Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Quote:Oh good, I can feel comfortable going to my local Apple store again!

I'd been abstaining while Apple had boxed them out on negotiations.

Oh, thank god you can be comfortable with Apple again.

Well deserved. Now how about adding a few more sites from Egypt to the list as we have only 7 currently recognised.

White man bad. maf maf 
We get it, my man. You don't have to push this egypt angle in everything that involves western culture. Its starting to feel like an inferiority complex.


OK, what's this guys deal with junk food? I hope he works in that field. Cuz otherwise Aloy
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Quote:Ah, the crucible of justice and rights: parents.

Quote:The concept of toxic masculinity presented in chart form

Quote:How wild can you get with this, if you change the question slightly?

"Let kids pick their clothing"
"Let kids pick their toys"
"Let kids pick what shows or movies they want to watch"

(07-29-2024, 03:26 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:How wild can you get with this, if you change the question slightly?

"Let kids pick their clothing"
"Let kids pick their toys"
"Let kids pick what shows or movies they want to watch"


...what's being said here?

when I was a kid I didn't get to pick these things  ???

I wore whatever the fuck they could afford

and if I did have a choice of shirt, they would have every right to veto any of them if they felt ideologically opposed to them

hell, schools veto them too for being vulgar, suggestive or just a distraction in general

imagine if schools vetoed trans-ness for being a personal cosmetic decision which is distracting to everyone else and detracts from the learning experience
Viewt wrote:Even more depressing is that these are 18-29-year-olds, so it's not even like these are old people set in their ways.

These poor fucking kids. Ugh.

Younger generations have more direct exposure and awareness to the gender conversation and what it looks in reality when people are allowed to self-identify...why would these numbers be so negative?

(07-29-2024, 03:26 PM)killamajig wrote:
Quote:Ah, the crucible of justice and rights: parents.

Quote:The concept of toxic masculinity presented in chart form

Quote:How wild can you get with this, if you change the question slightly?

"Let kids pick their clothing"
"Let kids pick their toys"
"Let kids pick what shows or movies they want to watch"


So, what you’re telling me is 66% of men AND 48% of women oppose children picking gender w/o parental consent.

Even if men were at the same opinion rate as women, you wouldn’t have any clear majority and show the level of division on the topic.

But sure, act like it’s only men that are against this position of letting children make life altering, irreversible decisions without parental input.
(07-29-2024, 03:26 PM)killamajig wrote:

Quote:How wild can you get with this, if you change the question slightly?

"Let kids pick their clothing"
"Let kids pick their toys"
"Let kids pick what shows or movies they want to watch"


Well... yeah? Obviously parents will have input on those choices too. Hell, with some of it even the state is involved. Is RE going to rage against the rating system of movies next?

Mind you this survey didn't ask if they were opposed to having a trans child, just that they want input on it which seems totally fair considering all the shit kids get up to.

The more I see this user post, the more I'm convinced it's a mods alt account
ComedySmasher wrote:I think one of the big problems that's becoming increasingly pronounced is the fact that, at least as far as young folks are concerned, communities are becoming so insular and private that you may not even know that someone you know is a shitbird because they don't run around broadcasting it, they just hang out with other like-minded folks and bitch about how much they hate women/trans folks/POC in private. Or they use anonymous Twitter accounts, or hang out in locked-down Discords, etc.

How are we supposed to reach out to and get through to people who don't even want to talk to us because they already have communities that enable their worst impulses? Where is the vector for us to get through to these kids?

(07-29-2024, 01:48 PM)benji wrote: Officially four times more ban worthy to disagree with Islam about anything than advocate for political violence: wrote: User banned (1 month): islamophobic rhetoric

Islam gets a lot of stuff wrong but on arse washing it gets everything right.

I think that user is also muslim, turkish muslim guy. but we have seen era ban muslims before when they criticised their own religion as "islamaphobia" so nothing new, only extremist muslims are allowed on era lol
(07-29-2024, 03:57 PM)Jansen wrote:

The more I see this user post, the more I'm convinced it's a mods alt account

I thought it was just someone coming for Kyuuji's crown, Tyrant002/Lady Dimitrescu style. "Now now children, let me be the voice of reason her so we can get back to focusing on the REAL issues"

Problem is they try to stand on points like this:
Quote:3) there are however far worse things that we could collectively have, as the largest subscribed person on youtube, so that's probably a good thing overall. in just a single example as above, he loudly and repeatedly stood up to rightoid and "gamer" criticism and obv straight up transphobia about his friend multiple times over the past year or two, and very loudly defended her and her transition, rebuffed all the usual "groomer" bullshit from that crowd and repeatedly insisted that she was spending lots of time with her kid, and doing her best as a great parent. thats a good thing from somebody so public, and with so many young followers.

