Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(08-21-2024, 07:26 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Been playing the monkey game. It's good, but the writing is absolute nonsense, along the lines of the posts from that chinese bore

Is chinese conversation full of clumsy oblique symbolism and non-sequitur?

Chinese people sprinkle a lot of poetic sayings from old books in their talk.  It would be like us quoting classic movies in daily speech to communicate an idea to everyone.
Rinku_ wrote:I'd love to talk about human rights issues once Palestinians have the basic right to life and security. Until then, I don't really care if the 14 year old getting blown to bits is homophobic.

Saying you don't want homophobic people to be killed would be bannable before the Gaza/Israel war.
Booshka wrote:I've been using an AMEX HYSA for awhile and have been happy with it, no issues moving money to and from, and can use it for paying bills as well.
A completely unremarkable post until you notice that it's from fucking booshka of all people.

[Image: main-qimg-17af16756a5a122d3c96068e78fe8a2f]
(08-21-2024, 05:25 PM)ClothedMac wrote:
Rinku_ wrote:I'd love to talk about human rights issues once Palestinians have the basic right to life and security. Until then, I don't really care if the 14 year old getting blown to bits is homophobic.
The ones in the West Bank seem to be doing comparatively pretty well, no? Maybe there's another variable involved here. hmm
Did they ever save Afghan women.
Reply wrote:Currently praying EA buys Games Science and shutters the studio. Their success now causing their destruction would be nice karma
Quote:That'd just mean the rank and file devs get the short end of the stick while the directors (I think they are founders as well) would get a bag of money. Not to touch how feasible that'd be in a legal sense.
Quote:What a prick comment
Just venting my frustrations, sorry
Quote:I am sure these devs understanding of the concept of Feminism is similar to a 13 year old who watch Andrew Tate and other misogynist shit. Surprised that apart from the screenrant review no other outlet broke these stupid guidelines and pointed an important criticism of the game i.e. lack of any inclusion or representation.

Quote:Ceerious Great post. I really hate when folks play the "it's just their culture" card, especially when the cultural insight they have is shallow at best. It's been done forever with Japanese games and I got frustrated seeing it here after you and SilentPanda have been providing a lot of insight and factual information. I'm more of a lurker than not but always appreciate reading your posts.
Naiad wrote:It's really annoying, similar to the "boys will be boys" nonsense that others try to excuse men acting completely ratchet about shit.
It's not excusing it, it's explaining it. In fact, the posts you guys are praising are ones explaining that it is Chinese culture. lol 

Did you even read that post from Ceerious?
Ceerious wrote:Thank you. After reading and participating in thousands of posts spurred by this game over the past few days, I have to say, it is rare to find a post that addresses what this controversy is originally about: The patriarchal suppression of Chinese women on a daily basis.

I've praised the IGN article since it was published. The moment finished reading it I enthusiastically shared it with my friends circle in China, and it immediately received hundreds of retweets(It's not Twitter, but an equivalent). I can tell it's the real deal as soon as I see the article's Chinese-English translation. These writers cares. Finally, FINALLY, from a fair and capable standpoint, a major western media gave a insight of the discrimination faced by Chinese women who play video games.

Those comments that painted the article as 'Western hypocrisy' and'sitting on high hoses' enraged me to no end because of a simple sad fact: it's not much, and it won't change much, but this piece did something for Chinese women that Chinese local media can't and won't do. Chinese media, whether state-controlled or not, were overwhelmingly supportive of the devs, or to say some pointless patronizing words like, "For the sake of our country's harmony, both parties should remain calm." Further pursuit of this issue will never be officially allowed.


