Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
So much for environmentalism... lol
witness wrote:Stop using this goddamn platform, it's another truth social now. People need to accept it and just move on.

mistersnrub wrote:It's where everyone is" is the common excuse

bullshit — almost everybody has Threads already, they just ain't using it bc they collectively don't want the fuss of moving

Weren’t they just complaining about Zuckerberg being right wing as well? lol
Quote:Between this, keeping people initially from following Kamala HQ, the Kamala AI voice video, promising and then taking back the promise of 45 million per month to Republicans, and then deadnaming his own child with a subsequent and thorough thrashing from that child in the same week.

It's too much, something needs to be done.

[Image: XmqTiOh.jpg]
Also an actual admin -

Quote:This white dude is in for $125 so far. Let's do this thing

Let's do this thing. $125 

(07-30-2024, 11:57 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
witness wrote:Stop using this goddamn platform, it's another truth social now. People need to accept it and just move on.

mistersnrub wrote:It's where everyone is" is the common excuse

bullshit — almost everybody has Threads already, they just ain't using it bc they collectively don't want the fuss of moving

Weren’t they just complaining about Zuckerberg being right wing as well? lol

[Image: Screenshot-20240730-072240-Brave.jpg]

The world has to reconfigure the global economy and primitavize it for a regression to save the planet from the scourge of global capitalism but Nepenthe can't quit a website.
Do you draw doggy porn? No? Then shut up chad. Sit down. Listen. Learn. Be better.
(07-30-2024, 12:29 PM)Propagandhim wrote:
(07-30-2024, 11:57 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
witness wrote:Stop using this goddamn platform, it's another truth social now. People need to accept it and just move on.

mistersnrub wrote:It's where everyone is" is the common excuse

bullshit — almost everybody has Threads already, they just ain't using it bc they collectively don't want the fuss of moving

Weren’t they just complaining about Zuckerberg being right wing as well? lol

[Image: Screenshot-20240730-072240-Brave.jpg]

The world has to reconfigure the global economy and primitavize it for a regression to save the planet from the scourge of global capitalism but Nepenthe can't quit a website.

Not just Nepenthe! All* artists**!

*not all 
**"artists" here defined as pornographers, as well as internet retards of all stripes, many of which create no art whatsoever
(07-30-2024, 03:49 AM)Potato wrote:
(07-29-2024, 08:15 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(07-29-2024, 02:19 PM)killamajig wrote:


OK, what's this guys deal with junk food? I hope he works in that field. Cuz otherwise Aloy

He works in either fast food/junk food or automotive. Guy spawns anti Tesla articles like no tomorrow, never positive. And conversely only positive articles for Toyota, Nissan etc

If I was being generous, I'd say he worked as a PR consultant. 

However, we all know that he's most likely some weird shut-in who just really likes fast food and cars and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of random useless facts about both. Probably has a skin suit from his victims too.

Introducing Taco Bell's new RBH Spicy Skin Suit Cravings Box.

Includes a Seasoned Beef Chalupa Supreme, chips & Nacho Cheese sauce and our New Spicy Skin Suit. You wear it and then eat it!!! Made from Fresh Real Mexicans!!!
Wash it all down with a refreshing Baja Blast!!
(07-30-2024, 12:19 PM)Snoopy wrote: Also an actual admin -

Quote:This white dude is in for $125 so far. Let's do this thing

Let's do this thing. $125 


If we are just making up shit to look like we are doing something, I just donated $500. Anyone else want to match my imaginary donation?

(07-30-2024, 10:54 AM)Polident wrote: Speaking of brutal capitalism,

Quote:Sources say Marvel is plunking down $80 million for Anthony and Joe Russo to direct “Avengers: Doomsday” and “Avengers: Secret Wars” and “significantly more” for Downey to tackle uber-villain Doctor Doom in the two tentpoles. The Russos’ deal doesn’t include back-end compensation, but it does contain performance escalators that kick in at the $750 million and $1 billion thresholds.
Quote:For Downey … his deal also is filled with perks that include private jet travel, dedicated security and a whole “trailer encampment”

FACT CHECK: this was not only the right move, everyone in the know already knew it was happening no matter what

[Image: F8c2dpv.png]
Weekly shreds check in:

shreds wrote:I'm gonna have to put the name change on hold, I need money for food and other essentials. 

I'd like to go grocery shopping so I don't order food delivery so often since that's expensive AF

This is followed up with posts assembling a new toy. A gift, I'm sure.

As always, I love this dude
food delivery....lmao fatso
(07-30-2024, 01:53 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Weekly shreds check in:

You missed the real juice:

[Image: 2fmJBAf.jpeg]

Melody Shreds the Hooker wrote:This is a sex workers safe bluesky account!

Sex workers are respected and loved here and I support them in part because I know I've considered it many times myself simply due to my inability to hold traditional employment.