"MrBeast stridently fought against the groomer accusations...which did turn out to be true...but what really matters is that he reactively refused to accept it as a possibility...which is good to do. Also he asserts Ava Veronica Chris Kris Vivian Tyson (SHE/HER, never THEY) is a great parent...despite the...stuff. Which is all good for kids to see and hear."

Quote:Yeah, Tate, Rogan, and the other slime balls really did a number on that generation.
Quote:Why are people taking life advice from the guy who goaded people into eating cockroaches on tv for money?

Why would anyone take life advice from a guy that posts 4 hour videos on rap beefs and the evils of showing side-boob?
Quote:When my costochondritis got really bad I used to be very afraid of going to sleep because I used to legit think I wouldn't wake up again.
Had to look that one up.

Costochondritis is when the cartilage (connective tissue) that joins your ribs to your breastbone is inflamed. Doctors call this area of your body the costochondral joint.

Quote:The most commonly reported symptom of costochondritis is chest pain that is often exacerbated by movement and deep breathing. Pain is typically widespread and reproducible with palpation of the anterior (front) chest at the affected joints.[5][6]: 171  Pain from costochondritis can vary between individuals, and is typically described as a sharp, aching, dull, or pressure-like pain.[7] It may also be accompanied by a radiating pain to the shoulder, arm, front neck, or scapula (shoulder blade).[8]: 550 

The condition usually onsets gradually following repetitive coughing, strenuous physical activity, or trauma to the chest.[1][6]: 171  Symptoms of costochondritis may be recurrent and last weeks to months; however, refractory cases of the condition can persist to over a year.[9][10]

I don't think you die from this.

Guess who

After falling asleep while driving on the highway twice in the same drive? Yeah. Yeah, I've been afraid to fall asleep.

I got off the highway after the second one and parked my ass in a McDonald's and guzzled down 2 or 3 large Cokes until I got enough of an energy boost to finish the drive safely.

Quote:ClickyCal' said:
Deradicalizing transphobic men isn't the job for trans people to do.

Cis men suck??
* shocked pikachu*

I think contributions like this are harmful to everybody involved. They're too common and get almost no pushback, but they should. It's such a stupid thing to say.

Although at least for my own sanity, I think the deterioration in trans support over the past 10 years is also due to the fact it is being taken seriously and is mainstream, which I don't think it was before in modern history, correct me if I'm wrong. I look at the negativity as being people who had never even thought about this stuff before going 'what the fuck' and eventually, it will die down and wider acceptance will come.

But right now it's all very intertwined with things that are happening to everyone so it gets messy and complicated.
Siren Banplz Siren


Yep, same thing. Derp

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Ableist stereotyping
Gemüsestäbchen wrote:Can I ask... OP do you think your son might be neuro-divergent? Not that that's an excuse - but it might affect his capacity for empathy or accountability?

I ask as my brother is a troubled man, who grew up from being a troubled kid.. He's on the spectrum for sure - but be it immigrant parents not advocating for him or the man having plain shitty values for whatever reason - he did exactly what the OP describes as a teenager and into adulthood.

Beginning around 13 year's old he would steal money from mum's purse - a tenner here and there - to buy magazines that he had some obsession with. Instead of taking a weekend job or something to get some money.
And I saw this play out over decade - where in '90s my mum accused his one and only best friend of stealing her money - a kid who would come over in the mornings so they could walk to school together... Poor guy denied it vigorously but he was banned from our house - and the money stopped disappearing for a short while. All the while my brother let his friend be blamed, and stayed silent. He threw his only friend under the bus.

Then late '90s.. Even into his late teens - he continued to lift money from her purse. Until finally one day my mother realised it was him - and I am a bit traumatised by the visual of my mother slapping him in the face in our hallway when she confronted him... Yay child abuse!