This is one of numerous instances in recent years that have discouraged and traumatized Chinese feminists to the point that they believe there is no hope under the current system. In comparison to this, a game developer using sexual innuendos to promote up their game is nothing. It's clear that the majority of Chinese men don't consider this a huge concern at all. OF COURSE they see the reporting from IGN and French media as a western smear campaign against national pride; and it was unsurprising to see that people from the west, on both the right and left political spectrums, became engrossed in and pushed for this chauvinistic view, fueled by an unprecedented nationalistic push behind a video game.
The only reason you guys think it's "excusing" it is because you think someone mentioning that it's their culture, so you should be more tolerant and understanding, means it must be a "get out of jail free" card because that's what you all do. At no point does this require you to stop criticism, that's your ideology, instead it's an argument that perhaps holding other cultures to your own standards aren't the end-all-be-all and you shouldn't consider buying a Chinese developed game to be war on global human rights for women as most posters claim. Situating their views within the Chinese context helps understand this isn't a threat to Western women's rights. This is the proper way to be inclusive to other cultures.

The IGN "reporter" is also posting:
duckvalentine, wrote:Thank you so, so much.

Khee Hoon and I are extremely confident in our work. We checked and verified everything very, very diligently. I'd go so far as to say this is my proudest work as a journalist so far, even if I wish it wasn't necessary. But I won't pretend that getting dozens of emails and tags on social daily accusing me of mistranslating or whatever doesn't occasionally worm its way into my brain. I feel like I'm being gaslit every time I log on.

Genuinely, this is the worst I've ever been harassed. The last few days have been a nightmare. It's so, so depressing how people managed to invent a bunch of false claims about our work and then manage to dominate the narrative about them so completely that now so many believe that it's our well-sourced and easily verifiable article that's false, and not the absolutely batshit claims of extortion and mistranslation.

So thank you, seriously, for supporting journalism. Means a lot.
Watch the idiots there take this as confirmation it's the Western chuds doing the harassment when it's obviously not.
(08-21-2024, 05:53 PM)benji wrote:
Quote:I am sure these devs understanding of the concept of Feminism is similar to a 13 year old who watch Andrew Tate and other misogynist shit. Surprised that apart from the screenrant review no other outlet broke these stupid guidelines and pointed an important criticism of the game i.e. lack of any inclusion or representation.

Quote:Ceerious Great post. I really hate when folks play the "it's just their culture" card, especially when the cultural insight they have is shallow at best. It's been done forever with Japanese games and I got frustrated seeing it here after you and SilentPanda have been providing a lot of insight and factual information. I'm more of a lurker than not but always appreciate reading your posts.
Naiad wrote:It's really annoying, similar to the "boys will be boys" nonsense that others try to excuse men acting completely ratchet about shit.
It's not excusing it, it's explaining it. In fact, the posts you guys are praising are ones explaining that it is Chinese culture. lol 

Did you even read that post from Ceerious?
Ceerious wrote:Thank you. After reading and participating in thousands of posts spurred by this game over the past few days, I have to say, it is rare to find a post that addresses what this controversy is originally about: The patriarchal suppression of Chinese women on a daily basis.

I've praised the IGN article since it was published. The moment finished reading it I enthusiastically shared it with my friends circle in China, and it immediately received hundreds of retweets(It's not Twitter, but an equivalent). I can tell it's the real deal as soon as I see the article's Chinese-English translation. These writers cares. Finally, FINALLY, from a fair and capable standpoint, a major western media gave a insight of the discrimination faced by Chinese women who play video games.

Those comments that painted the article as 'Western hypocrisy' and'sitting on high hoses' enraged me to no end because of a simple sad fact: it's not much, and it won't change much, but this piece did something for Chinese women that Chinese local media can't and won't do. Chinese media, whether state-controlled or not, were overwhelmingly supportive of the devs, or to say some pointless patronizing words like, "For the sake of our country's harmony, both parties should remain calm." Further pursuit of this issue will never be officially allowed.


