this world.  Our sauces, dressings & soups are made daily in house & we pride ourselves on serving our customers as friends & family. Hamilton’s hometown Wings…Simply the Best !!! Family owned & operated for over 20 years.

MIMIC wrote:
Quote:Gonna bet purdue or tyson bought all the judges out!!! Damn you big chicken!
Thats bullshit tho wth
I've been getting boneless chicken breast from Walmart, and in a couple of the batches, I've been noticing small bones in them.
(07-25-2024, 10:48 PM)benji wrote: wrote:What the FUCK?

How the hell is this legal? I only use google search so this doesnt even effect me but this is the most anticompetitive shit I have seen. On some serious net neutrality energy.

Greedy fucks meet evil fucks and consolidate the internet even more than it already is. Absolute bullshit.

We need a functioning congress/senate. This is ridiculous.

Weren’t they bitching that Google search now just only directs to Reddit threads?

hanshen wrote:I know she had to say it but the line "Israel has the right to defend itself" always pisses me off. An illegal military occupation doesn't have the right to defend its occupation. The occupied people however has a legal right to armed struggle.
                   Whitewashing terrorism.
is this?
It's basic human decency for me to be able to find whatever I want wherever I want it and no website should be able to stand in the way of my browsing.

Unless it's Kiwi Farms or some other site I hate, then doing whatever's necessary including federal crimes to blackhole it from the rest of the internet is necessary and the state is illegitimate for not doing it for me.
Won’t quote it because I don’t know how to do spoiler tags here and I’m lazy, but the gummy bear thinking Deadpool and Wolverine is “homophobic” for having jokes about gay characters is… incredible. Starts here and continues for a bit
Quote:Jokes about sexual assault aren't typically considered funny.

Is an R-Rated film, my dude. People at RE still make prison rape jokes.
(07-25-2024, 10:53 PM)benji wrote:
Here's the decision since I looked it up:

I agree with the dissent that the Court should not have dealt with this, I disagree with their claims about boneless chicken for which the majority is slightly more correct.

This was actually a partisan split too, all Republicans were majority, all Democrats were dissent. lol
Quote:After the parties conducted further discovery, REKM, GFS, and
Wayne Farms filed motions for summary judgment. The trial court granted the
motions, determining that common sense dictated that the presence of bone
fragments in meat dishes—even dishes advertised as “boneless”—is a natural
enough occurrence that a consumer should reasonably expect it and guard against

Berkheimer appealed the trial court’s grant of summary judgment to
the Twelfth District, which affirmed the trial court’s judgment. Finding that the
bone was natural to the boneless wing and “would have encompassed nearly the
entire third bite of the boneless wing,” 2023-Ohio-116, ¶ 29 (12th Dist.), the court
of appeals held that under Ohio law, “a reasonable consumer could have reasonably
anticipated and guarded against the bone at issue in this case,”

the "shit happens, stop wolfing down your food you fat slob" judgement
[Image: 3L4EAT4.png]

acab but also the police being allowed to remain completely incompetent with no oversight is a good thing. dumbest forum on the internet
Does he think the list of Secret Service employees should be kept hidden from Congress?

sAbobo wrote:The whiplash from the Biden steps down to this thread being the main focus, really shows me that this isn't the place for me to be involved in. Curtains stances that originated from far right fringe elements to suppress voting are now passed along by their targets. I wish the best to a majority of the people in here. Have a good day and hopefully a pleasant future.
(07-25-2024, 07:49 PM)Jansen wrote:
Quote:This is why I've been really waiting for real information to get out

The real information already available that y'all are ignoring?

Must be nice to have troo.n immunity

[Image: WESLdYL.png]
(07-25-2024, 08:26 PM)Snoopy wrote: I would be astounded if Kamala gave even a single solitary fuck about the Palestinians or the Israelis


You know what would win her more votes? 

If she just came out and said, I don't give a fuck about Gaza or Israel, especially when we have so many domestic problems to solve. It's what makes Trump appeal to low intelligence and easily swayed voters.
(07-25-2024, 09:14 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I guess the text messages don't matter.  lol

Do they make my team™ look bad? 


Then they don't matter.
Quote:Well, if he honestly thinks the government wouldn't be ready for another insurrection attempt on the day they approve the electoral votes, I don't know what to tell him. I just don't see that side rising up and doing anything organized. Those people barely showed up when Trump was in court.

Sanctuary wrote:The Sith waited patiently for their moment while the rest of the galaxy grew complacent as well.

My dude… that is Star Wars
(07-26-2024, 12:23 AM)Potato wrote:
(07-25-2024, 08:26 PM)Snoopy wrote: I would be astounded if Kamala gave even a single solitary fuck about the Palestinians or the Israelis


You know what would win her more votes? 

If she just came out and said, I don't give a fuck about Gaza or Israel, especially when we have so many domestic problems to solve. It's what makes Trump appeal to low intelligence and easily swayed voters.

Trump cannot say that directly either, thought.
(07-25-2024, 10:26 PM)benji wrote:
Scuffed, wrote:Of course the focus is on the protests not the litany of lies from a war criminal. I expected a Harris statement but I didn't expect the pearl clutching over burning the American Flag like give me a fucking break did a Republican write her statement? Very frustrating but I'll keep hope alive for the time being.
Scuffed wrote:
Quote:It would be dumb for her to not condemn flag burning. She's running for president. And if she didn't condemn it, you would definitely see it discussed on the news networks.
I disagree she could have made a general condemnation of violence statement or whatever. Flag burning pearl clutching bullshit is cringe. It's always been cringe.
Scuffed wrote:
Quote:If Kamala Harris just needed to win votes from people who say "cringe" a lot you'd have a point. But no, a US presidential candidate condemning flag burning is to be expected. It's so by the book standard that I'm surprised it's being mentioned at all.
I don't think this is a winning strategy to get young people/progressives and I think young people are her key to victory. We can agree to disagree though. I don't have to use the word cringe if it bothers you. How about this. It's really fuciing stupid. Again you can think it's important if you like but it really only appeals to "patriots" and they are voting for Trump.
Don't worry buddy, she's still on your side, keep hope alive!

What if my only ability is shitty furry porn and my needs are a luxurious lifestyle with free everything? 


Social Justice Warrior
DudeWithMagikarpAvatar wrote:I know she had to say it but the line "Israel has the right to defend itself" always pisses me off. An illegal military occupation doesn't have the right to defend its occupation. The occupied people however has a legal right to armed struggle.

PororesuKid wrote:Exactly. Not once do these people say "the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves".

The situation isn't complicated. There is an occupier and occupied.

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.

Malcolm x

scuffed wrote:Ain't that the truth.

Nice forum you got there, BDumbs

effingvic wrote:There were also a lot of handwringing during BLM protests too. The go to was always concerns about "blocking ambulances"

“Let me associate BLM with terrorism.”

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