Today - the man still lives at home at 45 years old and has no concept of money somehow still. He spends his income on computer games and adult LEGO sets that are unbuilt in their boxes as there's literally no room in the house.
So my brother is evidentally got issues and if you ask me a piece of shit. However my parents failed as they are emotionally absent and clearly never really talked to him about this, or resorted to violence when unable to articulate their disappointment with his actions. Asian parents / families are a mess - but that's another story 😅

I see this all as a cautionary tale - you must sit down with your son and talk openly about his actions - I'm assuming you have some sort of loving and respectful relationship with him to be able to talk openly about the hurt he's caused and in a way that will really hit home.
It's not punishment necessarily - more getting him to understand truly how wrong his actions were.
Bebpo wrote:Yeah, GOP has been playing the long-game since Gamergate to brainwash young men.

It's been going on for so long, I'm not sure how this issue is even repaired. I guess if a large majority of the most popular streamers/influencers in the USA/World are liberal for a decade? But for whatever reason the influencers that gain popularity tend to be the right-wing ones :\

The willful confusion is peak. 

Damn, outsmarted by the GOP again. Maybe if we on the left similarly devote ourselves to long-term active outreach and education...

ClickyCal wrote:🤷‍♀️ Deradicalizing transphobic men isn't the job for trans people to do.

Ah, shit, forgot about that one. Welp, anyone else got any other ideas?
(07-29-2024, 05:30 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Ableist stereotyping
Gemüsestäbchen wrote:Can I ask... OP do you think your son might be neuro-divergent? Not that that's an excuse - but it might affect his capacity for empathy or accountability?

I ask as my brother is a troubled man, who grew up from being a troubled kid.. He's on the spectrum for sure - but be it immigrant parents not advocating for him or the man having plain shitty values for whatever reason - he did exactly what the OP describes as a teenager and into adulthood.

Beginning around 13 year's old he would steal money from mum's purse - a tenner here and there - to buy magazines that he had some obsession with. Instead of taking a weekend job or something to get some money.
And I saw this play out over decade - where in '90s my mum accused his one and only best friend of stealing her money - a kid who would come over in the mornings so they could walk to school together... Poor guy denied it vigorously but he was banned from our house - and the money stopped disappearing for a short while. All the while my brother let his friend be blamed, and stayed silent. He threw his only friend under the bus.

Then late '90s.. Even into his late teens - he continued to lift money from her purse. Until finally one day my mother realised it was him - and I am a bit traumatised by the visual of my mother slapping him in the face in our hallway when she confronted him... Yay child abuse!

Today - the man still lives at home at 45 years old and has no concept of money somehow still. He spends his income on computer games and adult LEGO sets that are unbuilt in their boxes as there's literally no room in the house.
So my brother is evidentally got issues and if you ask me a piece of shit. However my parents failed as they are emotionally absent and clearly never really talked to him about this, or resorted to violence when unable to articulate their disappointment with his actions. Asian parents / families are a mess - but that's another story 😅

I see this all as a cautionary tale - you must sit down with your son and talk openly about his actions - I'm assuming you have some sort of loving and respectful relationship with him to be able to talk openly about the hurt he's caused and in a way that will really hit home.
It's not punishment necessarily - more getting him to understand truly how wrong his actions were.

Hit dog hollers, am I right Era?
Quote:generic_orb wrote:

At what point though do you have to acknowledge that what you are doing is making your enemy - transphobia - stronger, and maybe you should stop with the generalised and as you admit simplified insults? Cos I think that point has passed. It's not just not helping, it's making things worse. If you're okay with that and think 'not my responsibility to coddle/educate men' or some version of that is defense enough to be actively hostile against straight men as a whole, then that's where we diverge but I stick to my point. 'cis men suck' is not a dialogue.

Pretty sure no one would respond to this.

Also in the topic about rural America. clicky as always contributes the only way they know how to contribute.
(07-29-2024, 04:07 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
ComedySmasher wrote:I think one of the big problems that's becoming increasingly pronounced is the fact that, at least as far as young folks are concerned, communities are becoming so insular and private that you may not even know that someone you know is a shitbird because they don't run around broadcasting it, they just hang out with other like-minded folks and bitch about how much they hate women/trans folks/POC in private. Or they use anonymous Twitter accounts, or hang out in locked-down Discords, etc.

How are we supposed to reach out to and get through to people who don't even want to talk to us because they already have communities that enable their worst impulses? Where is the vector for us to get through to these kids?