This is one of numerous instances in recent years that have discouraged and traumatized Chinese feminists to the point that they believe there is no hope under the current system. In comparison to this, a game developer using sexual innuendos to promote up their game is nothing. It's clear that the majority of Chinese men don't consider this a huge concern at all. OF COURSE they see the reporting from IGN and French media as a western smear campaign against national pride; and it was unsurprising to see that people from the west, on both the right and left political spectrums, became engrossed in and pushed for this chauvinistic view, fueled by an unprecedented nationalistic push behind a video game.
The only reason you guys think it's "excusing" it is because you think someone mentioning that it's their culture, so you should be more tolerant and understanding, means it must be a "get out of jail free" card because that's what you all do. At no point does this require you to stop criticism, that's your ideology, instead it's an argument that perhaps holding other cultures to your own standards aren't the end-all-be-all and you shouldn't consider buying a Chinese developed game to be war on global human rights for women as most posters claim. Situating their views within the Chinese context helps understand this isn't a threat to Western women's rights. This is the proper way to be inclusive to other cultures.

The IGN "reporter" is also posting:
duckvalentine, wrote:Thank you so, so much.

Khee Hoon and I are extremely confident in our work. We checked and verified everything very, very diligently. I'd go so far as to say this is my proudest work as a journalist so far, even if I wish it wasn't necessary. But I won't pretend that getting dozens of emails and tags on social daily accusing me of mistranslating or whatever doesn't occasionally worm its way into my brain. I feel like I'm being gaslit every time I log on.

Genuinely, this is the worst I've ever been harassed. The last few days have been a nightmare. It's so, so depressing how people managed to invent a bunch of false claims about our work and then manage to dominate the narrative about them so completely that now so many believe that it's our well-sourced and easily verifiable article that's false, and not the absolutely batshit claims of extortion and mistranslation.

So thank you, seriously, for supporting journalism. Means a lot.
Watch the idiots there take this as confirmation it's the Western chuds doing the harassment when it's obviously not.

Tsuyu wrote:Gamers are insufferable, entitled scumbags. Sorry you have to experience that.
It can't be overstated enough how this game is only auch a extreme hit because of the Chinese audience. When China went to sleep the steam player base dropped from 2 million to about 200k. Basically none of the finger wagging and impotent rage by Resetera even reaches this game's audience. Clearly China was waiting for a AA/AAA game specifically made for them.
My real concern here wouldn't be some Chinese dev making social media posts they don't like, I'd be worried if Western publishers will now decide to really pursue the Chinese market, similar to how Hollywood tried for the most part of the last decade. That could severely influence games because of China's often ridiculous censorship laws
Quote:That could severely influence games because of China's often ridiculous censorship laws

If that is what it takes to bring some Asian hotties back to video games instead of the troonbians we have now I'll gladly sell out to ZCHINA. Trumps
3 users liked this post: Alpacx, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Inappropriate Joke in Sensitive Thread
BrucCLea13k87 wrote:Superhero poses? Oh, man, I hope he wasn't a fan of Spider-Man. For the assistants' sakes.
(08-21-2024, 06:46 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: My real concern here wouldn't be some Chinese dev making social media posts they don't like, I'd be worried if Western publishers will now decide to really pursue the Chinese market, similar to how Hollywood tried for the most part of the last decade. That could severely influence games because of China's often ridiculous censorship laws
I'd be less concerned because China has pulled up a lot of those bridges for Western companies. The Ubisoft model where design is done in the West, while China provides technical background, for games sold in the West primarily is what will be the focus. China demands investment in companies to operate fully in their market and that means Tencent. Which Western publishers will shy away from bringing into the tent.

The Hollywood situation has changed dramatically towards this. China believes it can produce blockbusters in China for China. They also stupidly thought the rest of the world will eat these up, but Chinese blockbusters don't sell anywhere else because nobody else wants vapid CCP propaganda. China already has given up on the whole thing where they thought Africa was going to prefer Chinese blockbusters to Hollywood. lol

Games will work better because gameplay matters so much.
I prefer whatever the Chinese produce to whatever the fuck this is.

I mean, fascists demanded that entertainment conform ideologically and so was "politically correct" for the same reasons as their fellow socialists did and do.

