Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Ignoring Discord invites all day long 

Snob Snob Snob
(07-27-2024, 10:15 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote:
(07-27-2024, 10:08 PM)benji wrote:

It's astonishing how one person can hold such vast expertise over such diverse topics  Lawd

And in between all the upkeep old Porsches and pinball machines need.
I guess the narrative of the far left is to say Israel bombed their own people. We will see how this play goes.  Yikes
(07-27-2024, 06:07 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: If we did get highlight posts here Pwnz should be the only one able to highlight. That way when he returns he'll have a pleasant surprise.


moblin likes

Oh yeah
4 users liked this post: benji, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
(07-27-2024, 07:10 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(07-27-2024, 06:26 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Swerbs wrote:CCTV footage has been posted


Suddenly "fuck around and find out" doesn't apply anymore. 

It's so strange to me how RE can be outraged by the cop kicking the guy right after the guy assaulted him but will at the same time condone a guy getting punched to death for dropping the n-word. It's not like they're actually pacifists, they constantly try to convince people of how amazing violence is to get things done.

Hypocrisy was always era's favorite lunch.
Quote:It's also unusual to send a rocket into a soccer field, unless you're IDF.

Quote:I might get in trouble for saying this, but history will remember this genocide the same as it does the Holocaust. I cannot believe this atrocity is happening in my time, and that my country is paying for it.

Quote:Really curious what happened. Errant iron dome missile or something of that sort. Dont think Yemenis or any Palestinian insurgencies have that kind of fire power.

Agreed, there needs to be a lot of scrutiny on the Israeli's version of the story. Theyre itching for a green light against Lebanon.

Quote:Stronger words for UN special rapporteur who's an expert on the history and current genocide than the literal terrorist leader who walked into congress a few days ago.

Biden spokespeople have previously tried to discredit and slander her as well. When they cant defend Israels actions, they press the anti-semitism button. Every single time. Sad sacks of shits, all of them.


So ResetEra is now officially backing Hezbollah, cool forum you have there B-Dumbs.
I mean it's unusual to parachute into a concert and mow innocent people down but Hamas did it.
(07-27-2024, 07:52 AM)Polident wrote: Humanity should do an experiment. Divide a city in two with a wall. Half is western capitalism and the other half is communism. Run it for 25 to 30 years. Observe the quality of life and successes by various metrics.

I remember reading an article by julie burchill years ago that proposed a thought experiment of a city with a 'soft side' and a 'hard side', seperated berlin wall style, where 'soft side' was an unapologetic full on nanny state and 'hard side' was an ayn rand wet dream, and you get to choose where you want to start your life, and you get 2 opportunities to switch whenever you want, but use them both up and you're stuck where you chose for good.

It was a pretty interesting thought experiment I don't
Quote:It's also unusual to send a rocket into a soccer field, unless you're IDF.

(07-27-2024, 11:07 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Kensington Avenue wrote:No, but my best achievement (consent to talk about it given by client) was having a one on one consultation with a blonde hair, blue eyed Conservative, Christian woman about being transgender.

After a few weeks of mulling things over she messaged me. She had dumped her boyfriend for being a transphobe, and while a Christian still (I have no issues with religious people who actually aren't assholes), is now a socialist and has become more active in Anti-racisim, Anti-fascism, and is a strong LGBTQIA ally. I consider her my friend rather than a client now.

I'd not actively be friends with a conservative person, I can barely stand liberals, although I can still be civil with a liberal and be "friends" (how long that lasts is up to them).

Conservatives don't want me to continue existing unless I submit to their shitty principles. Liberals are fairweather allies at best. I am however open to having one on one conversations with them all to let them know I'm a living, breathing human with hopes and desires, and is not a threat to them, and I'm happy to educate them. But unless they change their mind to be progressive I don't think I can be friends.

At work I'm literally paid to be friendly with them. Doesn't mean I'm friends with them. Some however, who are more progressive and supportive I have formed a bond closer to what I'd describe as friendship. And maybe it will become a friendship. 😊

Edit: It's quite obvious how many Era members have the privilege and luxury of having friends who are conservative. Where anyone even hitting centrist I'd be wary of and consider them a potential danger to be around.

That friends name? Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Checkmate, atheists
Conservative friends are more likely to help you haul things in their trucks.

I'd rather have conservative neighbors around me over librals. At least I know when shit goes down who has the guns.  Trumps
6 users liked this post: Superstar, ClothedMac, Alpacx, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Nintex
I don’t know why Ree thinks they have to invent things the IDF has done. They bombed a school and killed a bunch of kids yesterday. There’s no reason to invent crimes when they’re literally doing crimes.
(07-27-2024, 11:08 PM)Snoopy wrote: I don’t know why Ree thinks they have to invent things the IDF has done. They bombed a school and killed a bunch of kids yesterday. There’s no reason to invent crimes when they’re literally doing crimes.

