Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment

Anxiety day on reeee
Quote:Simple question, simple answers. My profile pic is Remy LaCroix (don't search for it at work, highly NSFW!), cause I'm a fan of her mostly earlier work. Not really into porn these days, but man, won't deny myself som Remy action from time to time Wink

[Image: 165006-l.jpg]

That user is a white cis, he is so gonna get banned for boys rhetorical club thread.
Googles name.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: l4EubNr.jpg]
The wink emoji means he’s jacking off to smut from the occupy wall street time period, btw. Real og goon heads still get it done with 240p hungarian vids in real media format downloaded from limewire.
So why is Slayven even a mod?  I don't think I've ever seen him ban or close threads.  It's like he's just there for the sake of GAF nostalgia.
(08-03-2024, 07:19 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: So why is Slayven even a mod?  I don't think I've ever seen him ban or close threads.  It's like he's just there for the sake of GAF nostalgia.

lol i was just thinking this the other day. is slayven also unironically the only person on staff with practically no drama (unless i missed something). dude cant string 2 sentences together but never seen him be involved in any drama

i know back on gaf he was annoying with that black culture thread shit tho

why is he a mod. what does he actually do

like era mods have to at least defend islamists, rapists, and kiddy diddlers, and be cucked by the people of gender, and if you are a person of gender, you on priority list of advancement to staff
Btw he says he's a fan of her earlier work because he's racist and couldn't stand it when she started getting ripped in half by BBC
(08-03-2024, 05:19 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:

Off to a good start

Quote:We really don't need to promote a man that has protected a rapist.

Out of the loop, who was the rapist?
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(08-03-2024, 07:35 PM)Rendle wrote:
(08-03-2024, 05:19 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:

Off to a good start

Quote:We really don't need to promote a man that has protected a rapist.

Out of the loop, who was the rapist?
I didn't keep up with the story but Kai had a party and this lady sent out rape allegations towards his friends. Basically Kai didn't cut his friend off when the allegations came out and I think was trying to prove his friends innocence (friend claims it was consensual). I don't really know the extended details on the story.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(08-03-2024, 07:35 PM)Rendle wrote:
(08-03-2024, 05:19 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:

Off to a good start

Quote:We really don't need to promote a man that has protected a rapist.

Out of the loop, who was the rapist?

Quote:One of his personal friends, Djugi Seck. He raped a woman during a party that Kai hosted and Kai refused to cooperate with police.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
resetera asking a black man to cooperate with the police? Yikes
(08-03-2024, 04:55 PM)Alpacx wrote:
(08-03-2024, 04:43 PM)killamajig wrote: How people don't see this as a possible way for males to get into female spaces I'll never know. Everyone of them looks like a man and still wants to fuck women. I feel bad for women. Any pushback by real women is met with violent hostility and the conversation gets shut down. Men literally telling women to shut up and accept them into private female spaces or else.

people of gender getting the last word on this shit over women is baffling. They all cry about safe spaces for whatever weird group they belong to but nope, not women. They'll shame you and call you a transphobe if you're a real lesbian and don't want a girlcock. Like, WTF.

Malds of Reee, you are the biggest and most insidious of all the misogynists. Going undercover to sneak into areas you don't belong to get your jollies. You are disgusting. If a real woman wants to use a restroom and one of you pervers won't leave. I'm sure myself and others have no problem dragging you out by your dick and balls. I'm too old and don't give a shit anymore, you can't fuck up my future. I'll gladly spend a night in jail and feel great about it the next day. This shits gone too far.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to find something else to get angry about. I'm a very busy man as you can see by my constant posting here.

Lesbians just haven't had the right dick yet.

I've been saying that for years. Apparently that's "not acceptable behaviour" at the women's football game...
(08-03-2024, 05:24 PM)xiceman191 wrote: So anybody who claims to be a woman is a woman but if I say that I want to be with a female then I'm being misogynistic. So how am I supposed to say I want a biological woman without being transphobic dunno

Not fucking a trans woman when asked IS transphobia
Slayven and Nep

(08-03-2024, 06:23 PM)Snoopy wrote: Presented without comment-

Fat Retard wrote:I'm eating a vegetable sandwich with green beans (something I've never been a fan of) but it's all about changing my diet so I can lose weight.

But damn, it's not easy. I don't know if it's my taste buds or whatever but my stomach just doesn't want it but I'm forcing it in small bites.