The argument isn't that people who don't want politics in entertainment are fascists, their argument is that isn't possible and so not wanting entertainment that confirms to socialist politics is fascism because the only two options are totalitarian socialism or totalitarian fascism. Anything that doesn't conform to the former must automatically be the latter. We know this is true because the Sixth World Congress proclaimed it so.
(08-21-2024, 05:53 PM)benji wrote:
Quote:I am sure these devs understanding of the concept of Feminism is similar to a 13 year old who watch Andrew Tate and other misogynist shit. Surprised that apart from the screenrant review no other outlet broke these stupid guidelines and pointed an important criticism of the game i.e. lack of any inclusion or representation.

Quote:Ceerious Great post. I really hate when folks play the "it's just their culture" card, especially when the cultural insight they have is shallow at best. It's been done forever with Japanese games and I got frustrated seeing it here after you and SilentPanda have been providing a lot of insight and factual information. I'm more of a lurker than not but always appreciate reading your posts.
Naiad wrote:It's really annoying, similar to the "boys will be boys" nonsense that others try to excuse men acting completely ratchet about shit.
It's not excusing it, it's explaining it. In fact, the posts you guys are praising are ones explaining that it is Chinese culture. lol 

Did you even read that post from Ceerious?
Ceerious wrote:Thank you. After reading and participating in thousands of posts spurred by this game over the past few days, I have to say, it is rare to find a post that addresses what this controversy is originally about: The patriarchal suppression of Chinese women on a daily basis.

I've praised the IGN article since it was published. The moment finished reading it I enthusiastically shared it with my friends circle in China, and it immediately received hundreds of retweets(It's not Twitter, but an equivalent). I can tell it's the real deal as soon as I see the article's Chinese-English translation. These writers cares. Finally, FINALLY, from a fair and capable standpoint, a major western media gave a insight of the discrimination faced by Chinese women who play video games.

Those comments that painted the article as 'Western hypocrisy' and'sitting on high hoses' enraged me to no end because of a simple sad fact: it's not much, and it won't change much, but this piece did something for Chinese women that Chinese local media can't and won't do. Chinese media, whether state-controlled or not, were overwhelmingly supportive of the devs, or to say some pointless patronizing words like, "For the sake of our country's harmony, both parties should remain calm." Further pursuit of this issue will never be officially allowed.


This is one of numerous instances in recent years that have discouraged and traumatized Chinese feminists to the point that they believe there is no hope under the current system. In comparison to this, a game developer using sexual innuendos to promote up their game is nothing. It's clear that the majority of Chinese men don't consider this a huge concern at all. OF COURSE they see the reporting from IGN and French media as a western smear campaign against national pride; and it was unsurprising to see that people from the west, on both the right and left political spectrums, became engrossed in and pushed for this chauvinistic view, fueled by an unprecedented nationalistic push behind a video game.
The only reason you guys think it's "excusing" it is because you think someone mentioning that it's their culture, so you should be more tolerant and understanding, means it must be a "get out of jail free" card because that's what you all do. At no point does this require you to stop criticism, that's your ideology, instead it's an argument that perhaps holding other cultures to your own standards aren't the end-all-be-all and you shouldn't consider buying a Chinese developed game to be war on global human rights for women as most posters claim. Situating their views within the Chinese context helps understand this isn't a threat to Western women's rights. This is the proper way to be inclusive to other cultures.

The IGN "reporter" is also posting:
duckvalentine, wrote:Thank you so, so much.

Khee Hoon and I are extremely confident in our work. We checked and verified everything very, very diligently. I'd go so far as to say this is my proudest work as a journalist so far, even if I wish it wasn't necessary. But I won't pretend that getting dozens of emails and tags on social daily accusing me of mistranslating or whatever doesn't occasionally worm its way into my brain. I feel like I'm being gaslit every time I log on.

Genuinely, this is the worst I've ever been harassed. The last few days have been a nightmare. It's so, so depressing how people managed to invent a bunch of false claims about our work and then manage to dominate the narrative about them so completely that now so many believe that it's our well-sourced and easily verifiable article that's false, and not the absolutely batshit claims of extortion and mistranslation.

