Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(08-10-2024, 05:59 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
princess bubblegum wrote:With some tweaks this design would have my lesbian ass sweating. (Though going to groan loudly if she is supposed to be indigenous.)

Totally okay, since its from a moderator

With some tweaks this design would have heterosexual dick hard.
(08-10-2024, 05:37 PM)killamajig wrote:
Yeah. I'm in Chicago 2-3 times a year for work as well now that I don't live in the city anymore so I feel you. I never have enough time to go to all the restaurants I want to go to anymore.

Nevertheless, I still have a lot of friends in the restaurant industry (surprise surprise, I'm friends with a lot of Chitown actors so I'm also friends with a lot of servers/bartenders, lol) and the big story a couple years back was that Kuma's head chef was extremely racist and homophobic, and also extremely pro-cop. Basically the smorgasbord of "why is this person running a restaurant in CHICAGO" red flags.

I did look into it just now and it looks like he did step down and the leadership team was largely replaced since then, so hopefully that's all resolved.

Also, I know OP said they weren't into deep dish (I get it, I'm not either) but I'd still suggest a trip to Pequod's anyway. Better than Malnati's or Giordano's any day of the week.

Bitch, that's because you're on Ree 24/7 bitching about game difficulties and trying to be in the spotlight on every thread about someone's problems.   Egomaniac
Still trying to figure out how Gal Gadot managed to become worse than Hitler to them because she went into the IDF as part of the mandatory time she had to do when she was 20. Is it because she supports her home country even now and not the terrorist group Hamas? My God the horror! 

It’s insane how out of control it’s gotten that they are at the point of “everyone I don’t like is Zionist!!”
(08-10-2024, 07:34 PM)ComeAgain wrote: Still trying to figure out how Gal Gadot managed to become worse than Hitler to them because she went into the IDF as part of the mandatory time she had to do when she was 20. Is it because she supports her home country even now and not the terrorist group Hamas? My God the horror! 

It’s insane how out of control it’s gotten that they are at the point of “everyone I don’t like is Zionist!!”

Im  totally sure is also because cape shit fanboys.

Uga wrote:As generic and tired as Eras attitude and comments against Israeli people, now apparently including fictional characters as well
(08-10-2024, 05:26 PM)books wrote: Wonder if he says this stupid shit in the presence of real life people. Probably does.
reminder that fatboy is a 40 year old loser virgin with a roommate. he probably does nothing in the presence of real life people
(08-10-2024, 03:00 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
fat4all wrote:churn my ass hole pls

Okay because he’s a gay furry, right?

It's ok because he's perfected humor for Era much like a comedian when they do a corporate event and they have to make jokes about printers and crazy Susan in accounting.   Shaded down, beige, and unable to offend even the lamest.
Can we stop quoting "churn my ass hole plz" 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: 6ELW0FG.gif]
(08-10-2024, 05:37 PM)killamajig wrote:
the big story a couple years back was that Kuma's head chef was extremely racist and homophobic, and also extremely pro-cop. Basically the smorgasbord of "why is this person running a restaurant in CHICAGO" red flags.

(08-10-2024, 06:37 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Antisemitic Rhetoric
BringBackSonics wrote:
Bebpo wrote:For someone completely out of the loop on this election, what is wrong with Bell?
Nothing? Outside Jewish lobbies pumped a ton of money in his campaign, his views on the issues seems good to me
But this is true? And the thread about the topic was full of blatantly worse unbanned posts about it with hardcore xenophobia? ???

This guy seems to be explaining other people's views, this is like the second time in a week they've banned someone for explaining something not advocating.
They probably made a post in the past that pissed off a mod and they got put on "the list". War never changes.
(08-10-2024, 10:41 PM)Rendle wrote: They probably made a post in the past that pissed off a mod and they got put on "the list". War never changes.

A bunch of HamasEra and supporters are getting bans. B-Duds must be getting tired of them.
B dumbs met a nice Jewish girl and learned he cannot be controlled by Nepenthe and her dog costume. Happy to see it
[Image: DyyYdmA.png]

the secret service should have to chug each of the hot sauces to make sure they're not poisoned
(08-10-2024, 11:06 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: B dumbs met a nice Jewish girl and learned he cannot be controlled by Nepenthe and her dog costume. Happy to see it

Is more like he is a chicken shit coward that cannot ban them directly without causing a shit storm and is waiting them to slip.