Have you seen how you Comediansmasher and ResetEra are?  I don't blame normal people not talking to y'all.

JigglesBunny wrote:I don't think people who live with this kind of backwards and vicious hatred inside should be allowed to procreate. Poll me on that. Let me run on that platform.
is this?
Locked-down Discords? We don't do that here. Everyone is welcome to join the conversation.

Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1722274205' wrote: 1722274205[/url]']

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Ableist stereotyping
Gemüsestäbchen wrote:Can I ask... OP do you think your son might be neuro-divergent? Not that that's an excuse - but it might affect his capacity for empathy or accountability?

I ask as my brother is a troubled man, who grew up from being a troubled kid.. He's on the spectrum for sure - but be it immigrant parents not advocating for him or the man having plain shitty values for whatever reason - he did exactly what the OP describes as a teenager and into adulthood.

Beginning around 13 year's old he would steal money from mum's purse - a tenner here and there - to buy magazines that he had some obsession with. Instead of taking a weekend job or something to get some money.
And I saw this play out over decade - where in '90s my mum accused his one and only best friend of stealing her money - a kid who would come over in the mornings so they could walk to school together... Poor guy denied it vigorously but he was banned from our house - and the money stopped disappearing for a short while. All the while my brother let his friend be blamed, and stayed silent. He threw his only friend under the bus.

Then late '90s.. Even into his late teens - he continued to lift money from her purse. Until finally one day my mother realised it was him - and I am a bit traumatised by the visual of my mother slapping him in the face in our hallway when she confronted him... Yay child abuse!

Today - the man still lives at home at 45 years old and has no concept of money somehow still. He spends his income on computer games and adult LEGO sets that are unbuilt in their boxes as there's literally no room in the house.
So my brother is evidentally got issues and if you ask me a piece of shit. However my parents failed as they are emotionally absent and clearly never really talked to him about this, or resorted to violence when unable to articulate their disappointment with his actions. Asian parents / families are a mess - but that's another story 😅

I see this all as a cautionary tale - you must sit down with your son and talk openly about his actions - I'm assuming you have some sort of loving and respectful relationship with him to be able to talk openly about the hurt he's caused and in a way that will really hit home.
It's not punishment necessarily - more getting him to understand truly how wrong his actions were.

No concept of money yet is investing in Lego Snob
(07-29-2024, 04:35 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:
(07-29-2024, 01:48 PM)benji wrote: Officially four times more ban worthy to disagree with Islam about anything than advocate for political violence: wrote: User banned (1 month): islamophobic rhetoric

Islam gets a lot of stuff wrong but on arse washing it gets everything right.

I think that user is also muslim, turkish muslim guy. but we have seen era ban muslims before when they criticised their own religion as "islamaphobia" so nothing new, only extremist muslims are allowed on era lol

Yeah, 90% sure the guy defended the Turkish player when he did that far right hand symbol at the Euros. Hilarious that the mods considered that okay but not daring to say that Islam gets stuff wrong   lol

Quote:The story behind how I chose the S/N is that I was having difficulty finding a name and decided to take a break by surfing the web for a while. I saw an ad for sweaters/hoodies with faux college names and seals. You could order any college name you wanted but the ad featured a hoodie that said "Big State University" over the seal. At the same time the talking head on my tv was discussing MAGAts and their "deep state" paranoia. I was about to choose "FugueStateUniversity" but after seeing that changed my mind to "DeepStateUniversity". It seemed like a good joke and I didn't think it would be so triggering to someone like you. It's kind of ironic that you latched onto one thing and thought it was all you needed to know yet you call me the conspiracy theorist. I don't know what triggered you but if you continue with the personal attacks I'm gonna have a conversation with the mod team. Get a life

Quote:I don't know what triggered you but if you continue with the personal attacks I'm gonna have a conversation with the mod team. Get a life

What happens when... They are the mod team 😂

Glio wrote:Israel needs to be reeducated by a international force.

Quote:Men terrified the woman they're hitting on might be trans

I don't think men are that worried about it lol

For every Hunter Schafer there's a 100,000 Melody Shreads Rofl
Conversation with the mod team


These people are retarded
Was busy the past day or so, but thank you to everyone who provided ideas - I passed them over to the relevant parties Smile

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