So thank you, seriously, for supporting journalism. Means a lot.
Watch the idiots there take this as confirmation it's the Western chuds doing the harassment when it's obviously not.

Lol, LMAO even. Same posters from the burka thread just talking into the void yet again. Meanwhile the game is selling gangbusters and people are enjoying it.

Quote:Pai Pai Master
48 minutes ago
This place is pretty toxic with most people not taking into account that the studio was only established 6 years go. And was only really getting off the ground as COVID totally upended game development for a lot of seasoned studios let alone new ones.
This is a pretty realistic timeframe for a AAA game from a brand new studio.

But yeah gotta get our "oof" quota in for the day.

Always whining about how terrible the site is yet refuses to just.fucking.leave
GoFundMe for frivolous lawsuits incoming:

Even though she wrote the Kotaku story for that, she didn't read the case at all. The guy failed to even challenge in court and had actually made real life threats. She is going to lose every case she tries. lol 

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Do you think she'll block me if I tweet @BadLegalTakes in her replies?

Nuked or hidden?
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower

Thank you for your service!
(08-21-2024, 07:08 PM)Nintex wrote: I prefer whatever the Chinese produce to whatever the fuck this is.

It's perfectly fine to make a "progressive" video game with a diverse and non-conventional cast, but this game seems to lack a bit of...subtlety. Still, I'm kinda curious to try it or at least watch a playthrough because it could be in "so bad it's good" territory.

Also, how come it looks so similar to that volcano game with the dino furries? Similar art style, apocalyptic setting, merry band of weirdos, basic guitar hero gameplay, etc.
(08-21-2024, 07:36 PM)Jansen wrote:

Quote:Pai Pai Master
48 minutes ago
This place is pretty toxic with most people not taking into account that the studio was only established 6 years go. And was only really getting off the ground as COVID totally upended game development for a lot of seasoned studios let alone new ones.
This is a pretty realistic timeframe for a AAA game from a brand new studio.

But yeah gotta get our "oof" quota in for the day.

Always whining about how terrible the site is yet refuses to just.fucking.leave

People developed games since COVID that looked much more extensive and most of all not like shit :shrug

Spending 8 years on a game that brings nothing original to the hero shooter genre is "oof" indeed
I feel that Mihoyo really, really wants to forget that is a Chinese developer. They are actually appealing enough to western, eastern and local market but it is also clear they are UberWeeabos and prefer Japanese stuff. 

I imagine that’s why the Chinese audience is connecting with Wukong, as is a Chinese as hell game without being outright CCP propaganda.
If Concord is an AAA game then Sony is going to take a fucking bath on it.

Quote:Isn't COVID a racist dog whistle people use against China
It is but also it's the fact that they specifically called out this one sickness out of all others can be telling. There are other illnesses that are racist dog whistles that can be talked about which is a bit concerning.
(08-21-2024, 07:37 PM)benji wrote: GoFundMe for frivolous lawsuits incoming:

Even though she wrote the Kotaku story for that, she didn't read the case at all. The guy failed to even challenge in court and had actually made real life threats. She is going to lose every case she tries. lol 

Spoiler:  (click to show)

Do you think she'll block me if I tweet @BadLegalTakes in her replies?

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower

Does resetera know about this cammy skin?!?!?!?

Account pending deletion
Jul 30, 2024 

Hello everyone, I'm RJ.

Lol at the OP
(08-21-2024, 07:43 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I feel that Mihoyo really, really wants to forget that is a Chinese developer. They are actually appealing enough to western, eastern and local market but it is also clear they are UberWeeabos and prefer Japanese stuff. 

I imagine that’s why the Chinese audience is connecting with Wukong, as is a Chinese as hell game without being outright CCP propaganda.

It reminds me of some of these super CGI heavy Chinese movies. Every once in a while I consider watching one and then realize pretty quickly that it's just a pure culture shock almost to the point of incomprehensible

I wonder if Chinese people feel the same way about lord of the rings
So many people in the comments saying Yas Queen!! get em!!! Do they really think she'll win something or are they that stupid?

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