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory rhetoric
King_Moc wrote:
GifGafJef wrote:They need to make an example of any they catch. A firm hand especially at this stage in Labours new reign and also to show it cant be allowed to carry on again.
What they need to do is just fucking shoot them. They're literally there trying to burn populated buildings down and they just do nothing. If that's not a time for the police to be using their guns, then why do they even have them?
(08-11-2024, 12:29 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory rhetoric
King_Moc wrote:
GifGafJef wrote:They need to make an example of any they catch. A firm hand especially at this stage in Labours new reign and also to show it cant be allowed to carry on again.
What they need to do is just fucking shoot them. They're literally there trying to burn populated buildings down and they just do nothing. If that's not a time for the police to be using their guns, then why do they even have them?

Pink Spider did a more stupid rebuttal:

PinkRetard wrote:We aren't the US here. Give them a bit of a roughing up (Just take them down quickly) and throw them in jail for longer than Just Stop Oil people and take them down quickly but come on. We have standards and these people need to be held to that and we need to keep that. Guns on police here are for armed and measured for armed people only.

And if they don't get longer than the Just Stop Oil then it's a massive pisstake. We have a justice apparently system for a reason, get them off the streets then remove them from society until society deems them rehabilitated and not a threat?

When has the U.S. shoot unarmed protestors?
(08-11-2024, 12:29 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory rhetoric
King_Moc wrote:
GifGafJef wrote:They need to make an example of any they catch. A firm hand especially at this stage in Labours new reign and also to show it cant be allowed to carry on again.
What they need to do is just fucking shoot them. They're literally there trying to burn populated buildings down and they just do nothing. If that's not a time for the police to be using their guns, then why do they even have them?

They advocated for murder authorized by the government, and they only get one fucking week? What the fuck is this place? Holy fucking shit.
(08-11-2024, 12:38 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Thanks.  Still feels like a dumb comparison from Pink Spider.
I thought era was for a little chaos fiery, but mostly peaceful protest against settler colonialism?  ???

Shoot them? Throw em in jail? umm, did you forget ACAB? What happened to prison reform? Why are we applauding a government granting themselves fascist power to crush dissent? HELLO???

This user always has attractive white women as his avatar. How many do you think he has stuffed in his crawlspace?
(08-11-2024, 01:04 AM)Chudder Barbarity wrote: I thought era was for a little chaos fiery, but mostly peaceful protest against settler colonialism?  ???

Shoot them? Throw em in jail? umm, did you forget ACAB? What happened to prison reform? Why are we applauding a government granting themselves fascist power to crush dissent? HELLO???

ACAB until you're afraid and need them


Bitch is crying now.  Take your gold, your inner testicles, and go back to Algeria.

Quote:Sue the shit out of Rowling. Do it.

Fucking retards.
(08-10-2024, 10:25 PM)benji wrote:
(08-10-2024, 05:37 PM)killamajig wrote:
the big story a couple years back was that Kuma's head chef was extremely racist and homophobic, and also extremely pro-cop. Basically the smorgasbord of "why is this person running a restaurant in CHICAGO" red flags.

What kind of weirdo cares about the politics of the person making their food? Unless the decor is swastikas and Klan memorabilia, it ain't none of my business.
(08-11-2024, 12:29 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory rhetoric
King_Moc wrote:
GifGafJef wrote:They need to make an example of any they catch. A firm hand especially at this stage in Labours new reign and also to show it cant be allowed to carry on again.
What they need to do is just fucking shoot them. They're literally there trying to burn populated buildings down and they just do nothing. If that's not a time for the police to be using their guns, then why do they even have them?

Summary execution by police is the best form of justice. Also ACAB.
(08-11-2024, 12:39 AM)DocWager wrote:
(08-11-2024, 12:29 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): inflammatory rhetoric
King_Moc wrote:What they need to do is just fucking shoot them. They're literally there trying to burn populated buildings down and they just do nothing. If that's not a time for the police to be using their guns, then why do they even have them?

They advocated for murder authorized by the government, and they only get one fucking week? What the fuck is this place? Holy fucking shit.

Yes, but they were asking the police to shoot the "right people" you see. It's clear isn't it?
I feel people should blame the Olympic Committee rather than shit posters like Musks and Rowling, because they didn’t do a good job in convincing people either way. Is a shit situation and the lawsuit seems that will make this stuff worse.
(08-11-2024, 01:32 AM)Potato wrote: Summary execution by police is the best form of justice. Also ACAB.

summaries are too short for these bastards, they should have to experience the entire execution
Must be a really serious legal case if they don't even say who they are suing and where.

Also, I'm sure Rowling would be more than happy to have her day in court to argue about what defines a woman.

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