Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(08-02-2024, 04:22 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Permanent, huh?  He's been permanently banned before.  He's gonna get down on his knees and lick the admins and mods boots to come back again.
That wasn't for the worst crime possible. ufup
Quote:[Image: GT5rMChW0AQNU55?format=jpg&name=large]
It's been pointed out the world over by now to all these transphobes that Imane Khelif is a cis women, she is not trans and was born with all the "correct" parts that these people constantly obsess over. So I'm now left wondering is Joanne just a plain old racist? It's no secret that secret that non-white women (specifically black and arab) have a long history of being described as manly and masculine due to not having stereotypical white "european" features and in the early days of feminism there was huge issues with getting white women (specifically more middle class ones) to even perceive and validate the different existence that POC women faced in society.

Anyway I assume this was appropriate to share in this thread despite it not directly linking to the UK
God, this user annoyed me so much back in eventhub site.
Good vibes only.  Hmph
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower
Is she is or she isn’t? Sure as hell I’m not going to believe TransRE on anything.
Someone tell me how I should feel about the women's boxing match.
She's a real woman who is really good at punching.  lol

Chuddies lose this time.
Death to European Artists says trans activist:
MaxPayneGuyIsAnIdiot wrote:This is what happens when you have decades of carte blanche to do whatever the hell you want to do without suffering any consequences whatsoever. This is why "do you support Hamas?" and "are you antisemitic?" are rapidly morphing into memes (which is a sad state of affairs considering antisemitism is a very real thing).

No matter what happens to him now, Netanyahu won't be around to see the ripple effect of his politics. That just leaves one question. What do the part of Israeli society who supports everything happening now is going to do when sooner or later the US won't be able to project its power and give it a cover? Not gonna happen tomorrow or in the next couple of decades but it's going to happen eventually. Do they think their neighbours are simply going to forget? This is how you build and feed generations worth of hate.


This guy feels like was born yesterday. Totally clueless of how this stuff has been going and the “free pass”  not being exactly a reality. 

Israel government definitely takes advantage of saying antisemitism when confronted… but this guys sound like old geezers talking about “the blacks”.
Shoot wrote:mod edit: derail

BCoward wrote:Can we really not do this sort of bullshit? It's bad enough we had a bunch of threads with people being bigots to the guy.

BDumbs edited a post that mentioned Neil Druckmann, dunno what it was but I seriously doubt that Dubs removed it because he has a good heart. Rolleyes 

What is the matter BDumbs? Afraid that Druckmann calls the forum out if he realizes that a bunch of borderline Hamas supporters are shit talking him at RE? Resetera, the biggest and most influential gaming forum. Awesome 

Buckle wrote:Before this war started, I had no idea we (the US) were so deeply entrenched on being brainwashed to Israel propaganda. Its a long conflict I'm ashamed to say I was pretty ignorant of but its been a wild ride taking the time to learn and educate myself.

The amount of denial people have on the issue is pretty wild despite all the amazing reporting showing how exhaustingly horrific the IDF has been. Neil needs to wake up.

Is it tho?

I feel you are still kind of naive if you think HamasERA are in the right and totally not antisemitic and playing propaganda intentionally because BDubs is emotionally stunted to deal with them outside passive aggressive remarks.
They don't understand how small israel is. The population is about 10 million of which 70% are jews. On October 7 Hamas killed 1200 people and abducted 250. 

Relative to the US population that would be about 40000 dead and 8000 kidnapped. Plus people had to evacuate those border areas.

That's why 61% of Israel supports a pre-emptive strike on Iran and they fear Iran will wipe them out with a nuke.

Spineduke has spoken, Druckmann is one of the ‘good ones’.  Wow!