Then is admitting that both sides are bastards and don’t care about civilian casualties (something that anyone with brain can tell, but hey…)

Era has a fucking bizarre black and white way to see the world without admitting is shallow.
What's more believable. Hezbollah saw that 11 kids were killed and decided denial is their best option or Israel killing their own people.   Thinking
(07-27-2024, 10:19 PM)Snoopy wrote: Ignoring Discord invites all day long 

Snob Snob Snob

I'd request a Discord invite but then you'd know who I really am  Rolleyes
(07-27-2024, 11:12 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: What's more believable. Hezbollah saw that 11 kids were killed and decided denial is their best option or Israel killing their own people.   Thinking

Being fair, they have accidentally killed some of the hostages. Yeshrug 

But I think they didn’t deny it, so…  Elon
(07-27-2024, 11:08 PM)Snoopy wrote: I don’t know why Ree thinks they have to invent things the IDF has done. They bombed a school and killed a bunch of kids yesterday. There’s no reason to invent crimes when they’re literally doing crimes.

A liar can't help but lie. It's their nature.
HamasEra: Uh excuse me CHUD why is it bad to call the jews actions like Hitlers?!


You can call the acts horrible without bringing up Hitler and the holocaust.
Kasumin wrote:It's just word games. They accuse people of being antisemitic as a shield against any criticism.

This then dilutes the word and takes attention from actual, dangerous antisemitism.

Dang, B-dubs. I didn't know you were running Stormfront.
Kasumin wrote:It's just word games.

Word games that you guys are willing to play to point of also being harmful to you own cause. “Let me call others Zionist as a slur, oh my god.” 
Social Justice Warrior 2
(07-27-2024, 11:01 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Conservative friends are more likely to help you haul things in their trucks.

I'd rather have conservative neighbors around me over librals. At least I know when shit goes down who has the guns.  Trumps
Yeah at least they would intervene or call the cops if they saw somebody stealing stuff out of your house. Instead of helping the thief take your shit to redistribute the wealth.
(07-27-2024, 10:50 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I mean it's unusual to parachute into a concert and mow innocent people down but Hamas did it.


(07-27-2024, 07:27 PM)killamajig wrote:
(07-27-2024, 07:10 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(07-27-2024, 06:26 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:


Suddenly "fuck around and find out" doesn't apply anymore. 

It's so strange to me how RE can be outraged by the cop kicking the guy right after the guy assaulted him but will at the same time condone a guy getting punched to death for dropping the n-word. It's not like they're actually pacifists, they constantly try to convince people of how amazing violence is to get things done.

And from what I can see on that blurry footage that guy was whooping the cop pretty hard. Wasn't just some shove to the back. That guy was going all out. And the fact that they had the whole family running around pushing and pulling officers. That was a chaotic scene to say the least.

It's how they think.  "I am a strident fighter against the death penalty.  But, in this case . . . "  You aren't against the death penalty.  You support it's ruling for people not on your team. 

Doxxing = Bad.   Unless it's a bad person.  Then Doxxing = Good.  And everything must either be bad or good.

Same energy:

3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, killamajig, Gameboy Nostalgia
Quote:The achievement was announced by moderator (and "Deadpool & Wolverine" actor) Rob Delaney during the studios' Hall H presentation at San Diego Comic-Con.

Imagine the audience applauding after announcing that… how embarrassing…

This kind of self fellatio should be reserved for investors, not for a convention… even if the fans cheer about it.
WTF MARVEL omfg Snoop Triggered 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Robert Downey Jr as Dr Doom

¡Qué pinche asco!

Quote:Interesting indeed. An evil Tony Stark is quite interesting

Is it tho?

The comic world has been trapped by evil Tony Stark shit… and you guys are fucking celebrating this while hating the evil Superman trope. But that's none of my business...
3 users liked this post: Superstar, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
I read the synopsis of Deadpool & Wolverine and Mike 

People aren’t interested in the multiverse shit, people are interested in the old actors getting the spotlight again. My mother, a normie, was interested ingoing to see the film because she likes Hugh Jackman and Fox X-Men, even thought she hates Deadpool type of humor. lol I guess she and other normies will be interested in Robert Downey Jr coming back until they realize they don’t understand what the hell is going on. 

Why they force the multiple universes shit? Just revive Tony Stark and cast Dr Doom, or fucking recast Kang if you still insist. I just want a good Fantastic Four film, not desperate wankery because you cannot build your new main villain in time and insists the parallel universe gimmick will never get annoying.
(07-27-2024, 09:04 PM)benji wrote: I know we all love Kamala (even if she refuses to oppose genocide and instead attacks those fighting to end it) but I can't help but wonder if Biden shouldn't seize absolute power, abolish the other branches and establish a hereditary dynasty before Trump possibly wins. Anyone who wishes to respond, please don't put me in potential danger by being centrist about this.

The world is like a bad comic book…

Quote:yall what makes Doom so special? Legit asking, I only know him from MVC2.

BWoog wrote:Dr. Doom is arguably the greatest villain in any medium and that's not a stretch to say. Aside from being one of the most cunning, intelligent, and ruthless villains, he also has the power backing him up and then some.

There have been numerous storylines where Doom takes over the world and the world becomes better for it, presenting the question of whether having a supervillain in charge might be better. Victor Von Doom is an absolutely amazing character from top to bottom.

Games as a Service

No wonder why Mark Waid hates Dr Doom:
We already decided it was Heath's joker

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