While it is a last resort that doesn't mean we should look down on it.

  YOU CRAZY MAN YOU CRAZY  Existential Kobeyuck Anhuld Titus  Do you think people would really do that? Hey, crabman.
And what , pray tell, does he think he would offer as a sex worker?
(07-30-2024, 02:46 PM)Straight Edge wrote: And what , pray tell, does he think he would offer as a sex worker?

The first serial killer to kill prostitutes by suicide  Rejoice
(07-30-2024, 01:30 PM)killamajig wrote: If we are just making up shit to look like we are doing something, I just donated $500. Anyone else want to match my imaginary donation?


White guys saving America again
(07-30-2024, 12:19 PM)Snoopy wrote: Also an actual admin -

Quote:This white dude is in for $125 so far. Let's do this thing

Let's do this thing. $125 


He brags about driving a Nissan, this guy lives in an economical class where $125 is a lot lol
New argument to stay on twitter as a leftist just dropped.
CrossingEden wrote:Those are not mutually exclusive concepts and artists aren't still using the platform for shirs and giggles. Thankfully ads and such are the main thing affected by the Musk takeover since he can't undo a decade worth of personalized algorithms even though he so very badly wants to. Which is why he's pulling shit like this because he is absolutely fuming that leftists are still using the platform effectively instead of dipping and letting it be even MORE like 4chan

Musk is big mad that left-leaning users are continuing to use the platform. So actually, those ethically motivated users who dropped the site should come back! Then Clydelongated Apartheidrat will be super owned!
(07-30-2024, 01:53 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Weekly shreds check in:

shreds wrote:I'm gonna have to put the name change on hold, I need money for food and other essentials. 

I'd like to go grocery shopping so I don't order food delivery so often since that's expensive AF

This is followed up with posts assembling a new toy. A gift, I'm sure.

As always, I love this dude
Stop paying 20 buck for 2 chicken tenders, you fat, lazy sack of shit.

You want to order food, Melody Shits? Here you go...
Nishiki Premium Rice, 15 Pound  $20.19 Now you got 15lbs of food. 

but no, you would rather debase yourself and beg for $$ to buy Uber Eats so you don't have to lift a finger to feed yourself. 
Literally an engorged parasite living off its hosts.
So her (Yeah, I'll entertain the pronoun) parents let her live there rent free, with the internet, but they draw the line at food.  She's just gonna starve.  Makes sense.
it really is a case of "i want tendies not whatever these chuds have in the cabinet" lol
Mel thinking he can get into some kind of sex work is like me thinking I could be in the NBA.
i believe there is a market for everyone and every body type out there. however, if this mf can't even commit to going to the grocery store they also will not be able to commit to the onlyfans hustle
Guys, Malds cannot open the jar of pickles and their dad refuses to open them either unless he can call them son. Malds will starve without pickles!!!
He’s using GoFundMe for Uber Eats? 

Rampage wrote:The resource gap you cling to doesn't explain how any minority and women eventually won rights over rich white men. From slaves, to farmers, to Chinese, to vary waves to immigrants Irish, second wave Eastern Europeans, Italians, to workers rights, to children's rights; none of those causes were back by rich, powerful people. The took a ground swell of people rising up to attract the powerful to work with them.

Pick up a modern USA history book. Grassroots, starting from the people, is a proven method of gaining power. Saying it is fantasy is ignoring history. It only a fantasy if people don't engage over their life times.

lord fanny wrote:Yes, and where are we now? A lot of those rights are being rolled back, threatened to be rolled back, we are about to eternally be one election away from a chritofascist regime and climate catastrophe is constantly knocking on our door after decades of being largely being downplayed and not addressed. And why are we here despite all of those grassroots campaigns and hard work to get those rights at one point succeeding?

If you think it's just hard work and nose to the grindstone from conservatives and everyone else just 'dropping the ball' and has absolutely nothing to do with the massive resource gap between the two sides, then more power to you. There's nothing else that can be said that will convince you otherwise—-constitutional-amdmt-for-no-pres-immunity-18-yr-limit-new-justice-every-2yrs-binding-coc.939285/page-3?post=126508017#post-126508017

This whole exchange is too long to quote but it’s great. Fanny is eternally black pilled on capitalism lol
Yeah this fat fuck is begging for money to have fast food delivered to him.
I want to know what disability keeps Melody from getting a job. Still if they needed food that badly take your sorry ass to a food pantry.
Makonero wrote:Really wish Bluesky would get embeds here. I prefer it there.

Gee I wonder why, maybe we should check this freaks bluesky page and see if it’s full of questionable material like Malds.
(07-30-2024, 04:58 PM)Jansen wrote: I want to know what disability keeps Melody from getting a job. Still if they needed food that badly take your sorry ass to a food pantry.

The food pantry isn’t an option for MelodyShreds. They don’t let you customize your order.

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