DudeIsNotAllowedToHaveAnOpinion wrote:I suggest to knock if off with Druckmann talk. It's not relevant, nor does it really matter in the bigger scope of things. Druckmann has already multiple right wing hate group in his sights, and among those are plenty of antisemitics. There's no way to engage on this without enabling some of those same hateful groups

Totally not afraid of him spotlighting HamasERA takes to the world to see.
(08-02-2024, 07:08 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
MaxPayneGuyIsAnIdiot wrote:That just leaves one question. What do the part of Israeli society who supports everything happening now is going to do when sooner or later the US won't be able to project its power and give it a cover? Not gonna happen tomorrow or in the next couple of decades but it's going to happen eventually. Do they think their neighbours are simply going to forget? This is how you build and feed generations worth of hate.
Uh... what exactly does this guy think the United States is preventing? And how?

He knows what things were like before Israel made peace with its neighbors, namely Egypt and Jordan, right?

Is he suggesting that the Muslim world has just been biding its time to exterminate Israel and without US protection they'll finally be able to do it? (Even though they couldn't before.) Huh, wonder where that kind of thinking might lead Israelis to and if it has anything to do with Bibi and Likud's power.
(08-02-2024, 07:35 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Spineduke has spoken, Druckmann is one of the ‘good ones’.

DudeIsNotAllowedToHaveAnOpinion wrote:Druckmann has already multiple right wing hate group in his sights, and among those are plenty of antisemitics.
Shouldn't he be making video games instead of targeting hate groups for something?
Holy shit, Spineduke just posted a news article about Israel killing kids just so people don’t criticize him. for saying that they should shut up about Druckmann. lol
Booshka wrote:The other important reason to take away money from rich people is so they can't fund garbage like this.

Fuck off

“People shouldn’t be free to use their money how they see fit.” 

ERAsure of the marginalized!

Governments never funds stupid shit, no sir

(Funded by Canada, it even offended a leftie like YMS )
Quote:Before this war started, I had no idea we (the US) were so deeply entrenched on being brainwashed to Israel propaganda.

Really? It's what the Chuds were saying for years..
Trouble is these guys don’t learn and grow. They jump from one source of propaganda to another. It’s been said before. They admit they were edgelord chuds reborn as Good People. Used to attack bitches and whores. Now they attack TERFs and white women. To quote Robert Downey Jr: new mask, same task.

Social Justice Warrior 2 Karen Egomaniac Social Justice Warrior Bowsette Aloy Everything worthwhile is being destroyed Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
(08-02-2024, 12:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Stahp when I saw nepnep profile pic I had to double take.

Top of the page jump scare. Sad
(08-02-2024, 08:00 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Booshka wrote:The other important reason to take away money from rich people is so they can't fund garbage like this.

Fuck off
Yeah, think of how that wealth could be given as arms to Israel, used to undermine Chinese power in Asia, fund more Cass Reports, police retail theft and homeless encampments or to overthrow Maduro and other leftists and/or Islamists. Malarkey!
(08-02-2024, 08:00 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Booshka wrote:The other important reason to take away money from rich people is so they can't fund garbage like this.

Fuck off wrote:A bipartisan group of senators, including Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, on Wednesday called on Congress to approve $32 billion in funding for artificial intelligence research to keep the U.S. ahead of China in the powerful technology.

The senators, including Republicans Mike Rounds and Todd Young and Democrat Martin Heinrich, announced the goal as part of a legislative roadmap to address the promises and perils of AI.

If China is "going to invest $50 billion, and we're going to invest in nothing, they'll inevitably get ahead of us. So that's why even these investments are so important," Schumer said Wednesday. wrote:In April 2023, a Stanford study found rapid acceleration in the U.S. federal government spending in 2022.


In this second in a series of articles on AI spending in the U.S. federal government, we continue to follow the trail of money to understand the federal market for AI work. In our last article, we analyzed five years of federal contracts. Key findings included that over 95% of AI-labeled expenditures were in NAICS 54 (professional, scientific, and technical services); that within this category over half of the contracts and nearly 90% of contract value sit within the Department of Defense; and that the vast majority of vendors had a single contract, reflecting a very fragmented vendor community operating in very narrow niches. wrote:White House official leading the Biden administration artificial intelligence’s agenda is calling for the federal government to increase its research and development spending into this emerging technology.

Arati Prabhakar, director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, said federal R&D spending “has continued to grow over time, but it has not kept up with the pace of the economy in the broader innovation system.”