Still down the hatch it goes.

Why does everything that's bad for have to taste so good? It's not fair.

Just eat the beans fatty. Why you gotta shove them in bread? Lardarse.
Can't imagine not liking green beans unless they were frozen
(08-03-2024, 08:39 PM)Jansen wrote: Can't imagine not liking green beans unless they were frozen

Did you account for the severe autism and childishness?
Broccoli is still broccoli even when it's covered with cheese.

Having a coffee and spotting the weirdos coming into town for their weird ass protest. There's some telling similarities.

Quote:The police response to the rioting is crap. Tear gas or rubber bullets against the cunts.

I can't imagine this foolishness every flying in a country like America.

How's that boot taste, Resetera?
Cheese covered broccoli though  Lawd

Just don’t make it a regular thing and it’s fine
(08-03-2024, 07:19 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: So why is Slayven even a mod?  I don't think I've ever seen him ban or close threads.  It's like he's just there for the sake of GAF nostalgia.

You constantly see him happily chatting away in threads that are clearly going to be locked until one of the adult mods comes along and deals with it. I don’t know what he does.

The Wire. It's my favorite show all time but it's like reading a book.
Implied Facepalm

But I bet hes got Cocomelon on repeat.
Quote:Her lack of making any sort of statement about Roe v Wade planted the suspicions, but she completely gave away her game when she finally admitted that she didn't care about it because it was men who benefited more from Roe v Wade being around.
Quote:wait what

copy paste, sorry I don't do twitter.

Men who support women's right to things that also benefit men (abortion, contraception, sex work) but dismiss as trivial nonsense issues that benefit only women (women-only spaces, lesbian dating sites, maternal health, women's sport) are telling you clearly who they are.

Quote:Ah. This doesn't actually say that men "benefit more from it." Still a bad take though, based on how these ideas tend to actually permutate through the population. Men who don't give a shit about women tend to not support her list of "things that benefit men" either.

Quote:Right, it was a minute since I originally saw the tweet so I guess over time I hyperbolized it and I meant to add a note to the post to say as such, but I'm currently at work and trying to listen in on my kids' second days of school. Apologies! 😅

"Welcom to Resetera!! Home of whatever bullshit narrative we make up."


Quote:As a former sex worker who has multiple friends and a partner who were all involved in sex work.

I just didn't think it was relevant at all.

Sex worker rights are human rights.

Remy is a cool person btw. Atleast She was when I met her.

Oh I guess the rampant exploitation in the porn industry is cool now
(08-02-2024, 04:11 PM)killamajig wrote:

I think it's pretty fair to conclude that she's intersex given what we know. Trying to have a sane conversation with transphobes about how it's completely possible to be an intersex cis woman is not something that's even worth bothering with though. Also having a conversation about how there's no good evidence that chromosomes play anything other than a negligible part in the face of hormones would be a waste of time too.

But regardless, she hasn't been through a male puberty, which was supposedly the big concern...

It's all bigotry hiding behind 'common sense' that is rarely anything approaching *sense*.

Bold claim from a IT guy.

Quote:Are there any good UK trans charities to donate to? Aside from Mermaids as I've already donated to them fairly recently.

Given it was payday yesterday I have money to spend.

Quote:People's gofundme pages.

Yes, give the money directly to drug addicts

Plagerize still giving out genetics lessons.

Quote:Bingo. There's no evidence that chromosomes even come in to play. Hormones absolutely. But intersex people give us insight into nature vs nurture.

But I suppose to dip into that you have to acknowledge that intersex people exist

[Image: jKBPLJY.gif]
(08-03-2024, 09:31 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:As a former sex worker who has multiple friends and a partner who were all involved in sex work.

I just didn't think it was relevant at all.

Sex worker rights are human rights.

Remy is a cool person btw. Atleast She was when I met her.

Oh I guess the rampant exploitation in the porn industry is cool now

Both Robin and Demoisque are weirdos, though.
Posting to remind all that kyuuji is a chunker ginger Step child

Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?

(And sex worker.)  *vomits*

Is jerking it to porn sex work? Because now I'm older it seems more like work.
(08-03-2024, 09:47 PM)killamajig wrote:

Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?

(And sex worker.)  *vomits*

Is jerking it to porn sex work? Because now I'm older it seems more like work.

Deimosmasque was supposedly a wrestler and admit it caused some brain damage.

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