The federal government spends about $200 billion a year on total R&D. Prabhakar said a “pretty modest” share of that spending, about $3-4 billion, is spent on AI research.

“It’s been at that level, growing modestly for quite a while. So, we’re not seeing a huge surge yet in public spending, partly because budgets are constrained,” she said Tuesday at the Brookings Institution.

The federal government is getting repeated calls to ramp up its AI spending, citing national security concerns and a technological arms race with nation-state adversaries.

The National Security Commission on AI, a blue-ribbon panel commissioned by Congress, recommended in its final report that the federal government exponentially increase its AI R&D spending to $32 billion annually by 2026.

“That is exactly the direction that we need to move,” Prabhakar said.  “It needs to be a sizable percentage, if we’re really going to seize this moment.” wrote:U.S. government spending on artificial intelligence has exploded in the past year, driven by increased military investments, according to a report by the Brookings Institution, a think tank based in Washington D.C.

The report found that the potential value of AI-related federal contracts increased by almost 1,200%, from $355 million in the period leading up to August 2022, to $4.6 billion in the period leading up to August 2023.

This increase was almost entirely driven by the Department of Defense (DoD). The total amount committed by the DoD to AI-related contracts increased from $190 million in the period leading up to August 2022 to $557 million in the period leading up to August 2023.

The total that the DoD might spend on AI-related contracts if each contract were extended to its fullest terms grew even faster, from $269 million in the period leading up to August 2022 to $4.3 billion in the period leading up to August 2023. This potential surge in military spending was so large that “all other agencies become a rounding error,” the report's authors note. wrote:As a major federal funder of AI research, NSF advances AI breakthroughs that push the frontiers of knowledge, benefit people, and are aligned to the needs of society.

What we support
With investments of over $700 million each year, NSF supports:

Innovation in AI methods
We invest in foundational research to understand and develop systems that can sense, learn, reason, communicate and act in the world.

Application of AI techniques and tools
We invest in the application of AI across science and engineering to push the frontiers of knowledge and address pressing societal challenges.
Why is Booshka telling a POC to fuck off? Not good vibes at all. Hmph
3 users liked this post: Boredfrom, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

Uh, b-dubs? Why are you allowing the promotion of pirating?  Hmph
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:Hello Warriors of Light (and Darkness if you prefer),

Hopefully you all have enjoyed (or "enjoyed") Dawntrail, as well as the release of Arcadion Savage.

Unfortunately, with how the main story of this expansion garnering a mixed response amongst the community, and the main reason apparently has to do with the star of the expansion, Wuk Lamat, who has become a subject of intense (and insane) discourse amongst the players, ranging from love, like, dislike, to outright hate.

Now, we strive to maintain the community to allow a wide variety of opinions and thoughts as long as it's within what the rules allow, and it's certainly okay for players to hold personal comments and feelings for any character they encounter throughout the story. However, in the past few weeks what we have encountered are large amount of messages that are, to put it blunt and directly, weirdly insane and vitriolic. Such comments even spilled onto the person behind the voice (Sena Byrer) and her background also attracted a number of unfortunate attacks and criticisms that were unwarranted most of the time. This is getting to the point where we have to create this thread to issue an announcement.

So what will we do?
Up until this point we allow comments, no matter how inane it looks to many browsing the subreddit as long as it's within the realm of civility and we're not going to change this and moderate it as usual. However, the mod team are in agreement to start removing messages that are just plain offensive and toxic even if the character subject in question is fictional. We know clarifications are important to understand what we're aiming to do, so time to list out some examples on what is allowed, and what will be subjected to removal.

What is allowed:

"I like Wuk Lamat but in some areas she's being given too much focus!"

"I dislike Wuk Lamat because she's annoying and rubs me the wrong way!"

"I have issues with the voice direction for the character and it makes it seem like x or y to me"

"I felt that the character is poorly written and hopefully Square Enix will do something about that in later patches"

"Man, if they would just retire the character and not let her out for the rest of the story I'd be happy"

This should be common sense at this point. This means your personal opinions on the character itself are yours and this won't change. But do note that while these comments are of course not subjected to moderation, there will be people who will disagree with you and provide their reasoning so it's always good to let it be and let live, and communicate without resorting to immature attacks.

However, what we ARE going to remove are messages like this:

"I want the next patch to have some apocalyptic something to turn this Woke Stupid Shit Lamat into some monster so we can claw her heart out and step into pieces, good for me to do so because how dare this stupid piece of shit woman annoy me and sour my experience for Dawntrail"

"This is what we get for accommodating to DEI"
(※Stands for "Diversity, Equality and Inclusion" for those who don't know)

"Sena fucking sucks, don't voice a character if she wants to act a woman character but can't sound like one, get lost and don't get anymore roles in the future"


Please also note that this isn't limited to just Wuk Lamat and it'll apply to just about any character, even those that haven't appear yet in future patches or expansions.

We get that the character's writing can be a mixed bag and some may like it and some may not, and that's completely okay. But since this is starting to get out of control with how some here were being extremely weird and toxic, we believe some form of control is needed before it gets worse.

Lastly, this is request coming from me as well: If you are reading this, please be mindful and relay your message in a way that does not wedge towards the extreme end. Voicing likes or dislikes are fine because most of us don't see things eye to eye for most of the time, and we're not going to remove your right to voice out just because disagreements happen. But please, don't be weird about it. Especially no personal attacks on the voice actress, this has been extremely prevalent in past weeks and if you aren't aware already, we practice zero tolerance towards messages containing transphobic, racist, and sexist tones. Any messages containing such nature will cause the mod team to take action immediately, and we do not take this lightly.

We hope you are taking this to heart and start behaving. If you have read up to this point, thank you for your attention.
No one in that subreddit has said anything about the voice actress being trans but because majority loathe the character, even Japan that mod just had to make it political  lol
(08-02-2024, 09:28 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Uh, b-dubs? Why are you allowing the promotion of pirating?  Hmph

oh fug that's a damn shame. sure it was a trоon infested shithole but it was a great repository for hacks. Sad that everything will probably be scattered all over private shitty pisscords from now on.

Spoiler: schizophrenia (click to show)
And from the little i've read, it looks like yet another case of power hungry discord trаnnys infiltrating a community and rotting it from the inside, just like with a lot of open source projects
ComedySmasher turning the conversation in that "Destiny 3 is cancelled" thread into how much he hates extraction shooters (aka he's obviously SHITE at them)  lol
(08-01-2024, 10:39 PM)Uncle wrote: wtf I didn't think you guys would still be talking about it pages later

It’s aging well.

Oh you!
(08-02-2024, 07:35 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Spineduke has spoken, Druckmann is one of the ‘good ones’.  Wow!

DudeIsNotAllowedToHaveAnOpinion wrote:I suggest to knock if off with Druckmann talk. It's not relevant, nor does it really matter in the bigger scope of things. Druckmann has already multiple right wing hate group in his sights, and among those are plenty of antisemitics. There's no way to engage on this without enabling some of those same hateful groups

Totally not afraid of him spotlighting HamasERA takes to the world to see.

Really? “no way to engage” at all???

Not an antisemitic forum, but number 1 with antisemites. Wink
(08-02-2024, 08:45 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote:

Social Justice Warrior 2 Karen Egomaniac Social Justice Warrior Bowsette Aloy Everything worthwhile is being destroyed Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!

Not a single Nepenthe post in that thread. Disappointing
(08-02-2024, 12:44 PM)Alpacx wrote:
(08-02-2024, 08:45 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote:

Social Justice Warrior 2 Karen Egomaniac Social Justice Warrior Bowsette Aloy Everything worthwhile is being destroyed Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!

Not a single Nepenthe post in that thread. Disappointing
I notice an emerging trend on the site for establishing mega threads for scary topics, and banishing scary topics about People We Like to those threads.

It’s a clever moderation strategy…don’t need to take a position on Kaepernick...”this belongs in the AI thread” is as good as banishing it to the shadow realm.

Forum Jump: